Classic to Mid-Thigh Length 2011 Challenge

Hi us lurker love you all and jupitermoon you are the Love your hair, and everything you have to share. Ignore those haters, blocked them because you have more friends and support then you know.
jupitermoon - I guess I missed a lot.... I have been busy lately so logging all the time is not possible right now. I am glad you are still around. Your hair is still growing and I am happy for you. It is amazing as usual. As for my hair... I really don't know how long it is... We are still having typhoon weather when it should be summer weather. Maybe the Japan incident has changed the weather this year... I don't know... Anyway, My hair is always in shrunken state. I think it's growing but I can't tell. So I don't bother trying to figure it out right now.

lol thanks everyone. i had a blast in the saree for a good 20 min. after that its an a$$, it takes practice to be able to wear one ALL FREAKIN DAY!!!! i made it 4.5hrs and took mine off lol.

out here they wear their sarees all day everyday. no special occasions or anything. its they're regular clothes. that and the tunic tops with the loose leggings. now that i rock on a regular cause its comfy and cool lol.

we're here for a year. and you're not the only one who thinks i look the part. people will often walk up to me and speak tamil (the local language) and look at me crazy when i look at them and say "english?" lol. i'm told on almost a daily basis i look very south indian. and to be honest, its almost eerie to be in a country or at least a part of the country where 100% of the people are your color or darker. the only lighter people here are the other americans i'm with.

girl you got to get in line... between all the sarees i want for my self and all the girls back home who want one, the line is LONG!!! lol

I see why they think you are one of them because you DO look like one of them!! Beautiful saree and beautiful hair! You are a very pretty girl!:yep:
Thank you. Luckily, I was able to come back. The thought of never being able to post in this thread again made me very sad. I would have really missed all of you wonderful ladies. :bighug:

To make a long story short I made the :dance7: but thankfully it was lifted. Everything's done and over with now. It's all in the past. Thank goodness. :yep:

@NJoy, HairCrush's hair is amazing and your hair is lovely too. You have a very nice blog.

How is everyone's hair? Nothing new with me. I'm still co washing once every 1-2 weeks. has new hair sticks.

so me and my hair are not getting along right now.

i have a feeling it has more to do with the change in diet rather than the change in climate. i dont get to eat meat as often as i'm used to and i dont have the all powerful milk at my disposal as usual.

plus side is that i've lost a lot of weight. down side is i know its effecting my hair growth because its shedding more than usual. plus my nails arent growing as fast and are breaking easily. so i need to find a way to get more meat on the side.

i know its not a lack of protein because the food they're feeding us, while are vegetarian, are still high in protein.

so i started taking iron pills again thinking maybe the lack of meat is causing a lack of iron which might be messing me up... i dunno though :(
so me and my hair are not getting along right now.

i have a feeling it has more to do with the change in diet rather than the change in climate. i dont get to eat meat as often as i'm used to and i dont have the all powerful milk at my disposal as usual.

plus side is that i've lost a lot of weight. down side is i know its effecting my hair growth because its shedding more than usual. plus my nails arent growing as fast and are breaking easily. so i need to find a way to get more meat on the side.

i know its not a lack of protein because the food they're feeding us, while are vegetarian, are still high in protein.

so i started taking iron pills again thinking maybe the lack of meat is causing a lack of iron which might be messing me up... i dunno though :(

How about chicken and fish, lean proteins can work too. Do they have protein powder there?
Tips and Stuff for the Day! Tuesday, August 23rd

Sorry I have been away.... I was at summer camp with a bunch of screaming kids. Anyway, I am back.

Don't Let Hair Keep You From The Gym

Ancient Egyptians Used Hair Gel

Stress Really Does Make Your Hair Grey

Best Anti-Aging Products

What Your Hair Wants To Know

Happy Hair Growing!:grin:

How about chicken and fish, lean proteins can work too. Do they have protein powder there?

we only get non-veg meals 3x a wk. we dont have a kitchen in our dorm rooms so i cant buy any and cook for my self :nono:

i saw some protein powders but stores here are like the 99 cent store back in the states, just cause you saw it that one time, doesnt mean you'll ever see it again lol
proof that my hair hasnt grown a freakin centimeter since i've been here (which is now a full 2 months i think)


Well at least you have direct access to Ayurvedic powders and oils. Try to get some info on that from some locals and where to buy them. that might help make up for the lack of protien. Also green leafy veggies help hair growth too if you're not eating enough protein.
Wait a min is that your pic in your avatar?
No, it's my DD...
How long is your hair these days?
Pushing calf...
Btw thanks to all the lurkurs who came out of hiding to post[/QUOTEYou're quite welcome!

proof that my hair hasnt grown a freakin centimeter since i've been here (which is now a full 2 months i think)


Gorgeous head of hair! Try not to stress yourself out @ the bold. Sometimes our hair growth slows down a bit. When that growth spurt hits it hits! :yep: Take Care!
Mz.MoMo5235 - You have changed climates... please try to get as much milk as you can. You need the vitamin D. If you can find supplements there. buy some vitamin D tablets. You have stopped your vitamin D sources. This is very crucial to preventing hair loss and your hair's growth. But please continue with the vegetables and fruits. Look for some soybean products that will also aide you with added protein. These are all things I have dealt with here. My biggest help was making sure I had enough Vitamin D.
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Someone help me out please.....

Pure Paws Ultra Silk Cream Conditioner
is used for dogs with cotton hair and heavy coats.... I want to know what the ingredients are. Can someone look at the ingredients when you are shopping and post them here? I could not find the ingredients online.

I have a purpose for this. In search of solving the thin strand, cotton hair, heavy density, ssk issues.

Thanks so much in advance.

Scratch That.... I found the ingredients at this link:

Now I need to research these ingredients and see what I come up with.... This product is used on expensive dogs and some with sensitive skin. It makes their coats soft, shiny and silky. It is the resolution to their matting problems as well. So I am very curious about this products ingredients.
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nevermind... I didn't read the whole post D:

That dog conditioner looks like it has really good ingredients!

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Wait a min is that your pic in your avatar?
No, it's my DD...
How long is your hair these days?
Pushing calf...
Btw thanks to all the lurkurs who came out of hiding to post[/QUOTEYou're quite welcome!

Gorgeous head of hair! Try not to stress yourself out @ the bold. Sometimes our hair growth slows down a bit. When that growth spurt hits it hits! :yep: Take Care!

~You Da Truth~
Hold up! Did you say you're pushing CALF LENGTH? :thud:
~You Da Truth~
Hold up your DD is pushing CALF LENGTH :thud:
WOW good job mammi and you have more than earned your nametag caue you ARE tha TRUTH :lol:
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