No such thing as healthy relaxed hair?


I'll agree for $500! (game-show talk)

Her hair is fabulous and does close the case
Supergirl said:

I'll agree for $500! (game-show talk)

Her hair is fabulous and does close the case

[/ QUOTE ]

BamaFro said: order for a relaxer to work, it must break down the peptide bonds in the hair, which makes it almost impossible to stop the breaking process.
...i'm not trying to ruffle feathers, but the basic ingredients of a relaxer are akin to drano and nair, which means it eats up the fullness of the hair in the process of breaking down the peptide bonds.

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I don't want to beat a dead horse, but I'm a "chemist" who left the board for a few days... Wow! What a debate!

I don't remember entirely (don't make me dig out my textbooks), but isn't curly / kinky hair the result of disulfide bonding BETWEEN the keratin (protein) strands?!? This is totally different from peptide bonding.

I always thought that the purpose of a relaxer is to break the disulfide bonds (not the protein or peptide bonds) to make the hair straight. They break the "helix" formed by the disulfide bonds. That's why when you burn hair you smell sulfur. Curly perms do the opposite and cause these bonds to reform. If they broke down all proteins indiscriminately, we would have no hair on our heads when we washed the relaxer out!!

Be careful when you are stating the "facts", especially if they are derived from the almighty internet!!!!
My take on the issue is this, if you CHOOSE to have natural hair, great, if you CHOOSE to have relaxed hair, great. Both have the option to go either way. A person with natural hair has the option to relax, and those with relaxed hair have the option every post relaxer to either keep growing natural hair, or get a re-touch and keep relaxed hair, isn't that great! The versatility we have with our hair is awesome. We can wear all kinds of different styles with our hair. I had natural hair, and now I have relaxed hair because I (personally) could be more versatile with relaxed hair. Is my hair "healthy"? From what I believe "healthy" hair to be...ABSOLUTELY!- Especially when there's probably not a week that goes by that someone is not complimenting me on my hair. ONE LOVE
Thanks for your support, LuLu!

I initially felt bad posting my post as I didn't want to be seen as "splitting hairs" (ha, ha!). However, I think that it is important to ensure that the information we share is as accurate as possible.

BamaFro said: 'riled up' is a frame of mind as well. do what you will with your hair. the facts are the facts. there's nothing left for the hair to do but break once the peptide bonds are broken.

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I truly value what I learn from my sisters on the LHCF. We have to remember that many people act on the thoughts and opinions that we express here. If we share "facts" we need to ensure, to the best of our ability, that they are true. I am sure that many people were frightened by the statement above.

Everyone will agree that relaxers permanently change ones hair. However, we can mitigate much of the potential damage via the good advice given on this board.

I have seen "healthy" and "unhealthy" hair of both types. We need to support each other, and teach each other well so that we can learn and "grow" together!!!
No, L.Mo--

It's good that you added to the thread, so don't feel like you split hairs at all. Now, I took quite a few chem. classes too but I'm not a chemist. But I do remember that it is the disulfide bonds that the relaxer is breaking down. Disulfide bonds is what makes naturally curly hair naturally curly so the more of them there are, the more curly the hair is
That's why breaking them straightens "things" out.
Purtygurly said:
I also agree to an extent. Relaxed hair is WEAKER than natural hair, but it can still be healthy. Healthy hair doesn't break, has shine, has volume and has elaticity. Healthy relaxed hair has all of these qualities.

A relaxed hair kept in prime condition will always be weaker than a natural hair kept in prime condition. A relaxer causes damage that cannot be fixed, but the damage that it does is exactly what makes the hair straight.

Just because you have a relaxer doesn't mean that you have unhealthy hair... it means your hair is in a weakened state.

One could argue that compared to someone with type 1 hair, type 4b is "unhealthy". Type 1 hair is stronger than the fragile type 4b, but that doesn't mean that everyone with type 4b has unhealthy hair, does it?

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I could not have put it any better.
I disagree. I mean yes, technically the relaxer is breaking the hair down and it would be healthier in its relaxed state, but I know plenty of people who have healthy heads of relaxed hair. I had a full head of healthy relaxed hair as a child, when my mother took care it. It was when I got a little older and thought I was grown and did some experimenting to my hair that it became damaged. :ohwell: But we all know how that goes... Its finally healthy again and on the right track. But my mother has always had a healthy head of relaxed hair whether she permed it herself or went to the salon. It's definitely possible.
Okay so it says that relaxed hair is unhealthy, well what does it say about permed hair the service most others receive (the curl look), and the texturizer, is it just me or does it seem like pple have alot to say about relaxed hair. I sure would like to know........I'm relaxed and God willing, will stay relaxed as long as it will not keep me out of the paradise/heaven I just don't see what's the big deal if your taking proper care of your hair, because you can be natural and still ballheaded as ever all stemming from not properly taking care of your head or it's just flat out not meant for you to have long, healthy hair. IMHO ;)
Babygurl said:
I absolutely believe that relaxed hair can be healthy when proper care is taken.

lol..thats right girl, and you are definately making them eat their words.

---Representing for the healthy relaxed heads:-))
I know that my transitioning hair is not healthy. When I would relax my hair it wouldn't retained growth at all, but I would flat-iron daily too (go figure). My daughter is natural and her hair retains much more growth than mine. ..I can take my daughter's hair and slap it up against all four walls and it would bounce back...If I were to do my hair like that lawd have mercy on me :eek:

All I know is my daughter's hair is like BRAWNY.. and mine is like CHARMIN

I see a lot of beautiful relaxed and natural heads on this board, I admire them all! One day I want my hair to look like "Supergirl" the next day I want my hair to look like "Peachtree" If my hair could look like both one day and the other the next day..I would be content because I would have the best of both worlds! This is not the case though.

I think people do whatever to their hair (healthy or not) as long as it grows, prospers, and physically looks good!! I am transitioning to natural because my hair wasn't growing,prospering, and looked terrible. I want healthy long hair and will do whatever it takes to reach my goal, whether it's natural or relaxed! If I could slap my relaxed hair against four walls and it bounce back, I would be relaxing right now! But I can't, therefore, I am doing what I feel is right for ME!

Healthy Hair Challenge: Can you slap your relaxed or natural hair like this :wallbash: and your hair still bounce back?? You be the judge!!

Happy Hair Growing to all types of hair!
Well of course anything "natural" is probably going to be better for you than anything "unnatural". Afterall, this is how God made us, and God makes NO mistakes. We ALL have beautiful hair! Curly, straight, kinky, wavy, whatever...if God gave it to you, then it's beautiful on it's own.

I believe however that relaxed hair CAN be healthy! I've seen FAR too many examples of this from the ladies on this board, and some of the relaxed ladies I see walking down the street and in my social arena. I personally think that ultimately it really boils down to how you take care of your hair.

Whether relaxed or natural, we can all acheive "healthy", beautiful hair. :)
We can quibble over definitions but the Haircare manufacters are not allowed to advertise that their product will repair hair or improve the health of hair because quite simply no product can. Hair is dead cells. Dead. You can improve the condition or appeareance but nothing can bring it to health, life. Thats why they say , "It will make your hair health- looking

THANK YOU!! Healthy dead hair is the oxymoron. Tulani need more "edumucation" and that's no "lye". :grin:
I didn't read all 4 pages but what I was taught in school was this

any chemical put on your hair is damage

but if done correctly is it considered controlled damage that is the art of using colors and other chemicals you can controll the process that is done to your hair along with the outcome
Crem said:
I didn't read all 4 pages but what I was taught in school was this

any chemical put on your hair is damage

but if done correctly is it considered controlled damage that is the art of using colors and other chemicals you can controll the process that is done to your hair along with the outcome

Very well said!
soslychic said:
This is an insert from the book "No Lye" by Tulani Kinard. I wanted to get some of your opinions:

Real work and patience are required in order to bring your hair back to it's natural, healthy state, Based upon my research and experience, it is impossible for chemically processed hair to be healty. And I'm sorry, but if you have a chemical straightener in your hair, and your stylist is telling you your hair is healthy, know one of two things right away:

1. Your stylist is totally ignorant of the process of maintaining a healthy head of hair and of the biochemical realities of a hair strand or

2. Your stylist is not being totally honest.

If you take the time to understand the biochemical makeup of your hair and the damaging properties of these chemical straghteners, I have no doubt that with the use of critical thinking skills, you too will see "the lye."

The following page has a shocking picture of a woman that has suffered from alopecia, a disease from chemical damage. She only has inches of hair around her hairline which allowed her stylist to create a cornrowed style that covered her bald head.

I won't say my opinion of this post on this site. What I will say is that it's unfair to the permed folks, that you didn't post the rest of that. I have this book. It's extreamly informative. If you are gonna post this, you should have also posted the section that talkes about the chemical reaction that occurs when the hair is permed, and the long term effects of the chemical breaking down the bonds. It will explaine some things like why the hair "used to be thick, and it's now thin and breaking" and such. It's not the author's personal opinion, but rather she just shares the scientific research that was done. If you are gonna bring such a powerful issue to the table, you should provide the readers w/ all the info. Not just bits to illustrate your point, or to start a bickering match.:perplexed
:up: ITA


AFashionSlave said:
OK why don't we just get technical here.

Technically - I am not "natural" because my hair is color treated with a chemical.
Technically - My hair is not "healthy" because it has been dyed.
Technically - Relaxed hair is broken down so "technically" not healthy.
Technically - Hair is dead protein-based matter - so "technically" hair is not really healthy. All we are doing is preserving dead matter.

Now let's just get real here.

-The term healthy is different to everyone. Some people equate healthy hair with shine, bounce, length, bla, bla, bla.
-The term natural is different to everyone. Some people equate natural with "no chemicals, no products, un-cultivated hair, bla, bla, bla.

I personally have a deep hatred of hair relaxers, but hey that is my opinion. No one can change my personal opinions about hair relaxers. I cannot change anyone else’s personal opinions about natural hair.

What exactly is the point of posting this thread on LHCF?
This site has tons of women who love their relaxers & this site has quite a few women here who dislike perming. As soon as I read the topic I knew that there was going to be some sort of a disagreement.
sylver2 said:
lol..thats right girl, and you are definately making them eat their words.

---Representing for the healthy relaxed heads:-))

*Throws fist in the air* This is for the stuggle!!!!!!! :lol:
any chemical put on your hair is damage

but if done correctly is it considered controlled damage that is the art of using colors and other chemicals you can controll the process that is done to your hair along with the outcome

Well said! And may I add.......

It never ceases to amaze to sit back and point the finger at us "permies" with our "damaged, lifeless, tow up hair".

Yet a lot of these "nappturals" like to turn around and dye their strands blond from here to high heaven and rock it like its hot!

So the chemical used to lift your natural dark color are not as damaging as the chemicals we use to loosen or straighten our natural kinks curls coils whatever you chose to grade them?

Give me a break. When I hear people try to preach that mess I just laugh...

sure my natural hair was 10 times as strong as it is now and it could take more hits than my relaxed hair. But if you looked at me now

1. You'd think I was natural because I don't leave the perm in half as long as someone who dyes their hair blond, brown or red

2. You'd ask me what I was doing because my hair is shining AND growing.

I'll say it once I'll say it again, if you are relaxing your hair and it looks like a hot mess its because of what you are doing to it (on a daily basis) NOT what you do to it once every 3,4 or (lucky you)6 months or more.

Much props to all the "permie" sistas doin their thing and the nappturals who are woman enough to respect that and leave well enough alone!
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Yep I'm sorry to say it Babygurl, but your hair is soooooooo unhealthy....I mean really..have you seen it lately.....LOL....seriously if thats unhealthy, then I'll just be "unhealthy".
the way a relaxer works is by breaking down the protein bonds in the hair. therefore the hair is weaker than natural hair. BUT I don't believe that relaxed hair is unhealthy if we have so many relaxed members on here with hair down their back. yes relaxed hair may have less protein than natural hair but thats why there are aphogee treatments and other protein conditioners. Natural hair can be unhealthy also if youre not careful with coloring/and or straightening.
If relaxed hair is considered unhealthy or damaged, okay :) Regardless of the text book definition of "health" I am satisfied with the overall look and performance of my hair. As long as you are happy with the state of your hair (relaxed or naturla) I dont see how anything else is matters.
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senimoni said:
Yep I'm sorry to say it Babygurl, but your hair is soooooooo unhealthy....I mean really..have you seen it lately.....LOL....seriously if thats unhealthy, then I'll just be "unhealthy".

:lachen: girl I know it, but I guess Ill deal with my "unhealthiness". Sidenote: youre so crazy!