Ok guys. Did you jinx me. :D

Last night I airdried my hair and I got lots of breakage. :( I never got that during my 6 month no-blowdryer stretch. :scratchch :look:

I wonder is this was an effect of me using it twice in the last 2 weeks?

I am going to give myself a protein treatment on Friday and try again but I am not happy about that breakage. :(

But, hair has been acting weird since it got cold. I might just throw in some braids until it warm up.
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Is it possibly the way you're air-drying? Have you tried banding? My hair dries like a blow-out when I band it, it stays moisturized and you can comb through it easy.....all w/o heat.
Pokahontas said:
Is it possibly the way you're air-drying? Have you tried banding? My hair dries like a blow-out when I band it, it stays moisturized and you can comb through it easy.....all w/o heat.
I don't think my method airdrying is the cause, i use lots of moisture and baggy. i've also been airdrying for 3 years straight and my hair is the same everytime and my ends get chewed up. I will try wet setting my hair, and let it airdry for 1 hr and finish off under a hooded dryer.
den1 said:
I don't think my method airdrying is the cause, i use lots of moisture and baggy. i've also been airdrying for 3 years straight and my hair is the same everytime and my ends get chewed up. I will try wet setting my hair, and let it airdry for 1 hr and finish off under a hooded dryer.
Ok, well good luck with that. Your hair is beautiful btw. I think I have that same clip you have in your siggy. I think it's called an octopus clip. I love that thing. I wear it all day when I'm at home so my hair is protected.
My hair hates air drying. It looks and feels better when I use the blow drier with the comb. Even though my hair does not like air drying I still do it, but I air dry using rollers. If I did not rollerset my hair, my hair ends breaks .....EVERYTIME. That is the best way to air dry for me.
I am experiencing this airdrying problem right now. I took out my weave on Friday and washed it and put it into a braid to airdry. I took out the braid to create an updo on Saturday morning to go to church. My hair was tangly and a lot of hair came out in my hand. I haven't washed my hair since and have been wearing an updo everyday. I just try not to manipulate the hair too much when putting it into an updo or moisturizing it. I'm putting an end to this tonight. I plan to relax.
Airdrying my hair makes my hair look dry and harder than when i blowdry and there is a lot of breakage. It doesn't even look that good when I flatiron afterwards. I wet wrapped my hair last time I washed and let it airdry over night and it was very soft and moisturized so I'm gonna stick to doing that.
I swear by airdried rollersets. I absolutely love em! :) Before I came to this board, I had no idea my relaxed 4a/b hair could ever get straight w/o any heat. NOw, I'm hooked on them. I like to wear my hair down and straight, and airdrying in a rollerset gives me a sleek, straight, shiny look. You should try it. By the way, I dont even have to flat iron or anything afterward.
Pokahontas said:
Ok, well good luck with that. Your hair is beautiful btw. I think I have that same clip you have in your siggy. I think it's called an octopus clip. I love that thing. I wear it all day when I'm at home so my hair is protected.
Thanks for the compliment pokahontas, i love your hair too. the clip in my hair is indeed the octopus i love it because it doesn't pull or break my hairs out,
hottopic said:
My hair hates air drying. It looks and feels better when I use the blow drier with the comb. Even though my hair does not like air drying I still do it, but I air dry using rollers. If I did not rollerset my hair, my hair ends breaks .....EVERYTIME. That is the best way to air dry for me.
Mmm interesting i may be to try airdying with rollers, thanks for posting this.
RabiaElaine said:
I am experiencing this airdrying problem right now. I took out my weave on Friday and washed it and put it into a braid to airdry. I took out the braid to create an updo on Saturday morning to go to church. My hair was tangly and a lot of hair came out in my hand. I haven't washed my hair since and have been wearing an updo everyday. I just try not to manipulate the hair too much when putting it into an updo or moisturizing it. I'm putting an end to this tonight. I plan to relax.
Good luck with your relaxer are you going to style your hair then?
CaramelPrincezz said:
Airdrying my hair makes my hair look dry and harder than when i blowdry and there is a lot of breakage. It doesn't even look that good when I flatiron afterwards. I wet wrapped my hair last time I washed and let it airdry over night and it was very soft and moisturized so I'm gonna stick to doing that.
I can't wrap though...or else i would try it. i think i'll start with pin curls first might be easiest when i get the hang of it i'll become more adventuous in setting my hair.
TowsonGirl said:
I swear by airdried rollersets. I absolutely love em! :) Before I came to this board, I had no idea my relaxed 4a/b hair could ever get straight w/o any heat. NOw, I'm hooked on them. I like to wear my hair down and straight, and airdrying in a rollerset gives me a sleek, straight, shiny look. You should try it. By the way, I dont even have to flat iron or anything afterward.
Do you wrap the hair though to wear it straight?
airdrying leaves my hair a frizzy uncombable hot mess. I usually have to saturate it with s-curl or something else afterwards so that I can comb it without it all falling on the floor. It takes my hair about 2 days to get it feeling normal after airdrying. I have continued to use this method because of what I read here and I also didn't want to unnecessarily use heat weekly.

I will try the airdrying with roller method. I also plan to learn how to do a full rollerset. If I get good results with the roller ponytail method then I will only rollerset when I plan on wearing my hair down.
TowsonGirl said:
I swear by airdried rollersets. I absolutely love em! :) Before I came to this board, I had no idea my relaxed 4a/b hair could ever get straight w/o any heat. NOw, I'm hooked on them. I like to wear my hair down and straight, and airdrying in a rollerset gives me a sleek, straight, shiny look. You should try it. By the way, I dont even have to flat iron or anything afterward.

What products do you use before setting?
ive been airdrying for 2 years. the only time my ends are scraggly is when i get splits due to the occassional use of flat irons. I'll stick with airdrying
I airdry, and have been doing so for the past 3 months. It's easier for me since my hair is still short, and I wear a fall. I usually airdry in a ponytail, and that straightens and sleeks it out somewhat. I don't see that much breakage, but I avoid manipulation as much as possible. Airdrying works for me, and as soon as I get some length I plan to try airdried rollersets.
I am so glad that I found this thread. This may have answered some questions for me. I airdryed the entire summer and my hair did really well. I got a touch up in September, did 2 or 3 roller sets and went back to airdrying my hair again and bunning. Except I added wrapping at night for some insane reason and the back of my hair has broken off pretty bad. I'm pretty sure the wrapping contributed because for me wrapping=horrible results and I should have know better. So I stopped and have been DCing and airdrying consistently for the last 2 weeks or so. Well this past weekend I decided to roller-set my hair and my hair looks and feels amazing and guess what. . . hardly any breakage. I'm like why did I ever stop roller-setting?

I still think less heat is better on an ongoing basis and because I saw positive results with air-drying I'm not going to abandon it completely but I am going to switch it up a bit and maybe do a couple of weeks of air-drying and then roller-set for a couple of weeks. Perhaps my hair just needed a break from the airdrying because I do have to manipulate it more and use a bit more product to get it the way i want. Could be the same for you being that airdrying once worked.
I airdry too. ANd I have underprocessed ends.

My hair feels hard and crispy if I wear it in a high unwrapped ponytail. But if I dry it in a ponytail that has been wrapped in a satin bonnet. It seems to dry silkier.
den1 said:
I don't think my method airdrying is the cause, i use lots of moisture and baggy. i've also been airdrying for 3 years straight and my hair is the same everytime and my ends get chewed up. I will try wet setting my hair, and let it airdry for 1 hr and finish off under a hooded dryer.

Why would you airdry first? I would say just use the hooded dryer on medium for the whole time, probably 1.5 hours for you or until its dry, then you can make a PROPER comparison between the effects of air drying alone, and the effects of rollersetting under a hooded dryer as opposed to the effects of airdrying in rollers then going under the hooded dryer. The airdrying is a confounding variable! Sorry, this takes me back to my psychology degree, i never knew it could be applied to hair :grin:!

What are your thoughts?
I just had to come back in her to say that "banding" WORKS! Ladies last night I did a CW and tried this method because I am determined to cut down my use of heat. So I put a part in the middle of my head and put a nice amount of coconut oil on my hair and put the pony tails in. This morning my hair is STRAIGHT, SHINY, MOISTURIZED, and most importantly NOT SHEDDING! I wish I had pics but I will definitely put some in my fotki after I get a camera for christmas :D

Try this method ladies!
lonei said:
Why would you airdry first? I would say just use the hooded dryer on medium for the whole time, probably 1.5 hours for you or until its dry, then you can make a PROPER comparison between the effects of air drying alone, and the effects of rollersetting under a hooded dryer as opposed to the effects of airdrying in rollers then going under the hooded dryer. The airdrying is a confounding variable! Sorry, this takes me back to my psychology degree, i never knew it could be applied to hair :grin:!

What are your thoughts?
go on girl use that extra knowledge lol....I will try the method you have suggested so i can make a fair comparsion.
Sha76 said:
I airdry too. ANd I have underprocessed ends.

My hair feels hard and crispy if I wear it in a high unwrapped ponytail. But if I dry it in a ponytail that has been wrapped in a satin bonnet. It seems to dry silkier.
Sorry to hair about the underprocessed ends....thats the same trouble i'm having, i'd say if you acheive desirable results from airdying in a ponytail wrapped with a satin bonnet,then stick to it. i hope i have success with my new method.
To the Ladies who air dry!!!! is setting hair under a dryer a couple of times a months really that harmful, i mean your using indirect heat and product which protect from heat damage?
faithful said:
I'll have to give banding a try. What are the results of a wet set and how do you do it?
Well i wet set my friends hair,, most of last year i did mainly pincurls sets and her hair grew like crazy and it was always well moisturised after removing her hair from under the dryer. I used Elasta QP mango butter, serums and oils.