Check out my Cousins' Hair!!!

Re: Check out my Cousins\' Hair!!!

Their hair is beautiful
Re: Check out my Cousins\' Hair!!!

Stunning! but I would not be able to handle all of that. But it is very beautiful.
Re: Check out my Cousins\' Hair!!!

I got alma oil from the indian shoppe across from the Jackson Heights diner in Queens on Rosevelt ave. n,r,f,e v trains to Rosevelt ave.3.99 I just purchased the brand that I saw most of the Indian women buying.
Re: Check out my Cousins\' Hair!!!

Now that is beautiful, I don't think that I would want my hair that long. I hope that I get to waist length though one day.
Re: Check out my Cousins\' Hair!!!

That is some hair! *sigh* getting out the plastic and clicking away on keyboard. Actually, I've been planning on purchasing alma oil for a while now but been lazy. Thats too much hair for me but it's certainly to be admired!
Re: Check out my Cousins\' Hair!!!

Cracking up at the hair phobics.
I heard someone say they were scared of really long hair but I thought they were trippin'. Now I see it's a real phobia.

Your cousin's hair is beautiful. Indian women have beautiful hair. I will be checking out that oil. I also love their clothing.
Re: Check out my Cousins\' Hair!!!

At night, they make a braid and they hang it over the bed.

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I'm worried about my hair touching cotton sheets and the backs of chairs and sofas. If it were that long I would have to have satin carpet!

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Sassy you are too funny /images/graemlins/rofl.gif
Re: Check out my Cousins\' Hair!!!

WOWZA!!! /images/graemlins/ooo.gif

That's alot of hair!! I don't think I could handle all that hair /images/graemlins/notworthy.gif
Re: Check out my Cousins\' Hair!!!

For those who haven't seen it...Check CaramelKiss' cousins' hair out! Knee length!
You also have to wonder what is their diet? it's not just alma oil it has to be the indian(India) food I had some type of soup last summer and a dip that open up my sinus and pores I felt hot all over the food was so good and spicy I know they use a lot of turmeric.
That is amazing that they have so much hair. Power to them. Indian women do have beautiful hair, but I'm going to keep it real here: I'm not Indian. I'm black and have dry type 4 hair, so I am not going to compare myself to them or aspire to have hair that long. I am working with what God blessed me with and I know that it would be extremely difficult for me to grow my hair that long, if I would even want to do that (which I do not). I also think that genetics and dietscome into play and I have dry, type 4 hair and I am eating a mostly American diet. I found a website that mentioned a number of foods, including some spices like turmeric I believe, that were good for the hair.

Also a number of books that I have read mention that Asian women are able to grow their hair very long because they have coarse (i.e. strong hair), also, many of them do not process their hair. My hair is type 4 and it is relaxed. The Darbur Amla oil's main ingredient is mineral oil and it STINKS. I am very sensitive to foul smells and it stank so bad that I got a headache and had to lie down for a few hours! :eek:

I am happy if it works for some but I think that I will stick to my good old fashioned coconut oil. Or maybe I will but amla powder and make a paste that someone mentioned in one of the posts. I could not keep that pil in my hair and wear it to work, I am sorry, but I really couldn't. People would look at me funny. My mom looks at me sideways when I have a lot of tea tree oil in my hair.

My experience with amla oil has been a really helpful one of me on this hair journey, because it has helped me to realize that I not only want long, strong, bsl hair (anything much longer than that would be too much for me and, I am sorry, I also agree that the Rip Van Winkle look would creep many people out) but I want SWEET smelling hair.
Re: Check out my Cousins\' Hair!!!

deeshortesthair said:
I got alma oil from the indian shoppe across from the Jackson Heights diner in Queens on Rosevelt ave. n,r,f,e v trains to Rosevelt ave.3.99 I just purchased the brand that I saw most of the Indian women buying.
hmmm... which brand was this?
Re: Check out my Cousins\' Hair!!!

This is an old thread that I bumped... I think CaramelKiss is MIA. ;)
Re: Check out my Cousins\' Hair!!!

Vanessa22 said:
WOW. I think it's beautiful!

I think their hair is beautiful too and, if I can grow mine that long....I will keep it. I'll be SICK WIT' IT!!! *lol* It would be "hair hobby turned hair obsession!" :spinning:
Re: Check out my Cousins\' Hair!!!

WOW! Where could I get Amla Oil from online. The website says "For best results, leave the oil overnight and wash next morning." I think that I could do that! LOL
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Re: Check out my Cousins\' Hair!!!

Poohbear said:
For those who haven't seen it...Check CaramelKiss' cousins' hair out! Knee length!

Poohbear, thank you so much for bumping this thread for those of us who had not seen it!
Re: Check out my Cousins\' Hair!!!

CaramelKiss said:
Knee length hair!!!

I was on vacation recently and snapped these pictures the night before I was leaving. I wish I could have taken more.

There routine is washing once a week (no conditioner) afterwards they apply Amla oil, braid and put it into a bun.

Since the birth of their girls, they've experienced some shedding, otherwise their hair is much more thicker.

Your cousins have such GORGEOUS hair!
I just love it!
Please, post more pictures if you can.
Re: Check out my Cousins\' Hair!!!

tru_mind said:
WOW! Where could I get Alma Oil from online. The website says "For best results, leave the oil overnight and wash next morning." I think that I could do that! LOL

Yes, where online could we get it?
Re: Check out my Cousins\' Hair!!!

YamisGirl said:
Thanks! Do you trust this site? lol, I've been haven trouble with online companies lately. can't fully trust any online companies...but I might be ordering from them soon! I'm still searching for places that sell Amla in my area first. There's a lot of Indian people n my area(I'm wanna ask one of them), but no Indian stores. Well...actually there's one. I'll try it before I order.

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Re: Check out my Cousins\' Hair!!!

tru_mind said: can't fully trust any online companies...but I might be ordering from them soon! I'm still searching for places that sell Amla in my area first. There's a lot of Indian people n my area(I'm wanna ask one of them), but no Indian stores. Well...actually there's one. I'll try it before I order.
senimoni posted this link in another thread where you can find Indian stores in your town:

I found two stores in my area. I called and asked one store if they carry it and they do. But I'm not going to get it yet and still not sure if I'm ever going to get it. After hearing about the awful smell of Amla oil, I would have to go to the store and smell it to see how it smells. If it doesn't bother me, I'll wait until I use up the oils I have and buy it.
Re: Check out my Cousins\' Hair!!!

Poohbear said:
senimoni posted this link in another thread where you can find Indian stores in your town:

I found two stores in my area. I called and asked one store if they carry it and they do. But I'm not going to get it yet and still not sure if I'm ever going to get it. After hearing about the awful smell of Amla oil, I would have to go to the store and smell it to see how it smells. If it doesn't bother me, I'll wait until I use up the oils I have and buy it.

Thankx PB!!
Re: Check out my Cousins\' Hair!!!

Ladies, this is an old thread! CaramelKiss hasn't posted in a LONG time! ;)