BSL 2013 Challenge

I cowashed this evening with aussie moist and let it air dry to 90%

Then I applied jbco and wgho to my scalp
Then I applied jbco and wgho and moroccan oil to all of my hair
Then I applied Shea Moisture thickening milk all over(it sort of rewet my hair because i used a bunch
Then I applied some Cownboy Magic to help with detangling(success)
then I sectioned it and applied qp elasta mango/olive oil to each section and two strand twisted it, I've probably got 15-20 twists
after I twisted it all i applied regular castor oil to each strand.
I think my hair was on the brink of death. lol

I knew it was dry and it was really struggling with abnormal shrinkage
my hair wouldn't hold any definition once it was dry
my ends bushed up really bad
and today was my breaking point. I've decided to just keep my hair uber moisturized and hidden for a while.
I know that sounds like a lot of products, and it is, but if yall had seen the condition of my hair you would not be surprised because each of those products lend something to my hair.

My twists are hanging and not dry and shriveled up, my hair feels so soft and I may take the twists out this weekend and wear a twist out just for a few hours. then twist it right back up using this same process if it turns out to give me good results after the week.
I have been hair lazy for a long time. I didn't even do my curformers or flat iron. My flat iron is still new in the box. Maybe next year.

Wash day
1. Pre poo Overnight: Some kind of onion mask as usual
2. Shampoo
3. Oil scalp
4. massage
5. Scratch
6. cowash

My leave in routine
oil scalp
pour tea/ACV/AV on hair
oil hair
dc or leave in
One cornrow

HeChangedMyName looks like we are using the same winter routine
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Up early with the pups. Gonna moisturize the braids a bit later. I wonder how long they can hang in there. My little rubber bands are popping off every chance they get lol
Yall's wash day routines make mine sound so blah and boring! All I do is shampoo, DC, detangle and braid. That's it. Which is why I didn't answer my own question. It's nothing special so I just kept it to myself.

What kind of poo's do you typically use? What do you DC with?
What kind of poo's do you typically use? What do you DC with?

I use whatever shampoo I have around. I don't have a staple shampoo. I mix my DCs though. Usually a Lustrasilk cholesterol, SE megasilk moisture treatment, and a Curl Junkie DC. Leave it on for a couple hours or overnight. Told you my reggie was boring :lol:
I wonder what my stylist will say about my ends next week, I want to pull out the scissors so bad. I got a trim this past October but my ends look frayed, all I do is air dry and bun so what gives. This past month I've been rollersetting on magnetic rollers, isn't this style suppose to help your hair grow. If she agrees and says my ends look a bit rough, I'm getting a 1/4" trim and not waiting until the end of the year again to trim.

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I'm using a method I learned off sistawithrealhair YouTube channel. She heavily oils her hair focusing on her ends then wraps her hair in Saran wrap and doesn't touch it for 30 day's! I'm only doing it 3 days at a time. I do it from one wash day to the next. I have to say I like it so far. I've got my ends wrapped in plastic in a braided bun with GSO. I checked on my ends last night and they feel so good so soft and moisturized. I think I'll continue this method till I'm bsl
I wonder what my stylist will say about my ends next week, I want to pull out the scissors so bad. I got a trim this past October but my ends look frayed, all I do is air dry and bun so what gives. This past month I've been rollersetting on magnetic rollers, isn't this style suppose to help your hair grow. If she agrees and says my ends look a bit rough, I'm getting a 1/4" trim and not waiting until the end of the year again to trim.

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I don't know if it is the same for you, but my hair doesn't like air drying anymore. I have to slather on product and then braid or tie it down some way, otherwise, my ends look like they been ate by the lawn mower. I'm still learning. I just trimmed nearly an inch and now I'm in two strand twists.

I'm using a method I learned off sistawithrealhair YouTube channel. She heavily oils her hair focusing on her ends then wraps her hair in Saran wrap and doesn't touch it for 30 day's! I'm only doing it 3 days at a time. I do it from one wash day to the next. I have to say I like it so far. I've got my ends wrapped in plastic in a braided bun with GSO. I checked on my ends last night and they feel so good so soft and moisturized. I think I'll continue this method till I'm bsl

I like this. I found out last night that my hair needed more oily juices. It hasn't been very cold yet, but I'm guessing there is still something different about winter air and summer air because my hair was crying out thirsty. I may try this for the rest of the week. . .need to buy some jerricurl bags. lol
Last night I moisturized & sealed my length and NG in sections, bunned and put a plastic cap on over my bun. I just removed it and my ends do look a little better. I decided to protective style in my tried and true single bread and leave my hair alone until my next wash day this weekend.

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I'm using a method I learned off sistawithrealhair YouTube channel. She heavily oils her hair focusing on her ends then wraps her hair in Saran wrap and doesn't touch it for 30 day's! I'm only doing it 3 days at a time. I do it from one wash day to the next. I have to say I like it so far. I've got my ends wrapped in plastic in a braided bun with GSO. I checked on my ends last night and they feel so good so soft and moisturized. I think I'll continue this method till I'm bsl

I like this idea. My ends feel better now since I did a bun baggy overnight. Maybe I can just cover my ends with a small piece of plastic wrap and tuck in to conceal it.

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I don't know if it is the same for you, but my hair doesn't like air drying anymore. I have to slather on product and then braid or tie it down some way, otherwise, my ends look like they been ate by the lawn mower. I'm still learning. I just trimmed nearly an inch and now I'm in two strand twist

Thanks. I now put leave-in and an oil on my hair before I allow it to dry. My hair and ends usually look and feel nice just afterwards but soon after, my ends look dry and frayed. I'm wondering if I need to wet bun...

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*Question of the Day!!!*

What are some bandwagons you jumped on that you regret? Are there any that you stuck with to this day that continues to work for you?
*Question of the Day!!!*

What are some bandwagons you jumped on that you regret? Are there any that you stuck with to this day that continues to work for you?

The only bandwagons I've jumped on were MN , sulfur powder and Henna. I don't regret either but I do know the sulfur isn't for me because I can't stand the lingering smell and I'm still assessing the MN in my regimen, I can't see long term use of it. I love henna and will most likely be a henna head for life!

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Random realization. My texlaxed hair doesn't seem to revert. Thursday was the first time I had my hair flat ironed without a touch up. I have 9 weeks of new growth and that part is reverting. The texlaxed parts (5-6 inches) are still bone straight. I'm not sure if this is because texlaxed hair stays straight better or if the roots just get wetter from sweat. I'll have to mist the texlaxed part and see.
Didn't stick with
Heavily sealing w/ vaseline. It was not bad, I just haven't done it since I relaxed again. I might try it to see how my relaxed hair likes it.

Sticking with it
crisco - I've been using this to seal, usually on wash day when braiding up my hair prepping for a braidout (I guess the crisco replaced the vasline). I also use it when flat-ironing (which I rarely do)
henna - I love the shine on flat-ironed hair and ease of detangling after doing henna. I would love to do it more often if it wasn't so time-consuming (esp b/c I started doing Indigo as well) and messy. I henna about once every 4 months or so.

I don't think there is anything else.
Last night I moisturized & sealed my length and NG in sections, bunned and put a plastic cap on over my bun. I just removed it and my ends do look a little better. I decided to protective style in my tried and true single bread and leave my hair alone until my next wash day this weekend.

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I love that braid!
I love that braid!

Thanks buddy :). I probably should have never stopped wearing it, I remembered my retention was amazing when I wore it daily. I started getting fancy when I started getting some length, for now on I'll only be fancy some of the time, lol.

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So I've just finished celebrating my sorority's Centennial Founders' Day and received so many compliments on my hair. I hit folks with a double whammy...flat iron and baby bump - reactions were hilarious! At any rate, what protective style can I do with my straight hair until I get it done next week?
So I've just finished celebrating my sorority's Centennial Founders' Day and received so many compliments on my hair. I hit folks with a double whammy...flat iron and baby bump - reactions were hilarious! At any rate, what protective style can I do with my straight hair until I get it done next week?

Banana clips and buns are always cute. Especially when paired with a baby bump!
Hi ladies, I thought I joined this challenge but I looks like I didn't so let me introduce myself :grin:

I'm MJ...
-im grazing apl right now, ive been doing 1inch+trims to get rid of some thin ends :ohwell:hopefully I'll be BSL by Oct, that gives me 10 months to get there which I think is doable as long as I don't get the itch to do any major cuts or have a setback
-Im texlaxed but transitioning to natural! My last relaxer was in the beginning of August 2012 so I'm about 5momths post now, my goal is thick healthy hair but I'm not brave enough for the BC so I plan on just keeping my ends cut, and letting my relaxer grow out
-so far I haven't had any problems, I wash every 10-14 days, prepoo with oils, honey and some kind of hair mask, wash with either a sulfate free shampoo or regular shampoo, deep condition with a light protein and add a clear rinse to my hair while I deep condition (I do a hard protein treatment every month and a half), apply my leave ins and oils, roller set and sit under the dryer, then flat iron my roots and wrap at night.
-other then that I use hair trigger growth elixir every few nights on my scalp and since I'm prego :grin: I take a prenatal vitamin everyday, I don't plan on stopping after I deliver and will probably add a few more vits and supplements as well as starting back up with MN...I'll post a pic when I'm don't washing my hair...HAPPY HAIR GROWING LADIES
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KiWiStyle your bun in your siggy looks amazing, the shine is beautiful!!!

NikkiQ I forgot his name in your siggy, but I love him, I almost died when Found out he was Bane in Batman: the dark knight rises...he got HUGE :lick:
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Ok I have a question

Since everyone says APL is the hardest length to reach. Whats the chance that most of us breeze past BSL by the end of summer
@KiWiStyle your bun in your siggy looks amazing, the shine is beautiful!!!

@NikkiQ I forgot his name in your siggy, but I love him, I almost died when Found out he was Bane in Batman: the dark knight rises...he got HUGE :lick:

Tom Hardy. Mmm I love that man :lick::lick::lick:

Ok I have a question

Since everyone says APL is the hardest length to reach. Whats the chance that most of us breeze past BSL by the end of summer

I think a good bit of the ladies in here will be BSL by the end of July. There's so many lovely heads of hair that are already just a few inches from BSL that they'll be there in no time :yep:
NikkiQ said:
*Question of the Day!!!*

What are some bandwagons you jumped on that you regret? Are there any that you stuck with to this day that continues to work for you?

I regret jumping on the MN bandwagon due to massive shedding. I was scared I was gonna go bald lol. The one that I stuck with though, was the GHE method or baggy method depending on my hairs need. I also have stuck with cowashing. I love cowashing :)

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lamaria211 said:
I'm using a method I learned off sistawithrealhair YouTube channel. She heavily oils her hair focusing on her ends then wraps her hair in Saran wrap and doesn't touch it for 30 day's! I'm only doing it 3 days at a time. I do it from one wash day to the next. I have to say I like it so far. I've got my ends wrapped in plastic in a braided bun with GSO. I checked on my ends last night and they feel so good so soft and moisturized. I think I'll continue this method till I'm bsl

I just went to sistawithrealhair's YouTube channel and I have a question...Why does she only wash her hair once a month? Really, why!?!?!? Her hair is gorgeous but why wait so long? And in Philly...with all that heat and environmental stuff...seems like a long time to me. The bagging, I love and the oils, love it, but why no water, no moisture at all, only dc once a month. Help me lamaria211