Classic to Mid-Thigh Length 2011 Challenge

Lucia - No. I have not run into evoo or coconut oil. I have only found olive oil and grapeseed oil that I add my herbs to. So this is what I use. I am really really limited.

If evoo is extra virgin olive oil.... excuse my ignorance!:lol::lachen::lol: Maybe I have been here too long....:look:

:lachen: yes it is
Lucia yea... that was just too funny.:grin: I do like grapeseed oil better than evoo because it's much lighter. I didn't snip my ends as much in the pass and that may have been my problem. Now that I have a regular routine we will see what improvements I can make by the May update.
how often are you guys trimming? i think i'm gonna trim again next month (last one was in dec). but i'm not too sure yet.

my hair has been irritating me lately. its just not acting or feeling the way it should be but i havent changed anything. which makes me think maybe i need to change something, but then i get scared lol
how often are you guys trimming? ...

My last "real" trim was in January, 2010. I've just been clipping individual splits and knots off of the ends since, whenever I see them. Part of me thinks I should do a real trim soon, to even/thicken up the ends BUT, I would have to do a bone-straight flat-ironing job just for that, and I simply do not care enough to do so. My hair is up most of the time anyway, and even when I straighten it to wear out, it's still half-up with curls/waves on the ends... it's not like the ends are ever noticeable anyway.
how often are you guys trimming? i think i'm gonna trim again next month (last one was in dec). but i'm not too sure yet.

my hair has been irritating me lately. its just not acting or feeling the way it should be but i havent changed anything. which makes me think maybe i need to change something, but then i get scared lol

I did my last trim in December too. Now I am only snipping the ends and S & D. I will be snipping in March. But my reason for this is fuller ends. Otherwise I would only use scissors for S&D.

I really don't think you need a trim unless you are planning to wear your hair down a lot. If you are not, then just snip the ends. You will get the same effect in the long run if you snip on a regular basis.
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its back but it doesnt seem to be working right for me. no matter who mentions me i get taken to the 1st mention i got since the mention button came back lol
I just trimmed in Nov 2010 and I'm only going to trim once or twice a year now cause my ends are thick and healthy.
If you're ends are healthy leave them alone, change up your updo's, or start accessorizing with hair toys more, you're hair looks healthy to me. How often are you moisturizing or DC-ing?
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how often are you guys trimming? i think i'm gonna trim again next month (last one was in dec). but i'm not too sure yet.

my hair has been irritating me lately. its just not acting or feeling the way it should be but i havent changed anything. which makes me think maybe i need to change something, but then i get scared lol

Your hair looks great...Leave it alone!

Happy Hair Growing!

i'm content with my hair do and accessories. i just want to get my ends a bit thicker and more blunt. when i did the no trim challenge for a year, i let my ends get a lil more ate up than i usually like them. but on the same note i didnt want to trim too much so i under trimmed to make sure i didnt give my self heart palpitations lol.

i guess what i want is to keep my ends as good as possible while trimming the least

when it comes to dc'ing, i'm not going to lie, i cant remember the last time i dc'd or did a protein treatment lol.

i moisturize when my hair starts to feel dry and i wet my hair 1-2x per wk (poo wash, co wash, or just water rinse)

pretty much, my hair is doing it thing. but my kitchen is like the mojave lol i dunno what to do to keep this mess moisturized. i mean its not my nape, my nape is good... just the 2 side pieces of my kitchen. my cocoa puffs lmao
:lachen: I have those two pieces too. Back in that very brief era when I partied/went clubbing, I knew it was time to go home whenever those two pieces would poof up, :lol:.

yup, that's exactly it :lachen: that's how i knew to go home too.

i remember once i had flat ironed my hair and wore it in a side pony at the club. my puffs came out but the rest of my pony hadnt reverted yet. then from behind me i heard this black dude talking about my hair to a bunch of white girls. he was like "see, that's how you can tell when their hair is fake. when the pony tail is silky smooth and the rest is nappy you can tell" and they all started laughing.

so i took my hair tie, took my hand and shook up my hair a bit and walked over to them. i grabbed the guys hand and shoved it in my hair to my scalp and said "does this feel fake to you?" then i looked at the white girls and said "dont listen to this lame dude, he'll get your a$$ kicked by teaching you the wrong thing" then i looked back and dude and said "I bet you wish you could find a b!tch with NAPPY hair like mine" then i walked away cracking the hell up

it was the high light of my night since i was DD and was having a crappy nite
Mz.MoMo, I wish I was there to have seen his face lol. That's the best story I've heard in a while about hair.

Everyone's hair is so beautiful! I'll be stalking this thread :lol:
i did my hair different today and i really liked it. i wore it in a poofy side pony with my front (bang area but i dont have bangs) in a corn row (i really have to work on braiding lol) and a little flower... :) made me smile lol
i did my hair different today and i really liked it. i wore it in a poofy side pony with my front (bang area but i dont have bangs) in a corn row (i really have to work on braiding lol) and a little flower... :) made me smile lol

That should be very pretty...

Happy Hair Growing!
Glad to see all the lovely hair in this thread - it's quite inspirational. Here are some pics of another of my inspirations from LHC: album.
Glad to see all the lovely hair in this thread - it's quite inspirational. Here are some pics of another of my inspirations from LHC: album.

Yes,her hair is definitely gorgeous...I have always admired it...I' visit LHC too/a member as well!

Happy Hair Growing!
you're a member there?!?!? i didnt know that!

forgive me for being slow but i didnt know they had any black members :blush: i feel silly for thinking that now lol
... forgive me for being slow but i didnt know they had any black members ...

There's a few, including some from our thread here. I lurk, but haven't posted.

One thing that always makes me chuckle is that people with curly hair there usually define their length as it is curly, as opposed to straightened/stretched the way we do here... by those standards, I will never, ever have "long" hair, :lol:.
you're a member there?!?!? i didnt know that!

forgive me for being slow but i didnt know they had any black members :blush: i feel silly for thinking that now lol

Yes,a few black people...But,i lurk most of the time...My user name is Ritza...They have a lot of info about oils & homemade products...

Happy Hair Growing!
so is it weird you guys that i have a crush on a guy primarily for what i think our kids would look like lmao

he's nigerian, has the most beautiful accent, smile, and dark skin tone. i think our kids would have some awesome hair and skin :D is that strange lmao
i was really liking my hair today so i had to take a pic... excuse the chunk, i'm still on my weight loss journey thats THE LONGEST JOURNEY IN THE WORLD!!!! lol

i was really liking my hair today so i had to take a pic... excuse the chunk, i'm still on my weight loss journey thats THE LONGEST JOURNEY IN THE WORLD!!!! lol


What chunk? Anyway,Your hair looks really pretty & full...

Happy Hair Growing!
Hello ladies,

I want to join in on the part II of this challenge. I have three layers going on. My front is APL, My crown in back and sides is waist and the lower layer of the back of my head is hip length. I went some years now not being very kind to my hair the way I should have so I am back on track to, try to grow out the uneven hair, strengthen the total volume and than continue on my growing a nice head of hair. At least to obtain most of the hair to a nice classic if that will be possible.

I am returning to the regemin in my signature with commitment.
Here is a photo from today. Its in braids and you can clearly see the difference in the top and bottom braids.:blush:

17 Feb 2011 picture by vintagecoilylocks - Photobucket

Glad to be back. Very happy to see so many ladies here confident and growing long locks of beautiful hair.
Hello ladies,

I want to join in on the part II of this challenge. I have three layers going on. My front is APL, My crown in back and sides is waist and the lower layer of the back of my head is hip length. I went some years now not being very kind to my hair the way I should have so I am back on track to, try to grow out the uneven hair, strengthen the total volume and than continue on my growing a nice head of hair. At least to obtain most of the hair to a nice classic if that will be possible.

I am returning to the regemin in my signature with commitment.
Here is a photo from today. Its in braids and you can clearly see the difference in the top and bottom braids.:blush:

17 Feb 2011 picture by vintagecoilylocks - Photobucket

Glad to be back. Very happy to see so many ladies here confident and growing long locks of beautiful hair.

Welcome back, glad to see you back
Hello ladies,

I want to join in on the part II of this challenge. I have three layers going on. My front is APL, My crown in back and sides is waist and the lower layer of the back of my head is hip length. I went some years now not being very kind to my hair the way I should have so I am back on track to, try to grow out the uneven hair, strengthen the total volume and than continue on my growing a nice head of hair. At least to obtain most of the hair to a nice classic if that will be possible.

I am returning to the regemin in my signature with commitment.
Here is a photo from today. Its in braids and you can clearly see the difference in the top and bottom braids.:blush:

17 Feb 2011 picture by vintagecoilylocks - Photobucket

Glad to be back. Very happy to see so many ladies here confident and growing long locks of beautiful hair.

Happy Hair Growing!