New Member
Of course, I know the definition of "vain"; but I'm gonna look it up JUST IN CASE there is some secondary meaning . . . hum Jeopardy tune, b right back . . .
/veɪn/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[veyn] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation, –adjective, -er, -est. 1.excessively proud of or concerned about one's own appearance, qualities, achievements, etc.; conceited: a vain dandy. 2.proceeding from or showing personal vanity: vain remarks. 3.ineffectual or unsuccessful; futile: a vain effort. 4.without real significance, value, or importance; baseless or worthless: vain pageantry; vain display. 5.Archaic. senseless or foolish.
Okay, from looking at the above definition (dictionary.com); yes, we are vain.
Here's the thing, I think vanity has gotten a negative rap, it's origin seems to be that of shallowness, superficiality and a whole buncha other negative connotations. However, speaking for myself, and some of what I have read here (LHCF) via comments, etc. I do not feel the PRIDE we have in maintaining our hair, fine, is a negative thing thus I wear my "VANITY" with pride.
Humph, so, if we walked around like sack cloth and ashes, does that make us better women?????? Do we need a woe is me attitude, "Oooh, things are so miserable" demeanor???
A woman's hair is her glory. Not my words, but those of almighty Jehovah God. Consequently, our hair more than likely serves a purpose(s); perhaps more than we may even know. It definitely is one point that separates us from men. It is obviously one piece of womanhood that is yes, I'll say it revered, respected, beautified.
So, that we know it, love it, maybe even flaunt it . . . . seems to me we are doing what we were created to do (in this instance of the mightly, mighty locks that we don).
Can I get an amen??
excessively proud of or concerned about one's own appearance, qualities, achievements, etc.; conceited:
The above is the closest and clearest definition towards vanity and I do not think we are vain. Especially most black women that cannot achieve lengths longer than neck length and their hair is damaged to boot. We as women are to look and feel good. I doubt anyone here is going around tellings others I have the monopoly on hair growth and care because I have sources that I would never tell the likes of you

Point, if you think you are vain, fine, but why do you think youre vain. Are you a hair snob? Do you put your hair above all else? Unwilling to help anyone else because you care only for you?
I am not vain and can speak only for myself.