Classic to Mid-Thigh Length 2011 Challenge

Tips for the Day! Monday, July 4th

Girl Game: Have Long Hair
( I thought this article was interesting. For this man, anything shorter than shoulder length won't do! Also many people still think black women can't grow long the comments.)

Body Cleanse To Promote Your Health

Herbs to Help Detox Your Hair

Secret Remedies With the Aloe Vera Plant

Happy Hair Growing!:grin:

@schipperchow1, why are you cutting? What happened? :(
:hiya: Thanks for asking. Like you, I needed a change. My ends were rather thin after my extreme shedding last fall/winter when realized that my iron levels were low. My left back area is still thinner from that episode so even though I had some hairs grazing HL, the hair police:badcop: definitely would have put me on notice for my thin ends & I wouldn't even be able to claim lead hairs:lol: I was going to go to a chain hair cutting salon & even stopped in last Thursday to see if they could do it. But I got to thinking, I used to cut my own hair & didn't want to become a hair salon horror story statistic so did it myself yesterday. Fortunately, I didn't have many splits or ssk so don't plan any additional trims this year. I am now solidly MBL & aiming for HL again by the end of the year. I will try to get someone to take a picture later today.
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Everyone, I can't believe this. Today I found my first grey hair. I'm still in my 20s and have a few more years until I reach my 30s. I feel compelled to tweeze it but my parents warned me that it will grow back faster and longer and I may even grow a few more in the same spot if I do so.

Here it is:



^^^See the weird long hair randomly sticking out? It's longer than the rest of the hairs long my hair line.

The camera didn't capture this well but in real life it's silver and very shiny. I noticed it this afternoon as I was arranging my bangs while looking in the mirror. I saw something very shiny sticking out of my hairline. I thought it was a piece of dog hair or something (I have a Pomeranian) and tried to pull it out. I felt the dull pinch from me pulling at my scalp and it didn't bulge; that's when I realized it was mine. It's longer than the rest of my hair along my hairline and it likes sticking out and it curls on the end. At least I know when I go grey, it will be the nice silver color like my grandma's but I'm not ready yet.

It's weird how it kind of grew over night.
Nothing special with my hair. Lately, I've been wearing my hair combs most days and still co washing just once a week.

Here's my wash and go from June 8, 2011:


^^^My hair's stretched out from bunning. The warm weather is kind to my hair. No dryness whatsoever and co washing and finger detangling is a breeze.

I'm still more interested in makeup. I bought the Coastal Scents 88 palette during a sale a few weeks ago for $13.26 and from my understanding they sale very cheap on Ebay. I highly recommend this palette. The colors show up well on dark skin plus it's not expensive. I like Mac makeup but it's a bit pricey but Coastal Scents gives you a lot of nice colors for cheap.

Here's the palette:






Kaleidoscope eyes (yeah, I know lol :lol:):


^^^^I always use a primer and I use Mac's Rice Paper as my highlighter. I haven't tried any of the highlighter colors in the palette yet, but so far all of the colors I've used have been highly pigmented and blend pretty well.

I would recommend this for anyone that wants nice, inexpensive makeup. This is much better than paying $14.00 for one Mac eyeshadow plus they work just as well for me. For any of you interested makeup there's a sale going on at the website plus I hear the palettes are very cheap on Ebay. I've read mixed reviews on these shadows but I think they're great.

@Candy828, sorry for changing the topic. I know this thread is about hair not makeup so no more makeup posts from me but I just wanted everyone to know about the sale and that these colors work well on dark skin. So many people spend lots of money on expensive eyeshadows but these work just as well.

Happy hair growing everyone!

Okay I know I am late but DAMN your Awesome with the make up! I would look like a clown tryiing to blend. I did try and that is exactly what I looked like :(

You DID a wonderful job and I love the EYE's beautiful. You gogirl!
Hair, Make up what else? (teach me make up LOL) I love the 3 color blending. HUH, I stink in this area

Ladies this is a an awesome thread. I am a lurker and will be lurking here for the rest of my time :)
Tips for the Day! Tuesday, July 5th

How to Grow and Keep Lovely Long Hair
(This is a interesting article to read. I like George Michaels theory "the longer you grow your hair the stronger the root will be." Also the article states : "One of the cardinal rules George Michael lays down for long hair is that it must all be one length. No fringes, layers, graduations or steps are allowed to be cut into it. He believes in what he terms the 'equalisation' process - that if you cut a layer into one side of the hair, the hair on the other side of the head will shorten in sympathy." I thought this was interesting...)

10 Advantages Of Long Hair

News: Why Does My 4-Year Old Son Have Gray Hair?

Note: I have been reading other threads.... It seems like hair cutting fever has set in this season. I don't have anything bad to say about it. But if it continues I think I'll take the rest of the year off....:lol: I just don't want to think about it on a daily basis. I have to go read other long hair boards just for inspiration, now that is sad!:lachen:

Happy Hair Growing!:grin:


:hiya: Thanks for asking. Like you, I needed a change. My ends were rather thin after my extreme shedding last fall/winter when realized that my iron levels were low. My left back area is still thinner from that episode so even though I had some hairs grazing HL, the hair police:badcop: definitely would have put me on notice for my thin ends & I wouldn't even be able to claim lead hairs:lol: I was going to go to a chain hair cutting salon & even stopped in last Thursday to see if they could do it. But I got to thinking, I used to cut my own hair & didn't want to become a hair salon horror story statistic so did it myself yesterday. Fortunately, I didn't have many splits or ssk so don't plan any additional trims this year. I am now solidly MBL & aiming for HL again by the end of the year. I will try to get someone to take a picture later today.

schipperchow1 what is it about your regimen that you think helps to avoid splits & SSKs?? I really need help in that area. thanks!
@schipperchow1, I can't wait to see pics. I'm sorry to hear about the setback. I now your hair will grow even longer and healthy since the thin ends were cut off.

I hope so!

Everyone, I can't believe this. Today I found my first grey hair. I'm still in my 20s and have a few more years until I reach my 30s. I feel compelled to tweeze it but my parents warned me that it will grow back faster and longer and I may even grow a few more in the same spot if I do so.

It's weird how it kind of grew over night.

I've heard that many get their first gray hairs in their 20s. Amla & rosemary are supposed to help to darken hair.

@schipperchow1 what is it about your regimen that you think helps to avoid splits & SSKs?? I really need help in that area. thanks!

At one point, (early last year I think) I noticed splits about 2inches up from the ends of my this day I don't know what the cause was since I don't wear things on the ends of my hair & don't put heat on the ends. What I did do was alternate moisturizing & protein leave-ins, butters & oils on the ends. I also added ceramides last year which has reduced my need to DC. I try to DC with protein every other month followed w/a moisturizing DC. I rarely wear my hair out & only used heat on my ends this weekend in preparation for my cut. Hope this answers your question. Let me know if you want more info.

Tips for the Day! Wednesday, July 6th

The Vitamin Dictionary

Vitamins E and C Work Together (Be safe, know what vitamins are best taken together and which to take alone or periodically. Not all vitamins have to be taken every day because some of them are stored in the body...)

Food -VS- Pills (Make sure to click on the "Guide for Daily Food Choices". Then you can plan your meals accordingly.)

Long Hair Image Of the Week,r:7,s:199

No Matter How you are Dressed A Bun Is Always Cute!,r:13,s:357

Happy Hair Growing!:grin:

Tips for the Day! Thursday, July 7th

Four Principles to Treat Dry Hair

Hair Education: How and Why Do Hair Follicles Cycle?

Hair Education: Hair Vitalizing Herbs
(I like this research document. It gets right down to the science of things... The herb affects are explained. I discovered how some herbs have an effect on the anagen phase (extending the growth phase through stimulation. Ayruveda products has the history of using this system. So yes genes play a role, but the Indians have been using the system of manipulating the Anagen growth cycle for centuries. This has played a major role in their growth rate and thickness as well...),VARSHA JADHAV (454-467).pdf

For Information: The History of Ayruveda

Happy Hair Growing!:grin:

Go ahead and tweeze it, jupitermoon. How early did your parents start to go grey?

@Miss*Tress, So far I left it. It's just one lone grey hair sitting in a sea of black, lol. My mom started going grey at 17. My dad didn't get any grey hairs until his 40s. My brother got his first few grey hairs when he was about my age and he still has mostly black hair and is still in his 20s too. I still can't believe this grey hair is mine. I've tugged at it a few times just to make sure. :lol:

Okay I know I am late but DAMN your Awesome with the make up! I would look like a clown tryiing to blend. I did try and that is exactly what I looked like :(

You DID a wonderful job and I love the EYE's beautiful. You gogirl!
Hair, Make up what else? (teach me make up LOL) I love the 3 color blending. HUH, I stink in this area

Ladies this is a an awesome thread. I am a lurker and will be lurking here for the rest of my time :)

@JJamiah, thank you. I just started blending multiple colors on the lid about 2 months ago. I went to Sephora and MAC a few times for a free makeover and asked several makeup artists for tips on blending. There was a time I was going to the mall every few days to ask the ladies at the Sephora counter for tips (they were the nicest). Pretty soon I go the hang of it.

I have a brush from Clinique that I use to apply the eyeshadows and I blend with the MAC 217 brush. The MAC 212 is used to apply color to my lash line. At first I wasn't blending very well so the colors looked choppy. The secret is just to blend well until the colors look like they are fading into one another. Watching YouTube videos helped too.

I wear eye makeup almost everyday so that I can practice. Since I wear glasses I think it's important to keep something on my eyes.
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Note: I have been reading other threads.... It seems like hair cutting fever has set in this season. I don't have anything bad to say about it. But if it continues I think I'll take the rest of the year off....:lol: I just don't want to think about it on a daily basis. I have to go read other long hair boards just for inspiration, now that is sad!:lachen:

Happy Hair Growing!:grin:


@Candy828, no!! We don't want to see you go.

Thanks for the gray hair link. Americans spell it "gray" and the British spell it "grey". My spell check sometimes treat the spelling "gray" as if it's a spelling mistake so I change it to "grey", but this isn't how Americans spell it. I'm not British. I'm going to go against my spell check and spell it "gray". Which spelling do you ladies prefer? I like "gray". :lol:

ETA: After typing "gray" a few times, my spell check no longer treats it as a spelling mistake. Hmmm......
Today, I received Curly Girl: The Handbook by Loraine Massey.
It's the new, revised version from the old book and it's a big improvement.

I've glanced through it and it is more detailed than the first book and the African American section is much better. In the old book the only options given for African American hair was pretty much straw setting or locking it, and those with "biracial hair" had the option of wearing it loose. Loose styles and long styles weren't even an option African American hair. The old book even advocated texturizing for hair that is extremely tightly coiled, which I found disappointing. The old book also said that Black hair must be combed and brushed (with a paddle brush) which isn't true either. I've been finger combing for about 2-3 years now with no issues with knotting or the hair forming dreads. I very rarely use a comb-- only before my yearly trims prior to going to the beauty shop and even then I don't have any major tangles despite not using a comb or brush all year.

Vida Vladirm (she works at Davachan salon) wrote the African American (called multi-curl-tural hair" in the new book) hair section. She's a Black woman with beautiful hair that transitioned from relaxed to natural. She did a great job. She discusses co washing, air drying, and not using shampoo for Black hair. It also advocates finger combing and not washing the hair hair everyday. She recommends to leave a lot of conditioner in the hair after co washing. Then, to apply a little gel that is alcohol and harsh chemical free. She advocates against braids and extensions because they can cause traction alopecia (I agree).

I would definitely recommend the second book for those of African descent. It also comes with a DVD with tutorials, hair confessions, etc. (which I haven't had the chance to watch yet). This new book is also a little thicker and more detailed than the old book.

It's weird how curly hair still is not very accepted in this society. I've even noticed how I receive more compliments on my straight hair. The confessional stories were interesting and I enjoyed reading the positive comments from men about curly hair.

My hair routine is most similar to the Curly Girl Method. I do like Teri LaFlesh's Tight Curly method too, but the whole taking the Denman brush and defining every single individual curl on the entire head is a bit time consuming (and probably damaging) for me, but that's just my opinion. I still love her hair and she's found something that works for her.
I just love this thread...I'm just going to *sit* in here and soak up all this positiveness!!!!
@Miss*Tress, So far I left it. It's just one lone grey hair sitting in a sea of black, lol. My mom started going grey at 17. My dad didn't get any grey hairs until his 40s. My brother got his first few grey hairs when he was about my age and he still has mostly black hair and is still in his 20s too. I still can't believe this grey hair is mine. I've tugged at it a few times just to make sure. :lol:
That explains why you got your first one so young. Try increasing your intake of vitamin C to keep them at bay.
Miss*Tress, I will. I recently had blood work done and everything is fine. So this is just genetics but so far I only have one gray hair (I'm spelling it as "gray" from now on :lol:). If I notice more I may have to start dyeing. My mom started graying at 17 and was pretty much all gray by the time she was my age. I have cousins on her side of the family that started graying at 17. Even though I'm still in my 20s given my family history one gray hair isn't so bad.
Tips for the Day! Monday and Tuesday, July 11th and 12th

News: It's not just natural hair that gets discriminated against in the work place. Gray hair can be a problem too.... She is now suing...

How to Protect Your Hair in the Summer (I like wearing a scarf...)

3 Summer Hair Style Ideas

The Rapunzel Long Hair Archive:
Archive of Other Long Hair Countries (scroll down to the bottom and choose the country photos you want to see. There are other photos to view on this site as well.)

Long Hair Stories (If you like to read, try these long hair stories in your spare time.)

Note: I am a little busy these days so the tips may not be on a daily basis.

Happy Hair Growing!:grin:

Tips for the Day! Wednesday, July 13th

No Poo - Water Only For Natural Curly Hair - Water Only Day Thirty Seven
(also read the comments. My Sebum experiment has been... At the beginning of the week I DC, apply leave-in, then day two through day six I water rinse only in the morning but still re-apply leave-in daily (only finger comb and still keep my ends oiled. I don't get second day hair.) Then start the process again the next week. So far no build up and I like the results...Of course, I think to do this it is going to depend on hair texture, type and porosity...)

News: Oprah's Stylist Defends "Kinky Hair" Comments

Long Hair Image of the Week

Happy Hair Growing!:grin:

Tips for the Day! Thursday, July 14th

20+ Natural Ways To Have Great Hair For Less

2 Easy Ways To Deep Condition Your Hair

If you are interested, here are 15 Foods that kill Belly Fat Fast (some of the foods listed are also hair foods...)

Happy Hair Growing!:grin:

Hi I am a lurker in this thread and am in no way near these hair lengths. I just wanted to say that I love this thread and the tips for today. Thanks for being so inspirational you guys and best of luck to you all. =)
I hope so!

I've heard that many get their first gray hairs in their 20s. Amla & rosemary are supposed to help to darken hair.

At one point, (early last year I think) I noticed splits about 2inches up from the ends of my this day I don't know what the cause was since I don't wear things on the ends of my hair & don't put heat on the ends. What I did do was alternate moisturizing & protein leave-ins, butters & oils on the ends. I also added ceramides last year which has reduced my need to DC. I try to DC with protein every other month followed w/a moisturizing DC. I rarely wear my hair out & only used heat on my ends this weekend in preparation for my cut. Hope this answers your question. Let me know if you want more info.


schipperchow1 yes. Please give me more information...details, whatever. i just cut my hair a couple of weeks ago and its already split and has quite a few single strand knots. i have no idea why or what to do or how to prevent them. i've tried to wear protective styles, i've tried to moisturize and seal...i have no idea what is going on, but i've only used the flat iron once in about 6 weeks. i wanna scream and cry. please let me know what else (you can pm me if you prefer.) i desperately need some answers.
schipperchow1 yes. Please give me more information...details, whatever. i just cut my hair a couple of weeks ago and its already split and has quite a few single strand knots. i have no idea why or what to do or how to prevent them. i've tried to wear protective styles, i've tried to moisturize and seal...i have no idea what is going on, but i've only used the flat iron once in about 6 weeks. i wanna scream and cry. please let me know what else (you can pm me if you prefer.) i desperately need some answers.

Have u tried oil rinsing?? It's helped me alot!
SmilingElephant no, i'm not familiar with the technique. how do you do your oil rinses? i'll search for some other techniques. thanks!

wyldcurlz I wash my hair first (co-wash or shampoo) then I put oil on my hair...I like either EVCO or castor)...let it sit for 1-2 minutes...rinse and then co wash or deep condition.

Doing this has made detangling my hair a breeze! And has reduced my ssk's a lot.

SmilingElephant no, i'm not familiar with the technique. how do you do your oil rinses? i'll search for some other techniques. thanks!

I actually do more of a DC oils I used to do pre poo w oils but I made it one step
On dry hair I put in my oil mix massage scalp and all then put my conditioner over it alot of it from roots ESP ends then I baggie it up overnight o for 30 min under heat cap then I CW and do 2 braids and air dry. Hth