BSL 2013 Challenge

*Question of the Day!!!*

What are some bandwagons you jumped on that you regret? Are there any that you stuck with to this day that continues to work for you?

Wasn't even a bandwagon from lhcf even though ladies here were doing it.
A coworker mentioned that she used a tea blend in her hair, I brewed up my tea and merrily doused my hair in it
I had the worst breakage ever!

Funily my hair loves my tea blend now. I may have made it too strong that time. I also make it with avj now and its a staple.

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I'm using a method I learned off sistawithrealhair YouTube channel. She heavily oils her hair focusing on her ends then wraps her hair in Saran wrap and doesn't touch it for 30 day's! I'm only doing it 3 days at a time. I do it from one wash day to the next. I have to say I like it so far. I've got my ends wrapped in plastic in a braided bun with GSO. I checked on my ends last night and they feel so good so soft and moisturized. I think I'll continue this method till I'm bsl

I wanted to try that. Will texlax hair work? R u texlax?

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The worst or @ least not my fav bandwagon was oil rinses @ 26wks post. It made my hair an oily mess:(

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*Question of the Day!!!*

What are some bandwagons you jumped on that you regret? Are there any that you stuck with to this day that continues to work for you?

HE LTR was the worst thing ever for my hair! I bought 1 full bottle and an almost full bottle from the product exchange and threw away both after 2 uses. It made my hair feel dry and terrible. I could not believe I heard so many good things about it.

Using MN has become a way of life for me. Just part of my regimen, no matter how I wear my hair. My scalp loves it for some reason.:look:

Tea rinses are the business...sometimes I don't have time to brew, but I will always keep them as part of my regimen too. I like them as preventative measure, even if I'm not shedding. The Caffeine in tea decreases shedding by blocking DHT, promotes hair growth, promotes shine, darkens hair (black), and enhances natural highlights (chamomile). I haven't even experimented with any 'fancy' teas yet.
Add me please

~Current hair length BSB
~Relaxed/Natural/Texlaxed/Loc'd Texlax
~BSL goal month August
~Current Reggie and styling choices
Sun - poo/DC/air dry/bun
Wed - prepoo w/oil/DC/cowash/air dry/bun
Texlax at 12 weeks

~What do you plan on changing (if anything) to make it to BSL? Be consistent
~Post a beginning
(starting picture in signature Dec 2012)
jprayze tell me more about this tea and shedding....I have posted and read and ask but the more information the better. If you dont mind, what tea? how much water/tea bags? how do you apply spray bottle/pour? Do you rinse and DC? or apply the DC over the tea? Do you DC or cowash? Sorry for all the questions, I am shedding like a pup and I want an end!!! TIA!!!
jprayze tell me more about this tea and shedding....I have posted and read and ask but the more information the better. If you dont mind, what tea? how much water/tea bags? how do you apply spray bottle/pour? Do you rinse and DC? or apply the DC over the tea? Do you DC or cowash? Sorry for all the questions, I am shedding like a pup and I want an end!!! TIA!!!
HE LTR was the worst thing ever for my hair! I bought 1 full bottle and an almost full bottle from the product exchange and threw away both after 2 uses. It made my hair feel dry and terrible. I could not believe I heard so many good things about it.

Using MN has become a way of life for me. Just part of my regimen, no matter how I wear my hair. My scalp loves it for some reason.:look:

Tea rinses are the business...sometimes I don't have time to brew, but I will always keep them as part of my regimen too. I like them as preventative measure, even if I'm not shedding. The Caffeine in tea decreases shedding by blocking DHT, promotes hair growth, promotes shine, darkens hair (black), and enhances natural highlights (chamomile). I haven't even experimented with any 'fancy' teas yet.

Off to get some Chamomile Tea!!

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Last night I moisturized & sealed my length and NG in sections, bunned and put a plastic cap on over my bun. I just removed it and my ends do look a little better. I decided to protective style in my tried and true single bread and leave my hair alone until my next wash day this weekend.

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KiWiStyle I love your French braid, I can see highlights of colour, absolutely lovely and so neat :yep:

I like this idea. My ends feel better now since I did a bun baggy overnight. Maybe I can just cover my ends with a small piece of plastic wrap and tuck in to conceal it.Sent from my iPhone using LHCF

This is what I do when I bun.

Thanks. I now put leave-in and an oil on my hair before I allow it to dry. My hair and ends usually look and feel nice just afterwards but soon after, my ends look dry and frayed. I'm wondering if I need to wet bun...Sent from my iPhone using LHCF

I always apply lots of moisturiser to wet hair and then seal with oil, I'm also using a butter blended with oils as a last step during winter, my ends are doing great.

*Question of the Day!!!*
What are some bandwagons you jumped on that you regret? Are there any that you stuck with to this day that continues to work for you?

Phytospecific supplement caps: caused some serious shedding

Stuck to
Pre-poos: I only used to do HOTs, I never used conditioners as a pre-poo
Dusting my ends: I would not have dreamed of trimming my own hair but it's working for now, I'm wondering what my hairdresser's gonna say at the end of March (I promised to keep my ends in check)

Jury's still out
Priteva: I've just started taking these so I'll have to wait and see how it goes
HE LTR was the worst thing ever for my hair! I bought 1 full bottle and an almost full bottle from the product exchange and threw away both after 2 uses. It made my hair feel dry and terrible. I could not believe I heard so many good things about it.

Using MN has become a way of life for me. Just part of my regimen, no matter how I wear my hair. My scalp loves it for some reason.:look:

Tea rinses are the business...sometimes I don't have time to brew, but I will always keep them as part of my regimen too. I like them as preventative measure, even if I'm not shedding. The Caffeine in tea decreases shedding by blocking DHT, promotes hair growth, promotes shine, darkens hair (black), and enhances natural highlights (chamomile). I haven't even experimented with any 'fancy' teas yet.

Did you ever get excessive shedding when you first started MN?? I am so mad, it's becoming more apparent that I can't do MN and I want to so badly. There has to be a way to counteract the shedding effect, I'm brain storming over here.

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^ Everybody is shedding right now. Most of us have a pretty large shed as autumn goes into winter. Take a look at how many people are complaining about shedding it is the season not the products.
^ Everybody is shedding right now. Most of us have a pretty large shed as autumn goes into winter. Take a look at how many people are complaining about shedding it is the season not the products.

GET OUT! I never observed enough to consider it, hmmm...interesting. What do the rest of y'll think about this shedding? Did Seamonster shed (no pun intended) some light on the topic for you?

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1. Hello Hydration
2. Daily Co washing Only
3. All cheap conditioner like suave/V05

Holy Grail bandwagons
1. Cerimides
2. Oil pulling
3. Charcoal tooth powder
4. Vitamins
5. Homemade hairdrenaline
6. Shima products
7. Oil rinsing
8. Use my Deep treatments as a leave in
9. Natural Products
10. Heavy sealing
11. Home made hair care
12. Glover's mange (most of ya'll weren't born when this was a bandwagon)
13. Pine tar
14. frequent shampoo
15. Bunning
16. Chlorella
17. Detoxes
18. Tea/ACV/Ayuveda
19. Water

Bandwagons I like but don't make time for
1. Twist
2. Box Braids
3. Curlformers

Newest Bandwagon, I just got some henna and a vitamix

1. Hello Hydration
2. Daily Co washing Only
3. All cheap conditioner like suave/V05

Holy Grail bandwagons
1. Cerimides
2. Oil pulling
3. Charcoal tooth powder
4. Vitamins
5. Homemade hairdrenaline
6. Shima products
7. Oil rinsing
8. Use my Deep treatments as a leave in
9. Natural Products
10. Heavy sealing
11. Home made hair care
12. Glover's mange (most of ya'll weren't born when this was a bandwagon)
13. Pine tar
14. frequent shampoo
15. Bunning
16. Chlorella
17. Detoxes
18. Tea/ACV/Ayuveda
19. Water

Bandwagons I like but don't make time for
1. Twist
2. Box Braids
3. Curlformers

Newest Bandwagon, I just got some henna and a vitamix

The Vitamix is the BUSINESS, isn't it? Which series do you have?

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checking in
wayyy too cold in houston to be cowashing in the morning or even at night for that matter. ughhh i HATE the cold weather!
I wonder what my stylist will say about my ends next week, I want to pull out the scissors so bad. I got a trim this past October but my ends look frayed, all I do is air dry and bun so what gives. This past month I've been rollersetting on magnetic rollers, isn't this style suppose to help your hair grow. If she agrees and says my ends look a bit rough, I'm getting a 1/4" trim and not waiting until the end of the year again to trim.

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I feel the same way! I barely do anything and I still feel like my ends are Bleh lol. I am constantly looking for splits and breakage, like all the time. I have to hide my hair from myself :ohwell:

I'm using a method I learned off sistawithrealhair YouTube channel. She heavily oils her hair focusing on her ends then wraps her hair in Saran wrap and doesn't touch it for 30 day's! I'm only doing it 3 days at a time. I do it from one wash day to the next. I have to say I like it so far. I've got my ends wrapped in plastic in a braided bun with GSO. I checked on my ends last night and they feel so good so soft and moisturized. I think I'll continue this method till I'm bsl

THIS sounds bomb! I'm wearing a wig anyway and I have baggies for days, I am trying this method as soon as I get my new wig in a few days, thanks for the tip lamaria211

*Question of the Day!!!*

What are some bandwagons you jumped on that you regret? Are there any that you stuck with to this day that continues to work for you?

None...:look: LOL, I usually can't afford to try a bunch of stuff...Oh, I use sulphur, but my great aunt told me about that for my face and my scalp. It has helped my acne tremendously :yep:

So I've just finished celebrating my sorority's Centennial Founders' Day and received so many compliments on my hair. I hit folks with a double whammy...flat iron and baby bump - reactions were hilarious! At any rate, what protective style can I do with my straight hair until I get it done next week?

Bantu knots, a high bun or pony, a loose french roll, maybe?

Hi ladies, I thought I joined this challenge but I looks like I didn't so let me introduce myself :grin:

Welcome Mjon912

Ok I have a question

Since everyone says APL is the hardest length to reach. Whats the chance that most of us breeze past BSL by the end of summer

I feel like we should because APL is the hardest, right? But I just have this feeling that it's going to take me all year, ya know? I need to get these bad thoughts out of my head!

Set back. Woohoo..

Oh no, what happened?!?!?! :nono:

Add me please
Welcome SunySydeofLyfe

Omg ladies I'm out gettin some buffalo wing fries and this lady at the counter has this beautiful TBL braid !!! :drool:

Her braid was gorgeous :lick:

Update: My ends were feeling a little dry, so I added some SM Moisture Milk this morning, but I didn't get a chance to seal because I was running late. I think I am going to M&S and baggy tonight for a moisture infusion. We'll see how my ends feel tomorrow.
:welcome: SunySydeofLyfe

What's going on hnntrr??? Keep us posted :-(

Seamonster that does make a LOT of sense. Tis the season for shedding I guess b/c I sure know I'm shedding my winter hair.

lamaria211 you really got me intrigued by this saran wrap stuff. Wonder if it could work with EVOO. I see she likes grapeseed oil.
Hey ladies, I'm on my phone. Sorry if pic is too small, big, or sideways.

I just took out a sew in and is very pleased with my results. I'm not claiming bsl yet because my ends are horrible. Im getting another sew in tonight. I'm getting my ends clipped when I take this new one out, hopefully two months from now, and hopefully I won't lose much length when getting trimmed.

Major set back so I am kinda bummed. Went swimming last Monday -1 point, didn't clarify till the following Thursday, hair was kinda okay but didn't have time for a much needed DP. -3 points

Got sick with the flu and missed a cowash day and a major wash day so now my hair looks and feels horrrrrible. -5 points.

Dry, straight strawy looking. It's holding on to the little bit of softness it has left. Plus w hen I clarified my hair ( I did prepoo) I had a ton of shedding/breakage/dandruff all the sudden and that scared me.

But I am going a mini wash day tonight and DP with tea rinse and then putting some heavy moisturizers in and wet wrapping it tonight. I'll just bunn it the rest of the weekend. Everything is to risky at the moment to try any curly styles when I haven't got a handle on my moisturizers for when my hair is out so. Hopefully tonight will help. Def doing a full wash round on Sunday. Might even add some heat to get the moisture back in my hair. Hope this doesn't make my growth stunt or I loose what I have retained. eek.
Hey ladies, I'm on my phone. Sorry if pic is too small, big, or sideways.

I just took out a sew in and is very pleased with my results. I'm not claiming bsl yet because my ends are horrible. Im getting another sew in tonight. I'm getting my ends clipped when I take this new one out, hopefully two months from now, and hopefully I won't lose much length when getting trimmed.

Looks great IndifinableJoli! Your ends don't look bad to me. I'm more than sure you'll be able to claim BSL after you take down this next sew in.

Sent from my Android...Boom.
GET OUT! I never observed enough to consider it, hmmm...interesting. What do the rest of y'll think about this shedding? Did Seamonster shed (no pun intended) some light on the topic for you?Sent from my iPhone using LHCF

KiWiStyle Just over 3 years ago was the first time I noticed that I had a lot of shedding around the Sept-Dec period. Now I just accept that this is the time my hair likes to shed, I up the protein and try to get the moisture protein balance down. I was really worried the first time I noticed it, I can't remember any obvious shedding before then.
HE LTR was the worst thing ever for my hair! I bought 1 full bottle and an almost full bottle from the product exchange and threw away both after 2 uses. It made my hair feel dry and terrible. I could not believe I heard so many good things about it.

Using MN has become a way of life for me. Just part of my regimen, no matter how I wear my hair. My scalp loves it for some reason.:look:

Tea rinses are the business...sometimes I don't have time to brew, but I will always keep them as part of my regimen too. I like them as preventative measure, even if I'm not shedding. The Caffeine in tea decreases shedding by blocking DHT, promotes hair growth, promotes shine, darkens hair (black), and enhances natural highlights (chamomile). I haven't even experimented with any 'fancy' teas yet.

I love black tea rinse. It stops shedding like nothing else. I don't consistently do it only when I notice increased shedding.
KiWiStyle Just over 3 years ago was the first time I noticed that I had a lot of shedding around the Sept-Dec period. Now I just accept that this is the time my hair likes to shed, I up the protein and try to get the moisture protein balance down. I was really worried the first time I noticed it, I can't remember any obvious shedding before then.

See, for this reason alone I have got to start my HHJ diary. I have no point of references so I don't know if this is my shedding season. This idea resonated with me on so many levels. My hair really took off during the Spring and Summer so it makes sense that fall/winter I will shed. This has sparked my interest so much that I'm going to research this theory more.

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Self relaxing today. Let's pray that it goes well this time and actually takes!! Doing the half and half method so that I can really take my time smoothing.