Cancer Men?

Still dating my cancer and his bad drives me nuts. But his good is exactly what I want in a man.

I would describe him as: unemotional, sensitive, loyal, extremely driven and focused, extremely family-oriented, not very affectionate with me, very affectionate with his daughter, loves being a provider, needs to feel needed and important, has lots of style, never admits when he's wrong, manipulative, not jealous (that I've seen), a bit arrogant, very intelligent, loves to debate, great at making money, not the best at saving it, he can be cheap and generous at the same time:spinning:
ManeStreet said:
Majority of people seem normal at first lol. I'm just kiddin around but seriously be extra careful with a neighbor since if things dont work out he lives in such closw proximity.

Also all the cancers I had liked to move the relationship along very quickly. It was flattering at first until I saw the trend that they moved things fast to get a commitment from me before I could see them for who they really were.

Watch for signs of depression. They tend to pull away for a few days to hide it but it can only be hidden but so long. When they are upset there is nothing you can say to calm them down. Everything is your fault & you are 100% guilty of whatever foul deed they accuse you of. Also Ive found them to emotionally abusive & very mean when they get in one of those horrible moods.

The horrible mood starts off happening maybe once a month. With time it becomes once a week. And it can last for days at a time. Mad, angry, volatile, silent treatment, mean & all for no appearant reason. It just pops up out the blue.

But I'm not a water sign so I couldnt take it, another Cancer, a scorpio or pisces probably understand how to deal with them. Being in a relationship with that sort of Cancer makes me feel ill, literally. I'm a libra. I need things light easy and breezy.

But for me they make great guy friends.

My dad is cancer, growing up they are great when your young but once you start wanting to have a life if your own watch out. I'm a libra and i'm bombarded with crazy emotional water signs in my family and its like at any given moment they can go off on some emotional rant and your like " is it something I said???." Or they go the opposite and give u the silent treatment for days weeks and won't even tell you why there mad. It's exhausting:(
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The bolded is soooo on point with my cancer ex. He was very much emotionally abusive. He would be cruel at times but if you threaten to leave the relationship he is begging you to stay. At one point this ni99a was crying (yes real tears pouring) trying to get me to stay and continue to put up with his arse.

I'm sorry as a Cancer woman I already have an emotional side. Don't need an emotional man too. We just don't mix :nono:

I'm a Cancer woman and can't be with a Cancer man. Sweet but too much of a baby and we both can't be babies lol.
[USER=172454]Triniwegian[/USER] said:
Very committed, very honest. Amazing sexual chemistry. Family oriented very lovable. Very determined.

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You must be a cancer, cuz all that is a lie. :lachen:
kweenameena said:
loves to debate, great at making money, not the best at saving it, he can be cheap and generous at the same time:spinning:

Yes at the debating. Ugh.

DH can work his arse off. But can't save to save his life. I have to do the budgeting. :nono:

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My sisters ex is a Cancer and when I would catch him in a lie, he would leave her house completely. He told her, "I wasn't walking out on you, I was walking out on who I've become." :rolleyes:
*stretches* ...Let me sub to this thread..I feel i'ma need it later....They say Taurus and Cancer can be a good match,I'm already Side eyeing this fool for his first antic last month. I said I wouldn't give another Cancer a chance, since the previous one I attempted to date. MF'er thought he was gonna control me :lol: We'll see about the new guy :rolleyes:
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*stretches* ...Let me sub to this thread..I feel i'ma need it later....They say Taurus and Cancer can be a good match,I'm already Side eyeing this fool for his first antic last month. I said I wouldn't give another Cancer a chance, since the previous one I attempted to date. MF'er thought he was gonna control me :lol: We'll see about the new guy :rolleyes:

My Cancerian SO seems like he has hints of a controlling attitude in him too. I love that man but he has his ways
My current so i a cancer. Im a libra. The stars says that we can never be and i might agree. He is so up and down. One minute i cant get rid of him the next he disappears. I crave a romantic connection and he wants an emotional one. Im not emotional. Im objective and rational he wants to talk anout feelings. He is quiet and reserved and i can be a bit boisterous. I love his sensitivity. I think its what attracted me to him. But this aloofness has got to go. I told him that and now its back to me not being able to get rid of him lol.
I'm a Sagittarius my ex is a whining Cancer. He is still in contact occasionally but we cannot be together. His traits are: very aloof,inconsistent,blames others for his issues, sexual problems, momma's boy, low self esteem,narcissistic.
I'm a Gemini and my ex is a Cancer... He was controlling and I basically had to tip toe around him because every little thing pissed him off. Aside from that we did have a lot of fun. The relationship was just too high maintenance. We didn't last long and I probably would never date a Cancer again. Btw... I was fresh out of HS when I dated him.
Leo and dated a cancer. Whew!!! Whiny baby and good at pretending everything alright and then all of the sudden acting all crabby. I guess the crab is accurate bc a crab comes out and plays around snaps at folks and then retreats. I can't do it. I'm a peace lover. Oh and terrible in bed or maybe just this one but he loved his daughter. I avoid cancer and scorpios. I have a moon in Pisces but I still have to watch them.
Any updates? Any Aquarians with Cancer men?
This fool has me going in circles.:spinning:

kweenameena Get some nausea medicine, because you'll be going in circles unless you corner him and get him to spill it.:nono:

Still with my Cancer dude. I really hate how he tells me one story, then if I bring it up a few months, it's the same story with slight changes. And he always seems to have an answer for anything if it's negative towards him.

Example #1: Before we became official, he said the reason he is not with him BM anymore is because she cheated(the day she found out she was pregnant, she disappeared for a week...with another woman). Ok fair enough...but once we had our issues as to whether or not he's been faithful, the story slightly changed to "well she cheated but I wasn't exactly the best BF to her." My Scorpio detective skills went into overdrive, and I was like "well what actually happened?" My instincts tell me that he drove her to cheat...why? Because my own eye is wandering, and that's not a normal characteristic of mine. But in hindsight, I've heard feedback from his family members and other close friends of hers and his that she's a little screwed up in the head.

Example #2: He told me at a previous security job, he was shot in the midst of breaking up a fight, and fired afterwards for breaking the suspect's collarbone. He's now trying to find a new job, and I asked him about being the story is that yes he was shot, but he was only reprimanded for using excessive force, and QUIT after they tried to place him on desk duty for a while. :rolleyes:

It's like I never know the whole entire story, and I have to dig, dig, and dig to find the facts. It's absolutely ridiculous. I have made him cry on numerous occasions, but it's for his own good. I have a lot of power in this relationship, and since Sept, I've been less available and more antagonistic towards him, because he needs to learn how to do stuff on his own.

He is cute and great in the sack, though. That's all I got right now...
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@kweenameena Get some nausea medicine, because you'll be going in circles unless you corner him and get him to spill it.:nono:

Still with my Cancer dude. I really hate how he tells me one story, then if I bring it up a few months, it's the same story with slight changes. And he always seems to have an answer for anything if it's negative towards him.

Example #1: Before we became official, he said the reason he is not with him BM anymore is because she cheated(the day she found out she was pregnant, she disappeared for a week...with another woman). Ok fair enough...but once we had our issues as to whether or not he's been faithful, the story slightly changed to "well she cheated but I wasn't exactly the best BF to her." My Scorpio detective skills went into overdrive, and I was like "well what actually happened?" My instincts tell me that he drove her to cheat...why? Because my own eye is wandering, and that's not a normal characteristic of mine. But in hindsight, I've heard feedback from his family members and other close friends of hers and his that she's a little screwed up in the head.

Example #2: He told me at a previous security job, he was shot in the midst of breaking up a fight, and fired afterwards for breaking the suspect's collarbone. He's now trying to find a new job, and I asked him about being the story is that yes he was shot, but he was only reprimanded for using excessive force, and QUIT after they tried to place him on desk duty for a while. :rolleyes:

It's like I never know the whole entire story, and I have to dig, dig, and dig to find the facts. It's absolutely ridiculous. I have made him cry on numerous occasions, but it's for his own good. I have a lot of power in this relationship, and since Sept, I've been less available and more antagonistic towards him, because he needs to learn how to do stuff on his own.

He is cute and great in the sack, though. That's all I got right now...

Why do you keep asking the same questions over and over again? Are you looking for a different answer so you can catch him in a lie?

If you ask him the same question months later why are you surprised the story slightly changes? People remember differently months later, some things stand out more than others. Sometimes we forget to add certain facts or leave them out for various reasons. Sounds like you are creating your own frustrations.
Im a cancer. Was with a cancer male for about 15 years. :nono: manipulative. Judgmental. Jealous. Mommas boy. Extremely sensitive. Aloofness is an understatement. He would throw things from the past in my face all.the.time.
I would never ever deal w/another cAncer in a romantic way and wouldn't advise anyone else too lol
A friend of mine recently asked my opinion about a cancer she'd met... She kept saying how 'sweet' he was and how she just couldn't get rid of him. I told her to run like heck!! And never look back. Shes a Sagittarius.
Why do you keep asking the same questions over and over again? Are you looking for a different answer so you can catch him in a lie?

If you ask him the same question months later why are you surprised the story slightly changes? People remember differently months later, some things stand out more than others. Sometimes we forget to add certain facts or leave them out for various reasons. Sounds like you are creating your own frustrations.

Not exactly. He's really secretive(which is something I personally do not like), and it's normally with small stuff that doesn't really matter. I guess that's where we differ, because I remember a lot of things. Like with the job thing, I didn't care at first because it's his work history not mine. But I would imagine if you were fired after being shot, that's something that would never leave your memory.

I know I don't need to know EVERYTHING, but if it's going to affect my health, my money, or my career, I need to know.
Im a cancer. Was with a cancer male for about 15 years. :nono: manipulative. Judgmental. Jealous. Mommas boy. Extremely sensitive. Aloofness is an understatement. He would throw things from the past in my face all.the.time.
I would never ever deal w/another cAncer in a romantic way and wouldn't advise anyone else too lol
A friend of mine recently asked my opinion about a cancer she'd met... She kept saying how 'sweet' he was and how she just couldn't get rid of him. I told her to run like heck!! And never look back. Shes a Sagittarius.

I m a Sag and all I attract are Cancer men .my rising sign is in Cancer we get along great.
We have alot in common and they can be great partners however they re very clingy and possessive and always blame others for their problems,they re also daydreamer ,they never seem to be in the same world as the rest of us.
If i could choose an ideal sign I d go for Cancer ,Taurus or Leo .DH is a Sag .
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Not exactly. He's really secretive(which is something I personally do not like), and it's normally with small stuff that doesn't really matter. I guess that's where we differ, because I remember a lot of things. Like with the job thing, I didn't care at first because it's his work history not mine. But I would imagine if you were fired after being shot, that's something that would never leave your memory.

I know I don't need to know EVERYTHING, but if it's going to affect my health, my money, or my career, I need to know.

I don't think he can help the secretive part. Cancers are just naturally quiet, we like to mull things over in our head before we feel safe putting them out there. If you encourage him to open and promise not to judge, he may be more inclined to share more.

Another thing is that Cancers tend to have a huge imagination. What day was he born, maybe I can share some things from a birthday book to help.