Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo Doll

Re: Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo

Still thinking about this thread. Lissa, I'm interested in knowing why you don't double check the teaching with the word. Do you think this undermines leadership? Or do you feel that God filters everything for you? ...I'm guessing that's what you meant by tunnel vision. Just wondering what you have been taught on this issue.

I believe that I have shared what I have been taught at my church and I am good with it. I have experienced the fruit in my life and in my family life, thank God for leading me to this ministry. My walk with God and confidence in prosperity does not start and end with what my Pastor says. I attend service once maybe twice a week but that is not enough to get a personal revelation for God on any topic. I read and study the bible for myself, which my Pastor encourages. In just about every service he will say read and study the bible for yourself, don't just take my word for it (this is said verbatim).

Pastors are accountable for sharing what God has given Him for His people during each service but it responsibilty of the congregation to get in the Bible for themselves.

This is really a personal relationship with God for me, being under the leadership of my Pastor is just a part of this relationship. The Holy Spirit is my teacher, He is the one that reveals the scriptures to me and there are times He will speak through my Pastor. I just don't feel the need to search for scriptures to find ones that are contradict what was preached, that seems so counterproductive and a complete waste of time. There is so much evidence in the bible that God is delights in the prosperity of the believer. I am convinced.......
Re: Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo

You don't know about Leadria? You're missing out. Awesome testimony. She is a preacher's kid, divorced, single mother who lost her house right before she came on Sunday's Best. She won, her testimony is "I may have lost my house, but God has a mansion for me." She really loves the Lord..and she can SAAANG! Here's her slaying them right now...

LeAndria Johnson was the winner of that sham of a show called Sunday's Best...she can really sing, I pray that she stays grounded...

Thanks sidney and Iwanthealthyhair67 ...

I never watched the show, 'Sunday's Best'.... :nono:


Pausing.... before I say why... :look:
Re: Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo

I have truly been called to be a part of this ministry, I am aligned with the vision of this ministry and am confident this is where I am suppose to at this point of my walk with God. No, I do not pick and choose the parts of his teaching that will I will accept or disagree with. Its never really crossed my mind to look for inconsistency at my church or any other ministry service I have attended. I pretty much have tunnel vision "God help me".

I usually ask God to speak to me in this service before I enter the building, that is what I grew up hearing my mother say when I went to church with her. Most of the time, I usually hear something God ALREADY said to me earlier during the service, that I may have ignored or not taken seriously. I pretty much get more confirmation of what God has said to me.

Iron sharpens iron my sis
Re: Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo

Bless Creflo's heart.... I do see where he makes this error in this vid. I don't see it as intentional because if you read the entire chapter ..the hundredfold reference is there. I think members of his congregation would've caught that, just like you caught your pastor's error. Would you say your pastor was willfully trying to deceive you?
This is really good discussion and only supports further that we must study the Word of God for ourselves as to detect error when we see and hear it, no matter who speaks it. I seriously doubt Dollar is one of those ministers out to sham people out of their money but has a heart to serve God.
Jesus IS the have Him at the center of our lives is to live a prosperous life, in all areas. Some preachers like him are more bold to speak on tithing and the financial areas.

I am posting one of these videos, just because I want to people to be "open" to the fact that this twisting does occur, and how subtly its done. I do not make a habit of watching these videos either, some of them are ridiculous and it is not my hope that we post them here. But I do ask the favor of everyone just looking at this one video.
Re: Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo

Bless Creflo's heart.... I do see where he makes this error in this vid. I don't see it as intentional because if you read the entire chapter ..the hundredfold reference is there. I think members of his congregation would've caught that, just like you caught your pastor's error. Would you say your pastor was willfully trying to deceive you?
This is really good discussion and only supports further that we must study the Word of God for ourselves as to detect error when we see and hear it, no matter who speaks it. I seriously doubt Dollar is one of those ministers out to sham people out of their money but has a heart to serve God.
Jesus IS the have Him at the center of our lives is to live a prosperous life, in all areas. Some preachers like him are more bold to speak on tithing and the financial areas.

He was 'nervous' and felt put on the spot.

I thought it was so rude for that other reporter (the guy) to pick up that Big Gulp Paper Cup (64 oz) and take a sip of soda...

That was soooo rude and so ghetto... I'm just saying. There are some things that are just wrong, and that was one of them. I mean, the man may as well have said, he wasn't taking the interview with Creflo seriously.

To be honest, neither was the female reporter, because she was not speaking as one who KNOWS and reads the Bible, she was puppeting what she rehearsed what someone else told her to say. :nono:

Creflo knew better than to be on tv in the first place. It's a lions den for preachers... teeth and claws from saber tooth lions and tigers ready to scratch the life out of anyone who preaches about Jesus...
Re: Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo

I most definitely believe that God blesses materially. I have experienced His faithfulness in that respect too much and too often to say otherwise. But when you look at Scripture, the people God blessed the most in that regard didn't ask for it. Solomon's riches are often mentioned, but how often is it noted that when God asked Solomon what he wanted, Solomon didn't ask for wealth and that's what impressed God--the fact that Solomon cared more about being a good king than his own personal interests. that God blessed him materially.

I Kings 3 said:
5 eAt Gibeon fthe Lord appeared to Solomon gin a dream by night, and God said, “Ask what I shall give you.” 6 And Solomon said...9 Give your servant therefore an understanding mind to govern your people, that I may qdiscern between good and evil, for who is able to govern this your great people?”
10 It pleased the Lord that Solomon had asked this. 11 And God said to him, “Because you have asked this, and have not asked for yourself long life or riches or the life of your enemies, but have asked for yourself understanding to discern what is right, 12 behold, I now do according to your word. Behold, I give you a wise and discerning mind, so that none like you has been before you and none like you shall arise after you. 13 I give you also what you have not asked, both riches and honor, so that no other king shall compare with you, all your days. 14 And if you will walk in my ways, keeping my statutes and my commandments, vas your father David walked, then wI will lengthen your days.”

The heart that pleases God is not the heart that seeks to be rich. The whole earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, so to make someone wealthy is nothing for Him. But I think that Scripture continually repeats the principle shown in God's exchange with Solomon that God's material blessings follow righteousness and faithfulness--they don't come because we are seeking them. I know that it's not a black and white thing--but I think at the end of the day, if we focus 100% on faithfulness to Him, whatever blessing He has for us materially will follow.

Also, I think that we have to be careful about focusing on any particular "blessing." With prosperity preachers, how many has it led to do some unscrupulous things in order to get offerings out of people? I was in a service where an itinerant "prophet" (I mean no disrespect, but I am just not convinced of his authenticity) started off with the "God told me there's someone who will give $1000 and get their breakthrough; then it was "there are 13 people who have $100" to give, then it was that there are X many people who will give $50 to receive their blessing..." And then afterward it was, "Everybody line up. If you have a $20 bill in your pocket, just come and get your breakthrough." And the whole church lined up. Now, I'm not against a laborer receiving his wages, but the whole thing was just off, and I figured that if he did that at every service at every church he visited, he had to be really racking up the money. And you know what? The people lined up not because they loved God and wanted to serve Him, but because they were promised that if they gave X, they would get Y. It's not wrong to know that you will receive a reward and to even work for it. But you have to ask what spirit is being sown into people when they are lining up like that. Is it about obedience to God or covetousness?

At another church I visited, I had perceived a strong anointing in the pastor’s teachings on the internet, but when I wanted to visit in person, something in my intuition said the church was off. When I went there, they were in line with the word of faith message and I saw the oddest thing; they had a bible study that you had to pay for. It wasn’t just paying for the study materials, it was like hundreds of dollars per person, to be paid multiple times in order to participate in this study. I have never seen such and couldn’t figure what could justify that amount being paid in order to simply participate in a bible study. But you know, that pastor ended up giving me a word that was true and very encouraging.

So, I’m not saying that because a church is off in one respect that everything else was completely wrong. But a lot of times, little things turn into big things if the thing goes unchecked. And besides that, it's the wrong things you have to worry about--not the right ones. So a preacher might tell me 5 good and right things, but serious error in the 6th could be the thing that ultimately messes up my spiritual life.
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Re: Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo

Omg, I just ran into a young janitor (african american) and he was walking down the lobby jamming to hip hop. So I let him listen lecrae on my headphones..y'all he was so hype lol. He's going to buy the album tomorrow.
Re: Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo


Hey Lissa...

Just wanna say that if I know nothing else about you, you are truly your 'own' woman. And a woman who truly loves Jesus...

Nothing about you is materialistic. I just want to keep you aware of this.

Whatever I say about the mega ministries, has absolutely no bearing in what I see in you. Your prayers, your heart, your love for God, your heart to obedience is much to admire and respect.

God has you where you are for a reason and a season. I'm just happy to know you.

Love and blessings to you... :love2:
Re: Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo


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Re: Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo

^^^I'd say the Word of God is the Word of God, spoken, written, revealed in the Spirit. If someone doesn't have it written, but it is revealed to their spirit, then that revelation will be according to what has already been written. However we hear God's Word, it is the same.

If someone comes preaching a revelation not according to what has already been written, then it isn't the Word. And if someone interprets what is written contrary to the Spirit of the Word, then it isn't the Word. And if someone knows the letter of the Word, but not the Spirit of the Word and its power, then the Word remains true. "Let God be true and every man a liar."
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Re: Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo

Shimmie... I saw that... LOL... that's Don Lemon and he's a gay anchor, whom I suspect doesn't like Dollar much, because Dollar is very vocal against the gay lifestyle...he probably was just as nervous..slurrping on the drink like that. Unprofessional...

Sigh... we're Truthseekers and even in situations like this we should expect the truth. RINGO TV is known for "exposing" Creflo by slicing and creatively editing portions of his sermons with dramatic pauses and that infamous WHAT?! :lol: We can't read God's Word and fall for this type of twisting what people say either. That's not exposure...that's witchcraft.

He was 'nervous' and felt put on the spot.

I thought it was so rude for that other reporter (the guy) to pick up that Big Gulp Paper Cup (64 oz) and take a sip of soda...

That was soooo rude and so ghetto... I'm just saying. There are some things that are just wrong, and that was one of them. I mean, the man may as well have said, he wasn't taking the interview with Creflo seriously.

To be honest, neither was the female reporter, because she was not speaking as one who KNOWS and reads the Bible, she was puppeting what she rehearsed what someone else told her to say. :nono:

Creflo knew better than to be on tv in the first place. It's a lions den for preachers... teeth and claws from saber tooth lions and tigers ready to scratch the life out of anyone who preaches about Jesus...
Re: Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo

^^^I'd say the Word of God is the Word of God, spoken, written, revealed in the Spirit. If someone doesn't have it written, but it is revealed to their spirit, then that revelation will be according to what has already been written. However we hear God's Word, it is the same.

If someone comes preaching a revelation not according to what has already been written, then it isn't the Word. And if someone interprets what is written contrary to the Spirit of the Word, then it isn't the Word. And if someone knows the letter of the Word, but not the Spirit of the Word and its power, then the Word remains true. "Let God be true and every man a liar."

Agree with this...The Word and Spirit are always in perfect agreement.

John 14:26
But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.

“When the Counselor comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father, he will testify about me.
Re: Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo

I most definitely believe that God blesses materially. I have experienced His faithfulness in that respect too much and too often to say otherwise. But when you look at Scripture, the people God blessed the most in that regard didn't ask for it. Solomon's riches are often mentioned, but how often is it noted that when God asked Solomon what he wanted, Solomon didn't ask for wealth and that's what impressed God--the fact that Solomon cared more about being a good king than his own personal interests. that God blessed him materially.

The heart that pleases God is not the heart that seeks to be rich. The whole earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, so to make someone wealthy is nothing for Him. But I think that Scripture continually repeats the principle shown in God's exchange with Solomon that God's material blessings follow righteousness and faithfulness--they don't come because we are seeking them. I know that it's not a black and white thing--but I think at the end of the day, if we focus 100% on faithfulness to Him, whatever blessing He has for us materially will follow.

Also, I think that we have to be careful about focusing on any particular "blessing." With prosperity preachers, how many has it led to do some unscrupulous things in order to get offerings out of people? I was in a service where an itinerant "prophet" (I mean no disrespect, but I am just not convinced of his authenticity) started off with the "God told me there's someone who will give $1000 and get their breakthrough; then it was "there are 13 people who have $100" to give, then it was that there are X many people who will give $50 to receive their blessing..." And then afterward it was, "Everybody line up. If you have a $20 bill in your pocket, just come and get your breakthrough." And the whole church lined up. Now, I'm not against a laborer receiving his wages, but the whole thing was just off, and I figured that if he did that at every service at every church he visited, he had to be really racking up the money. And you know what? The people lined up not because they loved God and wanted to serve Him, but because they were promised that if they gave X, they would get Y. It's not wrong to know that you will receive a reward and to even work for it. But you have to ask what spirit is being sown into people when they are lining up like that. Is it about obedience to God or covetousness?

At another church I visited, I had perceived a strong anointing in the pastor’s teachings on the internet, but when I wanted to visit in person, something in my intuition said the church was off. When I went there, they were in line with the word of faith message and I saw the oddest thing; they had a bible study that you had to pay for. It wasn’t just paying for the study materials, it was like hundreds of dollars per person, to be paid multiple times in order to participate in this study. I have never seen such and couldn’t figure what could justify that amount being paid in order to simply participate in a bible study. But you know, that pastor ended up giving me a word that was true and very encouraging.

So, I’m not saying that because a church is off in one respect that everything else was completely wrong. But a lot of times, little things turn into big things if the thing goes unchecked. And besides that, it's the wrong things you have to worry about--not the right ones. So a preacher might tell me 5 good and right things, but serious error in the 6th could be the thing that ultimately messes up my spiritual life.

I agree with your post wholeheartedly.
Re: Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo

I enjoy LeCrae... his Haiti song, Far Away, is so powerful!

Omg, I just ran into a young janitor (african american) and he was walking down the lobby jamming to hip hop. So I let him listen lecrae on my headphones..y'all he was so hype lol. He's going to buy the album tomorrow.
Re: Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo

Bless Creflo's heart.... I do see where he makes this error in this vid. I don't see it as intentional because if you read the entire chapter ..the hundredfold reference is there. I think members of his congregation would've caught that, just like you caught your pastor's error. Would you say your pastor was willfully trying to deceive you?
This is really good discussion and only supports further that we must study the Word of God for ourselves as to detect error when we see and hear it, no matter who speaks it. I seriously doubt Dollar is one of those ministers out to sham people out of their money but has a heart to serve God.
Jesus IS the have Him at the center of our lives is to live a prosperous life, in all areas. Some preachers like him are more bold to speak on tithing and the financial areas.

Thanks Laela. Unfortunately, I have heard similar messages like these from Pastor Dollar. Don't get me wrong, there is some good teaching mixed in with the prosperity stuff. I also don't think that people always intentionally try to sham folks...I am willing to bet that he fully believes what he is teaching. But that does not make it less wrong and the consequences less dire. I Timothy 6 makes it clear, the gospel is not to be used for financial gain. These things naturally follow obedience and God's grace as we walk in his will.
Re: Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo

Shimmie... I saw that... LOL... that's Don Lemon and he's a gay anchor, whom I suspect doesn't like Dollar much, because Dollar is very vocal against the gay lifestyle...he probably was just as nervous..slurrping on the drink like that. Unprofessional...

Sigh... we're Truthseekers and even in situations like this we should expect the truth. RINGO TV is known for "exposing" Creflo by slicing and creatively editing portions of his sermons with dramatic pauses and that infamous WHAT?! :lol: We can't read God's Word and fall for this type of twisting what people say either. That's not exposure...that's witchcraft.

That WHAT?! is too much. I don't doubt that he chops and edits to force his points. :yep: I'm open to listening to the opinions here about this...but I just can't get around some building your treasures in heaven. God will take care of our treasures on earth.
Re: Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo

That's an interesting comment....

The Word of God is a witness to Himself. Let every man be a liar... God's Word is Truth. So you're saying if you're firmly rooted and grounded in the Word, someone's teachings could cause you to "mess up" spiritually? How?
In a case like this, it seems more like depending on the Word, according to Preacher X, and not the Word, according to God.

Hebrews 13:10
Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines. For it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace; not with meats, which have not profited them that have been occupied therein.

So, I’m not saying that because a church is off in one respect that everything else was completely wrong. But a lot of times, little things turn into big things if the thing goes unchecked. And besides that, it's the wrong things you have to worry about--not the right ones. So a preacher might tell me 5 good and right things, but serious error in the 6th could be the thing that ultimately messes up my spiritual life.
Re: Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo

That's an interesting comment....

The Word of God is a witness to Himself. Let every man be a liar... God's Word is Truth. So you're saying if you're firmly rooted and grounded in the Word, someone's teachings could cause you to "mess up" spiritually? How?
In a case like this, it seems more like depending on the Word, according to Preacher X, and not the Word, according to God.

Hebrews 13:10
Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines. For it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace; not with meats, which have not profited them that have been occupied therein.

If I embrace error, it will mess me up spiritually. If I sow error into my spirit, then I'll reap spiritual damage. I can start off strong and then get shaky, and then fall. I don't think that any of us has our spiritual lives "on lock" such that we don't have to avoid error.

(eta: isn't that what the above verse is warning against?)
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Re: Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo

:lol:...K, guess no one wants to answer my questions directly.

I'll go to another Christian Forum that I go to and ask there.

Re: Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo

:lol:...K, guess no one wants to answer my questions directly.

I'll go to another Christian Forum that I go to and ask there.

Let me ask a few questions...just curious. :grin:

What happens to the members of the Body of Christ who don't have a bible...they want one, but are not allowed to have one? Because they are not able to read a bible, do you believe that they are not apart of the Body of Christ? Of course they are.

If they don't have scripture to back up what their pastor is sharing or to make sure that what he is saying is the truth, do you believe that the Holy Spirit won't reveal to them the spirit of truth and the spirit of error because of it? I believe the spirit of truth can show you anything, of course. But the I believe when idolatry and selfish ambitions are present[speaking in general], they can quench the holy spirit as any sin can.

Do you think that if they aren't studying (because they don't have a bible) to show themselves approved unto God, that they will not be able to rightly divide the word of truth? God can reveal things that are scripture. I have seen things in the word after I received it from the holy spirit.

Do you believe that because you read your bible daily, and can quote scripture, that you are better equipped than those who can't read their bible, or are not allowed to have a bible? Nope, but I rejoice that I have Joshua 1:8-9 available to me. If I didn't I would believe on whatever I had and ask the holy spirit to confirm.

How is it that these same members of the Body of Christ, can operate under the power of the Holy Spirit, and people are healed, delivered and set free, if they don't have their bibles to read, to know what they are suppose to do as believers? How is it that there are members of the Body of Christ who do read their bibles, yet are not operating fully under the power of the Holy Spirit? What is the difference between the two? Why?
I am grateful that God does give us the word to help us judge things[see Psalm 119]. And if I don't understand the word, I go to the father and he reveals it. We should do all things not merely by his word, but also by his spirit. We should do nothing in the flesh. But I also don't think that miracles are evidence of God's work because the word does say that false prophets would perform those too[not saying this is the case with WC].
Re: Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo

Therein lies the accountability .. yours, not the teacher's.

If I embrace error, it will mess me up spiritually. If I sow error into my spirit, then I'll reap spiritual damage. I can start off strong and then get shaky, and then fall. I don't think that any of us has our spiritual lives "on lock" such that we don't have to avoid error. (eta: isn't that what the above verse is warning against?)
Re: Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo

I need to pray first to answer yours.... :lol: Marking my spot. It's been a long night, but those are great questions!

:lol:...K, guess no one wants to answer my questions directly.

I'll go to another Christian Forum that I go to and ask there.

Therein lies the accountability .. yours, not the teacher's.

A teacher is also accountable for teaching error...they will be judge more harshly because of their position.

I honestly have not been able to follow the implications in the last few posts (not just your's Laela) because the principle that you do not follow a teacher who preaches error seems so clear to me and something that we are constantly instructed about that I don't see an issue.
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Re: Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo

That's an interesting comment....

The Word of God is a witness to Himself. Let every man be a liar... God's Word is Truth. So you're saying if you're firmly rooted and grounded in the Word, someone's teachings could cause you to "mess up" spiritually? How?
In a case like this, it seems more like depending on the Word, according to Preacher X, and not the Word, according to God.

Hebrews 13:10
Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines. For it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace; not with meats, which have not profited them that have been occupied therein.

Can I answer this one. It's mainly the Ephesians 4:14 scripture that gets me. When we are infants in his word we are carried to and fro with every doctrine. I know I did this. I think the danger is when individuals are starting out and they don't know the word for themselves, and they trust someone to teach it to them...and in up down a dark winding path. And that's where the pastor's accountability comes in Ezekiel 34.
Re: Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo

Let me ask a few questions...just curious. :grin:

What happens to the members of the Body of Christ who don't have a bible...they want one, but are not allowed to have one? Because they are not able to read a bible, do you believe that they are not apart of the Body of Christ? Of course they are.

If they don't have scripture to back up what their pastor is sharing or to make sure that what he is saying is the truth, do you believe that the Holy Spirit won't reveal to them the spirit of truth and the spirit of error because of it? I believe the spirit of truth can show you anything, of course. But the I believe when idolatry and selfish ambitions are present[speaking in general], they can quench the holy spirit as any sin can.

Do you think that if they aren't studying (because they don't have a bible) to show themselves approved unto God, that they will not be able to rightly divide the word of truth? God can reveal things that are scripture. I have seen things in the word after I received it from the holy spirit.

Do you believe that because you read your bible daily, and can quote scripture, that you are better equipped than those who can't read their bible, or are not allowed to have a bible? Nope, but I rejoice that I have Joshua 1:8-9 available to me. If I didn't I would believe on whatever I had and ask the holy spirit to confirm.

How is it that these same members of the Body of Christ, can operate under the power of the Holy Spirit, and people are healed, delivered and set free, if they don't have their bibles to read, to know what they are suppose to do as believers? How is it that there are members of the Body of Christ who do read their bibles, yet are not operating fully under the power of the Holy Spirit? What is the difference between the two? Why?
I am grateful that God does give us the word to help us judge things[see Psalm 119]. And if I don't understand the word, I go to the father and he reveals it. We should do all things not merely by his word, but also by his spirit. We should do nothing in the flesh. But I also don't think that miracles are evidence of God's work because the word does say that false prophets would perform those too[not saying this is the case with WC].

Thank you sidney, for respectfully answering my questions within my post. I appreciate your words and your sincere heart in answering them.

Love you, sis!

Re: Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo

Good thread ladies, and good night! God bless all of you!
Can I answer this one. It's mainly the Ephesians 4:14 scripture that gets me. When we are infants in his word we are carried to and fro with every doctrine. I know I did this. I think the danger is when individuals are starting out and they don't know the word for themselves, and they trust someone to teach it to them...and in up down a dark winding path. And that's where the pastor's accountability comes in Ezekiel 34.

Is it just infancy though? I don't think there is any spiritual age where error is something to be tolerated. I believe in the saying that you "chew the fish and spit out the bones." However, I think a distinction has to be made between those who preach something and might be wrong on one or two points, and those who are continuously, willfully preaching something false. Everyone might need correction sometime, but even if I know the word backwards and forwards and upside down, why would I sit under a minister who has set his heart to preach contrary to the word? Even if I can take some positive things from what is being said, just the fact that he (or she) will not be corrected on a certain point is enough to show that they are not trustworthy. And if I am OK with a pastor that will not fully submit to what I know to be God's word, then what does that say about me? At a certain point, it's not even about maturity, but obedience.
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Re: Christian Rap Artists Go After Atlanta Mega-Church Pastors Eddie Long and Creflo

:lol:...K, guess no one wants to answer my questions directly.

I'll go to another Christian Forum that I go to and ask there.


I wanted to answer, but wanted to marinate on it.:sad: Sorry.