Can You Tell the Difference Between Relaxed and Natural Straightened?

Can You Tell the Difference Between Relaxed and Natural Straightened Hair

  • Yes I can almost always tell the difference

    Votes: 79 27.2%
  • No I can't really tell most of the time

    Votes: 83 28.6%
  • I can sometimes tell.

    Votes: 128 44.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Honestly both can look pretty darn fabulous.

Some people get a relaxer and it looks like their hair is just growing out of their head naturally straight, some people it looks dry and scary and some are in the middle.
Some people straighten their natural hair and it looks fragile and stiff, some it looks full with lots of "swang", and everything in between.

Theres so many factors into why someones hair looks like it does, I don't dare guess if its relaxed or natural, and I never assume either way.

Though I will confess that if it looks pretty dry i tend to lean towards relaxer, but only because while I had a relaxer my main problem was how dry my hair felt.
Yeah. The first pic I posted upthread was the very first time I had straightened my natural hair-- ever. :perplexed No heat damage in that pic whatsoever. I wasn't doing anything particularly bad to my hair either. Wearing it nappy simply hid the fact that my hair was frail & thin. Hid it WELL too; up until that point I was going around calling my hair thick. :lachen:

I can post more pics from my second natural press later, but the left side of my head was chewed up entirely-- and this was after about 5 months of deep conditioning regularly. :look:

I feel like I can better see any hardcore damage as a relaxed head, and can make moves to correct it before it gets to that point again. Long hair by any means necessary, darnit! :grin:
ITA with the bolded. That is exactly how my hair was! I took better care of my natural hair. Hardly ever used heat, DC'd every week with fantastic conditioners, moisturized daily, and looked like Sideshow Bob. Behold Exhibit A:


Relaxers just work for ME. I use much more heat as a relaxed head and I can still have the natural look if I so desire Exhibit B:


This just works for ME. I do not like the blanket statements.
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When I was natural my hair straightened was stiff and dry looking. Now that I'm relaxed it doesn't look like that. But maybe i was my technique. I never tried straightening again after that. If it would have came out successful I probably would still be natural.
ITA with the bolded. That is exactly how my hair was! I took better care of my natural hair. Hardly ever used heat, DC'd every week with fantastic conditioners, moisturized daily, and looked like Sideshow Bob. Behold Exhibit A:

Did you ever attempt to tweak your regimen?

Maybe your hair didn't like daily moisture like for using fantastic conditioners, just because a conditioner is raved about doensnt mean its gonna work with your specific hair type, you have to do some experimentation until you can settle on your staples.

Also why do you feel you looked like sideshow bob? What styles were you attempting? just curiosity, no judgement.

I hope I'm not coming off like I'm grilling you its just you've presented your posts as if the relaxer was the only way for you to get long thick healthy hair and I just don't think thats a fair assertion or a positive message to be putting out there. I respect you sista and you made beautiful progress but I think that has more to do with the fact that you were more willing to handle your hair relaxed......thats all.

Relaxers just work for ME. I use much more heat as a relaxed head and I can still have the natural look if I so desire Exhibit B:


This just works for ME. I do not like the blanket statements.
I'm glad you've seen progress with your current style choice:yep:
ITA with the bolded. That is exactly how my hair was! I took better care of my natural hair. Hardly ever used heat, DC'd every week with fantastic conditioners, moisturized daily, and looked like Sideshow Bob. Behold Exhibit A:


Relaxers just work for ME. I use much more heat as a relaxed head and I can still have the natural look if I so desire Exhibit B:


This just works for ME. I do not like the blanket statements.

Your natural hair doesn't look unhealthy to me. It seems you just had issues styling it. *shrug*

Your relaxed hair looks relaxed, but it doesn't look oh so much better than the natural hair (and that's not an insult because I think the natural hair looked fine).

I think people mistake styling proficiency with health.:ohwell: There are pics in the type 4 thread where the hair looks like Sideshow Bob, but it was fierce. That's just the nature of type 4 hair. It generally grows up and out.:yep:
Your natural hair doesn't look unhealthy to me. It seems you just had issues styling it. *shrug*

Your relaxed hair looks relaxed, but it doesn't look oh so much better than the natural hair (and that's not an insult because I think the natural hair looked fine).

I think people mistake styling proficiency with health.:ohwell: There are pics in the type 4 thread where the hair looks like Sideshow Bob, but it was fierce. That's just the nature of type 4 hair. It generally grows up and out.:yep:

Oh, trust the relaxed hair is SO MUCH BETTER. When my natural hair was straightened, I could see the broken, damaged hair (see the photoshopped picture).
ITA with the bolded. That is exactly how my hair was! I took better care of my natural hair. Hardly ever used heat, DC'd every week with fantastic conditioners, moisturized daily, and looked like Sideshow Bob. Behold Exhibit A:


Relaxers just work for ME. I use much more heat as a relaxed head and I can still have the natural look if I so desire Exhibit B:


This just works for ME. I do not like the blanket statements.

It's weird in theory because of the science part, but sometimes it just works like that IRL. :ohwell: I no longer have a breakage problem since I relaxed (just shedding now, argghhh!!!). Seeing all the long-haired relaxed ladies here gives me faith that it doesn't have to become a significant problem down the line with proper care. :yep:

When I knew something had to change about my hair just to keep it on my head, I chose not to become a pressed natural because I could not properly moisturize my straightened hair without reversion. The drying effect of the heat + not being able to put water on my head would not have been okay for my hair, vs. just putting on the chemical 3-4 times a year and being able to moisturize as often as I need to. :ohwell:

So it truly is whatever works for your needs. The good thing about this site is that there's information for everyone, regardless of what choice you made.
Do you ladies really feel like there were comments that were just straight dissing relaxed hair? Cuz I understand what you ladies are saying but I missed all the bad comments about relaxed hair.
Oh, trust the relaxed hair is SO MUCH BETTER. When my natural hair was straightened, I could see the broken, damaged hair (see the photoshopped picture).

I don't think you can use straightened natural hair as a barometer for health, especially since natural type 4 hair is the opposite of straight. The first few times I straightened my natural hair, it didn't look "good" AT ALL. But it wasn't because my hair was unhealthy, it was my straightening technique and the fact that my hair was pretty resistant to heat. My hair in its natural state was nice and healthy.

I guess I'd need to see a better pic of your natural hair, because what you posted doesn't look damaged to me.
1) LOL @ people getting upset about others' opinions about the look of straightened natural hair and relaxed hair. If someone has observed and if it is their opinion that pressed natural hair does indeed look different (healthier, shinier, whatever) than relaxed hair, what is the problem? The OP posed a question and folks are responding to it. These are strangers opinions.... let. it. go.:grin:

2) @ the folks getting offended, I tend to think this is because these people are not all the way comfortable with their decision to rock chemically altered hair. They know the real issues surrounding the practice, but don't want to deal with it because they gotta still look 'fly' (for their jobs, men, whatever). Again, if you aren't offended, this statement is not in reference to you.

3) It's funny how people get ticked when a person declares their love/preference for the look of their own natural hair...yet it is A.O.K. to talk about taco meat, hating transitioning hair bc the new growth is way too nappy/unruly/dry, declaring that they are about to walk off of a rooftop/shave bald/ continue chemicalizing because they can't handle their highly textured hair....<<<<THAT is ok, but people saying that they like the look of natural hair better than relaxed hair is terrible, condescending, and divisive :lachen:

4) Its also funny that the folks who even brought up natural vs.relaxed in this thread are the relaxed heads...leads me to believe there is a bit of paranoia and undue suspicion. Relax (no pun intended, lol).

5) Let me cover some bases, since I know folks are going to come up in here talkin' the following:

"Let people do them"> We are on an online message board...there is nothing else people can do on here but to 'let' others 'do them'. IMO no one on this board should even allow someone else the power to make them upset about their decisions. If a random persons opinion on a random mesage board is upsetting you that much, something is wrong. Either you are not comfortable with your decision or there are other deeper emotional issues going on, lol.

"Why do you care about what others do to their own heads?" >I'm sure most people on the board don't but since the central question in this thread is soliciting opinions and commentary on relaxed and natural hair ...folks are going to respond. If you don't like the response, that has nothing to do with the responder...but maybe more to do with you.

"Both relaxed hair and natural hair can look disgusting and both can look beautiful, lets work together, we're all black women wanting long hair, kumbaya, amen." > I agree :-).
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Oh, trust the relaxed hair is SO MUCH BETTER. When my natural hair was straightened, I could see the broken, damaged hair (see the photoshopped picture).

Semi-OT, did you ever figure out what the problem was with your natural hair? Why did you have so much breakage?
Dont know about others but I would love the quote of anyone showing any kind of attitude towards someone expressing love for their natural hair without putting down other styles.

Omg how dare you be offended by snide remarks about "creamy cracked head", you obvuiously hate naturals, you pathetic white washed self hater


awon ranu
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1) LOL @ people getting upset about others' opinions about the look of straightened natural hair and relaxed hair. If someone has observed and if it is their opinion that pressed natural hair does indeed look different (healthier, shinier, whatever) than relaxed hair, what is the problem? The OP posed a question and folks are responding to it. These are strangers opinions.... let. it. go.:grin:

2) @ the folks getting offended, I tend to think this is because these people are not all the way comfortable with their decision to rock chemically altered hair. They know the real issues surrounding the practice, but don't want to deal with it because they gotta still look 'fly' (for their jobs, men, whatever). Again, if you aren't offended, this statement is not in reference to you.

3) It's funny how people get ticked when a person declares their love/preference for the look of their own natural hair...yet it is A.O.K. to talk about taco meat, hating transitioning hair bc the new growth is way too nappy/unruly/dry, declaring that they are about to walk off of a rooftop/shave bald/ continue chemicalizing because they can't handle their highly textured hair....<<<<THAT is ok, but people saying that they like the look of natural hair better than relaxed hair is terrible, condescending, and divisive :lachen:

4) Its also funny that the folks who even brought up natural vs.relaxed in this thread are the relaxed heads...leads me to believe there is a bit of paranoia and undue suspicion. Relax (no pun intended, lol).

5) Let me cover some bases, since I know folks are going to come up in here talkin' the following:

"Let people do them"> We are on an online message board...there is nothing else people can do on here but to 'let' others 'do them'. IMO no one on this board should even allow someone else the power to make them upset about their decisions. If a random persons opinion on a random mesage board is upsetting you that much, something is wrong. Either you are not comfortable with your decision or their are other deeper emotional issues going on, lol.

"Why do you care about what others do to their own heads?" >I'm sure most people on the board don't but since the central question in this thread is soliciting opinions and commentary on relaxed and natural hair ...folks are going to respond. If you don't like the response, that has nothing to do with the responder...but maybe more to do with you.

"Both relaxed hair and natural hair can look disgusting and both can look beautiful, lets work together, we're all black women wanting long hair, kumbaya, amen." > I agree :-).

By the red and bolded by you saying 'you people' and 'folks' are you talking about relaxed girls?

I agree with the blue. :yep:
Semi-OT, did you ever figure out what the problem was with your natural hair? Why did you have so much breakage?
Thank you for asking.

No, I did not find out what the problem was. I joined LHCF as a natural and tried a few things. My hair did not thrive until I applied Phyto.

Your hair is beautiful by the way. I think that we have the same texture. Yours just looks better.
2) @ the folks getting offended, I tend to think this is because these people are not all the way comfortable with their decision to rock chemically altered hair. They know the real issues surrounding the practice, but don't want to deal with it because they gotta still look 'fly' (for their jobs, men, whatever). Again, if you aren't offended, this statement is not in reference to you.

Personally, I don't so much get offended as much as I become nauseated by the overwhelming stupidity that someone has to have to make a "left-handed self-loving compliment" ("my natural hair is so great and so much better than baby seal clubbing relaxed hair"). :rolleyes: is what I normally do, and then hit the mental 'ignore' cruise button. It just gets to be a chore to filter through it when certain threads become sodden in it, ya know?

'S my two cents. Don't spend it all in one place. :lick:
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Dont know about others but I would love the quote of anyone showing any kind of attitude towards someone expressing love for their natural hair without putting down other styles.

Omg how dare you be offended by snide remarks about "creamy cracked head", you obvuiously hate naturals, you pathetic white washed self hater


awon ranu

But thats the thing!!! LOL

No one even said anything about "creamy crackhead" or "Pathetic white washed self-haters"! YOU are bringing that up, lol. Do you think you are a creamy crackhead or a pathetic white washed self-hater? bc no one else in this thread even alluded to those things.
Dont know about others but I would love the quote of anyone showing any kind of attitude towards someone expressing love for their natural hair without putting down other styles.

Omg how dare you be offended by snide remarks about "creamy cracked head", you obvuiously hate naturals, you pathetic white washed self hater

I would love to see the quote of who said this. I mean, really? All of that from a couple of posts by people who say they think natural hair hangs heavier? Really?
Personally, I don't so much get offended as much as I become nauseated by the overwhelming stupidity that someone who has to have to make a "left-handed self-loving compliment" ("my natural hair is so great and so much better than baby seal clubbing relaxed hair"). :rolleyes: is what I normally do, and then hit the mental 'ignore' cruise button. It just gets to be a chore to filter through it when certain threads become sodden in it, ya know?

'S my two cents. Don't spend it all in one place. :lick:

But...How is a person saying that they love their natural hair better than relaxed hair something bad? That's a persons opinion. People on this board say that they prefer their relaxed hair over their nappy hair, is that bad as well? According to your logic, it should be.
But...How is a person saying that they love their natural hair better than relaxed hair something bad? That's a persons opinion. People on this board say that they prefer their relaxed hair over their nappy hair, is that bad as well? According to your logic, it should be.

Nope, wasn't saying that. Read again: it's persons who dog other people's decisions in order to feel good about theirs that bother me. When my hair was natural, I got annoyed with people who said xyz negative thing about natural hair in order to talk about how great their relaxed decision was. For me, it's the same in all places: religion, cars, choice of SO ethnicity, etc.

For me to personally enjoy my own decision, I do not have to put down the alternatives that others have made for their own lives. I love natural hair; some of the pics in the 4a/b thread make me drool. I just don't like it on my head! If someone prefers relaxed over nappy hair, that's fine. However, if someone decides to voice that they like their relaxed hair over nappy hair "because it doesn't make you look like an uncultured piece of steel wool"?

I'll put the gloves on, and you can call me Tatiyana Ali.
But...How is a person saying that they love their natural hair better than relaxed hair something bad? That's a persons opinion. People on this board say that they prefer their relaxed hair over their nappy hair, is that bad as well? According to your logic, it should be.

Check in the quote again for the "baby seal clubbing" part. ;)
I'm tardy to the party, but for myself my hair looks exactly the same straightened natural or relaxed. I have very fine hair that gets wispy when straightened (chemically or with heat) so I don't have any type of heaviness to my hair.

As for others I can't ever tell whether it's a relaxed or natural person.
I would love to see the quote of who said this. I mean, really? All of that from a couple of posts by people who say they think natural hair hangs heavier? Really?

People reading too much into stuff and then catching usual. No one said that at all.

On another note....Taz...I would pay for your thickness. Your hair is like a thick curtain :lol: So jealous.
I can't tell on other people, but on me it's obvious because I don't know how to make my NG bone-straight to match my relaxed ends :perplexed
^^^Onejamifan Have you tried the maxiglide/miniglide?

ETA: Your hair looks spectacular!!!:blush:

People reading too much into stuff and then catching usual. No one said that at all.

On another note....Taz...I would pay for your thickness. Your hair is like a thick curtain :lol: So jealous.


Sidenote: Hey miss gymfreak I know your the resident chemist/ingredient guru do you have a hair pix somewhere? I wanna see!:grin:
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Can you people stop making up ish?

No one has a problem with natural hair,. what some of us have a problem with are the snide jabs people take at those who use relaxers under the guise of showing love for natural hair and anyone that mentions these jabs must OBVIOUSLY be a self hater.

it's because of this title that most relaxed heads take that ish, good thing that I however dont give a bloody damn.

Might be fooling others, sure as hell not fooling me.

What she said..............
To answer the original question.....Pressed hair tends to look more dense. I also think it has something to do with your hair type.
I can't tell the difference if the natural has a hard press, but my flat ironed natural hair doesn't look like my relaxed flat ironed hair.

I just want to say this I think it's interesting that there is so much side eyeing to naturals that express how much they love their natural hair. I love my natural hair, I love it more than my relaxed hair, so what? I'm not putting anyone and their decision down I'm uplifting mine and I will continue to shout out my love for my hair.