Church denominations tht do not celebrate christmas or easter


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Church denominations that do not celebrate christmas or easter

Does anyone know any church denominations ( not including the SDA) that does not celebrate christmas or easter?
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My mom grew up Pentecostal and they did not celebrate any holidays.

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Jehovah's Witnesses
they do have a memorial service for the passover. but i would not call it celebrating
Some Hebrew Christians don't or Messianic Jews. Maybe for "peace sake", with other family members. From what I've heard from friends.
Im non-denomination and my church we dont celebrate either..Not because its a church thing, but because of its pagan origins
Wow, I didn't know some Christian denominations didn't celebrate those holidays. I just assumed they taught the true meaning behind them instead of the materialistic version.

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Im non-denomination and my church we dont celebrate either..Not because its a church thing, but because of its pagan origins
That's interesting. :yep: Alicialynn86, how does your church handle other events like weddings? I ask because the typical wedding ceremony in the western culture is full of pagan origins as well (white dress, bridesmaids, etc.).
I was raised Pentecostal and we acknowledged but did not celebrate. The big celebration was Pentecost.

I currently go to a non-denominational church that is much like my former Pentecostal, and they do not celebrate any holidays.
We dont celebrate "major" holidays either due to the pagan origins. We do acknowledge Mothers day, Thanksgiving, New years
I am aware of the origins behind weddings rituals.We dont control anyone's actions, if they want to do a wedding, they can. But the standard has been set.

Christmas is different. Christmas started off as pagan idol worship with the sun and the moon , which was hundreds of years before Christ even came. then MAN came and stuck Christ name on it, thats of form of blapshemy because they put Christ name on something that never had anything to do. The Roman church put begin to mix with the practices of the pagan people, they started introducing them into the church. The bible never says Christ was born on Dec 25. Thats something that man has made. Christmas is centered around lies..ex..Santa Claus? Million of parents lie to their children about a man that does not exist, when the bible says ALL liars will have the part in the lake of fire.Could something that is centered around so much pagan ways, lying, etc because of God really> Trust me, if this was something of God, the world wouldnt have anything to do Even jeremiah 10 speaks of the Xmas tree.People go into debt, commit suicide, kill and steal to buy gifts for people and this is suppose to be about Christ..we should celebrate Christ every day of our lives by living holy.The apostles and the disciples never celebrated Christ birth, so I wont either..I can go on and on about this but I will stop now:look:

But back to the wedding thing...A wedding rituals such as wedding gowns, bridemaids dresses etc was never something that had Christ name on it. Even today, its the same have athiests that practice these wedding rituals..But the wedding itself is fine...thats the first place Jesus did a each its own I guess. I wont have it in my wedding..

and Traci, FYI, i elaborated in this, just incase anyone wanted to know why i didnt celebrate.. I wasnt hounding on you, I wanted to do it in all one post..:grin:

That's interesting. :yep: @Alicialynn86, how does your church handle other events like weddings? I ask because the typical wedding ceremony in the western culture is full of pagan origins as well (white dress, bridesmaids, etc.).
I was raised Pentecostal and we acknowledged but did not celebrate. The big celebration was Pentecost.

I currently go to a non-denominational church that is much like my former Pentecostal, and they do not celebrate any holidays.

I hadn't realized that. Thanks for the info!!!
I honestly don't think Jesus cares one whit about any of this. It is something that religious people argue amongst themselves about. I can easily imagine a scene in the Gospels with the Pharisees saying, "Lord, such and such a group believes that you ought to celebrate this holiday, but another group says it is wrong. What do you say?" And usually His answer was "other".

Honor the day unto the Lord or don't honor the day unto the Lord--just honor the Lord.
Im pretty sure that God doesnt want us to be involved in any pagan holidays....

I honestly don't think Jesus cares one whit about any of this. It is something that religious people argue amongst themselves about. I can easily imagine a scene in the Gospels with the Pharisees saying, "Lord, such and such a group believes that you ought to celebrate this holiday, but another group says it is wrong. What do you say?" And usually His answer was "other".

Honor the day unto the Lord or don't honor the day unto the Lord--just honor the Lord.
I honestly don't think Jesus cares one whit about any of this. It is something that religious people argue amongst themselves about. I can easily imagine a scene in the Gospels with the Pharisees saying, "Lord, such and such a group believes that you ought to celebrate this holiday, but another group says it is wrong.

"Lord, what do you say?"

And usually His answer was "other".

Honor the day unto the Lord or don't honor the day unto the Lord--just honor the Lord.

nicola.kirwan Thank you for such a beautiful response.

... As unto the Lord, :yep: either way and be at Peace with one another. Put the 'arguement' at rest.

As unto the Lord, either way... :love2:

As unto the Lord, either way ... :grouphug2:

As unto the Lord, either way ... :pray:

Either way...

As unto the Lord :notworthy:

In 'MY' House, "Jesus is always the Reason for the Season... :heart2:

We celebrate the 'Gift' of His birth...

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counseller, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

... Isaiah 9:6

God has ordained 'Peace' for us... through His birth, His life here on earth, and his death on the Cross. Let there be no more dissention over this matter.
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Doesn't intention count for something? If people are truly worshipping on Christmas/Easter than why should it matter if the rest of the world only sees Santa Clause and bunnies? That's not what you're worshipping.

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BEAUTYU2U - good point...

Here's my take... Me/mi madre summed it up this way - there will be someone initially attracted by Gifts/bunnies and there will be some that will feel "this is fake to me, let me see what the real story is" and they will read the Gospel of Luke and the Gospel of Matthew and get the real deal and give their lives to Christ.

So, yeah the bunnies, pink m&ms and black fridays bug me, but I tune them out for the fact that someone, somewhere accepts Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour...
Celebrating Him should be an everyday thing, not when the world says, "It is OK to go overboard about Jesus at this time. Oh, and here is some time off. Have fun!" This is the realization myself and people close to me came to after He guided us away from the holidays.
It does.... :yep:

I celebrate in and out of "season"....

Doesn't intention count for something? If people are truly worshipping on Christmas/Easter than why should it matter if the rest of the world only sees Santa Clause and bunnies? That's not what you're worshipping.

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i have no problem sharing time with family and friends on the day. i don't believe in Thanksgiving, its roots are also very problematic, but on a day when everyone has off i like to enjoy my family. i'm officially over the gift aspect and would be fine going to a church that didn't celebrate Christmas. I'd more than likely use the opportunity to have folks donate to a charity of my choice if they felt compelled to give me a gift.

I do plan if and when I have children to teach them about its roots and celebrate the season differently than how I was raised.