Worst childhood hair memory

I remember my mother taking me to this womans house to get my hair braided and her house was roached up. I mean they were climbing the walls, dressers and crawiling around me while I was on the floor.

I also remember my mom being extra rough on my hair for no dam reason,lol. Ripping combs through my hair and all. After that I pleaded with her to let me do my own hair and she gladly let me.
my mom first self perming my hair... MY LAWD did my hair hate her...broke off something crazy.

once my sister did my hair in braids for the summer. I got sick of them so I wanted them out. Instead of my sister helping she let me do it alone and I just cut all the braids straight across and sure enough I cut my hair...talk about devastated...
My mom was never rough, she just combed it and let it be or put it in a ponytail. Similar to danniegirl's story, we were saving coke cans in the back yard (my grandma sells them as scrap metal) and bees had taken up residence in one of the partially open bags. I went out on the back porch cause the dog was barking and bees were chasing him around stinging him and one got in my hair! Oh God, I was home alone running around screaming like a madman, couldn't get that thing out and scared it'd sting me or be smashed dead in my hair :barf:. Eventually he made his way out the back door. I stay far away from bees when my hair's down now.
the time i cut my own bangs w/o permission and made them too short (&i was natural and it was the summertime) and instead of brushing them back to camouflage it i tried to make them stay down, and ended up literally slicking them to my forehead with jam, and they started to curl up while still kind of plastered to my face...it was a mess. also my childhood hair memories wouldn't be complete without burns on my ears from press and curls (and the burnt skin smell that would linger everytime i got in the shower) , and scabs on my head with hair stuck to them from relaxers.
once my sister did my hair in braids for the summer. I got sick of them so I wanted them out. Instead of my sister helping she let me do it alone and I just cut all the braids straight across and sure enough I cut my hair...talk about devastated...

I definitely did the same thing! My hair was uneven for years because we never got trims. So, I was just stuck with the result.:lol:
My mom was out of town for some reason so my dad did my hair for church. He brushed it till it was HUGE then clipped one of those cone things (80s babies remember those things) about 3-4 inches from my scalp so it just sort of flopped over. He the brushed it some more I guess to make it "neater" I ended up looking like a troll doll and crying all the way to church.

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My mom was out of town for some reason so my dad did my hair for church. He brushed it till it was HUGE then clipped one of those cone things (80s babies remember those things) about 3-4 inches from my scalp so it just sort of flopped over. He the brushed it some more I guess to make it "nearer" I ended up looking like a troll doll and crying all the way to church.

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Trying to save a buck by going to a relative who "wants to be a hairdresser." She did my relaxers for a while until my hair started breaking off.
I just thought of another one.
I was about 12. My mom did not allow me or anyone else to press my hair. I got around this on weekends @ cousins houses by using the curling iron or @ home I would actually IRON my hair on the ironing board. Imagine my delight when I found an actual pressing comb (the old school stove kind) while going through my moms old junk. Long story short I burned myself some bangs (meaning I burned straight through the hair and ended up w/ nose length bangs)and smelled like burnt hair all day. Did I mention I did this right before school. My friends dad was probably wondering wtf that smell was when I got in the car. Oh I obviously had to tell my mom and she laughed @ me. The End.

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At the age of 13 my moms friend attempted to put a jherri curl in my hair, it didn' t take because I wouldn't allow her to cut off my relaxed hair.:blush:..so after hrs of these texious process my hair came out wavy ...which was kinda cute:grin:.. so I wore my hair in a french braid until I could relax again. The bad part was my hair smelled burnt for about s month!
i see that pressing comb was the debil for a lot of us. i refuse to put my DD through that torture. i was burned plenty of times with that comb. i remember i wanted some extension braids. my mother put them in for me. i had so much weave in my hair. i think she used 4 packs of hair! she straightened my hair too right before she put them in. for the next week, all of those braids started slipping and falling out of my hair. i was so embarrassed.

oh i had a curl too, but i was never curly like everyone else. my hair straightens easily with chemicals, so it was always a stringy mess.
Wow some of Yall had horrible experiences :(. When I was 4 I cut off one or two ponytails. I didn't care but my momma did. I cut off my brothers rat tail too. I cringe thinking about it. Poor mama lol.

Oh and another one was when my mom left it up to my sister to do my hair one morning for school. She was being lazy and gave me this ugly puffy French braid. It looked so I ugly I cried lol.

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Those EVIL pink sponge rollers...

Mommy pressed my hair on Saturday. She was pretty good because she never burned me, but she made me keep my bang in a pink sponge roller from the time she curled the bang to the time I had to line up for the choir march in. So YES i have to ride to church, walk in and put on my robe AND line up before I could take it out- SMH. I hate sponge rollers to this day. There are NONE in my house.
my worst hair memory was in Kindergarten a girl (i'll never forget her name! Christina Castillo!!) cut off a lock of my hair, THE DAY BEFORE KINDERGARTEN GRADUATION!! I went home, and it was on. The rest is a blur, a mix of scissors, pressing comb (on an open/gas stove...yeah.), an a ribbon.

Almost 15 years later, the thought of it all still makes me cringe. :)
My worst memory is on the weekends being between my mother's knees sitting on the floor while she detangled and combed my hair (just shampooed and them grease,no conditioner!) with her boar bristle brush, making sure to reeallyy smooth the edges and the naps in the "kitchen" with water and grease, she would brush so tight and then two braids that would leave me with slanted eyes.
The summer I turned 7, my mom got sent TDY to Saudi Arabia for 3 months so it was just my dad, my baby brother, and me. Of course, the task of doing my hair fell on my dad. However, I was extremely tenderheaded and would cry, squirm, etc whenever a comb even came near my head. Well, my dad didn't like to see me cry so whenever he would do my hair he would apply some Pink Lotion, brush (not comb) my hair, and put my hair into my braids.

Now, fast forward to my mother's return. My mom goes to do my hair and finds 3 months worth of uncombed hair. WORST.DAY.OF.MY.LIFE!!! :lol:

Oh and my mom was really really mad about that. She fussed my dad smooth out......
I moved to an all white school in middle school ,(which is already a recipe for disaster on it's own seeing how middle school = HADES), but adding insult to injury...I stole myself some burgundy hair dye and did the do whilst moms was taking a nap. Seriously, the next day my mom decided it was touch up time. She based my scalp and began to apply the relaxer suddenly noticing the purplish tint.

She kept reading the box of perm like it had some new feature that turned the perm purple when it was ready to wash out? I let her figure that out on her own because there was no way I was about to confess what I had done. At least, that is until while washing out the neutralizing shampoo, clumps of my hair started coming out. Then I kinda had to explain. Long story short, no pun intended, I had an inch of hair left all over my head. Which I was okay with because back then I though Toni Braxton was the bomb.com and all I needed was some gel right?


My mom did not know how to do a doobie wrap and my onliest chocolate drop butt had to go to lily white academy with a mini fro. The next day my mom booked an appt with a braider who was p'o'ed that she had to do braids on such short hair. She used rubber bands on each section for the hair to have something toanchor onto which resulted in braids popping off my head with the slightest breeze of air. There was once a collection of braids in my desk at school that i would find lying on the ground praying that no one else noticed them. Once during a test I twirled my braid around my pencil and "Pop!" off it flew. Great. I earned the name "Predator" because of my hair for the rest of the school year.
The week before I started high school, I went to my mom's discount beauty school stylists to get a back to school hairstyle. I decided I wanted an Aaliyah cut, just an angled layer down the front. My hair had to be about BSL-MBL in the back. The front was shorter anyway so I just wanted it trimmed really.

I had my hair washed, blow dried. While getting it flat ironed, all of a sudden the person doing my hair just stopped dead. She walked away and got the instructor. When she came back I saw IT. She was holding a very large portion of my hair in her hand. I was left with a 2x2 and 2 inch long patch towards the front of my head. She burned my hair clear off with a flat iron.

When the instructor talked to me about it, she said it was too obvious to just ignore and the would have to even the whole thing up. BSL to 2 inches all over?!? I was pissed but they would not let me keep my length. I was young, so basically my pleading didn't matter. In the end, I got my angle in the front but had an unsightly bowl cut. My classmates sure were surprised on the first day of school. I had to answer 5 million questions about the whereabouts of my hair. Four years later, at college, a girl I grew up still asked me where all my hair was...I took care of it myself after that and it never regained it's previous glory.

For the tl:dr crowd...the story is:

I asked for this:


I ended up with this:

My last week wearing jerri curls was very traumatic for me

Me and my mom was in the basement doing laundry when a waterbug came flying through the window I stood there laughing while my mom tried to swat the bug out the air with a shirt or something. She finally hit it but we had no idea where it fell she actually sent me on a mission to find it and I couldn't find it.

Ok so I had to be about 11 years old at the time and my 4b curl was about bsl. I had so much freaking hair and it was thick as all get out and we never washed it only my beautician did it.

Anyway that day I got a case of the major itches my hair was on fire for days finally I told my mother mid week she said we would go get it done that weekend the itching didn't stop it felt like something was crawling around my head I wasn't allowed to comb my hair only brush it. When I finally went to get my hair done I got it washed and as the guy was parting it to put the rollers in he fount the waterbug alive in my hair.

He pulled it out and the **** went flying around the beauty parlor. That f-ing bug was crawling around my hair for a week it survived me brushing through my hair and a full wash.

My mom was convinced it laid eggs in my hair and we would not get them out unless my hair was straight so out went my curl and in went my perm that same day.

I left out of there still with long hair but I just knew there were eggs waiting to hatch in my hair so I started to comb brush and wash my hair religiously it took less the a month for most of my hair to fall out.

Omg I'm so sorry this happened to you! :grouphug: I hate waterbugs with a passion... I've got the skeevies over here.

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I'm not sure that this is exactly what you mean, but when I was maybe 5 or 6 I loved to play with my chewing gum (nasty, I know). So I was making myself a "necklace" one day and ended up getting the hair all stuck around my nape hair. I remember my mother scrubbing at me in the bathtub to get it out, but I can't remember if she had to cut it or what.
Memory #1 The big puffy fanned out late 80's early 90's bangs . Yall know which ones I'm talking about :lol:

Memory #2 Laying across the kitchen counter getting my hair washed in the sink. I swear my back still hurts :perplexed:

Memory #3 Being popped with the comb or brush because I couldn't keep still

I'll be back with more

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Are we related because we have exactly the same memories.:lol:

(I also hated Picture Day because it meant waking up while it was still dark to get my hair hot combed and styled by my highly experimental older sisters.)
Let's see... Being four and sitting in the beauticians chair for a jheri curl and having to sleep in that plastic cap.

My first time getting cornrows in sixth grade. They were so tight! Then I go to school and the little girls were cracking jokes on me... So all that pain for nothing!

Being twelve and alone in the house with some scissors by myself. I decided to give myself a trim (you know where this is going). My bsl hair went to NL in the back, shoulder length in the front. Mom got back and it was straight to the beautician. Everyone assumed I'd get box braids. I remember the cornrow episode, so I said "what about a hair cut?" got a cute short cut with a close cropped back.

Too bad no one took the time to teach me how to rollerset or about moisturizing. This led to me walking around with a frizzpuff 99% of the time. After about three months, got a wave neavoux (I wanted to be like my grandma). Looked alright when I remembered to use the moisturizer... Which wasn't often lol. So I had a chemical fro.

Did I mention I was in 8th grade, smack in the middle of my awkward phase with pink frames coke bottle glasses? And that I had switched to private school and was the only black girl in my grade?

I eventually did get braids. Got human hair one time, and for some reason they would just slip right off my hair in the hall SMH.

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I can't remember the exact details. I know my dad being cheap may have had a little to do with this story. Anyway, he insisted I get my hair cut either because he was tired of spending money or the time I spent at the salon. My aunt, his baby sister takes it upon herself to offer to do it. She's my cool, fashionable aunt, so I'm okay with that.

From the very first clip, she goes too low, so we have to go shorter than originally intended. After a few minutes, it is very clear that she's f***** my hair up and I have a patch fade. I start crying and she's like "don't worry, I know how to fix it". I calm down a little bit. She decides some relaxer will lay my hair down and will make it look decent.

Long story short, when she is done with my hair, it looks like (below)


but shorter and patchier. This was a few years before I was in high school, so I couldn't pull it off as a funky haircut. I was so devastated. I had to wait about a month before I could even put in braids (extensions). I never let that woman near my head again.
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My mom could not handle my hair when I was a kid, so she asked my cousin to do it. I was in a room surrounded by my family. They wanted to see her do my hair. She went to comb my hair and the comb broke. Everyone was laughing while I was extremely embarrassed. She took the brush next and that broke. Needless to say, the next day, my mom relaxed my hair. I remember this because that event always made me think my natural hair was ugly and unmanageable. That is why I have such a hard time accepting natural hair on myself. As a kid, my mom hot combed my hair to death and my hair still was bushy and difficult to put in a ponytail. Now I am trying to get rid of that view of my hair and make it more positive. I have been natural for one year now and am learning how to take care of my hair without relaxers. It is still a struggle, but I am doing it.