christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans,bi

Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

I'm still here ladies and I thank you all for your advice. I am reading and praying. Thank you.


Girl, you thought your beautiful hair was curly twirly, but this is one topic that takes on a life of its own. It has the vortex of a cyclone and the rumbles of a tsunami. I will not count the height of the waves... :look:

Nevertheless, just bring your Bible and speak to the mountains, be thou removed, in Jesus' Name.

Works every time. :yep:
Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

Ladies you have all given me so much to consider. Thank you so very much. My spirit is very much appreciating this. I am in an environment were I'm am being made to feel belittled and unintelligent for my belief in a " sky fairy" as someone told me. I was called insufferable for responding in a very meek Christian manner when asked why I had a pro life - pro family sticker on my bumper at work yesterday . The Guy who asked was a co worker and he went off on me after all I said was that because of my faith I support the traditional definition of marriage. I disengaged and told him had to to clock and and was not here to debate with him. He said it was because I was an intolerant sheep bigot who used a 2000 year old book to defend my hatred. He has been talking with my other co workers as well and now I feel like everyone is talking about me. Needless to say I feel very alienated today. He even brought up how many churches are excepting of gays and even do gay marriages now etc.

Wow. He sounds like the bigot. You should never be afraid to explain or share your beliefs. Of course do so with respect, humility and love, but also be firm and not a push-over.
Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

Wow. He sounds like the bigot. You should never be afraid to explain or share your beliefs. Of course do so with respect, humility and love, but also firm and not a push-over.

Thank you for the bolded Galadriel :love2:

:thatsall: The key to standing for our faith.
Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

How did I miss this thread? I need to catch up.
Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

How did I miss this thread? I need to catch up.

momi, please come back and share from the perspective as being a Pastor's wife as well as a Minister. I value your input on this. I hope that others will see thread and share as well.

I wish that Nice & Wavy were here to share her wisdom.

I would love to see this as a 'Support Thread' -- "Iron Sharpens Iron". Here we stand with and for one another as we contend for our Faith upon which we stand, Jesus Our Rock and Saviour Forever.

Tagging to Share Wisdom:

Iwanthealthyhair67, Sashaa08, Blackpearl1993, donna894, TraciChanel, HighlyFavored08, BlackHairDiva, Prudent1, divine,
Belle Du Jour, MrsHaseeb, Laela, paradise1975, , nlamr2013
BEAUTYU2U, 2buttonsnow3, , GodivaChocolate, claudzie, LadyBugsy
mensa, @crlsweetie712, DeLiGhTfulmane,

Yikes! I'm drawing a blank here! I need more names. :drunk: There are so many more precious members here with such valued wisdom... I'm rushing as I type and now I'm drawing blanks because I'm multi-tasking. I apologize for this... I don't want anyone to feel that I have left them out.

Ladies, please tag others who can add value and wisdom to this important issue. As Christians, we each have valuable advice and support on how to handle these situations and while some may differ, it can still be of help to those who are being challenged in their faith and taking a firm stand.

"Contend for the Faith". God is worth it and so are precious souls in darkness!
Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

Yeah, I wanna know if he got fired yet for harassment.
Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

I'm part of the Wisdom team? :look: *sheds single Denzel tear* :lol: Let me go back and read the thread.
Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

I'm part of the Wisdom team? :look: *sheds single Denzel tear* :lol: Let me go back and read the thread.


Yes, Beauty you are. :yep: And I am quite serious.

You have a perspective that may help others. You are a phenomenal socially active person. How do you interact with family, friends, associates, and other social events. Sooner or later you get challenged by someone for your faith in Jesus. How do you respond and stand firm for your faith in God?

For the record, I am not being shady as some may think. This is very serious. :yep:

There are several others here, but I'm misspelling their screen names or I'm not recalling their names unless I 'see' them. So, I'm not leaving anyone out, My mind is in three different places right now, at my desk multi-tasking. :yep:

Please help if you can, who am I missing? and thanks Beauty. :love2:
Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

I'm a 'hate the sin, love the person' kind ... I don't advocate hurting/killing people because of homosexuality, that just creates more sin, does it not? To me, people overuse some words (bigot, judgmental, etc) I can disagree and point out what the Bible states ... how does that make me an ignorant person? It is what it is. With that said, I have a close friend (best friend) who is bisexual. She knows I have Christian values and we would disagree about the 'equal marriage' debate. I deal with her relationships and she deals with my potty mouth. See, all sinners! :lol:

I believe some people are born homosexual. I consider it their cross to bear. Some people are born with addictive personalities or hypersexual spirit. Of course, we can nurture those things or divert them. I see it as some people struggle with vanity, greed, etc. all their lives and this is no different. Now that's just my personal view ... don't know if that's backed up in the Bible or not :lol:
Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

I'm a 'hate the sin, love the person' kind ... I don't advocate hurting/killing people because of homosexuality, that just creates more sin, does it not? To me, people overuse some words (bigot, judgmental, etc) I can disagree and point out what the Bible states ... how does that make me an ignorant person? It is what it is. With that said, I have a close friend (best friend) who is bisexual. She knows I have Christian values and we would disagree about the 'equal marriage' debate. I deal with her relationships and she deals with my potty mouth. See, all sinners! :lol:

I believe some people are born homosexual. I consider it their cross to bear. Some people are born with addictive personalities or hypersexual spirit. Of course, we can nurture those things or divert them. I see it as some people struggle with vanity, greed, etc. all their lives and this is no different. Now that's just my personal view ... don't know if that's backed up in the Bible or not :lol:

Beauty, thank you for sharing. I mean this. You took a chance and you shared. Thank you. :love2:
Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

No problem. IRL, I'll tell people the same thing. I don't think I've ever been 'challenged' ... well, not yet, regarding my Christianity. My aunt told me she had the most push back when she was a "Baby Christian" and new in her faith. I'm still building my faith and learning so I tend not to talk too much until I know what I'm talking about.
Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

No problem. IRL, I'll tell people the same thing. I don't think I've ever been 'challenged' ... well, not yet, regarding my Christianity. My aunt told me she had the most push back when she was a "Baby Christian" and new in her faith. I'm still building my faith and learning so I tend not to talk too much until I know what I'm talking about.

We're moving into realm where our Faith and the Bible's Truth will be challenged and persecuted. For us, here, it's just the 'Forum' who's the big bad wolf. You already know where I stand and I'm too far gone to turn back.

Beauty, I can't turn back for there are too many watching and waiting to see if I will. I have to contend for the Faith because I love it too much not to. God's Word is always ready to spring up from me no matter where I am or who I am around. I know you can bear witness to this, you've seen me in action :lol:

Beauty, I can't turn back. That's how strong God's Word is in me. When folks (IRL) would ostracize me for my faith, I remember standing stronger and because of it, I saw my son delivered from drugs, my mom healed and my dad healed, my sisters delivered and so much more in other's lives. And I'm boasting of Jesus...NOT Shimmie... NO way, :nono::nono: No way, can I boast of myself. :nono::nono: But I boast of God who has never failed me with His promises in His Word which I took hold of and believed.

Beauty, the things that God has done, only because I believed. This is why I stand so strong and unmovable. This is why I won't turn back. I believe Him, Beauty. When God says, sin is sin, then it's sin. It cannot win. When God says, trust Him, I choose to trust Him. God is the life and breath of me and for this, I stand as well. He's our God who deserves our utmost in believing and standing no matter what.

I love you, precious Sister. You've always been 'fair' to me Beauty. You've seen my stand, and you've always been fair, even when we disagreed.

I thank you again for posting in this message.

God bless you and I mean this far beyond words. :yep:

I just want all of us to come together on some common ground and strengthen each other no matter how / what we differ. I'm so tired of the fighting. Again, Beauty, I thank you.

Your Sister, in Christ. :love2:
Always, Shimmie
Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

I don't tend to discuss it however, the principle I use towards everyone is simply love. In other words, they would know that I am not in favour of their lifestyles and choices but through showing them love which I think sometimes equates to respect, they at least know my stance on the issue without the 'harshness'

When I have children, the best I can do is to teach them the word of God and to let them know that all these variations exist, that way they are not caught off guard but fully armed for whatever. HTH
Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

I don't tend to discuss it however, the principle I use towards everyone is simply love. In other words, they would know that I am not in favour of their lifestyles and choices but through showing them love which I think sometimes equates to respect, they at least know my stance on the issue without the 'harshness'

When I have children, the best I can do is to teach them the word of God and to let them know that all these variations exist, that way they are not caught off guard but fully armed for whatever. HTH

claudzie, thank you so much for sharing. Your message has more value than you may realize and you are strengthening far more people than you will ever know. It's what God's Word calls 'bearing' witness and strengthening / encouraging one another.

Your children though not yet born, are truly blessed and as Proverbs 31 states, '... Her husband shall praise her and her children shall rise up and call her 'Blessed'.

The word blessed has many definitions, one of which is:

"To say something 'good about".

This shall always be you. Therefore, Mrs. "Claudzie, you are truly blessed... ":love2:
If this were true, then judges would not be overruling the voting rights of those who oppose gay marriage. In every single state where gay marriage has been legalized the majority of the people voted against it and their votes were overruled by a judge as being unconstitutional. Don't believe the hype on that 55% or other exaggerated stats. It's a ploy to make 'others' think the lifestyle is acceptable more than it is not. I'll be back a little later to answer the topic of your thread, if that's okay with you. :yep:

That's a very important point Shimmie. Even in liberal CA when gay marriage went to he ballot the majority voted against it. I do believe a lot more people are against it but they are afraid to say so, hence the opinion polls showing support while the secret ballot votes show the opposite.
I don't tend to discuss it however, the principle I use towards everyone is simply love. In other words, they would know that I am not in favour of their lifestyles and choices but through showing them love which I think sometimes equates to respect, they at least know my stance on the issue without the 'harshness'

When I have children, the best I can do is to teach them the word of God and to let them know that all these variations exist, that way they are not caught off guard but fully armed for whatever. HTH

I like this. Some of the most wonderful Christians I know never even have to say they're Christian. It's in every action, every interaction they have with other people. Love. I don't mean that they don't speak about Christ, go to church, etc. I just mean they have an "aura" about themselves. Peace? That's what I aspire to be. :yep:
Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

Ladies you have all given me so much to consider. Thank you so very much. My spirit is very much appreciating this. I am in an environment were I'm am being made to feel belittled and unintelligent for my belief in a " sky fairy" as someone told me. I was called insufferable for responding in a very meek Christian manner when asked why I had a pro life - pro family sticker on my bumper at work yesterday . The Guy who asked was a co worker and he went off on me after all I said was that because of my faith I support the traditional definition of marriage. I disengaged and told him had to to clock and and was not here to debate with him. He said it was because I was an intolerant sheep bigot who used a 2000 year old book to defend my hatred. He has been talking with my other co workers as well and now I feel like everyone is talking about me. Needless to say I feel very alienated today. He even brought up how many churches are excepting of gays and even do gay marriages now etc.

First of all, you've done nothing wrong. You are believing in the one true God and His word. You don't need to fight with this foolish man at work. God will fight for you. God's Word does not need to be's inerrant, perfect, and timeless.

Father, have your way with this work situation and attempted persecution. Your colleague needs to tread lightly...the living Word says that no weapon formed against you shall prosper. Let him talk about you and continue to hold your head high. He is in the wrong. The spirit behind his vicious attack will not prevail...satan has already been defeated. What gets me mad is that you didn't even try to engage him in this conversation...he came after you. STAND, sister! STAND! You are the one standing on the Rock. This man is allowing himself to be a tool of the enemy ...don't ever run from a demon. Rather the demon will not be able to withstand being in your presence. Darkness cannot co-exist with light. I pray that God gives you peace, and that He silences this man's hateful speech and stops his lies about you. I pray that God heals this man's heart and that He causes him to use his mouth to praise the Lord, share His truths, and bring others to Christ. Remember Saul??? God is still the same God today that He was when Saul, the Christian killer, was transformed to become Paul the evangelist.

As to the portion I bolded in your post...churches that are accepting homosexuality and/or trying to stand with the world in it's faulty logic...well, they are preaching nothing but lies form the pit of hell and the pastors will answer to God for misleading His flock. I pray that the pastors who are doing this are stripped of their Godly authority to lead the church. That they are removed form the pulpit by whatever means God chooses until they repent, get back on the straight and narrow path, and boldly speak God's truths. Just because some wrongfully choose (yes, it's a choice) to jump on spiritually void bandwagons (that will lead straight to hell) and tell others that they actually love the Lord (the Word says that if we love Him, then we will love what He loves and hate what He hates), doesn't make it true. We as Christians are in a more intense time/battle than ever before. We are not just needing to be watchful of the worldly but also those who have defrauded themselves into believing that they are fully following God yet they are really fully in the world. Don't lose are not wrong, nor should you remove your bumper sticker or hide your beliefs. Your response to the man at work was not wrong either. God is still in control. It would have been easy for you to renounce your beliefs in favor of comfort (not being ostracized), but instead you did the noble thing. You chose to stay on the straight and narrow path. Blessings to you!
Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

First of all, you've done nothing wrong. You are believing in the one true God and His word. You don't need to fight with this foolish man at work. God will fight for you. God's Word does not need to be's inerrant, perfect, and timeless.

Father, have your way with this work situation and attempted persecution. Your colleague needs to tread lightly...the living Word says that no weapon formed against you shall prosper. Let him talk about you and continue to hold your head high. He is in the wrong. The spirit behind his vicious attack will not prevail...satan has already been defeated. What gets me mad is that you didn't even try to engage him in this conversation...he came after you. STAND, sister! STAND! You are the one standing on the Rock. This man is allowing himself to be a tool of the enemy ...don't ever run from a demon. Rather the demon will not be able to withstand being in your presence. Darkness cannot co-exist with light. I pray that God gives you peace, and that He silences this man's hateful speech and stops his lies about you. I pray that God heals this man's heart and that He causes him to use his mouth to praise the Lord, share His truths, and bring others to Christ. Remember Saul??? God is still the same God today that He was when Saul, the Christian killer, was transformed to become Paul the evangelist.

As to the portion I bolded in your post...churches that are accepting homosexuality and/or trying to stand with the world in it's faulty logic...well, they are preaching nothing but lies form the pit of hell and the pastors will answer to God for misleading His flock. I pray that the pastors who are doing this are stripped of their Godly authority to lead the church. That they are removed form the pulpit by whatever means God chooses until they repent, get back on the straight and narrow path, and boldly speak God's truths. Just because some wrongfully choose (yes, it's a choice) to jump on spiritually void bandwagons (that will lead straight to hell) and tell others that they actually love the Lord (the Word says that if we love Him, then we will love what He loves and hate what He hates), doesn't make it true. We as Christians are in a more intense time/battle than ever before. We are not just needing to be watchful of the worldly but also those who have defrauded themselves into believing that they are fully following God yet they are really fully in the world. Don't lose are not wrong, nor should you remove your bumper sticker or hide your beliefs. Your response to the man at work was not wrong either. God is still in control. It would have been easy for you to renounce your beliefs in favor of comfort (not being ostracized), but instead you did the noble thing. You chose to stay on the straight and narrow path. Blessings to you!


Thank you sooooooooooooo much! I mean it, Thank You!

I'm beyond fed up with the bullying and overly aggressive attacks and even more the 'entitlement' attitudes that these folks have and then are expecting Christians to 'tuck tail' and run.

Ummmmm, don't even get me started.

However, I appreciate you, your family, your solid faith, loyalty and boldness for surely you are secure in God.
Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

You know what, I just have to say it. When people jump on the minority bandwagon, I don't feel comfortable. I'm "normal" and their point is acceptance of the "anormal." I'm normal and I can certainly feel their oppression. However, I AM NORMAL! It is not the same and I'm tired of people equating "abnormalities" with minorities. Did anybody think of that? Ach!!!

When I was a kid, it was Blacks and Jews...then they added those with disabilites onto that bandwagon. But I don't have a disability for being a person of color. I'm normal and I can and do certainly comprehend the struggles they have and support them. However, equating disabled conditions with those simply being "minorities" is not the same. Did anybody think of that? Now the LGBT has joined the bandwagon of the minorities pushing for equality. Well, can you find your own bandwagon because I'm just absolutely normal being brown.
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Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

This homosexual agenda is nothing less than the enemy trying to steal our men so we will not have Godly families. If we have no Godly head of the household...then the family crumbles. It is the Godly family that is the building block for the rest of society. These ungodly homosexual relationships also rob the world of the fruit that God intended to come from marriage. When these "couples" adopt children, they don't raise them to know God and they set an ungodly example for impressionable children that guarantees new supporters of their foolishness. It is extremely difficult for most children to recognize the wrong in this when the parents they deeply love are living this example. And finally...the more people can convince others that the abnormality of homosexuality is okay....the more sexual partners they secure for themselves. I'm not sorry to say that I refuse to partake of this mess and bow down to Baal. Make no mistake that the homosexual mafia will be happy with nothing less than full and total submission from all.
Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

That's a very important point Shimmie.

Even in liberal CA when gay marriage went to he ballot the majority voted against it.

I do believe a lot more people are against it but they are afraid to say so, hence the opinion polls showing support while the secret ballot votes show the opposite.

Farida, thank you for sharing the truth. I mean it, thank you. :love2:

The bolded was regarding Proposition 8 back in the 2008 election, which was voted against. And the gays threw out a vicious attack upon the Black community who had the highest percentage of votes against gay marriage being legalized.

This speaks volumes as it confirms my stance this gay agenda is not supportive of the African American community yet they have disparaged, disgraced and devalued our heritage, legacy and fight for civil rights by using our blood stained struggle only to validate their sin.

They couldn't validate their cause without stealing ours and defiling the dignity of what our parents and grandparents marched and rightfully fought for. Our struggle was for 'Life'. We were being hung, strung, denied the existence of 'Life', while their only denial was to have their lifestyle deemed as normal which shall never be.

I digress ... :nono:

And you are correct about those in 'silence'. Many are so afraid of the 'backlash', just for saying 'No'. That one simply word, 'No'. They fear the backlash of it. These dear folks are not denying their love for God. Yet they fear the loss of their livelihood, their homes, their jobs, food for their children. What saddens me are the Church leaders who have become mute or even worse, they have fallen into consensual compromise, they have become cowards, they have conceded :giveup: to the enemy.

Why? When if God be for us, who can be against us? With God on our side, how can we be denied? (Romans 8)

The gays that they have conceded to are not going to stand for them when God's judgment comes. They are not going to stand for them when they need faith to keep their ministry afloat. They're not even going to be able to get a dime of support from these gays when they need a new water heater, a new roof, a new addition to the annex.

Even worse, should these Pastors repent and begin to re-preach the truth of Marriage in God's Word... they will be tarred and feathered or remanded to silence. The price of appeasing satan.... :nono:
Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

This homosexual agenda is nothing less than the enemy trying to steal our men so we will not have Godly families.

If we have no Godly head of the household...then the family crumbles. It is the Godly family that is the building block for the rest of society.

These ungodly homosexual relationships also rob the world of the fruit that God intended to come from marriage. When these "couples" adopt children, they don't raise them to know God and they set an ungodly example for impressionable children that guarantees new supporters of their foolishness.

It is extremely difficult for most children to recognize the wrong in this when the parents they deeply love are living this example.

And finally...the more people can convince others that the abnormality of homosexuality is okay....the more sexual partners they secure for themselves.

I'm not sorry to say that I refuse to partake of this mess and bow down to Baal. Make no mistake that the homosexual mafia will be happy with nothing less than full and total submission from all.

The bolded... Thank you....again. satan is putting an affront against God and His intent for humans. he hates God so much, that he is out to kill, steal and to destroy the love of God's heart...humanity.

And what satan can't succeed to kill, he is out to sift them as wheat. he is killing humanity with the gay lifestyle and he is truly sifting them as wheat. This is where my compassion for gays takes priority.

Their precious souls are the target of satan's destruction and his hatred for God. In turn, he has lied and deceived the hearts of these souls to see those who oppose as the enemy, which in truth is deflecting the blame from him who is indeed their true enemy of their souls.

satan is a 'Master Deceiver' and he truly has mastered his deception into the hearts of those who have claimed themselves as gay and those who support it. My sincerest prayers is for their deliverance. Jesus took this sin of theirs to the Cross and destroyed it...completely. All they have to do is to believe it and to receive it...with all of their heart. God loves them and wants to heal them...and to make them whole, setting them totally free from the lies of hell.

In Jesus' Amen.
Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

Thank you Shimmie for tagging me to this post. It is an honor for you to want me to share what the Lord has placed in my spirit. I truly appreciate that!

I completely agree with Shimmie and Supergirl. We are to love the person hate the sin. We are representatives for Christ and He addressed all issues. He knew when to be the lamb, more meek mild mannered and when to be the lion, standing up, opposing wrong and speaking against evil spirits.

At this point in our society the agenda that is being pushed for total inclusion for gay marriage has become very bold. We cant turn on the tv, go to movies, watch commericals games etc without them trying to make us agree with this but it won't work.

We can speak the truth in love. I believe that all things can be received but its the way the message is delivered. The spirit of homosexuality has run rampant and we as saints have to pray and come against it. It starts with covering those in our homes, our children and loved ones. Shimmie, you hit it on the head, they are trying to breed a new society but the devil is a LIAR! It shall not come to pass.

We have to remember that as we continue to grow in Christ opposition will come to us. We have to in a sense get used to this and learn to stay focused when going through it. When dealing with people who agree with the gay life, I kindly disagree with them. God is clear in His word that He created man to be with woman to procreate and multiply. There is no other marriage than the marriage of man, woman and God as the head.

My pastor gave us a great way to look at this. God created us in His own image. He gave us the awesome ability to create our own families and have children in our own image/likeness. This is how we keep the world going. Homosexuals can not create anything in their own image because they do not have the ability to have children. Satan's plan is to kill, steal and destroy anything he can. His goal is to destroy humanity. The way he is doing it through homosexuals is if he can get people thinking that being gay is natural and more people do it then less people will have children. Eventually the more people who are gay the more the human races declines. Essentially, by pushing the gay agenda he (satan) can ultimately destroy the continual advancement of the human race.

This matter is so important among many other issues. It is absolutely imperative that as we minister we pray for breakthrough especially among the youth. They are being brought into a society that has an anything goes mentality. The parents are not setting examples of good morals and values. Television is completely lost. The school system is declining. We have to take back our people in so many ways and it starts at home.

I have young children a 3 year old daughter and a 2 year old son. I pray for them constantly. Honestly just being real with you all I cry at the thought of them going to school because I can not shelter them from the ways of others at that point. They are babies but they are old enough to want toys and candy and things like that but I limit the sugar. I limit the "junk". They know nothing of halloween. I think of them going to school and I think about how they are going to meet other children who were raised with the exact opposite of what we teach them.

When I was in school I can not think of one child who said they had 2 moms or 2 dads. I'm 31 but times have changed drastically since I was in school. There is so much more covering that we have to do now because of how gayness and other spirits have infiltrated our society. I thank God for the blood of Jesus that protects us and shields us. I thank God for His wisdom and peace that keeps me when I know I can't do it.

I apologize for getting off topic somewhat but I'm just sharing what God placed on my heart. We must continue to press forward in the Lord and have the faith that these strongholds will be destroyed.
Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

I saw a preacher this morning. Hal Lindsay I believe. He spoke on this politically correct agenda which is trying to change laws to promote gay acceptance. Topics were transgender persons being able to use any bathroom that they wish depending on which gender they feel like. I believe this is what he said. He talked of a law promoted in Houston by its lesbian mayor to allow bathroom equity. So trans genders or cross dressers cannot go in a bathroom and close the door. I guess if they are apprehended it is against the law. The homosexual community organized to fight for the right to change societal norms. Human norms. Many of us think that being politically active is not of God. I really appreciate seeing ladies in the ladies bathroom.
Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

" Houston’s bathrooms, showers, and dressing facilities will now be open to all, regardless of gender, gender identity, gender expression, or other predilection of gender behavior. By an 11-6 vote of the Houston City Council, Mayor Annise Parker achieved this as the crowning jewel of her tenure as mayor.

Mayor Parker, Houston’s first openly gay mayor, said passing this ordinance was not the most important thing she has done in office, according to an article in the Fairfield Citizen, but it is the “most personally meaningful thing I will ever do as mayor.”


She should be removed from office and I bet she will as soon as some pervert of gay persuasion or one who pretends transgender assaults a lttle girl in a bathroom. This is opening up all kinds of worms in addition to the perversions we already are suffering from in society.
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Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

" Houston’s bathrooms, showers, and dressing facilities will now be open to all, regardless of gender, gender identity, gender expression, or other predilection of gender behavior. By an 11-6 vote of the Houston City Council, Mayor Annise Parker achieved this as the crowning jewel of her tenure as mayor.

Mayor Parker, Houston’s first openly gay mayor, said passing this ordinance was not the most important thing she has done in office, according to an article in the Fairfield Citizen, but it is the “most personally meaningful thing I will ever do as mayor.”


She should be removed from office and I bet she will as soon as some pervert of gay persuasion or one who pretends transgender assaults a lttle girl in a bathroom. This is opening up all kinds of worms in addition to the perversions we already are suffering from in society.

This just proves all the more the instability, weakness and fallible minds of those who make these careless and dangerous decisions. She needs to be dismissed immediately from her position.

Are women not allowed their right to privacy? It's obvious that gays and others who support them have no credibility to be entrusted with the safety and lives of the citizens they were hired to serve and to protect. :nono:

The consequences and the backlash is on them.
Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

Thank you @Shimmie for tagging me to this post. It is an honor for you to want me to share what the Lord has placed in my spirit. I truly appreciate that!

I completely agree with @Shimmie and @Supergirl. We are to love the person hate the sin. We are representatives for Christ and He addressed all issues. He knew when to be the lamb, more meek mild mannered and when to be the lion, standing up, opposing wrong and speaking against evil spirits.

At this point in our society the agenda that is being pushed for total inclusion for gay marriage has become very bold. We cant turn on the tv, go to movies, watch commericals games etc without them trying to make us agree with this but it won't work.

We can speak the truth in love. I believe that all things can be received but its the way the message is delivered. The spirit of homosexuality has run rampant and we as saints have to pray and come against it. It starts with covering those in our homes, our children and loved ones. Shimmie, you hit it on the head, they are trying to breed a new society but the devil is a LIAR! It shall not come to pass.

We have to remember that as we continue to grow in Christ opposition will come to us. We have to in a sense get used to this and learn to stay focused when going through it. When dealing with people who agree with the gay life, I kindly disagree with them. God is clear in His word that He created man to be with woman to procreate and multiply. There is no other marriage than the marriage of man, woman and God as the head.

My pastor gave us a great way to look at this. God created us in His own image. He gave us the awesome ability to create our own families and have children in our own image/likeness. This is how we keep the world going. Homosexuals can not create anything in their own image because they do not have the ability to have children. Satan's plan is to kill, steal and destroy anything he can. His goal is to destroy humanity. The way he is doing it through homosexuals is if he can get people thinking that being gay is natural and more people do it then less people will have children. Eventually the more people who are gay the more the human races declines. Essentially, by pushing the gay agenda he (satan) can ultimately destroy the continual advancement of the human race.

This matter is so important among many other issues. It is absolutely imperative that as we minister we pray for breakthrough especially among the youth. They are being brought into a society that has an anything goes mentality. The parents are not setting examples of good morals and values. Television is completely lost. The school system is declining. We have to take back our people in so many ways and it starts at home.

I have young children a 3 year old daughter and a 2 year old son. I pray for them constantly. Honestly just being real with you all I cry at the thought of them going to school because I can not shelter them from the ways of others at that point. They are babies but they are old enough to want toys and candy and things like that but I limit the sugar. I limit the "junk". They know nothing of halloween. I think of them going to school and I think about how they are going to meet other children who were raised with the exact opposite of what we teach them.

When I was in school I can not think of one child who said they had 2 moms or 2 dads. I'm 31 but times have changed drastically since I was in school. There is so much more covering that we have to do now because of how gayness and other spirits have infiltrated our society. I thank God for the blood of Jesus that protects us and shields us. I thank God for His wisdom and peace that keeps me when I know I can't do it.

I apologize for getting off topic somewhat but I'm just sharing what God placed on my heart. We must continue to press forward in the Lord and have the faith that these strongholds will be destroyed.

paradise1975, thank you so much for sharing your heart and the Truth of God's Word with us. Your message is well received and even more the love of your heart cannot be missed.

God bless you and your precious family... always. :love2:
Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

This just proves all the more the instability, weakness and fallible minds of those who make these careless and dangerous decisions. She needs to be dismissed immediately from her position.

Are women not allowed their right to privacy? It's obvious that gays and others who support them have no credibility to be entrusted with the safety and lives of the citizens they were hired to serve and to protect. :nono:

The consequences and the backlash is on them.

I can't change a gay person. But I think we can expect support (political) from conservative gay representation that is not afraid to stand up and say, "this nonsense is enough." I'm waiting...and waiting...and :look: A good majority of people do not support this craziness. Couldn't be!

And G-d forbid anyone be directly harmed as a result of this madness and gross oversight...but I'm sure there must be those of LGBT that will be furious they are going to be depicted as such. I hope it doesn't get to that point. Kinda like the Middle-eastern community that is largely afraid and silent on speaking out against illegally practiced sharia and terrorism defaming the name of Muslims worldwide. They must stand up. It's no longer just a religious issue. :nono:
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