christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans,bi

" Houston’s bathrooms, showers, and dressing facilities will now be open to all, regardless of gender, gender identity, gender expression, or other predilection of gender behavior. By an 11-6 vote of the Houston City Council, Mayor Annise Parker achieved this as the crowning jewel of her tenure as mayor.

Mayor Parker, Houston’s first openly gay mayor, said passing this ordinance was not the most important thing she has done in office, according to an article in the Fairfield Citizen, but it is the “most personally meaningful thing I will ever do as mayor.”

She should be removed from office and I bet she will as soon as some pervert of gay persuasion or one who pretends transgender assaults a lttle girl in a bathroom. This is opening up all kinds of worms in addition to the perversions we already are suffering from in society.

I live in Houston. We were just talking about this. The day I see a none female in the female bathroom is going to be one to witness. I can't take this. I just can't. I don't care what they call themselves ,if you we're born with whatever gender that's the bathroom you should be using. Think of the higher risk of the spread of std's now, easier access for sex perverts etc. I really can't to this. It makes me want to lock my doors and hide under the covers. I am scared to have children in today's world, what their spirits will be up against terrifies me.

My question is if I was to Go into the mans bathroom who would stop me ? I would just say I identify as a man so there. How do they try determine what someone's gender identity is? All they know is what I tell them. If they quote me on not looking like a common day trans etc all I have to pull is the stereo typing card and no one can say anything. This is Babylon.
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Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

I can't change a gay person.

But I think we can expect support (political) from conservative gay representation that is not afraid to stand up and say, "this nonsense is enough." I'm waiting...and waiting...and :look: A good majority of people do not support this craziness. Couldn't be!

And G-d forbid anyone be directly harmed as a result of this madness and gross oversight...but I'm sure there must be those of LGBT that will be furious they are going to be depicted as such. I hope it doesn't get to that point. Kinda like the Middle-eastern community that is largely afraid and silent on speaking out against illegally practiced sharia and terrorism defaming the name of Muslims worldwide. They must stand up. It's no longer just a religious issue. :nono:

I'm not waiting... people are taking action and they have my full support.
Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

" Houston’s bathrooms, showers, and dressing facilities will now be open to all, regardless of gender, gender identity, gender expression, or other predilection of gender behavior. By an 11-6 vote of the Houston City Council, Mayor Annise Parker achieved this as the crowning jewel of her tenure as mayor.

Mayor Parker, Houston’s first openly gay mayor, said passing this ordinance was not the most important thing she has done in office, according to an article in the Fairfield Citizen, but it is the “most personally meaningful thing I will ever do as mayor.”


She should be removed from office and I bet she will as soon as some pervert of gay persuasion or one who pretends transgender assaults a lttle girl in a bathroom. This is opening up all kinds of worms in addition to the perversions we already are suffering from in society.

This same law took effect in my state, California, in January 2014. The law includes giving students the right to use whatever locker room or bathroom they decide to use based on whatever gender they say they identify with, and high schools/middle schools are scrambling to determine what to do on overnight school trips. Now....unless my husband or myself were present as a chaperon in our son's or daughter's cabin, there will be no overnight school trips for our children. However, this new law, signed by our governor, Jerry Brown, does indeed allow boys to sleep in girls accommodations and girls in boys accommodations if the students says that they identify as that particular gender. This is sick!

Oh, and my sister and niece went to Victoria's Secret. They discovered that the "women" they thought were working there, were really men dressed as women. They were unable to tell physically. They did not know this until the men spoke ans they heard the deep voices and saw the Adam's apples at he base of their throats. My niece was very disturbed by this. There is now way that men should be working at Victoria's Secret!

We just had our election for governor today. I pray that Jerry Brown is removed!
Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

This same law took effect in my state, California, in January 2014. The law includes giving students the right to use whatever locker room or bathroom they decide to use based on whatever gender they say they identify with, and high schools/middle schools are scrambling to determine what to do on overnight school trips. Now....unless my husband or myself were present as a chaperon in our son's or daughter's cabin, there will be no overnight school trips for our children. However, this new law, signed by our governor, Jerry Brown, does indeed allow boys to sleep in girls accommodations and girls in boys accommodations if the students says that they identify as that particular gender. This is sick!

Oh, and my sister and niece went to Victoria's Secret. They discovered that the "women" they thought were working there, were really men dressed as women. They were unable to tell physically. They did not know this until the men spoke ans they heard the deep voices and saw the Adam's apples at he base of their throats. My niece was very disturbed by this. There is now way that men should be working at Victoria's Secret!

We just had our election for governor today. I pray that Jerry Brown is removed!

I promise that if a man ever comes into a bathroom where I am, he'll be too scared to ever do it again.
Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

I took my son to the bathroom with me for years. When he was old enough to tell the difference with the lady in the dress and the man in the pants symbols by the doorways he wanted to go in the men's rooms. Some places have family bathrooms. If I were faced with this as I may well be, we all have to go in the bathroom's where mom goes and use the stalls. If all the men's rooms had stalls instead of the urinal type devices it would be safer. This is just becoming more and more twisted. You are dressed as a woman and demand to use the men's rooms. I think decency laws and moral code laws are in order. Males with males, and females with females defies the natural order. I still think that men desiring men is being without natural affection. This could also be applied to despising parents that have been good to you. I am just full these days. Acts in the nation are destroying the innocence of children. I still like movies that had better moral choices (old ones with people dressed in clothes).
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Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

I took my son to the bathroom with me for years. When he was old enough to tell the difference with the lady in the dress and the man in the pants symbols by the doorways he wanted to go in the men's rooms. Some places have family bathrooms.

If I were faced with this as I may well be, we all have to go in the bathroom's where mom goes and use the stalls. If all the men's rooms had stalls instead of the urinal type devices it would be safer.

This is just becoming more and more twisted. You are dressed as a woman and demand to use the men's rooms. I think decency laws and moral code laws are in order. Males with males, and females with females defies the natural order. I still think that men desiring men is being without natural affection. This could also be applied to despising parents that have been good to you. I am just full these days. Acts in the nation are destroying the innocence of children.

I still like movies that had better moral choices (old ones with people dressed in clothes).

:grouphug2: I'm feeling 'full' as well felic1. I'm so tired of this mess.

My other concerns are in the schools with boys dressed as girls (as pretense) to gain access into the girl's restrooms, locker rooms, and God forbid... the 'Showers' after taking gym.

When I went to school, there was a separate gym class from the girls and boys and of course separate facilities.

I'm so done with this mess. I am not sitting still nor will I be kept quiet nor inactive. Something is about to change and God is at the forefront and God does not EVER loss in battle. Bottomline: "We Got This" and God is not playing games.

I'm reminded of this scripture:

"Come, and let us go over unto the garrison of these uncircumcised: it may be that ...the LORD will work for us: for there is no restraint to the LORD to save by many or by few."

(I Samuel 14:6)

:woohoo2: The Lord WILL work for us, for there is NO RESTRAINT to the Lord.... NO Restraint... None! There is no restraint to the Lord, to save by many or by few.

Nothing and no one is going to stop God from winning this battle for us. Jesus told US -- His followers, to 'occupy' until He comes. Not the devil, not the gay agenda, not terrorists, not anyone else, but US... to occupy, take charge of, to own, this Earth until He comes.

I'm taking charge. For there is no restraint that can stop us from doing so. None!

God's Word gives me LIFE! Praise His Name Forever!
Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

Laela.... behave :lachen: I am soooooo soooo, so serious.

They better be 'sitting' on that toilet seat. I better not hear a long distance stream of water with both feet standing facing the commode.

By the time I'm done, they'll be 'scared straight'. I'm so serious.
Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

I saw the gay manifest on another thread. I opened the link. It downloaded. Now I think my phone is unclean, unclean. unclean. The boy that shot the blondes in California had a manifest also. He said he was the Alpha Male. Now, because the lifestyle is unnatural they have reduced partner choices. It is frustrating to them to look for a partner because the numbers are low( Thank God!). This is part of the factor that we see demonstrated when they went over to Lot's house to gang rape or pull a train on the angels. Lot said, No don't go there. I have these VIRGIN MARRIED WOMEN HERE UNTOUCHED BY MAN. TAKE THEM. The gang said heck to the no. How many married women with unconsummated marriages were in Sodom? Remember, the question was if there be 10 righteous, I will not destroy the city. The birth rate was EXTREMELY LOW. He said be fruitful and multiply. Sodom could not obey that word from the Lord.:heated:
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Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

I promise that if a man ever comes into a bathroom where I am, he'll be too scared to ever do it again.

Okay!!! :lachen: The original equipment may no longer be present afterwards if he tries it while I'm in there! I guess I have to keep my Vaseline on hand and be prepared to remove my earrings at any time :lachen:

Okay...on a serious note....this foolishness makes me sick! I'm tired of it and I refuse to be silent so the darkness can increase. We are to be salt and light...we cannot afford to waste the voice God has given us. We have to keep speaking out, voting only for elected officials who support Biblical principles, and we have to seek God and be vigilant about protecting our children. As the Word says, if God is for us so who can be against us?
Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

Okay!!! :lachen: The original equipment may no longer be present afterwards if he tries it while I'm in there! I guess I have to keep my Vaseline on hand and be prepared to remove my earrings at any time :lachen:

Okay...on a serious note....this foolishness makes me sick! I'm tired of it and I refuse to be silent so the darkness can increase. We are to be salt and light...we cannot afford to waste the voice God has given us. We have to keep speaking out, voting only for elected officials who support Biblical principles, and we have to seek God and be vigilant about protecting our children. As the Word says, if God is for us so who can be against us?


Thank you so much for your love for God and for your faith which strengthens my faith. Truly your are a beautiful 'Pearl' of God's love and wisdom.
Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

bumping for the weekend.............