Can you really not go to bed angry?


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about my co-worker's incident and she was saying people (her single cousins) were calling her childish for not speaking to her hubby after the 6am incident. She said she has to calm herself down before she can actually have a adult conversation with him. I have heard the saying, "Don't go to bed angry!" but some people really have to collect themselves before they say and do things they will regret. So do you all find it hard to NOT go to bed angry, just for the sake of NOT going to bed angry?
I don't stay angry long. I like to sleep. It all depends on the person. My dude could piss me off to the point where I want to leave the house, and speed off. But after a few hours I feel better. We hash things out. I go to sleep.

I don't hold grudges.
I was thinking about my co-worker's incident and she was saying people (her single cousins) were calling her childish for not speaking to her hubby after the 6am incident. She said she has to calm herself down before she can actually have a adult conversation with him. I have heard the saying, "Don't go to bed angry!" but some people really have to collect themselves before they say and do things they will regret. So do you all find it hard to NOT go to bed angry, just for the sake of NOT going to bed angry?


You're co-worker's sitch is not some single out of the blue event. If it was then it would be easy to side with what her cousins are saying.

Her husband has shown repetitive inconsideration and shady behavior for a while (from what you've said). The 6am is the straw that broke the camel's back for your friend (although she should have nipped that ish in the bud a while back).
What do you mean by 'go to bed angry' as in seething, frowning, wishing they would leave you alone or in some cases leave the planet lol? Because I can understand not going to bed like this. But if you all mean that the problem no longer exists by the time you go to sleep, that is definitely not always possible!

Sleep provides the 'cooling off' period some people need to process their thoughts. I'm not one of those people lol
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I agree with Lucie

If DH and I have issues, we hash it out before we sleep. I can imagine going to bed mad. That's not healthy.

LOL. My SO will hash things out till approximately 11pm at latest. If he has work the next day then he's extremely practical with going to bed on time which used to bug me so much :look:

Lucky we don't tend to have those types of arguments anymore because I find it hard to sleep while something has started then stopped.:rolleyes:
I hold grudges. Maybe it is the Aries in me..but I can go to bed angry.

For several nights.. :look:
My grandparents had a big fight one night so my granddad came to stay with us that night.

He had a massive heart attack and died in his sleep. My grandmother never forgave herself and had severe health problems from then on.

So no, I do not go to bed angry. I try to at least resolve the anger before we close our eyes for the night and leave the house.
My grandparents had a big fight one night so my granddad came to stay with us that night.

He had a massive heart attack and died in his sleep. My grandmother never forgave herself and had severe health problems from then on.

So no, I do not go to bed angry. I try to at least resolve the anger before we close our eyes for the night and leave the house.

That's is horrible!!!!!!!
I don't think therapy would help me with that. Wow-
That's is horrible!!!!!!!
I don't think therapy would help me with that. Wow-
Right. They had been married 40 years. She was never the same and it was so unresolved because from my understanding (I was only 4) her last words to him were the horrible things she screamed at his back as he left the house to come stay with us. And then he was dead less than 3 hours later.

If we can't resolved the issue before bed or leaving the house, I make it a point to resolved the anger at the least. Usually anger is just hurt and THAT at the least can be talked and cuddled out for 99% of minor scraps we have with our SOs :yep:
I hold grudges. Maybe it is the Aries in me..but I can go to bed angry.

For several nights.. :look:

That's interesting because my dad's an Aries and if he and my mom will have an argument he'll go to sleep, wake up having forgotten all about it and my mom (Libra) is like 'I'm still mad at you!" Depending on how big the argument was of course.

If I'm mad, going to sleep is one of the best things I can do because the next morning I'm likely to have moved past it or be willing to talk about it rationally and not from emotion. Maybe it's the Scorpio in me but I can be mad at someone close to me yet still make it clear I love them.
I'm less of a "don't go to bed angry" person and more of a "calm down to communicate effectively" person. If DH and I can simmer down and have an "adult conversation" before bed, that's great, but it doesn't always happen that way. I'd rather be respectful towards my husband in the morning than insincere in the evening.
We don't leave the house angry or go to sleep angry at each other.
I will say this, even though I could go to bed angry, I wouldn't want us to leave the house and go our separate ways without clearing the air. :nono: I'd at least tell him that I don't want to argue any more, but I did want to revist the issue later.
I find that going to be angry has been actually good for my marriage. If I'm forced to talk while I'm angry, I'm more likely to say some pretty reckless things. By the time I've slept on it, I'm more likely to have a revisit the conversation with him without going for the jugular and saying things that I end up regretting later.