No such thing as healthy relaxed hair?

I think like someone else said, healthy hair is relative. IMO, relaxed hair can be managed, treated, and beautified to cover/repair the damage that relaxers certainly do. But that being said, relaxed hair can be "healthy" and long.
My hair can not and was not healthy when it was relaxed. My hair was thin on top so I had to go natural. I do believe that relaxed hair can be healthy. I have seen people with relaxed hair that I would call healthy looking.
Taij said:
Well said! And may I add.......

It never ceases to amaze to sit back and point the finger at us "permies" with our "damaged, lifeless, tow up hair".

Yet a lot of these "nappturals" like to turn around and dye their strands blond from here to high heaven and rock it like its hot!

So the chemical used to lift your natural dark color are not as damaging as the chemicals we use to loosen or straighten our natural kinks curls coils whatever you chose to grade them?

Give me a break. When I hear people try to preach that mess I just laugh...

sure my natural hair was 10 times as strong as it is now and it could take more hits than my relaxed hair. But if you looked at me now

1. You'd think I was natural because I don't leave the perm in half as long as someone who dyes their hair blond, brown or red

2. You'd ask me what I was doing because my hair is shining AND growing.

I'll say it once I'll say it again, if you are relaxing your hair and it looks like a hot mess its because of what you are doing to it (on a daily basis) NOT what you do to it once every 3,4 or (lucky you)6 months or more.

Much props to all the "permie" sistas doin their thing and the nappturals who are woman enough to respect that and leave well enough alone!

ITA!!!! I am natural and I dye my hair so it not as healthy as I guess it could be if I didn't. However I don't dye all the time and I do take care of it in between colorings- I agree daily maintenance has a lot more to do with the health of hair than a process. Also not double processing helps (i.e. relaxer & perm color)
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