Worst childhood hair memory

I think I was around 10 and it was time for my bangs to get trimmed. I wanted to do it myself, so I grabbed scissors and cut straight across - or so I thought.

When I finished cutting it was short in the middle and long on the sides. My mom laughed and called me "Meatfork". She still calls me that to this day.
Being the guinea pig for my mom before she became a cosmetologist. Horrible "kiddie relaxers", unflattering hairstyles, "candy curls-aka James Brown" look, tight curls from those pink rollers, pigtails going in every direction. Just awful. She denies all knowledge of this tortue to this day! Lol
Well my horrific memory has two parts. A little background, my parents separated when I was three. I split my time between them, my mom in Miami and my dad in Antigua. When my dad traveled for work I stayed with my paternal grandmother. This arrangement worked fine except when it came to my hair because my grandmother had six boys and never had to do a girl's hair. Of course she had her own hair to tend to but she had 3A hair which she kept at a medium length and I was definitely a 4B with a good amount thickness and length but she had no idea how to take care it. My mom was aware of the challenge for my grandmother so she made arrangements for a friend take care of my hair each week. She washed and braided it weekly and my hair flourished.

To this day I am trying to figure how the next occurence came about but all I remember is that I was about six years old and my dad and grandmother had a conversation. Then my dad called me over and I jumped on his lap and we were having a chat. Then all of a sudden I noticed hair falling to the floor but it didn't really hit me that it was my hair. Come to find out that my dad had cut off all of my hair into a TWA. I was mortified. He said look at you, you look like a cute little boy (he always wanted a boy...but was punished with four girls). My mom just happened to call just minutes later. It's like she sensed I was in anguish. She talked to my dad and then asked to talk to me. I wept into the phone and told her that "Daddie cut my hair". She calmly asked me to give the phone back to my dad. I think that was the day I learned all of the four letter words that I was never supposed to hear. My mom cursed my dad out so loudly I could hear every word clearly. Funny thing is, my mom stutters, but for some reason when she's repeating the bad words it doesn't seem to affect her speech so much (think of The King's Speech). Anywho, my dad hung up the phone and told me to pack because I was getting on a plane later that afternoon to go to Miami to see my mom. So in just a few hours I was with my mom and she could barely contain herself at what my dad did to me. She started cursing my grandmother as well because it was my grandmother who convinced my dad to cut my hair. She apparently was still upset with my mom for ending things with my dad. Actually up to fifteen years later, my mom had barely spoken a word to my grandmother because of this incident.

So on to part two of my horrific memory. So I'm in Miami with my mom and she takes me out shopping and she's doing all she can to make up for what happened. She blamed herself for not being there. So she promises to take me to a salon to get my hair done. I had no idea what she was planning to do with my hair but I trusted her. Turns out that I could trust my grandmother, father, or mother. My mom asked the stylist to give me a Jherri Curl. She thought it was the best alternative where as I wouldn't have to keep my hair braided and it would be less maintenance. I don't what she was thinking because I too had to sleep with the crinkly shower cap which kept me up at night and never stayed on my head. My pillowcase and face were greasy every morning. Surprisingly I didn't develop acne at an early age. And the kids at my school who were extrememly cruel especially since it was a parochial school called me worm head. So that is my memory that has stuck with me for 25 years.

Ladies, I apologize for my story being so long. I am not usually a poster but I felt this was the time for me to share. I hope you don't mind the length and I hope I didn't bore you too much.
This might sound stupid but my hair is really thick so my worst memory is my sister with thinner looser hair texture would get 4 braids two in the front and two in the back. I would get 5 and I felt so stupid with this one braid jutting from the middle of my hair. I begged my mom to do 4 and she did and my braids ended up so fat and short :-(

Another one is when my grandmother visited from SC and straightened me and my sister's hair. I was so surprised it was long! But then a boy cousin said I looked like Tina Turner and all my confidence went out the window! (I was like 8 at the time)
my aunt that was only 3 yrs older than I thought I was her barbie doll. She would have a glass of water, the brush and crown grease sitting on the table with sime rubber bands and start with her styles and finish and then say sit back down I don't like it like that. So she would take it out and start all over and she would be pulling on my hair and saying keep still it don't hurt. She would always send me running back home because I couldn't take it anymore. My grandfather would beg for me to come back over to be her playmate....
We lived in the Cabrini Green row house projects growing up, basement level. Chicago people will definitely know about that spot. My mom sent me to get my hair braided by a lady who lived over us. I was about 8 years old. Well, I remember sitting down on the floor while she sat on the couch braiding. I remember her pulling and it hurting but that wasn't the worst of it. There were roaches crawling all over her floor. I guess she never did anything to keep them away. I don't remember what was said or done to make me stay on that floor but I remember being was paralyzed watching the bugs crawl on me. When I went back downstairs, my mom screamed when she saw roaches smashed on the back of my legs. My mom had some choice words for the neighbor who avoided my mom from then on and I never went up there again. Today I am afraid of all bugs, including butterflies. Sorry for the gross story but that is my worst hair story.

Being made to get a jheri curl when I was 11 years old was pure torture. And I had to wear it until I was around 14 years old. I took matters into my own hands and refused to get any more jheri curls. I started to get my hair pressed and grew that mess out. I looked like a dude for years with that mess and it gave me the worse case of acne. Whoever invented the jheri curl should be :whipgirl:
Three words: Vigorol Liquid Relaxer!! My mother put that ACID in my hair when I was about 8 and I think my edges still haven't recovered! My edges aren't thinning or anything they just are very short and feel less full than the rest of my hairline. That mess left my hair a tangled, matted calamity. On top of that, shortly afterward I got box braids but they were in a brownish/auburn color (bc that was the only hair color the braider had SMH) and she didn't burn the ends so I was walking around with raggedly ugly brown auburn braids that were frayed at the ends!
My mom used to cut my uncle's and brother's hair....So one day I wanted a hair cut too. My hair was pretty long at 5, so I cut one of my pony tails off. OMG my mom was livid. She never did find the pony tail. She is still mad to this day about it lol.
Got another one....

Fourteen years old and I wanted some box braids, but mom didn't want to pay $160 to get them done. So she hired my cousins babymama for $50. Well, she got through about two thirds by 2am. Said she was tired and went home... And never came back. Wouldn't answer her phone, nothing. So I had my friend come over and finish it, including burning the ends. HAM! Braids all kinda different lengths and thickness... Luckily it was summer and none of the neighborhood kids even noticed.

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-My first relaxer. Horrible!
-When I used to go to the shop they would always cut my hair at least 3 inches but I never spoke up and my mom would be out getting my hungry self some food and by the time she got back my hair was in rollers already. :nono:
-when I tried to shape up my 'kitchen' and shaved the back left part of my nape off.
-when I cot one of my pony twist off trying to cut off a rubber-band.

My mom was cheap, well still is. Anyways, I was in grade 4 and there was a big break out of lice in school and unfortunately I caught it. My dad got my mom the lice shampoo to use on me, but since my hair was waist length, thick and coarse she didn't want to have to buy 2 bottles so she just shaved my head and then used the shampoo. Worst experience ever.:nono:
My mom was cheap, well still is. Anyways, I was in grade 4 and there was a big break out of lice in school and unfortunately I caught it. My dad got my mom the lice shampoo to use on me, but since my hair was waist length, thick and coarse she didn't want to have to buy 2 bottles so she just shaved my head and then used the shampoo. Worst experience ever.:nono:

OMG! That is soooo unfair! :wallbash:

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My mom gave me some money to go get my hair done just a couple blocks away. I was in elementary school, maybe 5th grade. I had been to this lady once before, so no biggy. Well after she finished curling my hair, she started feeling on my ear, just touching and messaging it, kind of playing with it. :blush: I didn't know what the heck she was doing, but it was uncomfortable and there was silence. Soon as she put my hair in ponytails, I paid her and then ran out and ran home. I don't even know if I told my mom immediately, but I never went back.
Back in the early 80's. Getting a jeri curl, sleeping with that bag on my head. eeewwww... so gross.
My mom gave me some money to go get my hair done just a couple blocks away. I was in elementary school, maybe 5th grade. I had been to this lady once before, so no biggy. Well after she finished curling my hair, she started feeling on my ear, just touching and messaging it, kind of playing with it. :blush: I didn't know what the heck she was doing, but it was uncomfortable and there was silence. Soon as she put my hair in ponytails, I paid her and then ran out and ran home. I don't even know if I told my mom immediately, but I never went back.

That's pretty disturbing :nono: