Can anyone tell me my hair type?

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Nonie That's why I always say I'm a type 3/4a because the perimeter of my hair is 4a- although people think I'm perpetrating by calling myself :lol:. The different curl patterns in my hair actually do range from 2c/3a sized waves to 4a sized waves (and I called them waves because if left to their own devices, they shrink in the same pattern as a compressed accordion, they don't form O shaped coils)

About @kblc06, I found some images of her hair coily. It's definitely not a 2. So scrap that. She's a 3. Not sure which. I guess her wavy hair is to type 3 hair as CNapp is to type 4B--a manipulated state. Besides I dunno why I'm even getting involved with figuring out 3's when it's not my forte.

Anyway, images of kblc06's pattern can be seen in how her hair grows in (see nape):

And then this pic shows coils/curls I'd never seen before. So she could be 3B/3C. The coils seem to be a bit bigger than Rachel True's. They remind me of Corrine Bailey Day's coil in a she's got a bit of what Corinne has:

I guess she like a lot of 4B's just keeps her hair manipulated to avoid tangles. She has shared that her hair is very easy to detangle...and it seems so rarely wears it in its fully shrunken state which would further help keep it easy to detangle.
kblc06 do you have a photo of that shrunken accordion? I ask coz folks say that their hair is zigzag when really they're just looking a stretched out kinky hair. And I am not talking about the no-pattern description here. I'm talking about folks saying their hair is a perfect zigzag pattern. But my argument is always that if a spring is stretched out and viewed from one side, it looks perfectly zigzag but that doesn't mean it is. And Nicole's hair looks wavy but it's actually I'm wondering if you're describing something different from all of the above.
Yeah, your hair looks nice, but it's afro-textured hair. do you keep asking hoping that someone will tell you that your hair is naturally curly? I hate the numbers, but I think that some hair curls with little effort or product as it dries, and some hair goes afro and frizzes, and it just kind of is what it is, and if you take care of it, neither is better or worse in my opinion. But I'd say you clearly have the latter. Curly hair is pretty curly without any product or conditioner, wet or dry. It might frizz more without conditioner, but the curl is there.

It looks thick, healthy, and your wash and go was nice, so keep doing what you are doing and don't worry about your hair type.

You don't need certain products b/c of your hair type. Your hair needs what it needs, and as long as it's well-conditioned, the whole process of trial and error will be fine.

So maybe your hair likes oils and butters more than it likes creams and lotions, which have water added. Maybe your hair will like being air-dried or maybe it will like it if you sit under a dryer for a bit.

Some people apply product everyday. Some use it only when styling or restyling. Some people wet their hair everyday, and others only wash once a week. It looks like you are doing a good job, and maybe some things will require more time if you are planning on growing your hair out longer, but it looks like you and your 'fro are doing just fine.

Thks 4 the encouragement I appreciate it & I just wanted to know the best way to take care of it according to my hair type/texture I really want butt length hair so I'm learning how to achieve that by giving my hair what it needs

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I am a 4a/4b myself. You have coils and undefined hair all mixed into one head of hair.

Now, you have gotten great advice so I just want to reiterate that the "hair type" does not matter. That stuff is for aesthetic purposes. As it has already been stated in this thread, the most important things are the porosity and texture of your hair. Density is important as well, but that also has nothing to do with what products to use, only porosity and texture matters.

I kno my texture Is Afro but how do I find my porosity?

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I know about nappyme. I've even corresponded with the site owner and might have signed up but I can't keep up with more than one I've come to find out, so I've never posted. Still, all I see on that sight (site, is what I meant--but I'ma leave the wrong word and pretend it was a pun :giggle: ) is images of 4B hair in its various and oh so diverse states.

I think @coconut has a point about porosity and moisture content of hair. Because it wasn't until I discovered DCing and ACV rinsing that my hair started to be properly moisturized and soft and easy to manage. Until then, my hair could be rough and reminiscent of brillo/steel wool. And I would have sworn I had coarse strands. Since I learned to moisturize my hair properly internally and contain the moisture within, I have seen coils. I see coils on my hair even after I have gone over a year w/o applying any leave long as I wash and DC regularly. My hair doesn't usually have any product on it, but it still feels soft because it holds moisture within it.

A lot of the people who thought they had CNapp changed their tune when they stopped using dry products like shea butter or grease calling them "moisturizers".

Wait but I thought Shea butter was a moisturizer?!

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I'm late, but 4a/b, especially after seeing your hair with no product.

Type 4 hair can have s-curls and ringlets, they just won't clump together like the hair on the head of a type 3. My hair in the top doesn't curl either. It is a loose s-curl, but it is coarse making it type 4. The whole back of my head forms beautiful s-curls when sopped with conditioner or gel, but when it dries it is still type 4.
I gotta roll with @Nonie on this one. My sister is CNapp and every once in a while I will be doing her hair and see that she has the tiniest of coils -- it's just her individual strands though, and they don't clump, so her hair always looks like a cloud. A cloud that is never allowed to shrink because it will be hell to detangle.

Way to hijack the OP's thread, guys! :laugh:

Lol it's cool I don't mind:)

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I'm late, but 4a/b, especially after seeing your hair with no product.

Type 4 hair can have s-curls and ringlets, they just won't clump together like the hair on the head of a type 3. My hair in the top doesn't curl either. It is a loose s-curl, but it is coarse making it type 4. The whole back of my head forms beautiful s-curls when sopped with conditioner or gel, but when it dries it is still type 4.

But I thought the texture of ur hair and curl pattern were two different things someone said some ppl may hav 3c hair but have coarse hair instead of silky?

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Your curls are too tiny to be 3C/4A. This is what 3C/4A hair looks like:

You're in the type 4 bracket. The reason the front of you hair has no pattern is because it's combed out. My guess would be you have my hair type: 4B

How are you guys seeing 4A? :confused: Like vainღ♥♡jane? Perhaps it's time for me to hand in my typing license. What type does tHENATuRALhAiRpRoJEcT say this is? (<--payback! :giggle: ) BlackMasterPiece?

(ETA: Incidentally, am I the only who's noticed the new trend this week of everyone claiming 3C/4A? When I joined the forum, 3C was the type to be. Guess 3C/4A is the what's currently in fashion. I clueless on fashion so that's probably why I don't get it.)

No I dont use combs or brushes to detangle at this point in time and when taking this pic I did not detangle my hair yet

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Don't rely on members here to tell you your hair type. Once your hair starts hitting hip length (if you choose to grow out your hair) with your hair thickness along with gorgeous hair styles, they will demote you to "lower hair type status. "

My goal length is butt length ^in 4 years hopefully:)

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I've never understood the purpose of drenching hair in conditioner for hair typing purposes. Shouldn't that be determined from the hairs natural state? My hair looks 4a when its wet but as soon as that bad boy dries I'm straight 5bb, lol.

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I thought the conditioner would help the curls to be seen better but I jus put one pic up w/o any product just water

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(ETA: Incidentally, am I the only who's noticed the new trend this week of everyone claiming 3C/4A? When I joined the forum, 3C was the type to be. Guess 3C/4A is the what's currently in fashion. I clueless on fashion so that's probably why I don't get it.)


I promise promise promise I looked at the 3C/4A thread today and said the same dauuuuum thing!!!! :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:

a couple in THIS THREAD are likely 3c category.... but a great many are ACTUALLY very beautiful 4a's
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But I thought the texture of ur hair and curl pattern were two different things someone said some ppl may hav 3c hair but have coarse hair instead of silky?

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I think that's where people get confused. IMO, texture and pattern together determines hair type. A type 3 can have s-curls and coils, but have hair that is fine and silky making it easier for their hair to clump together with no assistance whatsoever, while a type 4 can have those same shaped curls and coils (maybe not the same size, but the same shape) and have coarse hair making it hard for their curls to clump without assistance.

I think this becomes most confusing when comparing a 3 c to a 4a because they are so close. The silky/fine vs coarse is the difference maker IMO.
Claiming 3c/4a makes me feel like a stepchild.. you're not this, you're not that... :spinning: I went back and forth for a while whether or not to move my pics from the 3c thread to the 3c/4a, but didn't b/c it really doesn't matter. The line is so blurred. My hair clumps really well when using a Denman/Tangle Teezer, but I'm pretty sure I have some 4a parts as well.

hairsothick Oh, and my hair is NOT silky. It's normal to fine, but quite cottony, DRY, and even wiry in places (my hairline), so I don't think it's as simple as you state.
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your hair looks 4a/ looks very nice! your hair might be low porosity. my hair looked like that when it was short and covered with conditioner.....

Think I'm low porosity b/c when I wet under running water w/o me using my hands to help it wet quickly it seems like it takes forever to fully soak and when I put products I have to really work it ^in b4 my hair absorbs it fully

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hairsothick , I'm pretty sure type 4 hair clumps. I'm a type 4 and my head is full of clumped curls all over it.

I'm late, but 4a/b, especially after seeing your hair with no product.

Type 4 hair can have s-curls and ringlets, they just won't clump together like the hair on the head of a type 3. My hair in the top doesn't curl either. It is a loose s-curl, but it is coarse making it type 4. The whole back of my head forms beautiful s-curls when sopped with conditioner or gel, but when it dries it is still type 4.
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Hey OP, you have beautiful hair and I used to care about typing, but now I don't, you know what? Because Andre is full of $hit (yea I said it), I claim 4A because it's the easiest, but the longer (or bigger I should say) my hair gets, the curlier it gets and not little hard to find curls, but big easy to spot curls. I see a lot of hair typing threads and I just don't think it's necessary to really know, you know? I know I have think kinky hair that hates any hard protein and loves moisture (water the most) and it likes to be left alone, find out those things about your hair and whether it's kinky or curly, it will treat you right...just my humble opinion, but I would say 4B with some 4A (but it matters but a little)
@hairsothick , I'm pretty sure type 4 hair clumps. I'm a type 4 and my head is full of clumped curls all over it.

*CherryPie* yes, 4A clumps. 4B doesn't clump easily but it can clump with shingling. What makes clumping happen easily for some types and not others is the size of the coils. The bigger the coils, the easier it is for them to cup each other and therefore clump. 4B might clump at the ends but it doesn't clump as uniformly to the the base as 4A might, and not throughout the hair to form tubes the way 4A might.
[USER=49841 said:
Morenita[/USER] ;12922757]Claiming 3c/4a makes me feel like a stepchild.. you're not this, you're not that... :spinning: I went back and forth for a while whether or not to move my pics from the 3c thread to the 3c/4a, but didn't b/c it really doesn't matter. The line is so blurred. My hair clumps really well when using a Denman/Tangle Teezer, but I'm pretty sure I have some 4a parts as well.

hairsothick Oh, and my hair is NOT silky. It's normal to fine, but quite cottony, DRY, and even wiry in places (my hairline), so I don't think it's as simple as you state.

I JUST SAW YOUR FOTKI:drool::drool: I see your dilemma with a bit of 4a "maybe: in you crown?? I agree w/ your homepage majority of your hair is 3c
you are a great example of a slight mix... but with much lower percentage of 4a in there... you could still rep 3c:grin:
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@*CherryPie* yes, 4A clumps. 4B doesn't clump easily but it can clump with shingling. What makes clumping happen easily for some types and not others is the size of the coils. The bigger the coils, the easier it is for them to cup each other and therefore clump. 4B might clump at the ends but it doesn't clump as uniformly to the the base as 4A might, and not throughout the hair to form tubes the way 4A might.

Nonie THANK YOU!!! I keep reading that "type 4's don't clump" but mine does and I'm like, "WTF?!?!" you always make my "WTF'S" disappear...
@hairsothick , I'm pretty sure type 4 hair clumps. I'm a type 4 and my head is full of clumped curls all over it.

I didn't say that type 4 hair didn't clump. I said it doesn't clump as easily as type 3 hair does. I'm talking about clumps of curls that are visible from a distance. The hair in the crown of my head clumps together, but you can't see it unless you are inches away from my head.
Claiming 3c/4a makes me feel like a stepchild.. you're not this, you're not that... :spinning: I went back and forth for a while whether or not to move my pics from the 3c thread to the 3c/4a, but didn't b/c it really doesn't matter. The line is so blurred. My hair clumps really well when using a Denman/Tangle Teezer, but I'm pretty sure I have some 4a parts as well.

@hairsothick Oh, and my hair is NOT silky. It's normal to fine, but quite cottony, DRY, and even wiry in places (my hairline), so I don't think it's as simple as you state.

I didn't say it was that simple and I also stated that it becomes most confusing when talking about people with 3c/4a hair.

Nothing is absolute and I said it was just my opinion, not fact.
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