christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans,bi


Well-Known Member
If you speak against it your a terrible bigot who wishes evil on everyone or a backwoods inbred idoit. It has gotten to the point where you cannot respectfully oppose this and not be berated for your beliefs. How do you handle this in this society? How do you counter the argument that being gay,bi or trans is not a choice and God made them that way? What really upsets me is that Disney, Nick etc are starting to put gay characters in their shows and movies. How do you prep your children for handling this and teach them?
Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

good question
Turn off the TV and only discuss those views in private. Also, remember to teach children to love all people no matter their sexualities.
Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

Bumping for more responses... Just reading an article that said that in America 55% of the current population agree with homosexuality.
Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

I rarely have to deal with this but I usually remind people that though I do not agree with the gay lifestyle, it doesn't mean that I wish badly on someone. After all, in John, we are given a new commandment where we are to love everyone. So regardless of religion, race, sexuality etc. I reiterate that I stand by that commandment.

The true "bigots" are the ones who keep harping on the issue.
Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

Yes, we are to love. There is too much being pumped into homes on television which is pro homosexual. The NBA draft pick and the kissing. Children are being exposed to too much. I did not know that Disney had gay characters. They may have had them for a while and I just do not look at their programming. The gay love affair is not where its at for me. It is an alternative lifestyle. (sin). If you want to practice that, then yes it is your business. The rest of us do not want to know. I do not want to watch them with the wide mouth kisses at their parades. Its pornography in public. shudder. I am glad,glad,glad to be living a delivered life. Glad if necessary to be boring. Glad to find and participate in a holy worship service. GLAD TO WANT A MAN!!! Hallelujah!!!:band::clap::woot::dance7:

divachyk IDareT'sHair
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Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

By not discussing it. Online is one thing, in-person is another. I don't get on soapboxes at all and I won't allow others to draw me into such discussions. If someone wants to know so deeply about what I believe, I'll hand that person a catechism lol. Have at it. Next! No entrapment, esp. at work, because that's what they want to do - entrap to get you fired or hated. :nono:
Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

Bumping for more responses... Just reading an article that said that in America 55% of the current population agree with homosexuality.

If this were true, then judges would not be overruling the voting rights of those who oppose gay marriage. In every single state where gay marriage has been legalized the majority of the people voted against it and their votes were overruled by a judge as being unconstitutional.

Don't believe the hype on that 55% or other exaggerated stats. It's a ploy to make 'others' think the lifestyle is acceptable more than it is not.

I'll be back a little later to answer the topic of your thread, if that's okay with you. :yep:
Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

I don't know if there is a way to handle this, since the Bible did say we would be persecuted for standing on the Word of God.

Also, I find that people skew the definition of the word bigot. A bigot actually hates or mistreats someone because of a superficial trait. We as Christians still love the homosexual, we just don't agree with the sin.

I wouldn't try and argue the whole "I was born this way" debate. Homosexuality is a spirit. Someone who has that spirit on them, more than likely, doesn't recognize the spiritual force behind it. It's that force that's responsible for the "I was born this way" thought process. In other words "This is a part of me" is what they're saying, and spiritually speaking, they're right because that spirit has attached itself to them.

Just pray and continue to love and try not to be surprised about the persecution.
Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

If this were true, then judges would not be overruling the voting rights of those who oppose gay marriage. In every single state where gay marriage has been legalized the majority of the people voted against it and their votes were overruled by a judge as being unconstitutional.

Don't believe the hype on that 55% or other exaggerated stats. It's a ploy to make 'others' think the lifestyle is acceptable more than it is not.

I'll be back a little later to answer the topic of your thread, if that's okay with you. :yep:

In this state, yesterday. I still ask, why call it "marriage" and not some other term with full equal rights?
Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

I rarely have to deal with this but I usually remind people that though I do not agree with the gay lifestyle, it doesn't mean that I wish badly on someone. After all, in John, we are given a new commandment where we are to love everyone. So regardless of religion, race, sexuality etc. I reiterate that I stand by that commandment.

The true "bigots" are the ones who keep harping on the issue.

Fear not... to stand upon God's laws, for though He loves, God still chastises those whom He loves. He always will.

There is a penalty for sin. God still loves, but He still executes judgment for the sin of homosexuality and those who condone it.

This 'love' that the gay agenda is misconstruing is satan's vice to shut the Truth from being told about this sin.

We can 'love' all day long, but to say nothing is the same as hatred or far worse, for silence is sending precious souls to hell. "Love" won't save them unless 'Love' tells them; unless 'Love' speaks up.

The Prophets of God, the Servants of God, the Disciples of God, they all loved...and...they Always spoke up about the sin to get those in darkness delivered from the deception of it.

If God did not love me, He would have never allowed anyone to show me where I was in sin, thinking that I was okay living with a man that I was not married to. YET, in spite of all of sin's supporters, God made it through to my heart by someone who was not afraid to keep speaking up, letting me know that it was still wrong.

I couldn't blame Church folks and call them bigots, hypocrites, and whatever else, because it was STILL my choice, not theirs. My pride had to take a back seat and get it right with God. And I thank God for those bigots, hypocrites and whatever else, because where it not for them speaking up, I could be laid up with HIV or whatever else is out there.

My point, is Love speaks up...not matter the cost, Love still speaks up and allows those in darkness to see God's light and to get free.

Sooner or later, everyone who calls themselves Christians are going to be called to speak up and stand publically for their faith and all that entails of it... which means, speaking out against homosexuality. Jesus has never condoned it and He never will. Jesus said it plain, if you are ashamed of me, I'll be ashamed of you, before my Father who is in Heaven.

ETA: Regarding my post, this is my response to the thread topic which also included the comments on 'love'. It happened to blend in with what I intended to post. :yep:
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Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

I shouldn't be but I am absolutely amazed and astounded at how the world is allowing the Les&gay community to bully straights and shove their agenda down everyone elses throats.

I have taught my child about seed time, long story short (if you want me to deep dive into it i will) but basically i say all real fruit have seeds anything concocted in a lab will not have seeds and cannot reproduce after it's own kind and is therefore a counterfeit.

My answer to the world is I do not agree with your views or lifestyle. We are entitle to our views and opinions. I am for natural law.
Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

In this state, yesterday. I still ask, why call it "marriage" and not some other term with full equal rights?

Equal rights still does not equate with the true meaning of Marriage.

I do not wish to have my Marriage equated with something that is so oppositional to God's meaning and His gift of Marriage. There is no such equality here.
Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

Equal rights still does not equate with the true meaning of Marriage.

I do not wish to have my Marriage equated with something that is so oppositional to God's meaning and His gift of Marriage. There is no such equality here.

That's not what I mean. Obviously, they have civil rights that shouldn't be discriminated against and one issue is benefits...but I'd rather see it under their own unique terms. I cannot force them to live a biblical life. We have a pluralistic society. Just hands off the term "marriage" and no hate-bashing for folks who don't promote it nor coddle gay unions. Use another term rather than marriage because obviously, they are going to live as they please, just like shacking heterosexuals. Shrugs.

People are being charged as hateful for being the only ones in the office who don't attend those "weddings." :look: I remember a time when catholics were not ever supposed to enter another temple...and Jews and muslims never another house of worship. :yep: Now everybody has poor memory. :rolleyes:
Ladies you have all given me so much to consider. Thank you so very much. My spirit is very much appreciating this. I am in an environment were I'm am being made to feel belittled and unintelligent for my belief in a " sky fairy" as someone told me. I was called insufferable for responding in a very meek Christian manner when asked why I had a pro life - pro family sticker on my bumper at work yesterday . The Guy who asked was a co worker and he went off on me after all I said was that because of my faith I support the traditional definition of marriage. I disengaged and told him had to to clock and and was not here to debate with him. He said it was because I was an intolerant sheep bigot who used a 2000 year old book to defend my hatred. He has been talking with my other co workers as well and now I feel like everyone is talking about me. Needless to say I feel very alienated today. He even brought up how many churches are excepting of gays and even do gay marriages now etc.
Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

The Guy who asked was a co worker and he went off on me after all I said was that because of my faith I support the traditional definition of marriage. I disengaged and told him had to to clock and and was not here to debate with him. He said it was because I was an intolerant sheep bigot who used a 2000 year old book to defend my hatred. He has been talking with my other co workers as well and now I feel like everyone is talking about me.


That is an HR issue and I'd go immediately to report him and that department. Unbelievable! As for saying you support traditional marriage, I don't think work is the place for that. As they say, never discuss religion nor politics on the job. Never. People are hiding in the tall grass to jump you for the slightest thing you might say. :nono: If you go to HR, frame this to place ALL the blame on him such as 1) he asked you something personal about your car and then attacked you for it 2)proceeded to continue the attack on your faith when you disengaged to get back to work and then involved other co-workers over a non-issue.

Don't remove your bumper sticker from your car for evidence. It's not offensive. But do check your car daily for any vandalism.
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Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

If you speak against it your a terrible bigot who wishes evil on everyone or a backwoods inbred idoit.

It has gotten to the point where you cannot respectfully oppose this and not be berated for your beliefs. How do you handle this in this society? How do you counter the argument that being gay,bi or trans is not a choice and God made them that way?

What really upsets me is that Disney, Nick etc are starting to put gay characters in their shows and movies. How do you prep your children for handling this and teach them?

One of the last things a Christian wants is to be considered unloving, unkind, without compassion, etc.

Do you see where I'm heading with this?

I can remember the first time when someone hurled these words at me for telling them that having sex outside of marriage is a sin. It literally shut me down (not for long, though :look:), but it shut me down. Because the person that I shared this with I cared about very much and would never say or do anything to ever hurt them. However, their response to me shut me down because the last thing I wanted was for them to think that I did not love them.

The Love of God wouldn't let me stay shut down. When we sell out to God, it's the ultimate meaning of love, true love. And it does not matter who comes against us nor what is said about us, we stand upon what God's Word says and we dare not flinch because someone opposes.

We have to remember that when satan attacks us for opposing sin, he is only trying to shut us down from continuing to speak out and against his deceptions. However, If God be for us, who dare be against us, with God on our side, we cannot be denied.

There's no such thing as 'love' when one appeases satan to tame his attacks upon a Christian. So don't ever back down. God will always vindicate and protect you. satan will not, neither will the gay agenda which is the latest weapon that satan is using against the Church, hence the true and actual one of bigotry, hatred and other attacks that have been hurled against Christians who choose God over the failures of society.

Jesus always loved and He also Always pointed out the sin (i.e. the woman at the well); and He said, "Go and sin no more." So whenever someone attempts to misconstrue the Jesus Loves, tactic, remember they are showing just how little they know what the true love of Jesus really is.

Jesus became sin so that we would not have to. That's what His love is... to deliver us from choosing a life of sin.
Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

That's not what I mean. Obviously, they have civil rights that shouldn't be discriminated against and one issue is benefits...but I'd rather see it under their own unique terms. I cannot force them to live a biblical life. We have a pluralistic society. Just hands off the term "marriage" and no hate-bashing for folks who don't promote it nor coddle gay unions. Use another term rather than marriage because obviously, they are going to live as they please, just like shacking heterosexuals. Shrugs.

People are being charged as hateful for being the only ones in the office who don't attend those "weddings." :look: I remember a time when catholics were not ever supposed to enter another temple...and Jews and muslims never another house of worship. :yep: Now everybody has poor memory. :rolleyes:

This 'mess' about 'Civil Rights' has been taken fully out of context, to the point where they are forcing their lifestyle upon children, not their own, but entering into public schools to 'tarnish the souls' of innocent children and this should not be allowed.

It's not about gay marriage with them. :nono: They are using Marriage as a beard, a safety net, to display their agenda as docile and harmless and themselves as victims of society.

Really? :rolleyes:

The true agenda is to 'breed' a new society, a new generation who sees this lifestyle as the norm; therefore to mess with the minds of children and to teach this obstruction to humanity to these innocent minds in spite of objections of the parents who disagree with it and without parental consent.

This is far beyond gays wanting to be married. The 'civil rights' / marriage platform is only a false image to camouflage the evil intent of this spirit.

They are playing on people to be sympathetic towards their cause. If they can play the victim / and arousing the lie that opponents are bigots, etc., it's their game plan to obtain more supporters. I see right through it.
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Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

We have no laws against homosexuality unless they are some outdated law deep in the books back to 1700 or so. No one is going to be arrested for homosexuality activity. If a couple has stayed together in a union, I don't see why they should not be granted the benefits of their partner. It's not going to take away any benefits a wife gets from her husband and vice-versa. My argument is not to christianize them at all. My focus is not their mere existence. Obviously, we live in a pluralistic society and that cannot be changed. And I do agree that there is an assault against the normative family of husband/wife and children. But they do have civil rights and our laws are designed such as to reinterpret those civil rights with change in society and/or acceptance.

I don't like to be called a bigot for not actively supporting gay marriage. I'm neutral to their lifestyle. I don't like the assault on the structure of the true marriage and family but at the same time, I realize that I cannot deny people the right to live as they live unless they are breaking a serious law, like murder. Rome is not new and things were worse 2,000 years ago than they are now. Our children are going to have to be taught day and night and we are going to be living in Babylon like so many others before us. I do comprehend and respect your stance.

ETA: I am a catholic. We do not see the homosexual person as the sin, but acting upon homosexual activity is the sin. This is my position. I am not anti-gay (as the person), I simply am not a supporter nor promoter of that lifestyle. I will not oppress a gay person and will not support such from anyone else. I will follow the catechism of our Church. My focus is not to drive them to the sea. Maybe, just maybe, G-d has allowed this in order for christians to remove their blinders of disgust. No matter what, those are a people who have been persecuted by the church and christians. I think G-d wants us to see their humanity, even aside from all the bullying. There must be a higher purpose for all of this. My church has addressed this and I have to say that I wholeheartedly agree with its position. We are to love them and never oppress them. We are also to comprehend the intricacies of humanity and that involves the psychology of a person. We christians sometimes pull up the blinders on that because if we see ourselves just as vulnerable as them, we begin to fear. It's not necessary to know that people are definitely born with the disposition. It's not everyone but the fact that it's true means that any of us could also be just as vulnerable. It's part of the human condition.
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Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

I have thanked several here and would just like to say that I have just finished praying for you and for all of us to be strong and unwavering in our faith, to know how to speak the truth in love (real love like @Shimmie stated, not a psuedo love), and for God to put His words in our mouths as each situation dictates. No more, no less. I had coffee this morning with a good friend who equated abortion with war and said they were tools of a specific political party:huh: :nono:. My point is we have several things in common but several others that we are polar opposites on. We could really get into some very heated discussions. I am always praying to keep my cool in such situations (and they are many in my life). Even when ppl disagree vehemently with me, they respect me because I state my point in a way to let them know I am not backing down but not belittling them either. These things are just tests, preparation for what God has planned for us, a chance to witness even via our body language to those taking it all in silently. And they are watching you.
James 1:2-4 says it best...
2 My Christian brothers, you should be happy when you have all kinds of tests. 3 You know these prove your faith. It helps you not to give up. 4 Learn well how to wait so you will be strong and complete and in need of nothing.
ETA- She REALLY is convinced she is right just like the average college student truly believes they are kowledgeable about life. Those people at your job probably believe they are right too about your "sky fairy":yep:. Pray and ask God to give you wisdom on how to handle these types of things. You'll be surprised at what he would have you do...
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This 'mess' about 'Civil Rights' has been taken fully out of context, to the point where they are forcing their lifestyle upon children, not their own, but entering into public schools to 'tarnish the souls' of innocent children and this should not be allowed.

It's not about gay marriage with them. :nono: They are using Marriage as a beard, a safety net, to display their agenda as docile and harmless and themselves as victims of society.

Really? :rolleyes:

The true agenda is to 'breed' a new society, a new generation who sees this lifestyle as the norm; therefore to mess with the minds of children and to teach this obstruction to humanity to these innocent minds in spite of objections of the parents who disagree with it and without parental consent.

This is far beyond gays wanting to be married. The 'civil rights' / marriage platform is only a false image to camouflage the evil intent of this spirit.

They are playing on people to be sympathetic towards their cause. If they can play the victim / and arousing the lie that opponents are bigots, etc., it's their game plan to obtain more supporters. I see right through it.

You shut it down quick. Praises.
Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

You shut it down quick. Praises.

Dear @curlytwirly06... :giveheart:

I pray that my posts do not sound harsh and uncaring. My heart is far from that. As much as I do care, I've learned that there is no middle ground, no bargaining with this issue. There's an agenda to push this lifestyle full throttle into society as the norm, but worse yet, it's being injected into the spirits of innocent children via mainline IV measures, via the media, and far worse, the schools where parents are not free to intervene and protect their children from this deception. Where's the respect and defense for the constitutional rights for these parents and their children?

This is where I take serious issue, along with their platform of comparing their 'struggle' to that of African Americans which is an affront to the truth of our struggles. In addition to suing business persons who refuse to support their disparagement to the true meaning of Marriage.

In answer to how to handle the contempt from co-workers, etc. At work, make it clear that your beliefs are not up for debate nor discussion and say nothing more.

If they persist to 'push' the issue, report it, for this is bullying and make it clear that it's they who are using work hours to discuss controversial issues that have nothing to do with your job description.

Keep in mind, on your job, there are no friends with this issue. Choose not to discuss your personal life with anyone there. When a subject comes up, don't say anything neither contrary nor agreeable and especially not neutral. Be pleasant, yet do not join them, no matter who they are or if they seem to agree with you.

For me personally, it doesn't matter. I'm already 'out there' and there's no turning back. Folks on my job at social events, and others around me, know that it's a waste of time to start this conversation with me.

However there have been times when folks still try to 'challenge me', I make it clear that my beliefs are not up for debate nor discussion. As I shared above, I end it and say nothing more.

Stay strong in your stand for Jesus'. I can tell you from life, that it never pays to concede with sin to make peace, for peace is never a component of sin. I've learned that the 'sins' and the ones in sin that we agree with will only turn against us. That's the nature of it. Sin has no loyalty not even to its self. :nono:

True Peace is only in Jesus. And we follow Him in the paths of (His) righteousness for His namesake. The peace that Jesus gives will never be taken away nor corrupted. It is an eternal safe haven for those who dwell within. (Psalm 91)

Dearest One...This will strengthen you to stand even more for God's Word.

I Peter 3:13-22

Who is he who will harm you, you who seeks after righteousness?

13 Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good? 14 But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. “Do not fear their threats[b]; do not be frightened.”[c]

15 But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, 16 keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.

17 For it is better, if it is God’s will, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil. 18 For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive in the Spirit. 19 After being made alive,[d] he went and made proclamation to the imprisoned spirits—

20 to those who were disobedient long ago when God waited patiently in the days of Noah while the ark was being built. In it only a few people, eight in all, were saved through water, 21 and this water symbolizes baptism that now saves you also—not the removal of dirt from the body but the pledge of a clear conscience toward God.[e]

It saves you by the resurrection of Jesus Christ, 22 who has gone into heaven and is at God’s right hand—with angels, authorities and powers in submission to him.
Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

People confronting you in the workplace about a bumper sticker on your car outside is harassment. Document this and report to HR. Keep a paper trail. Do not let it go. The primary is trying to involve others. If they keep doing it and more folks join in you will be reporting late and HR will have ammunition to doubt your story about not reporting it early. It actually can be a form of sexual harassment because you are anti gay in your private life. Another thing. The gay community is recruiting new members, participants. Remember the group that showed up at Lot's house. Bring them out to us that we may know them. They want to get to know our children and family. Our families are closed for pollution.
Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

People confronting you in the workplace about a bumper sticker on your car outside is harassment. Document this and report to HR. Keep a paper trail. Do not let it go. The primary is trying to involve others.

If they keep doing it and more folks join in you will be reporting late and HR will have ammunition to doubt your story about not reporting it early. It actually can be a form of sexual harassment because you are anti gay in your private life.

Another thing. The gay community is recruiting new members, participants.

Remember the group that showed up at Lot's house. Bring them out to us that we may know them.

They want to get to know our children and family.

Our families are closed for pollution.

Oh My Lord ! ! ! At the red bolded. What an eye opening revelation. :nono:
Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

I have thanked several here and would just like to say that I have just finished praying for you and for all of us to be strong and unwavering in our faith, to know how to speak the truth in love (real love like @Shimmie stated, not a psuedo love), and for God to put His words in our mouths as each situation dictates. No more, no less.

I had coffee this morning with a good friend who equated abortion with war and said they were tools of a specific political party:huh: :nono:. My point is we have several things in common but several others that we are polar opposites on.

We could really get into some very heated discussions. I am always praying to keep my cool in such situations (and they are many in my life).

Even when ppl disagree vehemently with me, they respect me because I state my point in a way to let them know I am not backing down but not belittling them either.

These things are just tests, preparation for what God has planned for us, a chance to witness even via our body language to those taking it all in silently.

And they are watching you.

James 1:2-4 says it best...

2 My Christian brothers, you should be happy when you have all kinds of tests. 3 You know these prove your faith. It helps you not to give up.
4 Learn well how to wait so you will be strong and complete and in need of nothing.

ETA- She REALLY is convinced she is right just like the average college student truly believes they are kowledgeable about life. Those people at your job probably believe they are right too about your "sky fairy":yep:.

Pray and ask God to give you wisdom on how to handle these types of things. You'll be surprised at what he would have you do...

Thank you Prudent1 for your beautiful wisdom, which I do not take lightly. In my heart, it is always well received. :giveheart:
Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

remove was asked by Shimmie

I agree with not telling anyone at work what your beliefs are. I've seen it abused from different points of view. Some of them persecuted other denominations from their own, others persecuted believers in G-d, period. I'm at work to work. This is what I'm telling my son because he had a run-in with co-workers to ostracized him because he's not disrespecting himself nor a girl with inappropriate behavior. They told him he was unrealistic because this is the way of the world. His response was brilliant: "I'm not naive nor unrealistic, I'm in this world, not of this world. You don't have to live that way either." :giggle:

I would still prefer him to be quiet and not get involved in politics nor religion on the job. He's said he doesn't care because of bad management and the fact that several people are having open affairs all around him and that he was not going to make this his career lol. I told him that he didn't ever know who he would cross paths with in future. You just never know.
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Re: christians how do you handle the contempt towards anyone who is not pro gay,trans

remove was asked by Shimmie

I agree with not telling anyone at work what your beliefs are. I've seen it abused from different points of view. Some of them persecuted other denominations from their own, others persecuted believers in G-d, period. I'm at work to work.

This is what I'm telling my son because he had a run-in with co-workers to ostracized him because he's not disrespecting himself nor a girl with inappropriate behavior.

They told him he was unrealistic because this is the way of the world.

His response was brilliant: "I'm not naive nor unrealistic, I'm in this world, not of this world. You don't have to live that way either." :giggle:

I would still prefer him to be quiet and not get involved in politics nor religion on the job. He's said he doesn't care because of bad management and the fact that several people are having open affairs all around him and that he was not going to make this his career lol. I told him that he didn't ever know who he would cross paths with in future. You just never know.

JB, can I just give your son a great big hug? Good for him! :clap:

I salute you for raising such a beautiful example of a real man who bears the mind of Christ and fears no one who tries to challenge his faith and his beautiful character that he gives to manhood.

Good Job, Mom! I mean this, Good Job! :love2: Your son reflects you and Christ Jesus our Lord. Your post just made my day. :yep: