Classic to Mid-Thigh Length 2011 Challenge

so i've started running

god it sucks soooo much monkey balls but OMG how i feel great about an hour after when i've recovered and i know my hair is loving all the blood circulation too :D

You know alot of fast hair growers workout a couple times a week and or run. Like CelinaStarr LBC5 when I get max growth is when I'm working out regularly.
Its hard starting but once you make it a habit it's easy.
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so i've started running

god it sucks soooo much monkey balls but OMG how i feel great about an hour after when i've recovered and i know my hair is loving all the blood circulation too :D


I power walk 3x's a week...Today in mist of the snow-storm in N.Y...I was shoveling snow/Makes up for the power walk...

Happy Hair Growing!
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so i've started running

god it sucks soooo much monkey balls but OMG how i feel great about an hour after when i've recovered and i know my hair is loving all the blood circulation too :D


Where I live is surrounded by mountains. So I hike in the mountains and practice the Chinese exercise Chi.:ninja:
so... i've been thinking about switching to the carols daughter hair care line... their poo, cond, and milk leave in. i would still use my homemade moisture spritz and seal w/evco.. but i want to see how my hair would fair w/o cones.
so... i've been thinking about switching to the carols daughter hair care line... their poo, cond, and milk leave in. i would still use my homemade moisture spritz and seal w/evco.. but i want to see how my hair would fair w/o cones.

Keep us posted! i would like to hear your results...
*CD was a no go for me-When I tried it years ago...I hope it works for you...

May-be one day I will revisit....

Happy Hair Growing!
Keep us posted! i would like to hear your results...
*CD was a no go for me-When I tried it years ago...I hope it works for you...

May-be one day I will revisit....

Happy Hair Growing!

why was it a no go? what was your experience?

My best friend uses it and has been for about 6mos now and she likes it. even though she doesnt "really" take care of her hair, she's having pretty good results.
I didn't have good results with CD either, their products didn't damage my hair, but I didn't get the moisturizing I needed I tried the whole regimen too and nada. It was just heavy, greasy and coated on but no moisture in the hair shaft. hth
why was it a no go? what was your experience?

My best friend uses it and has been for about 6mos now and she likes it. even though she doesnt "really" take care of her hair, she's having pretty good results.

CD weighed my hair down & I got no moisture at all..Dry oily hair..Meaning no moisture just a lot of grease..If that makes any sense...

Happy Hair Growing!
Ok so approximately for me to even get close to my goals for 2011 I have to grow and retain 0.75-1" a month. I've done it before in my growth spurt hard core hair days I can do it again. So let's say 10-12" would put me @ HL maybe grazing TL.
:woohoo: I'm getting happy just thinking about it. Awww HL here I come. :woot:
Ok so approximately for me to even get close to my goals for 2011 I have to grow and retain 0.75-1" a month. I've done it before in my growth spurt hard core hair days I can do it again. So let's say 10-12" would put me @ HL maybe grazing TL.
:woohoo: I'm getting happy just thinking about it. Awww HL here I come. :woot:

I'm cheering you on...YOU CAN DO IT!

Happy Hair Growing!
Princess Lita, I am liking the new avatar. Your hair is looking fantastic! Are your pants high or low on the hips? Just trying to get a perspective....
Princess Lita, I am liking the new avatar. Your hair is looking fantastic! Are your pants high or low on the hips? Just trying to get a perspective....

Hi! At the top of my bone in that area...Hope that makes sense...

Happy Hair Growing!
Yes. that makes sense. so we are the same length.:grin: but since my ends are thinner it just doesn't look like it is.:ohwell:

My ends are not the greatest either,but I baby them a lot...You can try to add emu oil or argan oil to your ends it will help to make a difference...Especially the emu...Or JBCO mix with avocado-Like 50/50...

*Later on you can do the mini,mini trims..Thats what I do..Snip the ends (the very tip) little by little...

Happy Hair Growing!
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i have no clue where to find emu oil locally.... which is weird since there is an emu farm not that far away from here. i always thought it would be weird using an oil from an animal though lol i dunno but it makes my tummy turn a bit
My ends are not the greatest either,but I baby them a lot...You can try to add emu oil or argan oil to your ends it will help to make a difference...Especially the emu...Or JBCO mix with avocado-Like 50/50...

*Later on you can do the mini,mini trims..Thats what I do..Snip the ends (the very tip) little by little...

Happy Hair Growing!

Thanks. The problem is that I don't have access to products. So I am limited in what I can use. I am Almost 100% homemade. I am having success. It is just not as fast as it could be but my hair is very healthy. I have started snipping the ends and that is helping.
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I was wondering.... is anybody having a mini growth spurt:weird: this time of year or is it pretty much dragging:sleep8: on until spring/summer?
I haven't checked since my last stretched hair pics. I'm trying to focus on max growth and frequent measuring will make you go nuts that's why I spread the length checks in TL crakin challenge out to 3x a year.
I do know that I'm getting steady consistent growth which is just as good as a growth spurt I'm happy w that. :grin:

Candy are you able to get basic cooking oils like evoo or coconut oil?
I haven't checked since my last stretched hair pics. I'm trying to focus on max growth and frequent measuring will make you go nuts that's why I spread the length checks in TL crakin challenge out to 3x a year.
I do know that I'm getting steady consistent growth which is just as good as a growth spurt I'm happy w that. :grin:

Candy are you able to get basic cooking oils like evoo or coconut oil?

Lucia - No. I have not run into evoo or coconut oil. I have only found olive oil and grapeseed oil that I add my herbs to. So this is what I use. I am really really limited.

If evoo is extra virgin olive oil.... excuse my ignorance!:lol::lachen::lol: Maybe I have been here too long....:look:
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