"Nobody wants NAPPY hair"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That guy needs a therapist...something happened in his childhood to severly alter his own sense of being and self worth...his own declaration of "not having nappy" as if that somehow made him better is a clear indication of his serial denial...
I didn't watch it but I did read the comments, and to him "nappy hair" = "short hair" So stupid. I mean where I lived no one ever thought like that and if they did they probably kept it to themselves. The style for most teenaged black girls in the part of london where I live is to have the hair slicked back in a pony puff whether it was natual or relaxed (it was still poofy).

The guy Uncle Ruckus' son from the Boondocks plain and simple
maybe i would care about his opinion if he wasn't totally gay and into other men...not that being gay is a problem, but he obviously doesn't like women, so he's off the market, anyways
maybe i would care about his opinion if he wasn't totally gay and into other men...not that being gay is a problem, but he obviously doesn't like women, so he's off the market, anyways

Funny thing is, he's married.
:yawn: And...what has he achieved in life to make his opinion so important? Men who are much more attractive and successful than him are checking for the natural sisters.

:flips nappy hair over shoulder and walks out of thread:
If I had a nickle for every time a niggirine said they hated nappy hair, I would have enough money to move out of the country.
Why does this surprise anyone? where i live, if a black women has "nappy" hair..or natural hair that isn't loose in texture..the first person to call her out is a BLACK MAN! I hate to say..the whole hair issue is one of the main reason why SOME black men only date white/non-black women. Don't act brand new
he clarified what he meant. Nappy hair to him is ungroomed and unkept, not natural black hair. If that is what he meant..i agree with him..nobody wants nappy hair!
he clarified what he meant. Nappy hair to him is ungroomed and unkept, not natural black hair. If that is what he meant..i agree with him..nobody wants nappy hair!

Most natural black hair is nappy, so umm...

For the record, I did want nappy hair. I have nappy hair (and so do you. It's just hidden under your relaxer).
That guy was freaking hilarious! I watched part 2 of Nappy Hair is Unattractive & it seemed like he was pretty much saying you just need to take care of your hair & not just wake up in the morning & leave the house. Honestly, even though it may be politically incorrect around these parts, I don't believe nappy hair is attractive either. When I say nappy i mean, dry, matted, dirty, and unkempt nasty hair.
Haha, why is it always the ugly ones?

And please, don't give me that nappy = unkempt hair BS. No one calls unkempt straight hair nappy. If he/anyone else means unkempt, then they should say "unkempt".
I didn't bother watching more than about 15 seconds of that video, but I had to LOL when I peeped his profile page and under books, he put "Autobiography of Malcolm X"

Ok...soooo....what I got from the video:

1. Long hair is gorgeous!!!
2. Nobody wants nappy hair!! Not even black women!!
3. I'm ugly because my hair is short!!!

Geez, you learn something new everyday..(?):giggle: