Classic to Mid-Thigh Length 2011 Challenge

I can't wait to join these ranks again. But lately I've been feeling like I'm already there. My hair is already starting to feel a little heavy especially when I do a wash n go or a puff...the weight is there:lol: and it seems to be growing faster than lightning!

I'm trying to stop doing daily length checks...but I miss my WL so much. I'm never big chopping again. I'm just gonna continue to treat it like a plant like I always have.
Tips for the Day! Monday, July 18th

So Fine Natural Hair - Part 9
(Be sure to read the comments too...)

So Fine Natural Hair - Part 3

Tip from Candy828 - Always check your fingernails before you start messing with your hair. Hang nails, chipped nails etc. will pull out precious strands....

100 Ways to Look Younger (Click on the "Find Out How" button)

Happy Hair Growing!:grin:

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Hi everyone! I haven't had a lot of time to hang around here, but I just wanted to pop in and let you all know I'm still alive!
Tip for the Day! Wednesday, July 20th

Maybe we all have the potential for extreme hair lengths somewhere is our DNA chain. According to this, We all carry the genetic markers that link us back to one source (African). If everyone in the world links back to an African source.... no wonder the world does not care to much for our kind. Seriously, think about it....:scratchch But anyway, here is to more hair potential! May your longhair gene become a dominate factor....
Human Skin Color Variation

p.s. Start living like the Queens you are

Happy Hair Growing!:grin:

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Tips for the Day! Thursday, July 21st

Estimating Your Terminal Length
- from the LHC. I found this post very informative. Also, hair just doesn't grow out evenly no matter how hard you try to get it to do that....

Knowing your Dominant and Recessive Gene Characteristics

Single Gene May Cause Curly Hair

Happy Hair Growing!:grin:

sorry i've been mia guys... just nothing really to report plus the internet here is retarded slow.

i've been in india for almost 3wks now and i'm feeling some kind of way about hair lmao.

on one hand i'm having some serious hair anorexia going because my hair may be long in the states, but here i might as well be chin length lol

but on the other hand... i've seen some ratty a$$ ends!!!! OMG!!!! its crazy because a lot of these girls seriously need about a good foot of hair just chopped off!

but when you see the super long healthy length haired girls... your mouth just drops lol

i'd post pix but the internet just is not cooperating with me right now :( but soon :)
sorry i've been mia guys... just nothing really to report plus the internet here is retarded slow.

i've been in india for almost 3wks now and i'm feeling some kind of way about hair lmao.

on one hand i'm having some serious hair anorexia going because my hair may be long in the states, but here i might as well be chin length lol

but on the other hand... i've seen some ratty a$$ ends!!!! OMG!!!! its crazy because a lot of these girls seriously need about a good foot of hair just chopped off!

but when you see the super long healthy length haired girls... your mouth just drops lol

i'd post pix but the internet just is not cooperating with me right now :( but soon :)


Hey, I am so glad you popped in to update us on your trip. I can just imagine the hair envy!:spinning: But I never would have thought there would be a ratty head indian woman..:lol:
sorry i've been mia guys... just nothing really to report plus the internet here is retarded slow.

i've been in india for almost 3wks now and i'm feeling some kind of way about hair lmao.

on one hand i'm having some serious hair anorexia going because my hair may be long in the states, but here i might as well be chin length lol

but on the other hand... i've seen some ratty a$$ ends!!!! OMG!!!! its crazy because a lot of these girls seriously need about a good foot of hair just chopped off!

but when you see the super long healthy length haired girls... your mouth just drops lol

i'd post pix but the internet just is not cooperating with me right now :( but soon :)


Wow! I can't believe you're in India! Lol @ the girls needing to chop a foot of hair off:lol:....those are lead hairs girl! How's the food there?

Be safe! Can't wait to see pics:)

i came here thinking i would lose weight... since i've been here i gained 5lbs. i'm freaking out! i have to put the green and yellow goopy stuff down and get on the treadmill yall lmfao

and what funny is that while the food looks and smells, not so, edible, it is like music dancing on your tongue lmao

Hey, I am so glad you popped in to update us on your trip. I can just imagine the hair envy!:spinning: But I never would have thought there would be a ratty head indian woman..:lol:

girl, ratty ends like no other! lead hairs my but! i've found 2 year old synthetic phoney ponies under the bed that look better than some of the ends i've seen here.
I just love this thread...I'm just going to *sit* in here and soak up all this positiveness!!!!

Same here!

I haven't straightened my hair since June 16th and although I miss seeing it flowing and long, I have to admit it is a bit nice not to obsess over it. Its always nice to take a long break (leaving it curly) and then flatiron. I'm always pleasantly surprised and feel more appreciative of what I have on my noggin LOL
Education Day! Sunday, July 23rd

Geisha Hair stylist
- He is preparing a wig for actresses but I though it was interesting to see how the real hair is prepared.

Now I think this Geisha thing is a LOT of work......

Geisha's Makeover...applying their makeup and putting on the wig with their own hair smooth into place. This is not in English but interesting to watch...

Happy Hair Growing!:grin:

ok, i finally got photo bucket to work with me enough to get two pix up.

this is a length check i did while i was still in tx on 6/28/11

and here is me in india wearing a saree getting ready for a welcome ceremony... and in india my fat roll is sexy lmfao


hope the pix arent too big. i really have a hard time with internet out here and may not have a chance to fix it
@Mz.MoMo5235 cute sari!

I need to go live in india, I think they might help my self esteem :thought:
Have a good time over there! Get some recipes for the goopy stuff!
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Awesome Sari Mo! I've honestly been wanting one for years now. There's an Indian part of town in Orlando where I can find them...but I'd be confused as to how and where to wear one.

Your hair is just gonna thrive! I already know it! You look awesome girl! Continue to enjoy!

Man I wish I was there!

*pops in Eat, Pray, Love in the DVD player*:lol:
Mz.MoMo5235 I love the saree...:gorgeous: you really look the part! I'd love to have a saree to lounge around the house in... hint..hint I guess you better stock up on the gifts!:lol: I'll be expect one!:lol:

p.s. your hair looks beautiful as always!:kiss3:
Mz.MoMo5235 you look BEAUTIFUL! I love the saree
If I didn't know you were Puerto Rican I'd say you were an Indian woman.

So how long are you guys going to live in India? Is this permanent?
lol thanks everyone. i had a blast in the saree for a good 20 min. after that its an a$$, it takes practice to be able to wear one ALL FREAKIN DAY!!!! i made it 4.5hrs and took mine off lol.

out here they wear their sarees all day everyday. no special occasions or anything. its they're regular clothes. that and the tunic tops with the loose leggings. now that i rock on a regular cause its comfy and cool lol.

we're here for a year. and you're not the only one who thinks i look the part. people will often walk up to me and speak tamil (the local language) and look at me crazy when i look at them and say "english?" lol. i'm told on almost a daily basis i look very south indian. and to be honest, its almost eerie to be in a country or at least a part of the country where 100% of the people are your color or darker. the only lighter people here are the other americans i'm with.

girl you got to get in line... between all the sarees i want for my self and all the girls back home who want one, the line is LONG!!! lol
girl you got to get in line... between all the sarees i want for my self and all the girls back home who want one, the line is LONG!!! lol

I was just looking online because hey I want one too LOL
Here's a website but wow these are kinda expensive

There are Indian stores in my area and I usually go in there and buy up all of their Amla :lol: but I might go buy one outfit just for the shiiiz and giggles
@Mz.MoMo5235 - Have you been shopping to see what hair products are available to you? I am curious to know what you find...:look: It was hard for me here because if I did not see an American label I could not read the language. It was very difficult in the beginning...

You will become our resident Ayurveda Expert!:grin:

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i actually havent seen too many local products... lots of dove, old school HH and vidal sasoon... i'm quite confused.

i've spoken with some of the ladies who "babysit" us and they seem to all use what ever shampoo is on sale and then coconut oil.... not even evco, just regular coconut oil. and they laugh at the tourist who buy vatika oil, they say its a rip off and sent me to the cooking oil section to buy coconut oil....

i'm still confused. maybe i will learn more as i go...

but i did get a full face threading for 65inr :D that was awesome!!!
Mz.MoMo5235 - That makes me believe that there are a lot of local homemade haircare recipes floating around there...:scratchch Maybe in some of your conversations you can bring that up. The south and the north probably do different things as well.... This is very interesting to me...:poker:

I would have figureed that when you sked you "baby sitter" about hair stuff she would have at least said "my grand mother did this,..., but now we all use x" or someething like that.

This is interesting
I would have figureed that when you sked you "baby sitter" about hair stuff she would have at least said "my grand mother did this,..., but now we all use x" or someething like that.

This is interesting


even when i try to dig further they seem really confused by my questioning. its like they truly do nothing but wash, cond, towel dry, oil, then braid.

they only wear buns when cleaning, they wear braids for their everyday style and then they wear their hair down with the front pinned back for special occasions.

i'm still hoping to get more info. after all, i've been here a whole 3wks and i'll be here for a year, i have plenty of time to dig the secrets out of them. i will threaten to cut off their braid if i must lol :lachen: