Hair Too Moisturized = Puffy Flat Ironed Hair??

I'm not certain/convinced that moisturized or not moisturized enough hair determines whether the hair is poofy or not after a flat iron.

I suspect that moisture is related to how well hair takes to a flat iron.

When my sister used to flat iron her hair in the past, it often turned out dry and puffy.

Now that she's on top of her moisture game, her hair looks a lot softer, smoother, and sleeker after flat ironing.
I'm not a steamer but I know exactly what OP is referring to.

I'm natural. I wear half wigs as a PS and regularly moisturize the "left out" hair.

I'm a jeri juicer!:grin::grin: If I apply the juice to my hair the night before and attempt to straighten the next day, it will absolutely NOT take. I've chased the tail, chased the brush...I've done it all and still get puffy, semi-straight hair. (my hair is not "wet" to the touch) :nono:.

On the same note, when I flat my hair that's usually in cornrows (and not nearly getting the same amount of moisture), I'm able to get bone straight results in one pass.

I literally have to shampoo my "leave out" hair, apply protein or henna, and then flat iron if I want a bone straight look.

I'm not sure why this happens?! or if only certain hair types experience this. I always thought my hair was "spongy" regardless and tend to think I need more protein than the average person.

Any other ladies that can relate, your advice is greatly appreciated!
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