childhood hair memories


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Childhood hair memories-what are yours?

I have been talking to a lot of people recently about how their mom/grandma/sister etc did their hair when they were little and how it has affected how they take care of their hair today or how differently they take care of their hair now. Interestingly, the simple things my mom did to my hair growing up really influenced the length and strength of my hair for example- I NEVER got my hair relaxed until I was like 16. I always had a blowdry and press. She would wash my hair in the sink in the basement, condition me, blow it out, press, and braid it into two braids. Every two weeks. Never did anything else, and I had gorgeous, thick, long hair. Oh how I miss those days. :(

Looking back, I wish I had never gone down the relaxer path. I also wish I’d never discovered bleach. How was your hair taken care of when you were young?
My grandmother did my hair as a child.One plait at the top and one on each side greased up to high heaven no hair accessories other than a ribbon on Easter.I don't remember having my hair washed at home it was only shampooed if I went to the salon and that was usually only on Easter and Christmas and occasional special events.
When my aunt would visit she would give me small cornrows and that would last for weeks.My hair was long and thick but because of the shrinkage you could only see the length after a hard press n curl that I would have done at the salon for those holidays and events.
The hairdresser talked my grandma into letting me get a relaxer when I got to Middle school and within a few weeks almost all of my hair fell out.
Mom did nothing to my hair and it grew like a weed.

Well she washed it and plated it left it alone for two weeks and did it again, unless it was picture day.

Yep, ugly hair-do
My momma always kept my hair in braids. Every 2 weeks my auntie was over braiding me up. It grew a whole lot too. It was nice and thick. But she said I was sooooo tenderheaded that she went ahead and permed me up.
my mom always washed my hair in the kitchen sink and plaited it up to prepare my tresses for a press. I would be laying across the washing machine so my head would hang over the sink for washing!!
I hated getting my hair pressed due to getting burned around the edges(just the steam mixed with the oil was enough heat to make u not move one inch!) She didn't mean to do it but my reflex was automatic (u know the flinching eyelids and tense neck and shoulder posture!) My hair was very thick and healthy until I finally got a relaxer at the age of 15! but of course I didn't know how to take care of it.. so major breakage for a decade and a half, now that I have knowledge on proper maintenance for relaxed hair care, I can finally take care of my relaxed hair at the age of 32 and it is thriving nicely !!!:lol:
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My mom put my hair in two plaits or two french braids that started at the crown of my head and ended at the nape. The ends were past my shoulders. I remember how thick and curly my hair was was after she washed it. When I got a perm at age 12, the thickness went bye-bye.:(
Hareitiz said:
My mom put my hair in two plaits or two french braids that started at the crown of my head and ended at the nape. The ends were past my shoulders. I remember how thick and curly my hair was was after she washed it. When I got a perm at age 12, the thickness went bye-bye.:(

it seems like the common theme is that doing less equals more hair (virgin hair anyway). i always have to remind myself of this...but now i'm chemically relaxed and highlighted (to shame!) so it requires a lot of dedication.

oh the good ole days. wish i could go back in time to my first relaxer and tell my self NO! DON'T DO IT!:perplexed
oh i miss those days. i remember getting hair washed over the sink. getting it braided every two weeks on sunday for school. wore ponytails for sometimes occasions. and pressed by my Granny for holidays. i remember that you better not move or you got popped with that comb for not being still when getting it braided. and you better not run home after getting it pressed or you might sweat out the press. oh i miss those days. my mom was pissed off when my aunt( uncles wife put it into my head that i needed my hair trimmed and relaxed) she decided to relax it without my mom's knowledge . and then my aunt couldn't get an appointment to have it trim, being an impatient 10 yr old , i decided to trim it myself. needless to say my mom tore me up, cussed out my aunt. my hair was thick (rudy huxtable thick and long) prior to being relaxed.
as a young girl my mother never pressed my hair untill about age 13. from me begging her to.

she would blow dry it with every wash and put LOADS of pink moisturizer in it. she would rebraid my hair in 2 plaits every morning and put loads more of pink moisturizer in it. honestly she only washed my hair every 2-3 months :confused: and in the summer my aunt would give me small cornrolls down my back and i would pick out colorful beads to have put on the ends, i had that redone every month.

i am completly surprised that my hair was nearly waistlength and thick with my mother barely washing it, now i feel slightly dirty because i can go a while still without washing my hair and i dont feel "dirty"
Qetesh said:
as a young girl my mother never pressed my hair untill about age 13. from me begging her to.

she would blow dry it with every wash and put LOADS of pink moisturizer in it. she would rebraid my hair in 2 plaits every morning and put loads more of pink moisturizer in it. honestly she only washed my hair every 2-3 months :confused: and in the summer my aunt would give me small cornrolls down my back and i would pick out colorful beads to have put on the ends, i had that redone every month.

i am completly surprised that my hair was nearly waistlength and thick with my mother barely washing it, now i feel slightly dirty because i can go a while still without washing my hair and i dont feel "dirty"

. i think my mom only washed my hair once a really didn't seem to be a detriment to the growth at all though!
My mommy did my hair EVERYDAY! Not once did she complain about its length, thickness, curl/kink/wave, nothing. My mother took very good care of my hair and after she'd finish fixing it, she would say 'mo hair, grow hair.'

The only thing I didn't like was when she did my hair in front of the tv. Boy do I still remember the comb popping upside my head when I would make her miss parting my hair straight :lol:

My mother washed my hair when it got too straight, which indicated it was dirty. I think she did this every 3 weeks or so. Also, I only got my ends dusted during March winds.

My mother NEVER applied heat to my hair. Matter of fact, she scared the bejesus out of me when it came to heat. She told me 'heat would make your hair fall out.'

When I entered junior high, things started to change. My mother felt I need a more mature look. I started getting my hair pressed by my god mother or aunt every 2 weeks and I mean PRESSED!!! My hair would still puff up when wet, but now since I am natural again, I can look back and say that the combo of daily combing, and bi weekly blow drying and straightening did damage my hair, even though it remained long. I see that now because I no longer comb my hair daily and barely use heat and my hair has is curl/wave pattern all the way to the ends. Back in the day, my hair was wavy at the roots, straight toward the ends. I used to hate this.
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