Are We Vain?

Of course, I know the definition of "vain"; but I'm gonna look it up JUST IN CASE there is some secondary meaning . . . hum Jeopardy tune, b right back . . .

/veɪn/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[veyn] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation, –adjective, -er, -est.
1.excessively proud of or concerned about one's own appearance, qualities, achievements, etc.; conceited: a vain dandy. 2.proceeding from or showing personal vanity: vain remarks. 3.ineffectual or unsuccessful; futile: a vain effort. 4.without real significance, value, or importance; baseless or worthless: vain pageantry; vain display. 5.Archaic. senseless or foolish.

Okay, from looking at the above definition (; yes, we are vain. :lachen:

Here's the thing, I think vanity has gotten a negative rap, it's origin seems to be that of shallowness, superficiality and a whole buncha other negative connotations. However, speaking for myself, and some of what I have read here (LHCF) via comments, etc. I do not feel the PRIDE we have in maintaining our hair, fine, is a negative thing thus I wear my "VANITY" with pride.

Humph, so, if we walked around like sack cloth and ashes, does that make us better women?????? Do we need a woe is me attitude, "Oooh, things are so miserable" demeanor???

A woman's hair is her glory. Not my words, but those of almighty Jehovah God. Consequently, our hair more than likely serves a purpose(s); perhaps more than we may even know. It definitely is one point that separates us from men. It is obviously one piece of womanhood that is yes, I'll say it revered, respected, beautified.

So, that we know it, love it, maybe even flaunt it . . . . seems to me we are doing what we were created to do (in this instance of the mightly, mighty locks that we don).

Can I get an amen??

excessively proud of or concerned about one's own appearance, qualities, achievements, etc.; conceited:

The above is the closest and clearest definition towards vanity and I do not think we are vain. Especially most black women that cannot achieve lengths longer than neck length and their hair is damaged to boot. We as women are to look and feel good. I doubt anyone here is going around tellings others I have the monopoly on hair growth and care because I have sources that I would never tell the likes of you:drunk:. That would be quite vain. Or telling a friend or so that helped you on your hair journey mind you, dont use the good stuff but they are happy to help by leaving some motions hurr grease fo ya:yep:!(loosely related to a thread I remembered)

Point, if you think you are vain, fine, but why do you think youre vain. Are you a hair snob? Do you put your hair above all else? Unwilling to help anyone else because you care only for you?

I am not vain and can speak only for myself.
Some of us are and some of us aren't. I think that taking pride in your appearance doesn't make you vain.

However, like all things, we are a diverse bunch!
Everyone on this board is not lumped into one big category. I found LHCF when I was nursing my hair back from breakage. So this site "helps" many women in that regard.

I suppose the essence of seeking haircare info is rooted from a sense of vanity. And I am sure some of us are more obsessive over others.

But as for your friend, an outsider looking in, he is entitled to say it. Opinions are like a$$holes, everyone's got one, :lol: and sometimes it stinks. ;)

I'm not vain at all, I just like pretty hair.
Plus I'm getting healthier also.
Outside of this site, I do other things also.
Some people only treat pretty people nice...or they think they are all that, I find this attitude on LHCF, many times..but not on all the women.
I dont think so and it's alright if others do. While hair may have brought all these women here, there are other boards like the Political, Off Topic, Entertainment board to name some examples. Some women go to these and barely come to the hair board and with all the lovely ladies here I really dont get vanity, more like women helping each other to attain hair goals.

I totally agree.
Yes, I will admit that I am vain about my hair; always have been actually and am damn proud of it.
But there is a difference to my vainity compared to some others...One, I can admit to it so it must not be too bad, two, I am trying to get my hair back to it was when I was a child so in a sense I am doing more self help than anything and self help is suppose to be a good thing. Three, I also pass along things I learn here to family members and others I come in contact with so I am helping others also.

Despite all of this, I am a mother and full time college student working on two degrees, and I have an internship this semester so when I come home if I want to stuff my head with LCHF only then that's my privilege!!!

~fluffs curls and walks out~
No vanity here. Sure of it. I sought info regarding hair care due to specific needs, for my daughter. I found it here, as well as a place to share info. As for my hair, I am better at caring for it and I have seen change based on changes I have made because of what I learned here, but I have yet to make changes that anyone else would ever notice. I wear my hair bunned as I have for years and have not changed that, and probably won't. I am not here for length. We are a great group of women enjoying each other with many topics here, not just hair.
I found way more on this site than I expected. Not just taking care of my hair but changing the way I eat, how to take care of my skin, and a whole list of other things. From a person that had major low self esteem issues and just didn't care, I think it is good to be a little vain.