Bsl/mbl 2018 Challenge!!

I got some decent growth this last three months (about 3 inches), the only thing I did differently was really amp up my green smoothies. I've been adding flaxseed to them as well as using a beauty elixir which has Baobab, acai, goji berries, camu camu, pea protein & wheatgrass in it. I think it's the elixir that has really done it for me. Shame because it's damn expensive, but if I get these kind of results I'll keep using/buying it. Not to mention the improvements to my skin.
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I got some decent growth this last three months (about 3 inches), the only thing I did differently was really amp up my green smoothies. I've been adding flaxseed to them as well as using a beauty elixir which has Baobab, acai, goji berries, camu camu, pea protein & wheatgrass in it. I think it's the elixir that has really done it for me. Shame because it's damn expensive, but if I get these kind of results I'll keep using/buying it. Not to mention the improvements to my skin.
I don’t even do green smoothies :lol: but I’ll ask for the masses. What’s the details/link for the elixir?
Four weeks ago I put in a set of mini-twists for vacation. I've finally overcome my laziness and decided to remove them. Hopefully I'll have my hair washed and styled by Wednesday. So far the take down hasn't been bad. I've only had a couple of knots. I think shea butter helped with that. I focused on moisturizing my ends and it's helped. I will by trying some new products from Curl Dynasty , their Give Me Slip Conditioner for detangling and the Kalahari Mint for styling.
Hey ya'll,

I already posted this in another thread, but now that I'm back to APL I figured I should post it here. So over the weekend I did a d/c with that Natural Club avocado mask. It smelled really good, so I proceeded to mix a lot of ayurvedic powders (hibiscus, amla, shikaikai, brahmi, aritha, henna, marshmallow root, slippery elm, and water) to make a paste then rinsed out the dc, detangled, and applied the paste to my hair. I let that sit for about 2 hours, then rinsed it out with some shea moisture shampoo and proceeded to DC with my silicon mix. My hair felt very good, not too mushy but not too stiff. I then towel dried and sectioned in quadrants slathering each quadrant in my shea mix and braiding them up. I secured the braids to the side of my hair in an up-do. I think stretching my hair in four braids has become a go to.
I hennaed my hair over the weekend and added a little ziziphus/ sedr to my mix for the first time. I forgot that I was waiting for my hair to dry to see how it felt (been doing my hair with gloves because of my nails). Anyway, I dampened it this evening with a SAA+ water mix, and dusted my ends as today is a good lengthening day. I also applied my Shea mix to my ends and sealed it all with a little more gel. The bits that are dry, feel great.
I'm finally getting to wash day after two weeks. I've been sick but I'm feeling well enough for a wash. I noticed more broken hairs when I was detangling, so I know I'm overdue for a hard protein treatment. I will use Aphogee Step 1 today. I've been growing out heat damage for almost two years now and I'm struggling not to cut the remaining ends. I'm hoping to keep growing until the end of the year and then cut them. Hopefully they'll look less stringy after the protein treatment.
I'm finally getting to wash day ugh...My hair has been in cornrows for about two weeks now. I've only been moisturizing and sealing and babying my ends. I've been so busy and haven't been able to DC but will be putting that in my schedule for this week.
My delicate fine hair is growing slowly. After this last and hopefully finally BC, I have crossed every T and dotted every I. The last BC was so traumatizing actually BC silly me did it myself but in my mind was just trying to obtain thickness.

Back to the same bologna of crazy unevenness. But as my smart lil sweet DD said "mom don't dwell on it." I just handle it with care as antique lace and accept this is the best its going to get.

I used my Boar bristle brush and it got frizzy so I decided to dust off my flatiron n see what's up. I then took advantage of that to do an olive oil prepoo and use my high end shampoo and DC I purchased from Sally's. My shower times was....
When I wear it back or after my tension blowdries its OK. The next time this head sees a flatiron it will b for a small trim done by a professional. I think super curly hair just grows unevenly
My delicate fine hair is growing slowly. After this last and hopefully finally BC, I have crossed every T and dotted every I. The last BC was so traumatizing actually BC silly me did it myself but in my mind was just trying to obtain thickness.

Back to the same bologna of crazy unevenness. But as my smart lil sweet DD said "mom don't dwell on it." I just handle it with care as antique lace and accept this is the best its going to get.

I used my Boar bristle brush and it got frizzy so I decided to dust off my flatiron n see what's up. I then took advantage of that to do an olive oil prepoo and use my high end shampoo and DC I purchased from Sally's. My shower times was....
When I wear it back or after my tension blowdries its OK. The next time this head sees a flatiron it will b for a small trim done by a professional. I think super curly hair just grows unevenly

Same here. I am definitely pulling out of all my length challenges due to a BC. It's not what I wanted to do but I was forced to because of a setback. I was planning to transition long term. I know what you feel. A BC can really be very traumatising, specially if it happens due to a setback.