Classic to Mid-Thigh Length 2011 Challenge

gl to all the ladies in this thread :) I just read through most of the thread, I'm very impressed by everything. One day I'll make it here too. :D

only bad thing about this thread is not enough pics :rofl:
gl to all the ladies in this thread :) I just read through most of the thread, I'm very impressed by everything. One day I'll make it here too. :D

only bad thing about this thread is not enough pics :rofl:

Thanks and I agree.... Not enough pics..:lol: I think a lot of participants are "MISSING IN ACTION" I have wanted :missing: posters out for them...:lol: and we only have three updates for the year!:grin:
Um, zowie!!!

I have never seen hair this long...EVER!
I wants bangs/fringe so badly. My hair grows down so I don't have to worry about it sticking up. I just want a little. What do you think? I now wear makeup every day. I think bangs/fringe would improve things, but my hair is already so long up front I'd be cutting off a lot of length. ...

Every few years, I get bored with my hair, and get the foolish notion in my head that I would look better with bangs. So I cut them, and they look good for a bit, especially if it is winter when my hair stays styled more easily. But then summer comes, with the aggravating humidity and resultant frizz. Then I curse myself for cutting the bangs... which aren't long enough to pull back into a ponytail, escape vengefully from all hairpins, or contort themselves into an inch-long edge-fro when the humidity level is optimal for shrinkage. I vow never to cut bangs again, and proceed to grow them out, for years and years. Finally, my bangs more or less reach the rest of my length. I enjoy it for a while, relieved no longer to have to do "extra" things because of the bangs. But eventually, I get bored again, and forget all the misery of 2-4 years of growing out bangs... and cut them again. The vicious cycle begins anew. :lol:

The nose to chin-length layered bangs I cut in the spring of 2008 are just now reaching midback to waistlength stretched (chin to shoulder curly). I hope I have finally learned my lesson!

I think Candy's idea about fake bangs is good, so you can see if you really like having bangs first, before you actually cut your hair.

The other fake bangs I know of are the ones on the original "Betty la Fea" that were folded and pinned from uncut hair. But you probably aren't going for that look, :lol:.
Tips for the Day! Wednesday, June 22nd

No Hair Washes For 11 Years??????

The Water Only Method
(You can read the entire thread on the LHC link below. I found this very interesting and it was introduce with a lot of good information. I think this is why co-washing(no shampoo method) is beneficial as well.)
"Water only (WO) is the method of using only water to wash your hair, with the goal of coating your entire length of hair with naturally produced sebum. This was inspired by this article about a woman who has not washed her hair for 11 years."
By: Birchbank

Best Water For Washing Hair (This also comes from a LHC thread and also has some good information.)

Pros and Cons of Water Only Hair Washing

7 Ways To Wash Your Hair

Happy Hair Growing!:grin:

Tips for the Day! Thursday, June 23rd

Hair Straightening, It's Time To Think Straight

The Dangers of the Straightening aka Flat Iron (Whenever you do use a flat iron, know the proper way to use it without causing damage.)

Confessions of A Retired Hair Weave Queen

Curly Hair Basics hair basics.htm

News: Fly Ties Double As Hair Extension and Tackle Stores Sell Out
(Who would have ever thought to use these feathers in your hair. I use to go fishing all the time with these things....),0,3598776.story

Happy Hair Growing!:grin:

OMG!!! My allergies are kicking my A$$ right now! I think I might be allergic to the scent of my new shampoo and cond because I have never started having a sneezing attack in the shower o_O
Tips for the Day! Friday, June 24th

Poor Blood Circulation (Yes. Hair loss is one of the symptoms of poor blood circulation but is not the only cause for hair loss... Information is POWER!)

How to Slow or Reverse Hair Loss With A Healthy Diet and Nutritional Supplements (Through achieving a healthier body, you'll gain healthier, longer hair.)

Asparagus: The King of Vegetables

The King of Fruits

Lack of Vegetables and Hair Loss

Fruits that Promote Hair Growth

Vitamin Content of Fruits and Vegetables (This table provides you with the vitamins and milligrams contained in each type of fruit or vegetable. Excellent source.)

What is New and Beneficial About Collard Greens

Happy Hair Growing!:grin:

Tips for the Day! Saturday, June 26th

Have you had a banana today???
I was eating a banana, so I thought.... Since a banana contains potassium, I wondered what the relationship is of potassium to hair.:scratchch I tell you some of the strangest things cause me to do hair research in the twilight hours of the night and morning. Anyway, here it is...

Hair Loss Due to Potassium Deficiency

Why is Potassium in Hair Gel???

Understanding a High Sodium/Potassium Ratio

Happy Hair Growing!:grin:

Tips for the Day! Sunday, June 26th

Hair Style Ideas...

Hair Bow Tutorial - It is in Japanese, but you get the idea. For us I don't think teasing the hair is necessary...

How to Make Your Braid Look Thicker...

Bun Updo

Half up Half down style idea

2 minutes easy bun

Happy Hair Growing!:grin:

I DC'd today. I modified my DC and my hair felt a noticeable difference... My hair feels great!:grin:

My usual mix is 2 egg yokes, 1 vitamin E capsule, 3 tablespoons of green tea, 3 tablespoons of oil (olive or grapeseed) and 1 cup of my favorite conditioner. (capsules are slit open and poured in the mix)

This time I used 2 egg yokes, 1 vitamin E capsule, 1 Omega3 capsule, 1/4 cup of green tea, 3 tablespoons of grapeseed oil and 1 1/4 cup of my favorite conditioner.

Put on my plastic cap for 3 hours.

I am in love :love2: with my DC!:grin:
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Tips for the Day! Monday, June 27th

Humidity, Humectants and Hair

List of Humectants Used in Hair Care Products (Excellent resource list especially for people with low porosity hair)

Moisture: My Nappy Hair's Best Friend

Heat: Nappy Hair's Worst Enemy

Use of The Boar Brush (I finally got a soft boar brush just for sebum distribution from my roots to ends. When used correctly, you don't break off your hair strands.)

Happy Hair Growing!:grin:

Sorry everyone.... I did not do a tips for the day today. I got my new Flex8's in the mail and I am in hair heaven.:grin: I'll get back on it tomorrow.:yep:

Happy Hair Growing!

why cant i just wake up and have hair to my booty already?

i think i'm just now realizing how much i cut off at that last "trim" lol

oh yeah, we finnally are shipping out to india friday :D
Tips for the Day! Wednesday, June 29th

UV Protection: Let The Sun Shine On Your Hair

Dealing With Long Hair Boredom

Perfect Diet to Prevent Hair Loss
(This was a article for men, but some women have receding hair lines too...)

News: Glasses Made With Human Hair????

Photos of Celebrities With and Without Hair...

Happy Hair Growing!:grin:

why cant i just wake up and have hair to my booty already?

i think i'm just now realizing how much i cut off at that last "trim" lol

oh yeah, we finnally are shipping out to india friday :D

Mz.MoMo5235 have a safe trip. I hope you have an amazing time while you're working there.

Candy828 I need to start eating carrots. I used to eat them everyday and my hair was so fly and healthy at that time. I don't even know how i was taking care of it then but it looked so good. Need to start on a healthy diet again. I was eating oatmeal every couple of days too

I have like three hairs :)lol:) touching tbl.
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@Mz.MoMo5235 have a safe trip. I hope you have an amazing time while you're working there.

@Candy828 I need to start eating carrots. I used to eat them everyday and my hair was so fly and healthy at that time. I don't even know how i was taking care of it then but it looked so good. Need to start on a healthy diet again. I was eating oatmeal every couple of days too

I have like three hairs :)lol:) touching tbl.

Hallelujah for the booty touchers!:lol: I guess I'll be adding you to the CL Challenge... :lachen: You know if you breath my way, your in!:grin:

I think diet and hair care regime go hand in hand. You get the maximum growth and healthy hair benefit when you got both things on track. And... having a knock out body is always a bonus!:lol: I won a bike at a festival. So I started riding it to work (3 miles each way). Every month I go on mountain hikes on weekends... My body and legs have been whipping into shape nicely along with the hair! So yes, get back to those things that were working for you. Combine diet, exercise and a good hair regime!:yep:
why cant i just wake up and have hair to my booty already?

i think i'm just now realizing how much i cut off at that last "trim" lol

oh yeah, we finnally are shipping out to india friday :D

Mz.MoMo5235 have a safe trip....Your hair is going to grow very long...Cant wait to see it when you return....

Happy Hair Growing!
Tips for the Day! Thursday, June 30th

Oxygen Hair Care

Sleeping Yourself to Baldness???

Sleep Apnea

Health Benefits of Rosemary Oil
(There are so many uses for Rosemary Oil... I love it! This is one of the must haves in my herb cabinet. Every time I think I am getting low, I order some more. I keep rosemary tea, dried herbs, and oil on hand at all times.)

Happy Hair Growing!:grin:

Candy828, you cannot mention new hair toys without pictures! We want pictures! ;) :lol:

I love Flexi-8s; I wear them much more often than any other hair accessories. I went overboard buying them though; I have 3 X-Large, 2 Large, 3 Medium, 2 Small, 1 X-Small and 1 Mini. Those last two I use in my daughter's hair, so they don't count. ;)

Mz.MoMo5235, I hope you will be able to keep up with us once in a while from India. :)
Hi, everyone.

The foundation made me break out so now I can't wear makeup for a while. When my skin clears up I am going to wear a little concealer and eye makeup, but no more foundation.

I think I've made up my mind. I'm getting bangs cut, I think. I talked to my beautician today and she said it is possible for me to have bangs. So I plan on getting my hair cut. I need to do something different. I've wanted this for so long so I don't think I'll regret it.

Here's how my hair looks today:


If I do get the bangs cut a lot of length will have to be taken off and it will take years to grow back:


^^^All of that hair will have to be cut to chin length at least, so I'll be losing a lot. I'm guessing it will take like 6 years to grow back to where it is now.

As a child and during part of my adolescence I kept bangs and I think I want them again. So, I plan on getting it cut.

Lately, I've been wearing hair combs everyday:


I like the 3 prong better than the 4 prong.