Christians who have sex . . .

WOW. I cannot thank you enough Ms.Honey. I truly believe I was led to read this post. I recently was on a spiritual high with God spending much time in prayer and devotion, really seeking his face. Not asking for anything but just more of Him. I was in needed to reach another level in our relationship.

I was also successfully remaining abstinate. I recently reunited with a friend from the past and needless to say my flesh succumbed. We didn't have intercourse but what we did was well over what was appriopriate. I still can't believe it. I cannot believe that I could go from being so high spirtiually to being soo low. I can barely look at myself in the mirror. I am struggling to forgive myself and I don't even know what to say to God.

I have taken note of everything you have mentioned and it I especially guarding my heart. ..

I believe what you are experiencing is the early warning of the Lord. He's chastising you, which is a very good thing. That means you're His and He only chastises His own people. Does it feel like your soul has been set on fire? Does it feel as if you've just found out that you lost your job, your car and your house within the last three minutes:grin: If yes, welcome to the family:grin::grin::grin: Well now is the time that you must come to terms with some things.

First you need to realize this one are human:blush:


Your flesh wants nothing to do with God AT ALL and He wants nothing to do with it either :grin:. We worship God with our minds not our flesh so there is hope for us yet.:grin:

Secondly, you know what you need to do, do it quickly. Repent. Ask God to forgive you and He will, right then. You also have to learn to forgive yourself when you fall. You are no good to God if you are dwelling in the bottomless pits of despair:drunk:. Who's gonna want to be led to Christ by you and ask Him to help them when you're too ashamed to ask for His help and you know Him already:nono:? I know I wouldn't. If His folks look like they suck lemons all day, some folks would rather take their chances with the devil. At least his folks seem to be enjoying their lives:grin: So girl, pick yourself up and move on from this thing. There is no temptation taken you that is not common to man, meaning, You ain't the first to do what you did and you won't be the last. You have not shocked Jesus by what you've done:grin: He's helped saints with the same issue, you haven't invented a new thing:grin: You have to forgive you and not put yourself in that position again. Okay?

The third thing you need to do is to find out the way you let your flesh have control of your mind instead of your spirit and destroy that path. When I get out of line I go through my check list to find out where I allowed it in my heart, where I failed to guard my heart with all diligence, by using everything within me and crucify my flesh with the Word of God. My fault used to be profanity. I cussed like a Marine. Every other word out of my mind was a cuss word. When I find myself cursing in my thoughts, I go through the list and start searching for the culprit. Was it something I saw on tv and didn't rebuke it in my mind? Was it something I heard someone say and didn't rebuke them? Once I find it, I apologize to the Father, take the Word of God that applies to the situation and repeat it over and over again EVERYTIME at the PRECISE TIME I think the profane thought. Is sweet water and bitter water drawn from the same well? No? Then neither should you bless the Lord and curse with the same mouth. That's my own little paraphrase of James 3:9-12 but you get the gist:grin: I also warn my flesh. If you keep threatening to cuss folks out then you won't get so and so for a week. Believe me it works:grin: Once you deny your flesh or punish it with something good like an extra hour of devotions or a 24hr. food fast, it gets in line real quick:grin:

We have to use the Word of God to crucify our flesh and nip that mess in the bud before we end up sinning. While it's true that we all sin,it should never be more than in thought only and that with swift correction. We can't control what pops up in our minds but we can control how we handle our flesh the very instant it happens. I personally do not want to experience the chastisement of the Lord so I handle it with a swiftness:grin:

So repent, forgive yourself and keep it moving. Okay? Remember that despite what folks believe, God is not out to jack you up everytime you screw up. He reallly does love and wants the best for you.
Thank you soooo much Ms. Honey!!!! I'm :cry: over this right now. I have fallen so much this past week. I'm so dissappointed and ashamed of myself. This really helped me.

Thank you!
i have done it before.. and regretted it afterwards and
but i will not do it again until i am a married woman
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I believe what you are experiencing is the early warning of the Lord. He's chastising you, which is a very good thing. That means you're His and He only chastises His own people. Does it feel like your soul has been set on fire? Does it feel as if you've just found out that you lost your job, your car and your house within the last three minutes:grin: If yes, welcome to the family:grin::grin::grin: Well now is the time that you must come to terms with some things.

First you need to realize this one are human:blush:


Your flesh wants nothing to do with God AT ALL and He wants nothing to do with it either :grin:. We worship God with our minds not our flesh so there is hope for us yet.:grin:

Secondly, you know what you need to do, do it quickly. Repent. Ask God to forgive you and He will, right then. You also have to learn to forgive yourself when you fall. You are no good to God if you are dwelling in the bottomless pits of despair:drunk:. Who's gonna want to be led to Christ by you and ask Him to help them when you're too ashamed to ask for His help and you know Him already:nono:? I know I wouldn't. If His folks look like they suck lemons all day, some folks would rather take their chances with the devil. At least his folks seem to be enjoying their lives:grin: So girl, pick yourself up and move on from this thing. There is no temptation taken you that is not common to man, meaning, You ain't the first to do what you did and you won't be the last. You have not shocked Jesus by what you've done:grin: He's helped saints with the same issue, you haven't invented a new thing:grin: You have to forgive you and not put yourself in that position again. Okay?

The third thing you need to do is to find out the way you let your flesh have control of your mind instead of your spirit and destroy that path. When I get out of line I go through my check list to find out where I allowed it in my heart, where I failed to guard my heart with all diligence, by using everything within me and crucify my flesh with the Word of God. My fault used to be profanity. I cussed like a Marine. Every other word out of my mind was a cuss word. When I find myself cursing in my thoughts, I go through the list and start searching for the culprit. Was it something I saw on tv and didn't rebuke it in my mind? Was it something I heard someone say and didn't rebuke them? Once I find it, I apologize to the Father, take the Word of God that applies to the situation and repeat it over and over again EVERYTIME at the PRECISE TIME I think the profane thought. Is sweet water and bitter water drawn from the same well? No? Then neither should you bless the Lord and curse with the same mouth. That's my own little paraphrase of James 3:9-12 but you get the gist:grin: I also warn my flesh. If you keep threatening to cuss folks out then you won't get so and so for a week. Believe me it works:grin: Once you deny your flesh or punish it with something good like an extra hour of devotions or a 24hr. food fast, it gets in line real quick:grin:

We have to use the Word of God to crucify our flesh and nip that mess in the bud before we end up sinning. While it's true that we all sin,it should never be more than in thought only and that with swift correction. We can't control what pops up in our minds but we can control how we handle our flesh the very instant it happens. I personally do not want to experience the chastisement of the Lord so I handle it with a swiftness:grin:

So repent, forgive yourself and keep it moving. Okay? Remember that despite what folks believe, God is not out to jack you up everytime you screw up. He reallly does love and wants the best for you.

This was a great thread. I can't thank you enough Ms. Honey!
Wow this is right on time. I did not have time to read through all of the thread but I will. I was just able to read the first two pages. This is an issue that is all too common and it is NOT OK.

Please read my thread, on the Sexual Revolution per Ed Young. I plan on purchasing the series. I understand. Been there, done that, it's not worth it. It's not worth my spiritual, mental, or physical health. (or anyone else's) Yes I am alone and non believers don't and can't understand. Even some believers can make some pretty funky comments.... which leads me to wonder.

I am not here to judge. I am here to understand. The only thing you can do with a person who is really trying and knows the Lord (and is trying to please him) is come to them in love, with love, and scripture.

Ladies, let's try not to loose ourselves. Let's try to keep our hormones in check. But by the grace of God there go I.
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this is something i did and i knew better, so i dont really accept that as an excuse. i believe that it is all in how people se a struggle. many use this term as a justification and dont consider exactly what a "STRUGGLE" is. something to fight with, not just succumb to! if you are consistently engaging in something sinful are you REALLY struggling, or just excusing yourself?