Christians who have sex . . .

working on getting my self out the same situation.. im not afraid to say it here cause none of you guys know me. I was good for three years straight and the devil saw that and came botherhing me again and i fell. At the time the devil came was good planning on his part i must say cause i was having trouble with my relationship with god. I felt empty and i was sad about life. So the devil i guess thought what a perfect opportunity to bring someone to "fulfill" me. I did fall but i can honesstly say im getting myself out of this situation. I like having a person around its a nice but actually sex itself doesnt do anything for me at all so its like why am i having sex if i dont like it. Im sinning and not getting anything out of it.. which is actually a good thing. I thank god for that cause if it was the opposite i would get my self in big trouble. I wont judge anyone at all cause alot of ppl may say its not that hard.. but i want to ask those have u ever been there cause its not easy.. not making any excuses is wrong for sure but we all have our weak points.. all i gotta say is dont stay there.. make an effort to do right and keep pressing on. God will see your desire to change and help you as long as you help your self.

That is how the devil does. Afterall, he is the ruler over the fleshly things, so he knows what to do to get at your flesh---Your Adam. He knows exactly what we all struggle with and that is what he goes after

I would admonish those of us who are struggling with sexual sins to guard your heart with all dilligence. Be careful of what you expose yourself to. That means if you're single don't listen to love songs and watch intimate scenes in movies and on tv. If you're trying to abstain, listening to and watching stuff that you COULD be doing is not going to help the situation at all. Also avoid fellowship with folks who are willfully fornicating. You need to be around strong saints, iron sharpens iron. Those are temptations that can be easily avoided.

Folks say that the fastest way to get from point A to point B is a straight line. Well the fastest way to get to get from your point A, your sin life, to your point B to God's will for your lives, where you want to be is the straight truth of God's Word. Our wills are the strongest thing on earth. The only thing that breaks it is the Word of God applied to our situations. If you want to stop sinning, apply what God says about it to your life by repeating/speaking the Word of God over it until you've conquered your flesh. Find and memorize every scripture that speaks against fornication/sexual sins and say it until it becomes a part of you. It's the quickest,easiest most efficient way to get out of our messes. Saying "I'm just not going to do so and so anymore" is not gonna cut it. You'll be prone to backslide. It's the Word of God, not ours, that's powerful and pulls down these sexual strongholds. Repeat the Word over your areas of weakness.

The devil becomes more subtle the stronger you become. Because he knows he can't pull just any old crap with you, he'll come at you with a "Christian" mate because he knows you'll know he's setting you up if he throws a sinner your way. Don't become so comfortable with someone that you let your guard down little by little and find yourself in a sinful relationship with him.

Be especially cautious when you find yourself becoming stronger in the Lord and have successfully become abstinate. That's when the test comes.

Praise God for your wisdom. SMH SMH. Wow. Everything you said here is on point. First of all, when I was struggling with it, I noticed that there were songs that would bring back memories or movies or whatever and that is when my flesh began to get the best of me. The devil will give you want you think you want, when you are not wanting what the will of God says is best for you. He will make you feel fulfilled and satisfied. I find that if I get too comfortable, that there is actually something wrong. Being a Christian is not always a confortable life to live. Let's not talk about those who willfully fornicate. I was one--to an extent. But dated a guy once--literally, we went out once, and he tried to justify with scripture why we could have sex without reprocutions. I am working on speaking the word into my own life in all areas--this one included and it is amazing how when you start talking Gods words over yourself how things will turn around for his good and not for your own personal gain. I agree at the subtlty of the devil. Once you get hip to his games, he has to become more clever to fool you. Sending a good Christian into yourlife can be a wonderful thing, but like you said, that can also be a trick---been there, done that. Good Christian upstanding men struggle too and when their struggle is also your struggle, then it may be best not to be together alone at all---not even in the car(seriously).

I just want to encourage you. I have been celibate for 11 years. It hasn't been easy. However, as the years go by; it actually gets easier. Sure, there have been times when I had urges. Sure I have had thoughts. I am alive afterall.

It's been so long that I can't really remember what sex felt like. Perhaps this is for a reason.

It didn't take me too long to get hipped to the dating game. You know the guy is so great and makes you think you are his girlfriend--until you give it up and then he forgets your phone number or tells you to let's have an "open" relationship.

I am going to take a vow of celibacy until I can be with my husband (sent from heaven).

If I can do it; YOU CAN TOO!

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Does anyone have a friend or relative that is a Christian (and not just the "I go to church every once in a while/Christmas/Mother's Day/Easter" folk, but the up in church every week, can quote scripture and verse, gives their tithe type of Christian) who regularly has sex? (Or perhaps you are that person . . . .)

How does that person feel about it? Are they conflicted? Or do they rationalize it? If so, how?
They always talk about wanting to be a "better person" (which leads me to believe they aren't happy with their choices), but continue to be promiscuous. Their rationalization is that the "flesh is weak".

How do you feel about this person and their faith -- do you think they're hypocrites?
People are imperfect and there's nothing wrong with that. But, IMO, if people are deeply committed to living their lives according to the Bible (i.e. wanting their relationship to be a certain way because of the Word, wanting to be a certain type of man or woman because of the Word, or wanting to raise their children a certain way because of the Word) they should be that way all the time (even when it's difficult or inconvenient). I don't judge this person, but I do think there is some hypocrisy in the choices they have made.
That is how the devil does. Afterall, he is the ruler over the fleshly things, so he knows what to do to get at your flesh---Your Adam. He knows exactly what we all struggle with and that is what he goes after

Praise God for your wisdom. SMH SMH. Wow. Everything you said here is on point. First of all, when I was struggling with it, I noticed that there were songs that would bring back memories or movies or whatever and that is when my flesh began to get the best of me. The devil will give you want you think you want, when you are not wanting what the will of God says is best for you. He will make you feel fulfilled and satisfied. I find that if I get too comfortable, that there is actually something wrong. Being a Christian is not always a confortable life to live. Let's not talk about those who willfully fornicate. I was one--to an extent. But dated a guy once--literally, we went out once, and he tried to justify with scripture why we could have sex without reprocutions. I am working on speaking the word into my own life in all areas--this one included and it is amazing how when you start talking Gods words over yourself how things will turn around for his good and not for your own personal gain. I agree at the subtlty of the devil. Once you get hip to his games, he has to become more clever to fool you. Sending a good Christian into yourlife can be a wonderful thing, but like you said, that can also be a trick---been there, done that. Good Christian upstanding men struggle too and when their struggle is also your struggle, then it may be best not to be together alone at all---not even in the car(seriously).

This has been my experience as well. It's by no means easy but boo and I hold each other accountable--the things I wear or say, the things he says the way he looks at me/touches me--everything matters when trying to be in a Godly relationship :yep:. I also think courtship is more in tune with Christians romantic needs rather than mainstream dating. Boo and I take separate cars and I've never EVER been with him alone. Oh we've been tempted to "sneak" and meet alone but it's really not worth it b/c we both know that we are setting the other up for failure. We will surely fall if we are alone. It's a selfish desire and we are NOT to be stumbling blocks for our brothers and sisters. :nono:
ita and people need to realize right is right and wrong is wrong and you can't justify wrong.

Exactly. It amazes me the excuses that some of us as Christians will make for the blatant sins we commit. Oh people will easily say that robbing someone or beating someone is a sin...but will give a million reasons why fornication or homosexuality should be alright. The Bible is clear. But often when our feelings are so caught up in something or someone, we allow are minds to be clouded. In order for us to live right, we need to accept sin as sin.
That is how the devil does. Afterall, he is the ruler over the fleshly things, so he knows what to do to get at your flesh---Your Adam. He knows exactly what we all struggle with and that is what he goes after

Praise God for your wisdom. SMH SMH. Wow. Everything you said here is on point. First of all, when I was struggling with it, I noticed that there were songs that would bring back memories or movies or whatever and that is when my flesh began to get the best of me. Yes, yes and yes. These songs out here are subconsciencly persuasive when it comes to your mind, emotions, heart, etc. Sometimes you may just be jammin' to it and sometimes your mind actually goes there to past occurences. The song may be over but I think part of you is weaker by listening to the song. There were many times when I had to just turn the channel, fastforward a movie, etc. I will admit, even when I am on BHM, I have slipped up sometimes and went in the sex section.:blush: Knowing that I was trying to be celibate but right now, I'm just confused and conflicted.:nono:The devil will give you want you think you want, when you are not wanting what the will of God says is best for you. He will make you feel fulfilled and satisfied. I find that if I get too comfortable, that there is actually something wrong. Being a Christian is not always a confortable life to live. Let's not talk about those who willfully fornicate. I was one--to an extent. But dated a guy once--literally, we went out once, and he tried to justify with scripture why we could have sex without reprocutions. What scriptures did he use, if that ain't straight from the debil!:nono: Just like when Jesus was on that mountain and Satan came trying to twist scripture. I will admit, I do know right from wrong and no one can tell me something is ok when I know it is wrong. I am working on speaking the word into my own life in all areas--this one included and it is amazing how when you start talking Gods words over yourself how things will turn around for his good and not for your own personal gain. I agree at the subtlty of the devil. Once you get hip to his games, he has to become more clever to fool you. Sending a good Christian into yourlife can be a wonderful thing, but like you said, that can also be a trick---been there, done that. Good Christian upstanding men struggle too and when their struggle is also your struggle, then it may be best not to be together alone at all---not even in the car(seriously).
a lot of people feel that way and that is sad. why choose death?

Please, I don't even want to go to hell. I can't imagine or maybe I can imagine being seperated from God, the source of life forever. I don't want that but even moreso, I don't like the feeling I feel when I deliberately disappoint God. He's done so much for me but at this point in my life, I feel like how many years will I have to wait for my husband? And what if it is a good man but the only disagreement may be the celibacy part?
Exactly. It amazes me the excuses that some of us as Christians will make for the blatant sins we commit. Oh people will easily say that robbing someone or beating someone is a sin...but will give a million reasons why fornication or homosexuality should be alright. The Bible is clear. But often when our feelings are so caught up in something or someone, we allow are minds to be clouded. In order for us to live right, we need to accept sin as sin.

Yeah, I def. know what the bible says is a sin is a sin. I can't even make up any clever lies for any of them but the consequences show us that they are sins though.
In my area there are many preachers/Pastors who live like this. People flock to their church because they would dare not touch that topic in their sermons. Many also are married yet sleeping around with several church members. It is going to be a whole lot of "Church Folk" in hell!
Glib, are you specifically speaking about those who are not married? I need this clarification before I can answer!
Does anyone have a friend or relative that is a Christian (and not just the "I go to church every once in a while/Christmas/Mother's Day/Easter" folk, but the up in church every week, can quote scripture and verse, gives their tithe type of Christian) who regularly has sex? (Or perhaps you are that person . . . .) How does that person feel about it? Are they conflicted? Or do they rationalize it? If so, how? How do you feel about this person and their faith -- do you think they're hypocrites?

Please ladies, let's not judge. Rather let's help each other be the people God wants us to be . . . .


I am one who did and like many others I enjoyed it. It wasn't untill I recongized that this joy was made from a painful past that I changed. NOW, I have to admit that I enjoy clubbing, ....I'm the one you'll see along the wall observing others. I could with good conscious "hang" at the club all night....go home alone....and be the 3rd person in church Sunday morning.

I have a male friend that use to constantly get on me about going to the club (house of Ill repute). I finally shut him down when I explained that I had not spent all night fornicating with someone like he and his girlfriend did regularly then be the 1st & 2nd person on the pews.

I had to tell him to let God be the Judge! In either case God judges the heart, not the deed; never forget that.
I am one who did and like many others I enjoyed it. It wasn't untill I recongized that this joy was made from a painful past that I changed. NOW, I have to admit that I enjoy clubbing, ....I'm the one you'll see along the wall observing others. I could with good conscious "hang" at the club all night....go home alone....and be the 3rd person in church Sunday morning.

I have a male friend that use to constantly get on me about going to the club (house of Ill repute). I finally shut him down when I explained that I had not spent all night fornicating with someone like he and his girlfriend did regularly then be the 1st & 2nd person on the pews.

I had to tell him to let God be the Judge! In either case God judges the heart, not the deed; never forget that.

My friend and I were talking about this, about the difference between lounges and clubs. She doesn't really think lounges are all that good or rather she wanted to know my intention for going to a lounge. she knows I don't go to clubs and haven't been since about a year and a half ago. The whole atmosphere is so immature and too extra for me. I don't want to see girls grinding on girls/guys, shaking their butt, people throwing up, etc.

Now a lounge is just a more sophisticated atmosphere cause' it's basitcally a place where you can go and see, be seen, network, converse with you friends, listen to some nice music, maybe sip a drink or two, enjoy the scenery. Those are my reasons for going to a nice, upscale lounge. Plus, it is a less sexually charged atmosphere even though I know people can sit up and have a nice conversation with a dude and still go home with him just like they can dance with a guy and go home with him too. but I think a lounge is less likely to have that hppen.:yep:
I thought I was the only one who didn't see a problem with going to a club/lounge. I have never gone to a club for anything other than to hang out, and have fun. Now back in the day I was tipsy and grinding, but the last few times I went, I enjoyed the friends I went out with and observed. bobbed my head but that is about it.
My friend and I were talking about this, about the difference between lounges and clubs. She doesn't really think lounges are all that good or rather she wanted to know my intention for going to a lounge. she knows I don't go to clubs and haven't been since about a year and a half ago. The whole atmosphere is so immature and too extra for me. I don't want to see girls grinding on girls/guys, shaking their butt, people throwing up, etc.

Now a lounge is just a more sophisticated atmosphere cause' it's basitcally a place where you can go and see, be seen, network, converse with you friends, listen to some nice music, maybe sip a drink or two, enjoy the scenery. Those are my reasons for going to a nice, upscale lounge. Plus, it is a less sexually charged atmosphere even though I know people can sit up and have a nice conversation with a dude and still go home with him just like they can dance with a guy and go home with him too. but I think a lounge is less likely to have that hppen.:yep:

If I do go out I go to lounges. God willing my church will be opening a Christian lounge next year. There will be no alcohol and the music will be clean but it will still be a nice place for Christians to mingle and relax. I'm sooo excited :grin:
If I do go out I go to lounges. God willing my church will be opening a Christian lounge next year. There will be no alcohol and the music will be clean but it will still be a nice place for Christians to mingle and relax. I'm sooo excited :grin:

A Christian lounge would be lovely.
I would admonish those of us who are struggling with sexual sins to guard your heart with all dilligence. Be careful of what you expose yourself to. That means if you're single don't listen to love songs and watch intimate scenes in movies and on tv. If you're trying to abstain, listening to and watching stuff that you COULD be doing is not going to help the situation at all. Also avoid fellowship with folks who are willfully fornicating. You need to be around strong saints, iron sharpens iron. Those are temptations that can be easily avoided.

Folks say that the fastest way to get from point A to point B is a straight line. Well the fastest way to get to get from your point A, your sin life, to your point B to God's will for your lives, where you want to be is the straight truth of God's Word. Our wills are the strongest thing on earth. The only thing that breaks it is the Word of God applied to our situations. If you want to stop sinning, apply what God says about it to your life by repeating/speaking the Word of God over it until you've conquered your flesh. Find and memorize every scripture that speaks against fornication/sexual sins and say it until it becomes a part of you. It's the quickest,easiest most efficient way to get out of our messes. Saying "I'm just not going to do so and so anymore" is not gonna cut it. You'll be prone to backslide. It's the Word of God, not ours, that's powerful and pulls down these sexual strongholds. Repeat the Word over your areas of weakness.

The devil becomes more subtle the stronger you become. Because he knows he can't pull just any old crap with you, he'll come at you with a "Christian" mate because he knows you'll know he's setting you up if he throws a sinner your way. Don't become so comfortable with someone that you let your guard down little by little and find yourself in a sinful relationship with him.

Be especially cautious when you find yourself becoming stronger in the Lord and have successfully become abstinate. That's when the test comes.

Thank you!
If I do go out I go to lounges. God willing my church will be opening a Christian lounge next year. There will be no alcohol and the music will be clean but it will still be a nice place for Christians to mingle and relax. I'm sooo excited :grin:

That pastor Craig G. Lewis acts like people shouldn't even do that. I don't know about him, he seems to extreme. Some of the things he says is right but I don't agree with everything he says.
That pastor Craig G. Lewis acts like people shouldn't even do that. I don't know about him, he seems to extreme. Some of the things he says is right but I don't agree with everything he says.

That's crazy! Christians have social needs too. I think that's the problem with a lot of people, they think all fun must end when one becomes a Christian. I'm sorry but I don't believe that God expects us to not fellowship with others outside of church. We believe (at my church) that the church should supply all of our needs including entertainment therefore we as Christians will not have to look to the world for entertainment and constantly worry about what is going in our ear and eye gates because we have our own. :yep:
I am surprised by the amount of people who don't see a conflict with following Christ and fornicating. I TOTALLY understand the temptation and falling to the temptation but to write it off as okay is incongruent with scriptures.

I always get confused like when someone in the relationship forum was talking about living with their S.O. and then when they get married they want him to be the head of the household, God willing. Or there was one who proclaimed Christ but then in a poll about could you be with a man who didn't want to have premarital sex, she said no she couldn't.
Does anyone have a friend or relative that is a Christian (and not just the "I go to church every once in a while/Christmas/Mother's Day/Easter" folk, but the up in church every week, can quote scripture and verse, gives their tithe type of Christian) who regularly has sex? (Or perhaps you are that person . . . .) How does that person feel about it? Are they conflicted? Or do they rationalize it? If so, how? How do you feel about this person and their faith -- do you think they're hypocrites?

Please ladies, let's not judge. Rather let's help each other be the people God wants us to be . . . .



I know this is an older thread but I wanted to say that my good friend is a practicing Christian who loves the Lord but I have to say she made poor choices (just cause we are Christian doesn't mean we will always make the best decision) and she is divorcing her husband because they just don't get along so now she is dating and not divorced yet and having sex with the guy :blush: I was shock and surprise but I guess we all stumble and become decieved by the angel of light. as of now she is not convicted but she is depressed as heck :( So something in her spirit is telling her she not right.

All I do is pray for her. I never corrected her but I told her that she needs to spend time alone with the Lord and working on her relationship with him but her "sex-friend" is only hindering her.

I don't think she's a hyprocrite, I just think she's decieve and confused. It's easy to get trapped into lies.
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God will deal with His people. Just like he did with me when I played the game. It's been 8 years since. If you ever feel spurned to challenge (with gentleness and respect) someone you know who is making this choice then you be sure to do it! Open rebuke is better than secret love. That will save their life. The one thing we must rememeber about God, He is patient BUT He will allow for consequences to our choices. I know Him. He is "tapping" their shoulders (convicting). He's warning them. He's giving them a way of escape before something irrepairable and humiliating happens.

He desires to spare us the pain. Just as parents do with their children. They warn them but essentially it is the child that has to make the decision to heed. Anyone naming the name of Christ and at the same time making an excuse for having murderous urges would not be tolerated in the church but fornication in the pulpit and the pews is ignored.

Yes! God will deal with His people.
. If you ever feel spurned to challenge (with gentleness and respect) someone you know who is making this choice then you be sure to do it! Open rebuke is better than secret love. That will save their life.

You know, you are so right. I'm afraid for her to be honest that the consequence will be greater

I had a friend that continued seeing her secret lover after she got a divorce and I openly rebuked her and told her "U have to stop seeing this guy, he's not ur man and belongs to someone else"

She openly rebuke me back and said "He's not married to her so I am going to continue seeing him and how do u know ur hearing from God"
She continue seeing him, had 2 kids from him and married the guy-he ended up robbing a bank and is in prision now for 25+ years so now she is struggling alone with the kids and lonely cause she is married to the guy.

U are right when u say that God will allow the consequences for our choices to follow
I would admonish those of us who are struggling with sexual sins to guard your heart with all dilligence. Be careful of what you expose yourself to. That means if you're single don't listen to love songs and watch intimate scenes in movies and on tv. If you're trying to abstain, listening to and watching stuff that you COULD be doing is not going to help the situation at all. Also avoid fellowship with folks who are willfully fornicating. You need to be around strong saints, iron sharpens iron. Those are temptations that can be easily avoided.

Folks say that the fastest way to get from point A to point B is a straight line. Well the fastest way to get to get from your point A, your sin life, to your point B to God's will for your lives, where you want to be is the straight truth of God's Word. Our wills are the strongest thing on earth. The only thing that breaks it is the Word of God applied to our situations. If you want to stop sinning, apply what God says about it to your life by repeating/speaking the Word of God over it until you've conquered your flesh. Find and memorize every scripture that speaks against fornication/sexual sins and say it until it becomes a part of you. It's the quickest,easiest most efficient way to get out of our messes. Saying "I'm just not going to do so and so anymore" is not gonna cut it. You'll be prone to backslide. It's the Word of God, not ours, that's powerful and pulls down these sexual strongholds. Repeat the Word over your areas of weakness.

The devil becomes more subtle the stronger you become. Because he knows he can't pull just any old crap with you, he'll come at you with a "Christian" mate because he knows you'll know he's setting you up if he throws a sinner your way. Don't become so comfortable with someone that you let your guard down little by little and find yourself in a sinful relationship with him.

Be especially cautious when you find yourself becoming stronger in the Lord and have successfully become abstinate. That's when the test comes.

This is EXACTLY what happened to me!! It was a trusted brother from my prayer group. We would have NEVER looked at each other that way but one day he just started to "notice" me and I "responded". Soon we would hang out at my house (DUMB!) "watching tv" (more like watching each other) . The first few times we would hug and eventually we ended up kissing. I haven't felt the same since. This has gone on for 2 years. We both would feel convicted for our behaviour so we would stay away from each other for a while and then we would see each other and be right back in the same place.

No we never had sex but to me the soul tie created from all the kissing and hugging did just as much damage to both of us. It wasn't often but it was enough.

I would have never thought I would do this . Not that I beleive I am above sinning. But if it were a stranger , he would have NEVER been allowed in my home and I would have NEVER made dinner for him or anything else I did for my friend. Playing house is a set-up!

I still beleive to this day that the whole thing was a trick from the enemy or a test from the Lord. I do not beleive we are meant to be anything more than friends.

This is EXACTLY what happened to me!! It was a trusted brother from my prayer group. We would have NEVER looked at each other that way but one day he just started to "notice" me and I "responded". Soon we would hang out at my house (DUMB!) "watching tv" (more like watching each other) . The first few times we would hug and eventually we ended up kissing. I haven't felt the same since. This has gone on for 2 years. We both would feel convicted for our behaviour so we would stay away from each other for a while and then we would see each other and be right back in the same place.

No we never had sex but to me the soul tie created from all the kissing and hugging did just as much damage to both of us. It wasn't often but it was enough.

I would have never thought I would do this . Not that I beleive I am above sinning. But if it were a stranger , he would have NEVER been allowed in my home and I would have NEVER made dinner for him or anything else I did for my friend. Playing house is a set-up!

I still beleive to this day that the whole thing was a trick from the enemy or a test from the Lord. I do not beleive we are meant to be anything more than friends.

Regarding the bolded, you are sooo right! It sounds like you have gained a lot of wisdom. I hope we all learn these lessons. We TOTALLY buy into what the world says is okay about "dating" which translates into a reality of spending time alone together in each other's home, eating and talking and becoming intimate (not necessarily sexual). This is definitely a set-up. I'm so glad you have seen it for what it is.
I would admonish those of us who are struggling with sexual sins to guard your heart with all dilligence. Be careful of what you expose yourself to. That means if you're single don't listen to love songs and watch intimate scenes in movies and on tv. If you're trying to abstain, listening to and watching stuff that you COULD be doing is not going to help the situation at all. Also avoid fellowship with folks who are willfully fornicating. You need to be around strong saints, iron sharpens iron. Those are temptations that can be easily avoided.

Folks say that the fastest way to get from point A to point B is a straight line. Well the fastest way to get to get from your point A, your sin life, to your point B to God's will for your lives, where you want to be is the straight truth of God's Word. Our wills are the strongest thing on earth. The only thing that breaks it is the Word of God applied to our situations. If you want to stop sinning, apply what God says about it to your life by repeating/speaking the Word of God over it until you've conquered your flesh. Find and memorize every scripture that speaks against fornication/sexual sins and say it until it becomes a part of you. It's the quickest,easiest most efficient way to get out of our messes. Saying "I'm just not going to do so and so anymore" is not gonna cut it. You'll be prone to backslide. It's the Word of God, not ours, that's powerful and pulls down these sexual strongholds. Repeat the Word over your areas of weakness.

The devil becomes more subtle the stronger you become. Because he knows he can't pull just any old crap with you, he'll come at you with a "Christian" mate because he knows you'll know he's setting you up if he throws a sinner your way. Don't become so comfortable with someone that you let your guard down little by little and find yourself in a sinful relationship with him.

Be especially cautious when you find yourself becoming stronger in the Lord and have successfully become abstinate. That's when the test comes.

WOW. I cannot thank you enough Ms.Honey. I truly believe I was led to read this post. I recently was on a spiritual high with God spending much time in prayer and devotion, really seeking his face. Not asking for anything but just more of Him. I was in needed to reach another level in our relationship.

I was also successfully remaining abstinate. I recently reunited with a friend from the past and needless to say my flesh succumbed. We didn't have intercourse but what we did was well over what was appriopriate. I still can't believe it. I cannot believe that I could go from being so high spirtiually to being soo low. I can barely look at myself in the mirror. I am struggling to forgive myself and I don't even know what to say to God.

I have taken note of everything you have mentioned and it I especially guarding my heart. ..