Chemical Curl


New Member
I need info. on the curl. My mom has one and she needs HELP! Her hair is shedding and breaking profusely. She needs an EMERGENCY proten treatment (I'm gonna let her use my expensive keraphix being the loving daughter that I am) The thing is...she cares about her hair, but she needs a regimen that is the most simple as humanly possible that she can follow that will keep her hair remotely healthy. Pleaes help somebody! Cheap cheap cheap that's all I gotta say. The best quality I can get for the cheapest prices, somewhere I need to find the balance somewhere in there. Please give me a SIMPLE regimen for her.

Also, as far as the actual curl chemical process, who knows anything about this. Her stylist is continually overlapping her hair and we both realize that now so someone on another board mentioned something called piggy back rolling in which the hair is not overlapped. She has to find a stylist that will be willing to do this as I don't think that hers now will. Also, is the chemical that they use in a curl like a no-lye relaxer? Since they use some sort of chemical, I'm just assuming that there is lye or no lye. I'm probably wrong, but are their choices like that with a curl? If it's like a no lye thing, that could be another reason why her hair is breaking. Please someone help!
If you're talking about something like Wave Nouveau, I think it is a thio perm. I think this is the type of perm where they put something on your hair to make it straight, then they roll it up and put something else on it to make it curl again, but the curls are the shape of the roller.


Maybe it's something like what I do and just use a lye relaxer left on until some of the curl is relaxed.

Her hair sounds overprocessed and probably dry and brittle as well. I suggest protein (like you're doing), plus moisturizing conditioners, hot oil treatments, and perhaps a trim of any badly damaged areas.