Can A Relationship Work If .........


Well-Known Member
Since the whole Kim K divorce swirling the web, I was just thinking could a relationship or marriage work if you don't like the family of your partner or the family does not like you, what are you thoughts on this?

Can a relationship actually work if the family is kept at a distance?
I believe the relationship can work if the families have basic respect for each other. No one is always going to like you; but if both sides are willing to at least show respect than maybe.

But if both sides all out hate each and is disrespectful....then it will affect your relationship with your partner.
I think it can as long as there is respect on both sides.

Also some marriages works extremely well because the family is kept at a distance.
I used to be all gung-ho in feeling a family must love me and I must love them too. I havre lived a little since, LOL. As long as your man loves you and you love him and boundaries are established, then you 2 should be fine and then some. I think it is good for you to always keep it respectful. Sometimes a family that hates you will do their best to get a rise out of you to show your man they were right. I won't make things seem like they can always be like a Utopian society. Families can destroy a relationship but it really has all to do with how the couple deals with it.
This makes me think of the episode of Bridezilla where the black man married a white woman and the guys sister DID NOT like the bride to be. Damn near fighting the bride at the rehearsal wedding and ish. To answer your question, it would probably depend on how close the SO is to his family. Keep them at a distance otherwise and TRY to hold your tongue.
It can work, but I believe that the spouse has to be the one to set the boundaries. For example, if the wife doesnt get along with the husband''s family, its his job to manage his family and set the tone for acceptable behavior.

I dont believe people have to like each other. I feel that, i respect the fact you are his mother/father/siblings/etc and you respect I am his wife and when we are around each other, I will be cordial and that's it. We dont need to have extended conversations, we dont need to do things together. Shoot, if we really disliekd each other, i would send him to visit and use the time to do something I really wanted to do
The relationship can work if the married couple understand the marriage belong to them. Families may not get along and some family members will try to break you up. My mother could not stand my husband and she tried sooooo many times to get me to leave him. There was and have never been any abuse in my marriage she just did not want me with him. I chose to stay in my marriage and put distance with her. Yesterday I celebrated my 15th year anniversary and I'm happier than ever. Today, she still feels jealous of my marriage and feel he took me away from her. She did the same thing to my brother's marriage (probably worse). Some families are just over-protective, jealous, nosy as heck, or simply don't want you to place attention on someone else.

You married the person not their entire family. BTW, I get along very well with his family and he gets along great with mine minus a few individuals.
You ladies are absolutely right on all of your comments. Most importantly respect has to be present . But most of all a strain can be put on the person in the middle trying not to lose their relationship with their partner and with their family also.
It's definitely easier if the family likes you, but I don't think a relationship is automatically doomed if the family doesn't. I think it depends on whether your SO is willing to put his family in his place when they disrespect you. They have to know that he is going to stand by you no matter what.
Only if the partner of the "offending" family handles it well... For example, if he KNOWS a relative of his doesn't like me, he shouldn't minimize or ignore the intentions behind snide comments or harsh glances. He also should make sure his family understands that, while they are entitled to their opinions about me, he will NOT tolerate their disrespect (ESPECIALLY in our home or where our children are concerned).
Nope. For me, marriage isn't just me and him. Its me, him, my family and friends and his family and friends.

My friends and family are reasonable people; if they don't like him, there's probably a good reason why.
Syrah, I understand you on that ,it doesn't always work out that way and sometimes we have no control on how things work out and the people in our lives.