Bsl/mbl 2018 Challenge!!

I’ve been pretty much just bumming for a while now. My routine is still shampooing and a dc with Colorful Neutral Protein Fuller between 7-14 days. I do use just water/Avj/glycerine and seal with Shea butter mix now when my hair starts feeling dryer.

Nicely simple!

How do you style it?
Nicely simple!

How do you style it?
I usually keep it in a bun (sorry that was a typo above). Sometimes I use a bun form and sometimes a stocking with a pin in the middle. The bun form keeps my ends stretched. I’m bad with dusting though. I probably need to get back into that. I so don’t care about my hair like that anymore though. I remember I was so riled up! Lmao
I usually keep it in a bun (sorry that was a typo above). Sometimes I use a bun form and sometimes a stocking with a pin in the middle. The bun form keeps my ends stretched. I’m bad with dusting though. I probably need to get back into that. I so don’t care about my hair like that anymore though. I remember I was so riled up! Lmao


Ohhhhhh! "Bumming" was supposed to be "bunning." ;) I gotcha! :giggle: I was like "She bumming it. She bummed it to MBL. I want to, too!"

Well, I'm excited you made it to MBL! Sounds like a lovely, retention-causing routine.
Ok. I don't know where my hair is (as far as length goes), but I'm still getting emails for this board so I may as well stay.

I braided my hair. I'm spraying scurl on them because my hair loves that. I even have a big huge one to refill. I may as well forget about those broken sections even though my hair in the back is always going to look thin until the back one grows in, but I'll just put in some clip ins in the back or something if i ever wear it out.

I got gummy vitamins to get back in the habit of taking them
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Before bed, I smoothed my hair with damp hands and applied a little TMC kids detangler to sections, focusing on my ends. Combing through, I followed with a light dab of TMC Anc.ient Egyptian 24k Twisting gel before braiding into 5 canerows with perm rods on the ends. I'll leave this in until Friday.
I finished putting in smedium two stand twist last night after an extended wash day. I detangled Sunday night using SSI Curl Moist, Water, and Olive Oil but didn't wash until Tuesday. I used Mielle Organics Babassu Oil Conditioner. I really liked how my hair felt when I rinsed it out. I'm trying a new 6 week routine and so far I like the results.
I'd like to join if it's not too late.
My goal is full BSL
Currently full APL
I'm newly relaxed with Mizani No Lye (after being natural for 4 years)
I've found out that my hair likes to be left the hell alone lol. So my routine is very simple. I braid my hair and leave it like that for a few weeks. I only cowash once a week and DC once a week. Protein treatment only once a month. Fore moisture I baggy with no product (greenhouse effect) and seal my ends with olive oil and rosemary or castor oil.
@Prettymetty, I've been meaning to ask you: You straighten a lot but don't relax. Why not?

(I'm asking because I'm in decision-making mode.)
Girl relaxers burn lol. Nah, but seriously my hair is really thick, so I can't self relax in a timely manner. Stylists usually rake through my hair and rip it out... Heat styling is the best for my hair, because it maintains the strength. Plus the versatility is awesome. When it rains I get curls
@Prettymetty - do you suffer from frizz in wet weather (especially at the roots) or do you just get curls?

Also do you use any anti-humidity products or just the keratin treatments? Have you noticed thinning from the keratin treatments? TIA!
@Prettymetty - do you suffer from frizz in wet weather (especially at the roots) or do you just get curls?

Also do you use any anti-humidity products or just the keratin treatments? Have you noticed thinning from the keratin treatments? TIA!
No thinning. My hair is so strong right now! I do use anti humidity products. When its just wet and humid, my hair just poofs like yaki hair. When it gets soaked, I get curls.
I may do the Egg diet for a second week. I just realized it may contribute to faster growth. I've been eating protein like crazy. I only lost 1/2 lb, but I'll do it for my hair.

Eta It's too damn hot for wigs, so I'm back to rocking my hair. I'm washing rn and I will blow dry later.
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My subscription expires this month. I won't be able to reply to the forum anymore, and before it expires I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for everything. I've learned a lot here and am really grateful to have been able to know you all. I so appreciate all the help and information and camaraderie. Blessings to you and yours! Take care!
I’m still an inch away from BSL and realize that to get to MBL I’m going to have to bun it. Last time I wet bunned I made it to MBL but I used a cloth tie and twisted my wet hair in the same direction, the same way, for months, and it broke off, I cut it back to a bit longer than SL.
I hope that dry bunning and using a different tie, bun twist direction and placement will get me the same results.
I think I'm Mbl now, but my hair is shorter on the right side. It just grows that way...I will keep growing and trimming until the right side catches up. I'll post a progress pic the end of August. That'll give me time to drop 10 more lbs :yay: