New Member
Well I did an early end of year measure last night. One thing I noticed is my poor canopy has grown so I guess I will have to be very patient to see if it will make it to the same longer lengths as the lower layers. I was remembering that during the shed my canopy probable took the brunt of the damage. I would have so much shed hair after a wash and the hair would be matted. I probably was breaking alot of hair while tyring to detangle. I had not yet perfected my products and routine so the combination left me with very uneven and layered hair. The shedding subsided fully about a year and a half ago. So I will also have to wait out the recycle of shedding the broken hair. However, it was nice to see I had gained inches in all areas's. Not sure what my growth rate is but it now seems to be consistant all over my head. Will check again on the spring soltice and compare numbers. Still have a goal of my middle layer to be Classic by July 2013. Thats 5 inches.