Cannot get hair Straight Flat Ironing


New Member
For some reason my hair doesn't get very straight, it does but my hair will become puffy, fluffy almost. I'm not the best at flat ironing, I would like to wear my hair straight once in a while for a change also to see length. I have natural hair as well. Do any other naturals experience this?
do u flatiron in small sections??? if you want a really straight sleek look mabey you should consider relaxing or just not wear your hair completely str8
You by no means need a relaxer to get your natural hair silky straight.
You need to: Use a good quality, light serum and learn and develop excellent straightening technique/skills.
I have a thread "Naturals That Straighten" and me and some of the other pressed naturals share many tips on how to get that silky press.
What products do you use when you flatiron? What temp do you have the iron on? Do you flatiron in small 1 inch sections? What type of iron do you use?
I use this conair steam iron, I do not use the steam though. I have another flat iron a tourmaline one, I also have a maxi-glide. I feel the maxi glide was just too hot or something for me. I use the conair iron on the lowest setting. Last time I flat ironed I used sabino - I felt it was okay, seemed though I had to use a ton of it. Right now all I have is some IC Shine Pink stuff.

Thanks all for the suggestions and tips :)
I was natural and i've shown a few pics of my hair when i straightened. It was a joke. My hair just did not want to be straight as a natural. I am telaxed right now transitioning back to natural so i'm preparing myself for this again.
Well I was recently having the same problem as you. I just started flat ironing my natural hair (using Sally's GVP Flat Iron). Although I was using small 1inch sections, my hair would instantly puff up each time.

I went to buy another iron, the Chi, b/c it was on sale at a salon. The beauty consultant told me the straighter I want my hair the more I would have to "press" the plates togehter. Apparetnly this distributes more heat. This was the instant trick I needed. When I did this , my hair stayed straight three weeks until I washed it w/no damage or straight ends.
This is me. My hair does not get straight this way. I have wiry hair. The only thing that gets my hair straight is a pressing comb, and with that it is a bit rough looking as well.
mine has this problem...
i would say you may have used a heavy moisturizer?
it probably wasn't all the way dry
blow dry it, then let it chill for like a day
the next day hot comb
then flat iron on a medium hot setting...
i would suggest an electric hot comb if you are a new user, i been doin it my whole life and still can't get the heat right on the stove...
also don't use pressing grease if you are trying to go stick straight, its only good for curls, hence... press n curl...
good luck woman i hope it works out for u, being natural is like being green...
its so not easy LOL
and use little sections, take your time, i don't know your hair length but my hot comb flat iron process can take up to 2 hrs...
and you gotta wrap it and sleep with it wrapped right after (well i dunno if you have to but I have to LOL)
I think it also depends on the quality of the straightener. Not that some straighteners are bad, but not all of them work on all hair types.
Well I was recently having the same problem as you. I just started flat ironing my natural hair (using Sally's GVP Flat Iron). Although I was using small 1inch sections, my hair would instantly puff up each time.

I went to buy another iron, the Chi, b/c it was on sale at a salon. The beauty consultant told me the straighter I want my hair the more I would have to "press" the plates togehter. Apparetnly this distributes more heat. This was the instant trick I needed. When I did this , my hair stayed straight three weeks until I washed it w/no damage or straight ends.

I think this was my problem when I wore my hair straight. I was too scared of burning the heck out of my hair or something so I didn't really press the plates together good. That's probably why my hair never came out as straight as I wanted it to. :sad:

I will try this when I flat iron again.
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