Classic Length 2013

I was watching one of Natural85 hair tutorials today and learned that I may be doing my twist wrong. So I am going to give them a try again to see. Though the way she does hers is not necessarily faster than braids which is why I liked twists:ohwell: Which ever one gives the best protection and least amount of tangles is what I want.:yep:
Hi ladies,

Six month check in. Thank goodness for my journal.. I have not taken photo's
in a while. I only get to detangle my hair late night and my daughter is in bed.

The Spring was good to me this year. The middle back layer has made to and past TBL. The crown layer continued in a growth spurt and is grazing TBL. My little trouble spot also moved 2 inches to 27. My fringe and front side have gone back to stall. However, there is a definite bump in all braids showing a increased volume of the new growth since the shed ended in 2011. Its about 7 1/2 inches long through out my entire head. I wasn't sure before but it is very noticeable now. I also was able to feel the difference in volume as I worked with my hair lately. So that has made me very happy. I have slow growing hair. My total gain in length matches the length of the new growth in the same time period.

I went from BCL of my longest layer to 2 inches below classic about 8 inches. MY second layer was at waist and went to Just at TBL which is also eight inches. My crown is what surprised me. It was at MBL and is now grazing TBL. That is almost 10 inches. But most of that was just the last year. Now that I can really see the bump of new growth I am going to see if it grows consistent or has stops and stalls or spurts in the different area's.

Something else to track and keep my mind off the other lengths.

So my goal for next Spring equinox is to be close to FTP longest layer and past Classic on the other too. A thicker fringe and front side at Hip because I may maintain them at hip to let the thickness move down. Haven't decided.

Probably getting too far ahead of my self but whats the harm in dreaming.:spinning:

How is every one else doing. I see lots of nice full heads of hair out there on the other threads and youtube.
Hi ladies,

Six month check in. Thank goodness for my journal.. I have not taken photo's
in a while. I only get to detangle my hair late night and my daughter is in bed.

The Spring was good to me this year. The middle back layer has made to and past TBL. The crown layer continued in a growth spurt and is grazing TBL. My little trouble spot also moved 2 inches to 27. My fringe and front side have gone back to stall. However, there is a definite bump in all braids showing a increased volume of the new growth since the shed ended in 2011. Its about 7 1/2 inches long through out my entire head. I wasn't sure before but it is very noticeable now. I also was able to feel the difference in volume as I worked with my hair lately. So that has made me very happy. I have slow growing hair. My total gain in length matches the length of the new growth in the same time period.

I went from BCL of my longest layer to 2 inches below classic about 8 inches. MY second layer was at waist and went to Just at TBL which is also eight inches. My crown is what surprised me. It was at MBL and is now grazing TBL. That is almost 10 inches. But most of that was just the last year. Now that I can really see the bump of new growth I am going to see if it grows consistent or has stops and stalls or spurts in the different area's.

Something else to track and keep my mind off the other lengths.

So my goal for next Spring equinox is to be close to FTP longest layer and past Classic on the other too. A thicker fringe and front side at Hip because I may maintain them at hip to let the thickness move down. Haven't decided.

Probably getting too far ahead of my self but whats the harm in dreaming.:spinning:

How is every one else doing. I see lots of nice full heads of hair out there on the other threads and youtube.
Oh all that growth sounds awesome. Hopefully the summer will push fringe/front side to grow.

I am on schedule I've made tbl as expected. But I'm planning on doing a trim today (well if i straighten my hair, i keep putting it off.) So most likely I will not make cl this year. I plan on cutting around 3-4" so that will put me back at hl, which means I'll be back at tbl by december. Of course that is if I don't do any further major trims(I probably will though). But dec 2014 I should reach classic. :lol:
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I really don't understand that method of letting your hair grow out and then doing a big trim like that. I have to trim as I go, I would hate to see that much hair come off at one time.
I really don't understand that method of letting your hair grow out and then doing a big trim like that. I have to trim as I go, I would hate to see that much hair come off at one time.
Your way definitely makes more sense. It's just i never really want to trim it and I like to reach a specific goal. But then i force myself to cut at a midway point. It also probably has to do with me being naturally dramatic and lazy. :look: But maybe I'll try your suggested method instead. Cut 2" now then cut a half inch until the end of the year.
I've been focusing on the front section of my hair & it's getting better/longer..Just trying to keep my hair strong,healthy & moisturized...

Happy Hair Growing!
Classic length inspiration


She's just growing and retaining like crazy
Beautiful hair I'm going for HL TL at least but classic looks good with shrinkage too
I like the idea of having more length show when wearing my hair curly and not having to straighten to show length but I haven't decided in CL I'm sticking with HL TL then well see I haven't decided whether maintain and just trim for a thick hemline or grow on to the next length

I haven't straightened my hair in months
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Has anyone other than Vintagecoilylocks reach classic yet? I am no where near this challenge but been watching it.


Yes there's someone who's thigh almost knee length she doesn't post anymore hardly I can't remember name ?ladies help who's Thigh almost knee on here and on LHC ?

Several members who have moved on to other things since they've made their goals already and surpassed them
TL Irresistable
CL Celinastarr/jupitermoon

Look up my old TL crakin challenge post

I'm sure there's more.
Hey ladies how about those of us who don't put out length in our siggys or avatar phrase that way everyone knows that we actually have superlong hairs on here too cause not Everyone has an update pic in those siggy
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Classic length inspiration


She's just growing and retaining like crazy
Beautiful hair I'm going for HL TL at least but classic looks good with shrinkage too
I like the idea of having more length show when wearing my hair curly and not having to straighten to show length but I haven't decided in CL I'm sticking with HL TL then well see I haven't decided whether maintain and just trim for a thick hemline or grow on to the next length

I haven't straightened my hair in months

Actually Lucia she does not grow that fast, but she does not cut either. Slow and steady. I think in two years she has only gained 8 - 10 inches. When you don't cut you retain.:yep: Care for the ends and total health of the hair and only search and destroy.
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I really don't understand that method of letting your hair grow out and then doing a big trim like that. I have to trim as I go, I would hate to see that much hair come off at one time.

I don't under stand either unless you are cutting out layers, maintaining a certain length or desire only a blunt hemline. If it is damage, address the problem and tackle it. You should not have to cut off so much hair. Dry hair can be solved and there should be no splits. Age of hair is of course going to result in older more fragile hair but it does not have to be extensive. You have proven this by growing further than you ever had before.

I, like yourselves, 1 ballerina, priceless love, ceine starr, starr 1,etc now have hair older than ever before but it is stronger than ever. That is why it is still gaining length and retaining. Cutting is not a cure. Revamp your regimine if need be and than be patient. But I want some company at Classic ladies. :yep:
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It may be a few years before i reach Classic...but im pretty sure I'll reach it bc i don't plan on chopping anything off and i would love to see my hair at WL curly.

Im guessing in about 2 more years i could be close. Im already just a few inches away from WL stretched.
I for sure won't be making classic this year, (2" past tbl) but, if I decide to keep growing* I will definitely make it around this time next year. I measured and i have about 4" until classic length. My shorter layer is at wl which i'm pumped about.

Going to do a 2 or 3" trim soon which will put me back at just tbl.

* I think i want to maintain my hair at 'whip' length
I for sure won't be making classic this year, (2" past tbl) but, if I decide to keep growing* I will definitely make it around this time next year. I measured and i have about 4" until classic length. My shorter layer is at wl which i'm pumped about.

Going to do a 2 or 3" trim soon which will put me back at just tbl.

* I think i want to maintain my hair at 'whip' length

I too was so glad to get my shortest layer past waist. Its been a looong journey. Next year Classic sounds great.
Still growing. My longest layer is past Classic so I am really now focused on getting these layers there. After two years of reclaimation I was just now able to see the results in thickness. Even though the hair was growing i just started noticing the new thickness. My hair tapers due to that shed I had years ago, but now there is a definate bump at around 8 inches. SO that is about 4 inches per year since the spring of 2011.

This is a photo of when I started to notice the shedding was drastically slowing. This is all of my hair in a braided bun. 2011

This is all of hair in two braids. 2011

This is all of my hair in multiple braids 2013.

You can see how the braid is thicker near the scalp and then tapers out to the ends.
This braid is as thick as the the other braid with one quarter of my head compared to 2011.

Here is my braided bun in June 2013 .

Here is a shot of the 8 inch bump showing the end of the growth for the past two years.

It will take a while for the thickness to move down but I am already enjoying the thicker hair when I handle it.
Its just nice to know thin hair did not have to happen so soon in life.

Hoping for Classic of next two layers by March 2014. :spinning:
Thanks for updating, Vintagecoilylocks. You are giving me hope that my hair will also return after this massive two year shed that began in the spring of 2011 and only ended at the end of this past spring. However, I was unable to patiently wait for my hair to grow. I trimmed to just below waist in May of 2012...I had hoped to see some good growth since then, but the continued shedding made it even worse. I straightened for the first time in more than a year in October, and found my hair to look like this:

The left side was barely at waist, and the hemline continued diagonally to about tailbone on the right - completely lopsided. And it was so thin and stringy that I could not stand it, even though the ends were not particularly damaged (few SSKs, few splits). So I cut the pitiful ends off, and the entire hemline is now just barely at waist, which means that it now shrinks above my shoulders. It also grows so slowly, so if I ever get to classic, it probably won't be until the end of 2016. :(

Oh well, at least I get to enjoy my daughter's classic length hair - even if it is only classic when I wash it, :lol:.
Still growing. My longest layer is past Classic so I am really now focused on getting these layers there. After two years of reclaimation I was just now able to see the results in thickness. Even though the hair was growing i just started noticing the new thickness. My hair tapers due to that shed I had years ago, but now there is a definate bump at around 8 inches. SO that is about 4 inches per year since the spring of 2011. This is a photo of when I started to notice the shedding was drastically slowing. This is all of my hair in a braided bun. 2011 in thin hair/nikonpixA1873.jpg.html This is all of hair in two braids. 2011 in thin hair/nikonpix0185.jpg.html This is all of my hair in multiple braids 2013. You can see how the braid is thicker near the scalp and then tapers out to the ends. This braid is as thick as the the other braid with one quarter of my head compared to 2011. Here is my braided bun in June 2013 . hair/thickerbun2013j_zpscfda1536.jpg.html hair/thickerbun20136_zps68f9ae87.jpg.html Here is a shot of the 8 inch bump showing the end of the growth for the past two years. It will take a while for the thickness to move down but I am already enjoying the thicker hair when I handle it. Its just nice to know thin hair did not have to happen so soon in life. Hoping for Classic of next two layers by March 2014. :spinning:
Hi, everyone. Vintagecoilylocks, how long ago did you decide to grow your hair long and what length did you start off with? I think it is awesome that women with very curly or kinky hair can grow to extreme lengths with the right knowledge, skill and patience. The fact that you've done it (and is still doing it) is very inspiring. I started my own journey almost 5 years ago (it'll be 5 years on February 1, 2014) with shoulder length hair. It has not gotten to where I wanted since suffering with my own setbacks, but it's still farther than I expected. I expected to be waist-length by next year, but I'm about mid-back length stretched. Not going to complain since the majority of my life I've been just touching shoulder length. Now I'm also dealing with a lot of micro-layers and short gray hairs coming in and spinning all over