Cancer Men?

June 28...around 6:00pm-ish, if that helps.

Uh Lawd i know a guy born that day ,the worst Cancer i met....he s 46 and still single ..he s confusing as hell ,he lies all the time and doesn't know what he wants ,also quite cold and selfish which is unusual for a Cancer.
Is it safe to say that if a cancer is more aloof than clingy that they are just not into you?

Wasn't the case in 'my' situation. He was very into me and still is if I'd allow it to go any further than being 'cordial'.

This cancer dude was aloof as far as wanting things in life. One example: we lived in a 2 br apt w/2 kids... I wanted a house.. he/I were both raised in houses growing up.. I wanted that for our kids.... he was not interested. Indifferent. didn't care either way. all have me scared!.. I'm talking to a cancer man now, so far he's seem cool, very sweet, and quiet. Just don't get him mad.
They say we're the PERFECT match too.
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Is it safe to say that if a cancer is more aloof than clingy that they are just not into you?

I really think it depends. There was another Cancer dude I was into a few years ago, and he was so difficult to figure out. One day, he was openly flirty, and the other, it just seemed like he was on another planet. Sometimes I think Cancers are the long-lost cousins of Pisces(ugh!). I wonder if it is their way of avoid a possible rejection or something...
if a person changes their story every time you talk to them thats some bullish--so im glad you noticed that red flag...there is absolutely no reason why an adult cant remember what they said a month ago..da hell...@ the bolded how would you not remember that lol

cancer men are interesting i think most women like them because they have this clingy i want a rlp so bad thing going on...but under all of that is a baby a sensitive baby...and a man who is not yet figured out what he wants to do with his life--good luck

Not exactly. He's really secretive(which is something I personally do not like), and it's normally with small stuff that doesn't really matter. I guess that's where we differ, because I remember a lot of things. Like with the job thing, I didn't care at first because it's his work history not mine. But I would imagine if you were fired after being shot, that's something that would never leave your memory.

I know I don't need to know EVERYTHING, but if it's going to affect my health, my money, or my career, I need to know.
The mama's boy thing has come up a lot in here. That's interesting. Dh left his mom's house at 18 and never went back so he's been the opposite of it. Then again, he teams up against me with my mom, so...:lol:

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I have to add my two cents to all of this. I dated two Cancerian men. One about 15 years ago and the other one I met in 2009. All of the negative traits that I have read you ladies post, is DEAD ON. Great with family but when it comes to a romantic relationships, FOR-GET-IT.
I can relate to a lot of what has been posted. Secretive, emotionally abusive, and much more. To top it all off, as others have put it. He is just crazy, plain and simple.
I can't take any more of it or him. This have been a long time coming. I am just tired. Tired of trying to make things work with someone who is doing the bare minimum and isn't doing a good job at that.
This has been a real rollercoaster ride and I have stopped it and got off. He drains my energy....I can't have that.

It's funny how when you finally make up your mind to end a relatiionship, how uplifting it can be. I have been comtemplating this for a long time. And it's not that difficult for me, because he has steadily been putting nails in his own coffin, with out realizing it.
So, when he would start some crap, it's like ok.....go right ahead brother.....keep talking or in a lot of cases, lack of talking..... go on with your aloof butt....because when he does decide to poke his head out of his shell, I will be long gone.

I have other things going on in my life, returned to school over two years ago. Will be graduating this semester. Looking forward to making a career change.

He's not going to change and I know this. Like that saying,"when someone shows you who they are, BELIEVE them."
Hmm, I'm reading this thread and the only thing I seen in my cancer man is the "momma's boy" type stuff. But it's not super bad or anything. He's not wishy washy and very romantic. And very forthright about sharing things and his feelings. And I'm a Virgo....
When they want attention they want it right then and there. You could be sitting on the toliet minding your business and here they come. :smh:
Interesting that you guys say they like to talk about feelings. The moment I mention feelings this fool just shuts down. If I mention progressing our friendship, in which he claimmmmssss he wants to be more, even goes on about marriage and kids:look:. This fool shuts the phuck down. I'm beyond annoyed with him at this point. I guess because i'm so upfront about things, I like to know that i'm not wasting my time. And it's like he wants me to play this waiting game. It feels like i'm on a phucking string and he's just tagging me along until he feels ready. And he's got the right one for that cause I do not play those type of reindeer games. Guess there's a good reason I never stopped dating other guys.
Libra checking in, my SO is a cancer and he is jealous, clingy, over protective, has a dominating nature(which I have as well smh), bad with following up on things(business wise), spend money carelessly and I have to tell him when stuff not worth it or it should wait later, but the good things are when they love they love HARD, will do anything to put a smile on my face(if he go to the store and buys a outfit he always bring back a hair accessory my favorite or a dress he thought was "me"), likes to cuddle when he sleep,spontaneous which I love (I hate predictable men), and the one thing I love is he learns about everything I like (hair and nails and will help me do my hair if I ask), doesn't mind cooking majority of the time(he thought I couldn't cook but since im not working I cook now and let's just say he doesn't run to cook anymore lol), wants to have a family and kind of conceded and mamas boy
And seems to always have his head in the cloud, too much of a positive thinker, doesn't seen to think some bad will happen, I hope for the best but know sometimes everything won't pull through and when it doesn't he is so shocked and im like I told you, that sounded to good to be true and then he will say your right and some BS will happen again and best believe he shocked again. He doesn't believe in crawling before he walks basically, he think you go into a sprint
I have been in two major relationships with Cancer men. Both of them have been very emotionally draining. They expected a lot, but gave me very little. I won't even consider dating another Cancer guy-I've had my share of heartache from them.
My brother is a Cancer and, yes, to all of the negative things I've seen posted. He is very dedicated to family but awful in relationships.
The last girl he dated had some kind of breakdown after their engagement ended.
He was pretty awful to her and I wanted to tell her to RUN far away and never turn around 'lest she turn to salt.

When they got engaged, she was so happy. I remember thinking, he ain't never gonna marry you...

She now dates women. :look:
And he doesn't care. Not one little bit. :look:
My brother is a Cancer and, yes, to all of the negative things I've seen posted. He is very dedicated to family but awful in relationships.
The last girl he dated had some kind of breakdown after their engagement ended.
He was pretty awful to her and I wanted to tell her to RUN far away and never turn around 'lest she turn to salt.

When they got engaged, she was so happy. I remember thinking, he ain't never gonna marry you...

She now dates women. :look:
And he doesn't care. Not one little bit. :look:
Hold on,she dates women? Are you blaming your brother for that?Lol
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