BSL 2013 Challenge

Let me first excuse these pics, this is the first time I have had to rely on me,myself and I to do this. Turns out I suck at this.
length check braided January 3rd.

*Question of the Day!!!*

What does a typical wash day look like for you? Pre-poo? Shampoo? Condition cleanse? DC? Protein treat? Air dry? Blow dry?

Yay QOTD! My typical wash day lately(in kinky twists) consists of diluted Kinky Curly Come Clean in an applicator bottle with peppermint oil and tea tree oil put directly onto my dry scalp. I massage it in and let sit for a few minutes(I love, love, love the tingle) then rinse and repeat if needed. DC with AO HSR for 30-40min. Aloe vera juice sealed with coconut oil mixed with peppermint and tea tree oils and air dry. I always air dry unless I'm going to straighten. Interestingly enough I'm finding my hair does well without prepooing but maybe I add so much oil during the week that I don't need a prepoo :think:
Flat Iron Bday was iffy in the beginning but it all worked out in the end. Used too many products hair was a little too oily but not terrible. Really pleased.
The blow dry, tension method, med-heat on air dried, but still damp hair.

The flat iron, comb chase one pass. 350 degrees

Put a bunch of bantu knots in, then pulled them apart. Did a pin under fake angled bob looking thing. But at the point was too rushed and couldn't take pics. Below is a pic of bantu knots undone, before I had the idea to pin and tuck. Also the hair lasted for 4 hours, until I hit the crowded dance floor. It's still straight kinda. But poofy at the roots.

In conclusion my ends are sh!t but, I cut an inch off on the 6th. So i'm not trimming again till my BC anniversary in March.
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*Question of the Day!!!*

What does a typical wash day look like for you? Pre-poo? Shampoo? Condition cleanse? DC? Protein treat? Air dry? Blow dry?

Prepoo with ORS Replenishing and Avocado Oil, sometimes with honey.
Shampoo with sulfate free like SSI Jojoba Hemp - usually 1x per wk (sulfate shampoo as needed-- product buildup, etc.)
Ocassional cowash/cleanse with VO5 especially when wet bunning
Every other wash day, ORS Mayo or a Moisture DC. Sometimes I follow ORS Mayo with SSI Avocado DC.
Tea Rinse - black, green or chamomile with herbs if I have them (90% of them time unless I'm lazy) usually under DC and then a spray with final rinse
Air dry if wearing curly, buns or twistouts, Blow dry if wearing straight
I'm officially slowly sinking into a state of depression. I just washed my hair which by the way, it feels great. My problem is I still have lots of shedding and breakage; long, medium and short pieces. If this breakage doesn't stop, I'm going to have to trim all my progress off next week.

This is a combo of shed and broken hairs:
View attachment 189167

I see breakage and shed hairs even on non-wash days, not a lot because I don't comb thru my hair on these days. Should I be worried?? Any advise?? I've tried garlic extract and it worked for a few days and my ends feel fine, just a little jagged but no obvious splits.

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I figured out how to add a picture! This is my after my stylist flat ironed it after my cellophane treatment. In her words she got it "relaxer straight" and she did. I actually think it is too flat. I can't wait to wash and get some volume back.

You look mightly close to BSL GettingKinky. How much further do you have before you can claim it? I'm guessing about 1.5-2".

Flat Iron Bday was iffy in the beginning but it all worked out in the end. Used too many products hair was a little too oily but not terrible. Really pleased.
The blow dry, tension method, med-heat on air dried, but still damp hair.

The flat iron, comb chase one pass. 350 degrees

Put a bunch of bantu knots in, then pulled them apart. Did a pin under fake angled bob looking thing. But at the point was too rushed and couldn't take pics. Below is a pic of bantu knots undone, before I had the idea to pin and tuck. Also the hair lasted for 4 hours, until I hit the crowded dance floor. It's still straight kinda. But poofy at the roots.

In conclusion my ends are sh!t but, I cut an inch off on the 6th. So i'm not trimming again till my BC anniversary in March.

Looks like you did a good job. A WHOLE lot better than I would ever do that's for damn sure :lol:

I'm officially slowly sinking into a state of depression. I just washed my hair which by the way, it feels great. My problem is I still have lots of shedding and breakage; long, medium and short pieces. If this breakage doesn't stop, I'm going to have to trim all my progress off next week.

This is a combo of shed and broken hairs:
View attachment 189167

I see breakage and shed hairs even on non-wash days, not a lot because I don't comb thru my hair on these days. Should I be worried?? Any advise?? I've tried garlic extract and it worked for a few days and my ends feel fine, just a little jagged but no obvious splits.

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When's the last time you had your ends trimmed? WHat about protein treatments? The ladies suggested tea rinses to me when I was freaking out about shedding.
When's the last time you had your ends trimmed? WHat about protein treatments? The ladies suggested tea rinses to me when I was freaking out about shedding.

I had a really good trim back at the end of October 2012 during my last relaxer. I henna and do protein treatments, I used AO GPB because I had recently did a henndigo and didn't want to dry my hair too much. I'm going to try the tea rinse when I wash again on the weekend. I stopped taking MN in Saturday in preparation for my relaxer next week, I'll see if stopping the MN helps any. My hair has been doing so well, I don't think I've experienced excessive breakage during my HHJ before.

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Typical wash day: shampoo hair only every other month; but biweekly I use roux porosity control, then I deep condition with ORS Olive Oil; place shower cap on and leave conditioner in my hair for at least 2 to 3 hours. Rinse out; apply leave-in conditioner; then Aphogee Green Tea Reconstructor; heat protectant, blow dry low heat and then flat iron.

how do you use it? do you like "wash" your hair with it.
interesting... do you every get buildup?

I figured out how to add a picture! This is my after my stylist flat ironed it after my cellophane treatment. In her words she got it "relaxer straight" and she did. I actually think it is too flat. I can't wait to wash and get some volume back.

chile are u natural? Thats a ridiculous flat iron !!!!:spinning:
Qotd: I shampoo/clarify thoroughly as i only do so once a week. Most weeks I'll shampoo on a Friday then bun with no product so i can dc the next day on clean hair. Plus i hate jumping in and out the shower.
Every other week I'll use henna
Dc with under dryer for about 15mins let cool down for 10
Rinse and detangle in shower
I've started doing an acidic last rinse
M&S with Hawaiian silky and grapeseed oil
KiWiStyle I don't think that was alot of hair that shed. I was a little worried myself last week but I just sucked it up that it was not more than 50-100 strands which is normal shedding. I too am using MN...hoping that will not be a problem but a HELP in growing! Try the tea rinse though. I am anxious to hear that things are getting better for you!
chile are u natural? Thats a ridiculous flat iron !!!!:spinning:

SimJam I am transistioning to texlax (it barely straightens my hair). Right now I've been transisitioning for 56 weeks so I have 5-6 inches of texlaxed hair and I'm 9 weeks post.

I think she used the smooth part of a hot comb to get roots all the way to my scalp. I could feel the heat. But it's already startin to revert at the roots so I don't think I have heat damage.
KiWiStyle I don't think that was alot of hair that shed. I was a little worried myself last week but I just sucked it up that it was not more than 50-100 strands which is normal shedding. I too am using MN...hoping that will not be a problem but a HELP in growing! Try the tea rinse though. I am anxious to hear that things are getting better for you!

Thank you, I'll know on Saturday.

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My hand is in my hair too much! I set up an appt for Friday afternoon to get a flat twist updo. Hopefully it will last for 3 or 4 wks. I'm determine to get to BSL!!
my right side is still rough, tangled and breaking. i am going to give the Roux a shot and not wait until tomorrow. my SO got me the shampoo, conditioner, and some type of leave-in treatment. i don't know if i will use the leave-in treatment. it's not for relaxed, but for permanent wave. but it's for color treated hair as well. i still have some color left.
my right side is still rough, tangled and breaking. i am going to give the Roux a shot and not wait until tomorrow. my SO got me the shampoo, conditioner, and some type of leave-in treatment. i don't know if i will use the leave-in treatment. it's not for relaxed, but for permanent wave. but it's for color treated hair as well. i still have some color left.

I hope the Roux Shampoo and Conditioner Combo works.

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just shampooed, roux, and now i am dc'ing. i hope my hair acts right. i thought i was out of the woods last night. but it was some serious damage done, so i need to be patient.
you may have to take a step back and think about what thing or things may be the culprit. Its better to find out the reason why your hair is dry rather than just slapping moisturizer on it.

that being said, what helped my dry hair was adding aloe vera juice to my regimen. I know its good for something like getting the hair back to its normal pH or something like that ... but its like fairy and unicorn tears for my hair:lick: all my products work so much better now that AVJ is in my life.

Thanks SimJam, I have Aloe in my regimen already and the dryness is pretty new; I think I did a little too much protein this last wash and that might be it.


I'm sorry that happened to you Shortdub78, but it sounds like you have it under control already :yawn:

*Question of the Day!!!*

What does a typical wash day look like for you? Pre-poo? Shampoo? Condition cleanse? DC? Protein treat? Air dry? Blow dry?

I don't have a typical wash day, but I tried a new method that seemed to work really well and I am going to give it another go next weekend:

  1. Protein treatment every 3-6 weeks (maybe) with heat cap and let it sit for an hour to 1.5 hours
  2. Pre-condition with a cheapie condish with nice slip and detangle ahead of time and put hair in 4-6 loose twists
  3. Shampoo is diluted and put in an application bottle, so it can be applied directly to my scalp and not dry out my hair too much
  4. Apply DC in sections on the twists and put on heat cap, sit with it for 2-3 hours, rinse in shower and use condish/oil/AVJ leave-in
  5. Do whatever styling with whatever moisturizer.
Today, I have my wig on...that is all.
Yall's wash day routines make mine sound so blah and boring! All I do is shampoo, DC, detangle and braid. That's it. Which is why I didn't answer my own question. It's nothing special so I just kept it to myself.
*Question of the Day!!!*

What does a typical wash day look like for you? Pre-poo? Shampoo? Condition cleanse? DC? Protein treat? Air dry? Blow dry?

Pre-poo: with moisture or protein conditioner alone/mixed with oil/sealed with oil or a HOT
Shampoo: 2 times a month (one is clarifying)
Co-wash: once on wash day (between shampoos) and once midweek
DC: weekly with moisture/protein/moisture & protein DC
Protein treatment: before and after a relaxer and when needed in between
Air dry: weekly
Blow dry: on relaxer day or if I'm strightening
Rollerset: when I can be bothered

I m & s and usually air dry in a plaited bun
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My wash day:

Prepoo - Rarely but when I do I use my Ceramide mix or EVCO and sit under a dryer for 20 minutes or overnight.

Shampoo - Weekly with (NEW) WEN 613, rinse, apply roux PC for 1 minute, rinse. I clarify every 4-6 weeks with Kenra Clarfying/Chelatng Shampoo.

Protein: With dry heat as needed. I'm no longer on a schedule with this.

Steam DC - JOICO Moisture Recovery Balm. Overnight if my hair has been extremely dry.


Leave-In - Darcy's Botanicals Daily, apply Henna Sooq Cocoveda, air dry in scarf method.

Moisturize & Seal - later the same day or the next with a Qhemet Biologics product and seal with the oil of the month, I rotate them every month. Then bun.

Style - Rollerset. I use my my leave-in, Paul Mitchell SSS and Nairobi Setting Foam and roll on Teal or Gray rollers.

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i had my mom to apply my relaxer touchup and she applied it root to tip! my hair is breaking like crazy! it is so rough looking! i am doing a protein treatment now. i don't have anymore Aphogee, but i am doing an egg/mayo treatment. i really hope it stops the breakage. i am so upset! what the heck was she thinking? who does that?

please pray for my hair! ya'll know i have been through enough with getting my hair back in order. something told me to just do it myself, since she was acting so tired to do it.

plus she tried to comb my hair with a rattail comb! i was like use that to just part, not to comb. then she was so rough with my hair.

Oh Lord, well let's look on the good side, pregnant people have really strong hair that grows fast. Did you douse your hair with coconut oil yet? There is a mizani mask for emergencies like this brb with the link to Supergirl post about that mizani mask

Eta: I used to use one of supergirls old post to take care of my hair. I can't find it. She recommended mizani but I can't remember the name. It might have been H2O. Maybe someone else remembers the one.
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This is my wash day:

I cowash with VO5 moisture milks, followed by either a protein dc or moisturizing dc, then after rinsing I let air dry apply my leave in, then seal, and apply Bantu knots. Pretty simple I think :)

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shortdub78 Im really sorry about your setback. I hope you get everything under control.

OAN: I have been sick with the flu. After my cowash and dc Sunday I applied my leave in and sealed then I put in my knots for which I haven't taken them down yet. I have been just too lazy :( and sore. Hopefully this won't cause a setback.

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I'm officially slowly sinking into a state of depression. I just washed my hair which by the way, it feels great. My problem is I still have lots of shedding and breakage; long, medium and short pieces. If this breakage doesn't stop, I'm going to have to trim all my progress off next week.

This is a combo of shed and broken hairs:

I see breakage and shed hairs even on non-wash days, not a lot because I don't comb thru my hair on these days. Should I be worried?? Any advise?? I've tried garlic extract and it worked for a few days and my ends feel fine, just a little jagged but no obvious splits.

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How does the hair on your head feel and look? I really wish I could help but I don't see a lot of hair anywhere except on wash day because I'm in a Twistout 100% of the time and I "pineapple" at night. I refuse to worry about at hair on washday no matter how big that hair all is. I added ceramides a couple of weeks ago with twice a day scalp massages with the baby bee baby oil and Nexxus headdress leave-in on washday. You might be worried needlessly.
just shampooed, roux, and now i am dc'ing. i hope my hair acts right. i thought i was out of the woods last night. but it was some serious damage done, so i need to be patient.

I started using Nexxus Headdress leave-in because it has ceramides but it has wonderful slip too. You said that you didn't like the Wen 613 (I haven't tried that one) but I have the Wen Sweet Almond Mint and that's what I use. I love the Remoist for DC-ing-this is what has gotten me through this stretch. Have you tried any of the other Wen formulas?
Update. I have stayed true to my regimen and I while my hair isn't much longer since my last post in Nov its thicker. I've gotten into a comfortable place with my hair and I don't have to try to figure out what it needs. The last thing I need to do to be where I want to be is to be more gentle when detangling. I plan to do a length check on straight hair in Feb and put my hair in braids under wigs for until the summer after that. Until then I'm wearing buns and the style in the Jan picture.


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