Found My Childhood Photo Album....ARGGGH!!!!

You have the thickest hair as a child, that is usually why I like children's hair better than adults.
...Do you ladies think its possible to get your childhood hair back??

My childhood chunky twists:


Aww how cute! I remember when my mom would do my hair like this. I look at pictures of myself when I was younger and yeah my hair (I think) was thicker, definitely longer, but then again my mom always had it in a bun so it was always protected.

Maybe your natural hair won't look 100% like this BUT that doesn't mean it won't be beautiful nonetheless.
Your hair looks so thick and healthy in your childhood pics.

There is NO WAY I want the hair I had as a child.:nono: It was neck length, dry (yet greasy :ohwell:) and damaged from the hot pressing comb. I've been able to get hair that is BETTER than what I had as a child. I'm in my 40's now, and my hair is the best it's ever been.
You have the thickest hair as a child, that is usually why I like children's hair better than adults.
its the opposite for me. as Ive gotten older my hair has gotten thicker. I had really fine whispy hair until I was about 4 or 5 and then it took of from there.
Mine was thick and Long & Greasy,even my ears and forehead, surprise they didn't start growing hair.

Lol! Same here!:yep: I remember my grandma would use that grease called 'Royal Crown' in a red can that you had to scoop the cap off of. Man, when she was done pressing my hair I had grease everywhere!:lachen:

OP, your childhood pics are too cute! I wish my hair looked like it did when I was younger, too.
That is so true! I wonder if its because childhood styles are mostly protective styles?? My mom used to press our hair once a week but she would put it right into twists or braids and leave it alone until next time. Even with the grease on the scalp and the dreaded hot comb it still grew out of control
That's what my mom did too but she was a bit heavy handed with the brush. So whenever one of my cousins babysat me and my sisters I bribed them into braiding my hair.
I had too much hair as a kid, really up untill seventeen when I permed it. Well, it didn't start falling out till about 20 or so when I got lazy and just taking care of it.
Oh, yes, the childhood hair! It makes me sad to even think about it now.

When I was a little bitty girl, my mom (white) took care of my hair like she did her own... frequent washing with creme rinse after, and then she would apply grease, per my father's instructions, and brush it out. I'd get some ponytail twists or some similar style till the next wash. NO heat touched my hair. I didn't even cover my hair at night. But my hair was all the way down my back past my waist. I guess it was hip length when I was about 4. My DD is 3 and is also at hip length.

It was only when she started to listen to her black friends telling her to not wash my hair, etc that my hair got really really jacked up... and then of course came the dastardly relaxer....:wallbash:

Sigh. But at least I know that I can get there again. And I know that NO relaxer or chemicals of ANY sort will touch my DD, unless they go through me first :brucelee:
I think it was just because that's when my mom and sister stopped helping me with my hair cuz they said I was grown. I was virtually clueless on how to do rollersets, but my hairdresser said it was OK to do flat wraps, so I would always do that when I got frustrated with the rollers, but the only thing I put on my hair after washing it was wrap/set mousse, so it would dry crunchy in my crown where I couldn't wrap it around, and then broke off. :wallbash: For years after that I still wasn't getting the helpful advice to moisturize my hair like I got from here, and even though I finally learned how to rollerset my hair it was still dry as all get-out. I remember one of my previous hairdressers even suggested that I come back in for a PROTEIN treatment in my crown! :nono: Yikes! Fortunately I didn't opt for that lol. Then I had a couple of bad relaxers, one done by my mother and one by a friend of mine with her license to do hair which I'm beginning to think she must have forged lol! :lachen: So that's where my nape and temples went.

Basically, there was nobody in my life who was fit to do my hair, including myself, once I got to high school. My hormones changing probably didn't help too much either. When I get home I'll try to find a good picture of my hair before all of these disasters and I'll post it. It was luscious! :lick: Hehe!

Yes, please do post! If your hair lasted until high school I know you can get that hair back!

yeah - my hair was long and thick - so was my moms and sisters - idk what happened. my sisters hair is finally long again, but alot thinner than it was in the 80s. My mom cut her hair, but it thinned out so much too (she is in her 50s now). My hair was so abused as a child but it just grew and grew. now im taking so much care of it and its like pulling teeth to see growth. If i knew then what i know now, i would have never relaxed it the first time. :(

I know another family with this same story. I never would have believed the mom, aunt and grandma had gorgeous thick hair w/o seeing the pics because now their hair is ALL balding, thinning and short (Not a good combo) and the grandaughter HAD gorgeous hair until about a year ago when they put a relaxer on. Now her hair is thinning, breaking and fraying...I get depressed everytime she wears her hair out now. I really loved her hair. I hope she can get it back on track though, she's only 15.
That's what my mom did too but she was a bit heavy handed with the brush. So whenever one of my cousins babysat me and my sisters I bribed them into braiding my hair.

LOL! At least you were smart enough to know someone else needed to be doing your hair!
I wonder the same thing, then I wonder if we just do too dang much and pay way too much attention to our hair as adults. For many of us it was a basic regimen. wash every week or two, grease the hair and scalp down with something either smelly or super strong smelling, we got our scalps greased at the first site of dryness and our scalps never seemed to get clogged up or damaged from the heavy petrolatums. hmmmmm.

I've actually been thinking seriously to going back to using straight grease, no chaser. lol Blue Magic or something. Dax for scalp issues and sulfur 8 when all else fails
I wonder the same thing, then I wonder if we just do too dang much and pay way too much attention to our hair as adults. For many of us it was a basic regimen. wash every week or two, grease the hair and scalp down with something either smelly or super strong smelling, we got our scalps greased at the first site of dryness and our scalps never seemed to get clogged up or damaged from the heavy petrolatums. hmmmmm.

I've actually been thinking seriously to going back to using straight grease, no chaser. lol Blue Magic or something. Dax for scalp issues and sulfur 8 when all else fails

I hear a lot of women say their hair flourished as a child from just using grease and water. My mother wouls SLATHER that grease on me like there was no tomorrow, but my hair was still very short. I guess different things work for different people.
I wonder the same thing, then I wonder if we just do too dang much and pay way too much attention to our hair as adults. For many of us it was a basic regimen. wash every week or two, grease the hair and scalp down with something either smelly or super strong smelling, we got our scalps greased at the first site of dryness and our scalps never seemed to get clogged up or damaged from the heavy petrolatums. hmmmmm.

I've actually been thinking seriously to going back to using straight grease, no chaser. lol Blue Magic or something. Dax for scalp issues and sulfur 8 when all else fails

You know what, you cant knock it till you try it. My dad can still grow his hair out long whenever he wants to and all he did was wash once a week grease, press and leave it alone. My hair does not like grease and I dont remember my mom ever slathering it on. Just a little bit to get the job done. So, I wont be going back to the grease. But it would be very interesting to find out if it works for you:yep:
girl, that goody brush had your edges stinging didn't it, but no one had problems with thin edges. shoot, imma have to get a goody brush, bump denman. lol

:lachen:Okay! I use to use a goodyy brush and grease and water on my daughters hair and it just grew, I guess because we all have different hair everything don't work, I still use Blue Magic Coconut oil Grease from time to time. It seems once I started Paying attention to my hair, the growth seemed slower, but when I don't worry to much and just cleanse and condition I am good to go LOL!!!
I hear a lot of women say their hair flourished as a child from just using grease and water. My mother wouls SLATHER that grease on me like there was no tomorrow, but my hair was still very short. I guess different things work for different people.

LOL...I think my modern day version of this is glycerin and water!! My hair loooooves it!!!!
its the opposite for me. as Ive gotten older my hair has gotten thicker. I had really fine whispy hair until I was about 4 or 5 and then it took of from there.
Well that is from damage, but your hair is supposed to be thickest during childhood and when your 16 it started to thin out especially once you hit forty.
I hear a lot of women say their hair flourished as a child from just using grease and water. My mother wouls SLATHER that grease on me like there was no tomorrow, but my hair was still very short. I guess different things work for different people.

True. What did you do on your own to get it to grow? I am asking because I know a young girl whose hair is like yours was. she has tried keeping it in braids for growth, and it does grow a lot, but I don't know if it is the stress of the braids or the chemicals in the braid hair that causes all of her relaxed hair to break off. Her name has been at less than 1" for a year or more. She just turned 14

You know what, you cant knock it till you try it. My dad can still grow his hair out long whenever he wants to and all he did was wash once a week grease, press and leave it alone. My hair does not like grease and I dont remember my mom ever slathering it on. Just a little bit to get the job done. So, I wont be going back to the grease. But it would be very interesting to find out if it works for you:yep:

I'm still pondering. But if I take the plunge, I'll def let yall know if there is any progress.
Your looked so nice back then! I remember having thick and long hair back in elementary school. But around age 13, all that went down the drain. Then again, that's when I started using "Adult" relaxers... Maybe that's the reason...

*off to go buy a kiddie perm*
I had shoulder length hair as a child as well. The relaxer also is what changed me. My grandmother had put a carefree curl in my hair and I was getting ready to go into high school and did not want to go to high school with a curl. So in order to straighten my hair, I had to cut out the curl and get a relaxer. I always thought my hair would just grow back but I was wrong.
Man, my hair wasn't near wsl, but it was bsl. I was know as the girl with the long hair until I became obsessed with Toni Braxton and cut off my hair.:wallbash: I am better equipped to get my hair back to action after my BC.
Sorry these are so fuzzy, but I said I would post some of my childhood hair pics. I was 13 in the first pic and 12 in the second one, so not exactly childhood, but they're pre-damage pics. I should at LEAST be able to achieve this! :yep:

Sorry these are so fuzzy, but I said I would post some of my childhood hair pics. I was 13 in the first pic and 12 in the second one, so not exactly childhood, but they're pre-damage pics. I should at LEAST be able to achieve this! :yep:


wow - u had some big thick hair! gorgeous