Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo Doll

Re: Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo

I need to pray first to answer yours.... :lol: Marking my spot. It's been a long night, but those are great questions!
Thank you, Laela. I needed them for something that I've been working on, so it's pretty important. I did ask another Christian forum that I am on and they were really great with the answers. I was hoping for more responses here, but I digress.

Thanks again, sis!

Love you!

Re: Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo

I wanted to answer, but wanted to marinate on it.:sad:
Thank you, sis...but, I needed the answers at that time, as I was working on something that was important. You can still answer them if you like, that would bless me still:yep: as I would still like to hear what is on your heart.

Love you, sis!

Re: Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo

These were some tough but good questions. :spinning:

Let me ask a few questions...just curious. :grin:

What happens to the members of the Body of Christ who don't have a bible...they want one, but are not allowed to have one? Because they are not able to read a bible, do you believe that they are not apart of the Body of Christ?

They are still a part of the Body of Christ. It is not the act of reading a bible that retains our place in the Body. It is our sanctification, and that comes through the work of the Holy Spirit within us.

If they don't have scripture to back up what their pastor is sharing or to make sure that what he is saying is the truth, do you believe that the Holy Spirit won't reveal to them the spirit of truth and the spirit of error because of it? Do you think that if they aren't studying (because they don't have a bible) to show themselves approved unto God, that they will not be able to rightly divide the word of truth?

The Holy Spirit will reveal to them the spirit of truth and the spirit of error by way of 1) seeking wisdom 2) from God 3) in faith. (All three are crucial.)

James 1:5-8
5 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. 6 But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. 7 For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; 8 he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.

Do you believe that because you read your bible daily, and can quote scripture, that you are better equipped than those who can't read their bible, or are not allowed to have a bible?

According to Ephesians 6, the Word is our only weapon of offense. Together with the other five pieces of armor, those who have absorbed or have access to the Word are better equipped than those who have not. The Word can come through the Bible or a divine revelation from God. (However, someone who has the Word but is lacking in one or more of the other pieces in not necessarily better equipped than someone without the Word. See the following answers.)

Ephesians 6
17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;

How is it that these same members of the Body of Christ, can operate under the power of the Holy Spirit, and people are healed, delivered and set free, if they don't have their bibles to read, to know what they are suppose to do as believers?

They may have all the other pieces of their armor - truth, righteousness, peace that comes from the Good News, faith, and salvation. Additionally, God may choose to reveal the Word to them via means other than the Bible.

How is it that there are members of the Body of Christ who do read their bibles, yet are not operating fully under the power of the Holy Spirit? What is the difference between the two? Why?

These members may be reading but not absorbing the Word. Additionally, the Word is our offensive weapon, but we also need the five pieces of defense. These members may be missing one or more of their defensive pieces - for example, faith. How many of us have Scriptures quoted, yet waver in faith when the enemy attacks hard?
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Lissa0821 said:
I am a BOLD, PROUD member of World Changers Church International, where Creflo Dollar is the pastor. I have been there for the past 16 years and have no intention to leave anytime soon. When I see post like these it grieves me, not just because it is my Pastor that is being slander. But it is yet another tool of the enemy to create division. It also shows a lack of sensitivity as I would like to believe most people who are members of their local church, think highly of their pastors, are they just as willing to post the negative things that are said about thier own pastor. Probably not, but trust and believe something negative is said about every pastor that preaches or teaches the gospel, if there are 5 member or 50 thousand members and whether it is valid complaint or not.

Granted, I will be the first to say, Pastor Dollar teaching style is not for everyone, that is a given but it is for those God has called to be apart of this GREAT, AWESOME, and ANOINTED ministry. (Can you tell I LOVE this ministry). According to Ephesians 4:11, God gave us apostles, prophets, evangelist, pastors and teachers for the edifying and perfecting of the body of Christ. Even God knew people receive His Word through different gifting he placed in the body of Christ.

Now for on to the video, I completely got what he was saying and I laughed out loud as well. These young men can claiming both churches mentioned are teaching false doctrines. He specifically stated that Pastor Dollar only teaches about prosperity but in the upper left hand corner he has a request for a donation of $25 for his ministry in white letters.

If teaching prosperity is wrong, he should be able to do what he is doing without the $25 donation, right??????:lachen:

I co sign ....
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Re: Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo

Here is something that I was reading from A.W. Tozer. I thought it was most interesting because he speaks of "itching ears" with respect to genuine Christians. I think that "itching ears" come into play whenever we seek out teachers based on what we like rather than simply on whether the teaching lines up with the Word. A lot of times believers simply don't know better, but other times believers stick with teachers because those teachers say what they like to hear in the way they like to hear it.

Itching Ears
By A.W. Tozer

In the church many are lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God. If you do not like what I am saying, I want to ask you something. Think about the company you run with. What do they talk about most? God and the love of God, or other things? You decide that. Many Christians today will not endure sound doctrine. Paul described these people as having "itching ears" (2 Timothy 4:3). They did not like sound doctrine, but they were Christians. They called themselves Christians, but their ears were itchy. A commentator I read some years back explained this. In Paul's day the pigs had a disease called "itching ears." The symptom was that their ears got inflamed and itched terribly. The only way they could get relief from these inflamed ears was to go to a pile of rocks and rub their ears earnestly and vigorously. The stones scratched their ears for the time being. Paul saw that, smiled a sad smile and said, "I am running into Christians here and there who are just like that. They love pleasure more than God and will not endure sound doctrine. They have itching ears so they will be eager for something else beside the sound docrine and holy ways. They will pile up teachers everywhere and rub their ears for dear life." That is a most dramatic and colorful illustration. A lot of so-called Christians have to have piles of rocks to rub their ears. They will not endure sound doctrine. I think that is a description of the churches, Protestant and evangelical. In the light of New Testament predictions, teachings and standards, is what I just said about the prevailing religious mood untrue? Is what I have said about the prevailing religious mood uncharitable? Is it extreme? I do not think it is, but I only ask you to do one thing: Look around you and look in your own heart. See which of these pictures describes the churches you know.
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Re: Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo

In the bible there are many cases in which someone started out grounded in the word of God but then began to error in truth. Thats why the bible says those that endure to the end shall be saved. This is an enduring thing. It doesnt matter how one started out but its about how one finishes. The bible even speaks about how they wrestle with the scriptures to their own destruction.

That's an interesting comment....

The Word of God is a witness to Himself. Let every man be a liar... God's Word is Truth. So you're saying if you're firmly rooted and grounded in the Word, someone's teachings could cause you to "mess up" spiritually? How?
In a case like this, it seems more like depending on the Word, according to Preacher X, and not the Word, according to God.

Hebrews 13:10
Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines. For it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace; not with meats, which have not profited them that have been occupied therein.
Re: Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo

Lawd, Lawd, Lawd...

That article was right on the head. Alot of people don't want the true and living God that requires holiness and pureness of heart. They want the god that will let them do whatever they want, feel what they want, say what they want, and still be called "saved". They want that pastor thats gone say"Aw, you and Bobby been together for 6 yrs, God know yall gone get married, its ok to live with Bobby until yall finish school, then yall gone get married. God know yall heart". They want the pastor to cater to their feelings and desires and if the pastor dont he is "judgemental" and has no love.

People say "How could they kill Jesus? He was the savior of the world"? But I promise you if Jesus was walking around today, people would hate him still.

Alot of people dont want God , they want to do what they want and still go to heaven. All I got to do is say "God forgive me" I can still curse, fight, fornicate, drink, lie, cheat etc and still be called "Christian". So they run to the preachers that will agree with them.

Here is something that I was reading from A.W. Tozer. I thought it was most interesting because he speaks of "itching ears" with respect to genuine Christians. I think that "itching ears" come into play whenever we seek out teachers based on what we like rather than simply on whether the teaching lines up with the Word. A lot of times believers simply don't know better, but other times believers stick with teachers because those teachers say what they like to hear in the way they like to hear it.
Re: Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo

That's an interesting comment....

The Word of God is a witness to Himself. Let every man be a liar... God's Word is Truth. So you're saying if you're firmly rooted and grounded in the Word, someone's teachings could cause you to "mess up" spiritually? How?
In a case like this, it seems more like depending on the Word, according to Preacher X, and not the Word, according to God.

Hebrews 13:10
Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines. For it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace; not with meats, which have not profited them that have been occupied therein.

I have to agree with Laela here, especially the bolded.

A teacher is also accountable for teaching error...they will be judge more harshly because of their position.

I honestly have not been able to follow the implications in the last few posts (not just your's Laela) because the principle that you do not follow a teacher who preaches error seems so clear to me and something that we are constantly instructed about that I don't see an issue.

Yes, a teacher will be held accountable, but the listener has accountability too. We are taught to rely on the Word of God and not the word of man. I don't think Laela is advocating that we follow pastors who err but was making the point that even sincere pastors may err unintentionally, and if we are grounded in the Word, we will be able to catch it.

In the bible there are many cases in which someone started out grounded in the word of God but then began to error in truth. Thats why the bible says those that endure to the end shall be saved. This is an enduring thing. It doesnt matter how one started out but its about how one finishes. The bible even speaks about how they wrestle with the scriptures to their own destruction.

Yes, but did they err in truth on their own accord or because they relied on someone's teachings? Can you give an example of the latter from the Bible? I am not familiar with all the stories.

I see the former happen today, though. In the "Christian Thoughts" thread, we touched upon a gospel singer/preacher who was grounded in the Word of God but began to err in truth. It was on his own accord, though. Because his trials were too great, he came to twist the Word to accommodate his sin.
Re: Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo

@SummerSolstice I am still here, Pastor teaches about everything concerns our lives, and I mean everything. I think the emphasis of scrutiny that this ministry experiences is his passion for Christians to understand prosperity is a part of the deal. It is more than just escaping hell but there is abundant life to be lived (John 10:10) and enjoyed as God's child.

In the context of John 10:10, the abundance has nothing to do with material things, but with increasing our connection to the Father and experiencing His power and joy in our spirits. The thief mentioned is a false teacher who lives off the people under His care (or influence through books, radio, and other forms of media).

There is really no way to build prosperity toward Heaven and not experience every other aspect of prosperity of God here on earth.

Prosperity in what, exactly? We are also commanded to deny self, take up our cross daily and follow Him. The more we do this under the Holy Spirit’s guidance, the less of this worldly prosperity we will want. We will crave more of Him, feel His joy and pain, receive our instructions directly from Him, desire His will over our wants etc.

The bible teaches to seek first the kingdom of God and these "things" shall be added to you (Matthew 6:25).
The actual passage is located in Matthew 6:33 and Luke 12:31, but they mean the same thing as the one below:

Matthew 6:25 “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?”

Jesus plainly stated that He wanted His disciples to understand that their basic needs will be taken care of. He demonstrated this when He sent them out without provisions (Matthew 10:5-14, Mark 6:7-13, Luke 9:1-6, Luke 10:1-11) and once, upon returning, asked if they lacked of anything (Luke 22:35). No where does it say we are promised beyond that in the natural, only the spiritual.

It is through your meditation of scriptures, scriptural based prayers, yielding to the leadership of God, your tithes and offerings that a believer can expect to experience prosperity here in this world and in the heaven.
Not through our own efforts or what man says we should do, but through yielding to His will by the Holy Spirit do we grow to maturity and spread His seed (the Evangel, His Words of life-everlasting). Whatever the Holy Spirit has led me to do, I do. What about the people who cannot read? What about the ones who have a limited vocabulary? What about the ones who work just to eat? What about the people He has called to live solely on what little He provides as they do His will?

Heck like someone else said, God will bless you in spite of you too. Thank God for that. What I have been taught is prosperity is not just for you to take care you and yours but to further the message of God.
Yes, it is true that whatever we receive from Him is for the building of His Temple (His people), but it goes beyond the physical. We are also here to be refined and the best way is through suffering (enduring) for His sake (Matthew 5:11-12, Mark 10:29-31, Acts 5:41, Acts 9:16, Acts 14:22, Philippians 1:29-30, 1 Peter 5:9, 1 Peter 2:21). We must thank and praise Him for the good and bad that releases our attachment to this life (Job 1:21, Matthew 10:39, Matthew 16:25, Mark 8:35, Luke 9:24, Luke 17:33, John 12:25, Ephesians 5:20, 1 Thessalonians 5:18) and towards what He has for us in the next. This is when the Lord does His best work, in our weakness, so He gets the glory.

Now about the Leer Jet and Rolls Royce, at the time of that interview which took place in 2009, I just smiled because a few details were left out. Yes, the ministry did give Pastor a Rolls Royce as a Pastor appreciation gift. I had only been at the ministry for a few months at this time in 1996. The concept to give him the Rolls Royce I believe came from him sharing a teaching about Mark 11:22, which talked about saying with your mouth and believing in your heart. From what I was told, he was sharing how he was putting this scripture into practice in his own life in believing for a Rolls Royce. I think that is something he saw as too big to have unless God did it for him.

Mark 11:22-24 And Jesus answered them, “Have faith in God. Truly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and thrown into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will come to pass, it will be done for him. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.
Jesus was teaching about the fruits of the Spirit, not the material. A mountain (or hill) symbolized a kingdom or ruling entity. By destroying the fig tree (Mark11:21), He was reminding them that unfruitful works (faith) will be destroyed. The main idea was how the Lord operates through His chosen vessels, through their faith His will be done through them. The Lord inspired many to seek His Son for truth and healing for the purposes of re-enforcing this lesson.

What is also not shared, the number of testimonies of people who experience some sort of financial increase as what they believe was a direct result of sowing into this gift at the time, from obtaining new cars, new jobs, mortgages paid off and the list goes on.
There are pagans who can claim the same thing (Matthew 5:45b). So what? Yah has blessed Israel’s enemies in order to get His will done as well. What about the testimony of the world losing its grip on our souls, or the increase of the Holy Spirit’s presence, or His word coming alive within, or the results of placing ourselves continuously on His altar, or what words the Holy Spirit put into our mouths to tell someone, or words and prophecies the Lord asked us to share etc. etc. etc. It is not because of what we give but our obedience and His delight in releasing the bonds of man we place on ourselves.

It was also not shared that there wasn't another corporate Pastor appreciation gift given to Pastor for over 10 years nor that fact there were times Pastor refused to receive a salary.
Neither Jesus nor His disciples were well-off or lived a lavish lifestyle; they would not have stood out by the world’s standard. We are called to be different (holy) from the world, not a Christian imitation of it. This is why He came in a lowly form and station, to let His Father’s work shine and win people to the Evangel.

Now there will always be poor amongst us, Christian or not. Philippians 4:19 And my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. That is God's final word, it is not altered based on what a Pastor chooses to drive or live.
All we need is more than the material, for that can vanish in an instant. It is not about finding nobility in poverty or seeing financial increase while living in a country that is geared for it. It is all about becoming like Christ, reflecting His light, and obedience to His Guide. The poor also means the ones starving spiritually, the ones we are supposed to be feeding His Unleavened Bread. From what I see, that amount has grown exponentially.

Sorry, but from what you posted, it sounds like your pastor has become your idol, your only link to Jesus’ instruction. If you cannot find error in the man’s teachings, it is because you care not to find it. There will always be errors, for only Jesus was perfect enough to be error-free. The comments Dollar made to those seeking refuge from Eddie Long’s corruption was a big one.

We are not supposed to be sitting up under someone for decades or the rest of our lives still being fed like babies! A pastor is supposed to guard the babies from false beliefs and unfruitful practices towards Christ, the Word in flesh, the bread of life, as sheepherders did for their flocks. When we are mature in Christ, we are released to spread His seed through evangelizing and teaching; the entire NT teaches and encourages this. The assembly of believers is for corporate worship (service) to the Lord, not to tell us what to think or do. Jesus took 3.5 years to teach His disciples; why can we not do this today?
Re: Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo

Yes, but did they err in truth on their own accord or because they relied on someone's teachings? Can you give an example of the latter from the Bible? I am not familiar with all the stories.

I see the former happen today, though. In the "Christian Thoughts" thread, we touched upon a gospel singer/preacher who was grounded in the Word of God but began to err in truth. It was on his own accord, though. Because his trials were too great, he came to twist the Word to accommodate his sin.

What I am saying is that dont feel that because someone is "grounded" in the word that they are infalliable. Of course alot of people twist the word to fit themselves or their desires. I agree we do error on our own accord.
But it dont matter how grounded we are we still need to watch or be careful
Re: Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo

who does that on national tv anyway...on another note he just came out of the closet recently ...

He was 'nervous' and felt put on the spot.

I thought it was so rude for that other reporter (the guy) to pick up that Big Gulp Paper Cup (64 oz) and take a sip of soda...

That was soooo rude and so ghetto... I'm just saying. There are some things that are just wrong, and that was one of them. I mean, the man may as well have said, he wasn't taking the interview with Creflo seriously.

To be honest, neither was the female reporter, because she was not speaking as one who KNOWS and reads the Bible, she was puppeting what she rehearsed what someone else told her to say. :nono:

Creflo knew better than to be on tv in the first place. It's a lions den for preachers... teeth and claws from saber tooth lions and tigers ready to scratch the life out of anyone who preaches about Jesus...
Re: Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo



:lol:...K, guess no one wants to answer my questions directly.

I'll go to another Christian Forum that I go to and ask there.


Sis... I missed your post. I closed out of the forum earlier last night; I was tired and sleepy. I didn't see your post. I have to read the responses to 'catch up'...

Re: Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo

@Sharpened.... I am not going to quote your post because you said a mouthful, just like I had the privilege to do in my previous posts about this subject. You are entitled to have your opinion about what I have stated and come to the conclusion you have reached based on what I have shared.

My stance will not changed at all, I am submitted to my Pastor leadership and it works for me. What I shared does not come from a place of Pastor said that makes it truth end of the story. What I speak and share on this board and in my personal life comes from Revelation knowledge about God and His word. This ministry has been instrumental in showing what God has said in the bible. But I had to go home and put God to the test through the scriptures in own my life, during all my past, present and future trails.

God has shown him worthy to be trusted in my life. I know, that I know he is my Jehova Jireh, my Jehova Rapha, My El Shaddi, My Elohim and the list goes on. He has healed my body, cancelled thousands of dollars of debt, given me favor, used me to minister to others, used me lead others to Christ and again the list goes on. This is a revelation in my spirit, my mind, my soul and body. This is real to me. God has proven His love to me time and time again.

I have seen the Hand of God for myself and yes, my Pastor had a part in that through a sermon he has preached but God will always get the Glory. That is good enough for me........
Re: Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo

who does that on national tv anyway...on another note he just came out of the closet recently ...

Iwanthealthyhair67 and Laela...

Was Don Lemon the reporter on CNN for Whitney's Homegoing Service?

I still haven't watched the entire service.

Why is this Don Lemon man gay? Black people have enough issues as it is, why add this to it... ? :nono:

Note: For anyone just reading and wondering, 'did she seriously say that?' .. I'm serious.
Re: Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo


@Iwanthealthyhair67 and @Laela...

Was Don Lemon the reporter on CNN for Whitney's Homegoing Service?

I still haven't watched the entire service.

Why is this Don Lemon man gay? Black people have enough issues as it is, why add this to it... ? :nono:

Note: For anyone just reading and wondering, 'did she seriously say that?' .. I'm serious.
Re: Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo


Alicialynn86 ...

Alicia, am I lying? Being Black and gay is not a healthy combination for our race. The 'enemy' has enough weapons against 'us' as it is. How can a Black person have Victory in their lives being gay? It's a adding another negative to the mix that is already out to destory our race; meaning drugs, alcohol, lack of education, welfare, highest in jail population... and adding gay to the list is just compounding the weapons against Blacks.

I found out last week that the President of the NAACP supports gay marriage and went public to announce it before legislative committee.

What kind of foolishness is that?

Do folks not know that the gay agenda is a white strategy to empower whites and NOT Blacks? Black folks are not heading the gay agenda; it's a little white underground organization which has grown by way of spiritual wickedness in high places.

There is a heavier fight for gay rights than Black rights. And I KNOW what I'm talking about...

I'll start another thread, later in a week or so. You know I'm gonna tell it. :fistshake:

Love you Alicia... :love2: Your reply :thud: made me laugh... :yep: :lol:
Re: Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo


I guess I am concerned about the gay issue whether it be about a black or a white person or whatever skin color. I am more sad that Don Lemon is gay period , regardless of his race.
Re: Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo

I'm not into rap, but I respect the message. I used to be more of a purist about such things, including Christian pop/rock. And then I just decided to listen to the contemporary Christian station and judge by the fruit of it. And looking at the fruit in my life and that of people in the city who call in to share how the music impacts them spiritually, it's impossible for me to take issue with it. Not all music may fit in a worship service or sanctuary, but it might still serve a purpose in the message that it communicates.

I totally agree with this. How can we decide the genre of music that pleases God??? how??? The important thing is that we worship. I have shared the word with kids from Kingston Jamaica via Mexico City to Manchester England and we were creative in reaching that generation. In the mission field you do whatever it takes to win the lost.
loolalooh said:
Yes, a teacher will be held accountable, but the listener has accountability too. We are taught to rely on the Word of God and not the word of man. I don't think Laela is advocating that we follow pastors who err but was making the point that even sincere pastors may err unintentionally, and if we are grounded in the Word, we will be able to catch it.

Definitely. I was speaking about how we respond once we encounter error. I think there are some things that are mistakes, and just disagrerments that we might have. But I think that to remain somewhere that we know teaches error is not right because error isn't just a doctrine, there's also a spirit of error. I always feel like talking about spirits can sound superstitious, but I think it's something where we can encounter something spiritually and reject it, embrace it, or tolerate it. I think that by tolerating it we further open ourselves up to it, and the tricky thing about spiritual error is that it is possible to become genuinely convinced of something that is wrong. Most people who end up on some "off" tangent will have their own Scriptures and interpretations. A bad teacher can influence that insofar as a Christian decides to sit and tolerate bad interpretation. It's a way of opening yourself up to the same error in yourself.

For instance, I mentioned the church where I saw error but also had seen truth. If I decided to stay because of the good parts, I'd also be continually hearing what is false. It wouldn't be a one time thing because that's the doctrinal stance of the church and how the pastor continually encourages the congregants to think and read Scripture. And because pastors and teachers are supposed to have authority, it would be putting yourself in a difficult position to sit under someone *constantly* having to be on guard and resist aspects of what they're saying.
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Re: Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo

Yes, Shimmie...he is :yep:
I don't have an answer for the rest of your post... :lachen:

@Iwanthealthyhair67 and @Laela...

Was Don Lemon the reporter on CNN for Whitney's Homegoing Service?

I still haven't watched the entire service.

Why is this Don Lemon man gay? Black people have enough issues as it is, why add this to it... ? :nono:

Note: For anyone just reading and wondering, 'did she seriously say that?' .. I'm serious.

Are you dropping to your knees to pray Alicia? LOL!!
Re: Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo

Yes, Shimmie...he is :yep:
I don't have an answer for the rest of your post... :lachen:

Are you dropping to your knees to pray Alicia? LOL!!

:nono: He's coming out of that in Jesus' Name. That's just a senseless waste of a good Black man, who is too good to be living for the devil.

He's got a good job and a nice manner; he seemed pretty knowledgable of the Ministers who spoke at Whitney's Service.

He could be supporting a lovely Black woman, in marriage and bringing up some wonderful children who know and love Jesus.
Re: Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo

I totally agree with this. How can we decide the genre of music that pleases God??? how??? The important thing is that we worship.

I have shared the word with kids from Kingston Jamaica via Mexico City to Manchester England and we were creative in reaching that generation. In the mission field you do whatever it takes to win the lost.

Ithacagurl... it's wonderful that you are in the mission field. It's not an easy 'job', but I know you treasure what you are doing. I can 'see' you 'falling in love' with each child that the Lord has lead you to minister to. :yep:

I may not like 'rap', but I indeed admire what you are doing and the heart that you have for people's lives that you've touched.

Blessings to you..
Re: Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo

He's not a bad journalist..sometimes can be a bit smug with guests, but he's adept. He was a victim of sexual abuse, so when the Eddie Long story broke he shared his abuse story.

:nono: He's coming out of that in Jesus' Name. That's just a senseless waste of a good Black man, who is too good to be living for the devil.

He's got a good job and a nice manner; he seemed pretty knowledgable of the Ministers who spoke at Whitney's Service.

He could be supporting a lovely Black woman, in marriage and bringing up some wonderful children who know and love Jesus.
Re: Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo

He's not a bad journalist..sometimes can be a bit smug with guests, but he's adept. He was a victim of sexual abuse, so when the Eddie Long story broke he shared his abuse story.

Oohhhhhhhh, now I remember him. :yep:

Like I said above, he'd make a nice husband. This is such a mess! :nono:
Re: Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo

@Sharpened.... I am not going to quote your post because you said a mouthful, just like I had the privilege to do in my previous posts about this subject. You are entitled to have your opinion about what I have stated and come to the conclusion you have reached based on what I have shared.

My stance will not changed at all, I am submitted to my Pastor leadership and it works for me. What I shared does not come from a place of Pastor said that makes it truth end of the story. What I speak and share on this board and in my personal life comes from Revelation knowledge about God and His word. This ministry has been instrumental in showing what God has said in the bible. But I had to go home and put God to the test through the scriptures in own my life, during all my past, present and future trails.

God has shown him worthy to be trusted in my life. I know, that I know he is my Jehova Jireh, my Jehova Rapha, My El Shaddi, My Elohim and the list goes on. He has healed my body, cancelled thousands of dollars of debt, given me favor, used me to minister to others, used me lead others to Christ and again the list goes on. This is a revelation in my spirit, my mind, my soul and body. This is real to me. God has proven His love to me time and time again.

I have seen the Hand of God for myself and yes, my Pastor had a part in that through a sermon he has preached but God will always get the Glory. That is good enough for me........
When it comes to the Lord, I do not deal in opinion. After I had addressed scripture taken out of context and erroneous teachings, these concerns were tossed into the “opinion” trashcan and dismissed with emotionalism and “it works for me.” Well, “it” can change at any time, especially when we get too comfortable.

You got offended and had to defend your idol, but you cannot handle someone pointing out the flaws. It is not about being right, or what works, or changing someone's mind, but the love of truth. The errors of everyone I have ever learned from kept me from being dependent upon anyone and turning to Him, the Truth. The Lord will still get glory and honor in spite of the errors of puffed up men, but the truth will always come to those who seek it continuously.
Re: Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo

We just got to be lovers of truth
Re: Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo

Shimmie this was like 15 years ago. I need to have that mindset once again:yep:

Ithacagurl... it's wonderful that you are in the mission field. It's not an easy 'job', but I know you treasure what you are doing. I can 'see' you 'falling in love' with each child that the Lord has lead you to minister to. :yep:

I may not like 'rap', but I indeed admire what you are doing and the heart that you have for people's lives that you've touched.

Blessings to you..
Re: Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo

@Alicialynn86 ...

Alicia, am I lying? Being Black and gay is not a healthy combination for our race. The 'enemy' has enough weapons against 'us' as it is. How can a Black person have Victory in their lives being gay? It's a adding another negative to the mix that is already out to destory our race; meaning drugs, alcohol, lack of education, welfare, highest in jail population... and adding gay to the list is just compounding the weapons against Blacks.

I found out last week that the President of the NAACP supports gay marriage and went public to announce it before legislative committee.

What kind of foolishness is that?

Do folks not know that the gay agenda is a white strategy to empower whites and NOT Blacks? Black folks are not heading the gay agenda; it's a little white underground organization which has grown by way of spiritual wickedness in high places.

There is a heavier fight for gay rights than Black rights. And I KNOW what I'm talking about...

I'll start another thread, later in a week or so. You know I'm gonna tell it. :fistshake:

Love you Alicia... :love2: Your reply :thud: made me laugh... :yep: :lol:

REALLY REALLY GOOD RESPONSE. I can't tell you how many times I say this and people look at me like :perplexed
Re: Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo

REALLY REALLY GOOD RESPONSE. I can't tell you how many times I say this and people look at me like :perplexed

SummerSolstice ...

I get the 'side - eye' too... :look: or the 'Whhhaaaaaaaatt she say?' raised eyebrow reaction.

However the gay agenda is using Blacks who support them as 'toilet paper'... literally.

Now I usually say 'Bathroom Tissue', however, it's just that bad when I have to say 'toilet paper'.

When the votes are against 'them', the first people that gays blame are 'Blacks' with the 'shame on you' tactic and they literally 'force' the issue that 'Blacks' should be understanding and supportive of the gay agenda due to the Black experience with slavery and racism.

:nono: :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono:

There is not one thing that the gays can identify nor compare their experience to that of the exploitation of African Americans. The gay experience does not qualify to even measure up to what African Americans have endured and it never will.

How dare they :nono: How .... dare....they!

The gay agenda is filled with wwo's... wealthy, white, organizers, whose sole objective is to have rule and submission to their 'cause' which is disorder. Any African American who is 'with' them are simply being deceived that it is for a 'just cause', yet they join a cause which does not have benefits for the Black community.

How many more of our strong Black men can we afford to lose? How many more of our strong and beautiful women have to be defeminized and robbed of the beauty of their true gender as women?

It's sad but true that a weaken community is most susceptable to negative influences. The gay agenda is no different than the drug cartels who have taken over the Black communities; the tobacco industry; the liquor stores/bars on just about every corner in Black neighborhoods and/or the huge billboards promoting alcoholic beverages with glamorous settings.

:nono: :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono:

Now this... to weaken our communities all the more. :nono:

See, this what folks who support gay 'rights' are not 'seeing'... It's giving 'permission' to the molestors as in their diseased mindset, it's legal to have gay sex. More and more of our young innocent boys will be targets for rape/molestion. Why? Because in a sick mind, it is now legal to be 'anal' and frontal with the same sex... :nono: Children need our protection even more... it's beyond sad and bad enough with men molesting little girls. :nono:

The gay rights agenda provides for transexuals to have full access and use of women's rest rooms and dressing rooms. A door WIDE OPEN for men to dress as women and attack them. Because the stores and restaurants are mandated to 'allow' trannies to have full access to these areas, there will be no monitoring of one women's or teen girls safety; not even in schools.

This government of ours has fallen off it's rocker big time ... I've never seen such stupidity and nonsense. :nono:

Oh! And there's more... foolishness in these 'so called' rights. :nono: