What Holidays Do You Celebrate and Why?

Poohbear said:
Is that the same as the Lord's Supper???

Yes, it is. And it is the ONLY activity that Jesus requested that we observe, not his birth but his death. According to Luke and Paul, when instituting the Memorial of his death Jesus said: “Keep doing this in remembrance of me.” (Lu 22:19; 1Co 11:24) From this, it is reasonable to understand that Jesus meant that his followers should celebrate the Lord’s Evening Meal annually, not more often. The Passover, observed in remembrance of Jehovah’s deliverance of Israel from Egyptian bondage in 1513*B.C.E., was commemorated only once a year, on the anniversary date of Nisan 14. The Memorial, also an anniversary, would appropriately be held only on Nisan 14.
EssentialGrowth said:
Yes, it is. And it is the ONLY activity that Jesus requested that we observe, not his birth but his death. According to Luke and Paul, when instituting the Memorial of his death Jesus said: “Keep doing this in remembrance of me.” (Lu 22:19; 1Co 11:24) From this, it is reasonable to understand that Jesus meant that his followers should celebrate the Lord’s Evening Meal annually, not more often. The Passover, observed in remembrance of Jehovah’s deliverance of Israel from Egyptian bondage in 1513*B.C.E., was commemorated only once a year, on the anniversary date of Nisan 14. The Memorial, also an anniversary, would appropriately be held only on Nisan 14.
Now that I think of it...THAT IS SO TRUE!!! :up:
I found an interesting article:

Can the Christian Celebrate Christmas?

Is the Christian free to celebrate a holiday that not only has pagan origins, but also is used by the unbelieving world a promotion of commercialism? In my opinion, it depends.
The Christians must hold his standard of righteousness and devotion to God above those of the world. The Old Testament says that we are to worship God in truth according to the dictates that He has established (Exodus 20:1-4; 24:12-31:18). Christmas was not established by God. In addition, there are no records at all of the early church celebrating the birth of Christ.
On the other hand, there are those who say we have freedom Christ and can celebrate any day we want to. Paul says, "All things are lawful, though not all are profitable" (1 Cor. 6:12).
Should we then participate in the celebration of a festival origins and exceeding commercialism?
It is my opinion that we are free to celebrate the day. This is why.
In the Bible in 1 Cor. 10:23-33, Paul speaks about meat sacrificed to idols. This meat was often sold in the meat market and the question arose, "Should a Christian each such meat?" Paul said in verse 25, "Eat anything that is sold in the meat market, without asking questions for conscience' sake." The origins of the meat were, essentially, pagan. Many animals were raised for the purpose of sacrificing to pagan deities and their meat was offered in the market place. In reference to this Paul said it was okay to eat the meat.
Then in verses 28-29 he says, "But if anyone should say to you, 'This is meat sacrificed to idols,' do not eat it, for the sake of the one who informed you, and for conscience' sake; 29I mean not your own conscience, but the other man's; for why is my freedom judged by another's conscience?" (NASB). Paul is saying that if you are with someone who might be stumbled by your eating meat that was sacrificed to idols, then don't eat it -- not because of you, but because of the other person. In other words, eating that meat won't affect you. The false gods are not real. They have no power.
1 Cor. 8:-7-9 echoes this idea. It says, "However not all men have this knowledge; but some, being accustomed to the idol until now, eat food as if it were sacrificed to an idol; and their conscience being weak is defiled. 8But food will not commend us to God; we are neither the worse if we do not eat, nor the better if we do eat. 9But take care lest this liberty of yours somehow become a stumbling block to the weak." Though this passage requires a bit more examination, it still carries the sense of freedom. And, Jesus has definitely set us free.
However, if you are not comfortable with this conclusion and you don't want to celebrate Christmas, that is okay. You must answer to the Lord.


The Lord, through His sacrifice, has cleansed us of our sins. When we come in contact with Him, it was we who were cleansed. It is not Him who was made dirty. The woman with the issue of blood who touched Jesus (Mark 5:25-34) was made clean. It was not Jesus who was made dirty. Likewise Jesus touched the unclean lepers and cleansed them (Matt. 8:3). Jesus came in contact with many people and it was never Him who was dirtied. It was they who were cleansed.
I think this principle can be applied to Christmas. Yes, Christmas has pagan origins. Yes, it is a highly commercial time. Yes, many do not have their eyes on Jesus. But for the Christian it is a time to reflect upon the birth of our Lord and to celebrate. We are making the day holy.

Source: http://www.carm.org/questions/christmas.htm
The bible has told us that on the day of the birth of our Lord the angels celabrated his birth singing with a multitude of heavenly host " Glory to God in the Highest, and on earth peace goodwill toward men." They went and announced this birth and the shepards came in to see and went out into the world announcing his birth and then returned glorifing and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen. The wise men came later to give gifts in honor of his birth and worship him.

The shepards and the wise men obviously took time from their lives and work to do this. Is this not a celabration? My Church repeats the actions of the angels, the shepards and the wisemen. If not for people constantly connecting the fact that yes early christians were only allowed their celabration of the birtht of Christ on the same day as some roman god due to political reason for the ceasar. But it is the birth of Christ that won the day. I don't know or care what the name of the Roman god was for he is no longer remembered by man.

The bible teaches that the Lord came together with the apostles. He was reconignized and thereby annoucing the resurrection by breaking of bread and blessing their evening meal. He later met with them in the upper room and ate fish and honey to convince them of the His Ressurection.

The date of the Resurrection is in the scriptures. It was in conjunction with the Passover. He rose on the first day of the week after the Sabbath folllowing the Passover week. This year the passover week starts April 23rd. The Orthodox Church will recognize in song, praise, worship and communion "Christ is Risen" on the 1st of May. The first day of the week after the Sabbath of the Passover week. The Ascension was 40 days later and so on.

Celabrating these days by Christians have brought the word to many people who would have never known. I have yet to be approached by Christians daily telling me of the birth, life and death of the Lord.

I celabrate these days for my own soul and remembrance and as an announcement to the world of the God and Savior I worship.

As with Christmas it has been Christians who continue to revive the names of the long forgotten pagan gods. "They meant it for evil, God turned it for good" We should not continue to revive that which was put down by God.

The story goes, Mary the Magdelane went to Ceasar to announce the Risen Christ. The law was that all those who desired audience with Ceasar was to bring a gift. She brought a basket of fresh white eggs.
She began to tell him of the birth, life and death of our Lord. Ceasar listened in earnest. As she began to tell of the ressurection Ceasar said" stop.! A man can no more rise from the dead than those eggs can turn to crimson. She slowly reached in the basket and strectched out her hand. in it was a crimson egg and she said "He is Risen".

Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy
I believe we should celebrate Christ's birth and his resurrection...but how about celebrate it everyday or more days of the year than just on those specific man-made holidays like Christmas and Easter? Ya' know? Let's get rid of the easter eggs & bunnys and santa claus & his reindeers and celebrate Christ 24/7/12/365!!! :yay:
star said:
So we do have a good foundation but others are trying to change things. This is why God blesses america more than any other country. Some places do even have good crops or safe drinking water. :D

Sooo true.
I've always wished I were American! Truly God's people! F everyone else!
I celebrate Christmas, Easter, New Years, Communion (I look forward to this every 1st Sunday!), Mother's and Father's Day, and Valentines Day.

Though Christmas and Easter has become commericalized and folks are taking God out of them, I HAVE NOT taken God out of them, and I will continue to celebrate those two days until the day I die.
