BSL 2013 Challenge

she is out to get me! i let her borrow my bonnet dryer and it's broken. first the hate on my hair methods, the relaxer horror, and now my dryer! she is out to get me!

This had me laughing. Imaging momma secretly plotting. Foil the plan shortdub78 quick go purchase another one. I think you deserve that pipps I have been dreaming of for all you are going thru.
off topic, she called herself being nice and bought me some ugly old lady shirts from walmart and got me some stirrup pants from the thrift store! i don't know this lady anymore!:lol:


OMG! Poor Momma!!!! LOL!!!
Look at you guys already super close to BSL! I knew we would have some early BSL Samurais up in here!

*Question of the Day!!!* (inspired by Seamonster and KiWiStyle)

Do you experience seasonal shedding?? Do you have a summer growth spurt then shed in the winter? Shed in the spring or summer? What do you do to combat the excessive shedding??

I usually have one or two wash days in the fall with additional shedding. My hair then proceeds to get thicker in the winter. In the Spring I have to try and keep the winter thickness. My hair seems to get a summer growth spurt too. I big chopped in June, my bangs were eyeball length, six months later with a few hair cuts, they are chin length.

Now that it is winter, I am doing everything I can to stimulate some growth.
off topic, she called herself being nice and bought me some ugly old lady shirts from walmart and got me some stirrup pants from the thrift store! i don't know this lady anymore!:lol:

Girl, you better wear those stirrup pants and old lady shirts. They are probably a decent fit too. :look::lol:
she is out to get me! i let her borrow my bonnet dryer and it's broken. first the hate on my hair methods, the relaxer horror, and now my dryer! she is out to get me!

Oh no, Im sure shes not intentionally out to get you :sad:
edit: lawks them stirrup pants though :lachen: Momma prolly thought they were stylish and trendy jeggings :look:
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Im resisting doing a length check............ Im resisting doing a length check .............. im resisting doing a length check

whoooosaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ... only 10 weeks until my next length check :jail:
For me it seems that when fall starts that's when the excessive shedding begins. I also notice that whenever I am too far in a relaxer stretch I start to shed like crazy.

As far as growth spurs, I think I get the most growth definitely in the summer. But I think I retain more in the winter time (if that makes sense), cause for the most part I keep my hair hidden, but in the summer I like to wear braidouts.
she is out to get me! i let her borrow my bonnet dryer and it's broken. first the hate on my hair methods, the relaxer horror, and now my dryer! she is out to get me!

So sorry to laugh:lachen:It's like when people know that your trying to lose weight but they keep bringing you in donuts for breakfast.:lol:
Self relaxing today. Let's pray that it goes well this time and actually takes!! Doing the half and half method so that I can really take my time smoothing.

Good Luck!!!:bouncegre:bouncegre You can do it!!!

I am soooooo glad that I did the half & half method. I didnt feel pressure to finish the whole head and I was able to take my time with the smoothing process. Is this your 1st time self-relaxer? This was my 1st self-relaxing. It was so liberating b/c I now dont have to depend on a hair dresser. I kinda felt like a hair dresser when I was relaxing. I had my smock, gloves, sprush and relaxer dish:lachen:.
I am very curious as to why some shed with MN and not others. I did put pure garlic extract in my mix, at first it worked but then the shedding started again even with the mix on my scalp. I've stopped applying because I'm relaxing next week, I'll take an additional week off after that. If I stop shedding during this time off and then it starts again, I'll know for sure it's MN and not seasonal shedding. I do plan to exercise all my options before giving up on it though.

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It's weird b/c prior to using MN, I was experiencing excessive shedding. Then when I started to use the MN it helped slow it down. When I stopped using the MN I didn't experience any shedding. I hoping when I start my MN this weekend I wont have any problems when I stop. I am using a new mixture this time. Hopefully it's not the MN, cause that stuff has really helped thickening my hair:yep:
Hey ladies, I'm on my phone. Sorry if pic is too small, big, or sideways.

I just took out a sew in and is very pleased with my results. I'm not claiming bsl yet because my ends are horrible. Im getting another sew in tonight. I'm getting my ends clipped when I take this new one out, hopefully two months from now, and hopefully I won't lose much length when getting trimmed.

You are sooooo close, you'll be able to claim BSL in no time!

Major set back so I am kinda bummed. Went swimming last Monday -1 point, didn't clarify till the following Thursday, hair was kinda okay but didn't have time for a much needed DP. -3 points

Got sick with the flu and missed a cowash day and a major wash day so now my hair looks and feels horrrrrible. -5 points.

Dry, straight strawy looking. It's holding on to the little bit of softness it has left. Plus w hen I clarified my hair ( I did prepoo) I had a ton of shedding/breakage/dandruff all the sudden and that scared me.

But I am going a mini wash day tonight and DP with tea rinse and then putting some heavy moisturizers in and wet wrapping it tonight. I'll just bunn it the rest of the weekend. Everything is to risky at the moment to try any curly styles when I haven't got a handle on my moisturizers for when my hair is out so. Hopefully tonight will help. Def doing a full wash round on Sunday. Might even add some heat to get the moisture back in my hair. Hope this doesn't make my growth stunt or I loose what I have retained. eek.

hnntrr I'm sorry that happened :nono: I am so weary of swimming because of this. I'm sure you'll get it back in good condition in no time.

Self relaxing today. Let's pray that it goes well this time and actually takes!! Doing the half and half method so that I can really take my time smoothing.

:pray::pray::pray: Triple pray for you!

It just got real. Spray my hair with nu grow, sealed my ends with hairveda cocasta oil and added a touch of keracare grease...**used wgo on my scalp....time for bed. This is going to be my nighttime reggie. Lets get it!!!

Okay girl, you make me feel like a hair slacker! LOL. you'll be retaining like no other this year!


I have hair reaching BSB at my nape!!!

In another month or so, I should be sitting there nicely! Just another step closer to BSL!!!


Here is a progress pic. First Oct 31st and second is from January 11th.
My ends need some taking care of. So I'm focusing on that for 2-4 weeks before I do any long term protective styles (such as cornrows)

Great progress! :grin:

Look at you guys already super close to BSL! I knew we would have some early BSL Samurais up in here!

*Question of the Day!!!* (inspired by @Seamonster and @KiWiStyle)

Do you experience seasonal shedding?? Do you have a summer growth spurt then shed in the winter? Shed in the spring or summer? What do you do to combat the excessive shedding??

IDK about seasonal shedding, I feel like my hair has more breakage (:perplexed) during the winter because it's colder and harder to keep moisture in. BUT I do think I have spring/summer growth spurts.

I'm still in two strand twists. I think this hair hiding is going to become addictive. I'm already planning to hit the BSS and grab some cheap tam/hats to rock for a while. I may follow it up by doing a twist out once a week and perhaps parlay over into flexirod sets.
Tonight will apply my jbco and wgho. I will probably add more mango/olive butter and reseal with plain castor oil too.

Oh hiding becomes...addictive :sekret::hide:

she is out to get me! i let her borrow my bonnet dryer and it's broken. first the hate on my hair methods, the relaxer horror, and now my dryer! she is out to get me!

off topic, she called herself being nice and bought me some ugly old lady shirts from walmart and got me some stirrup pants from the thrift store! i don't know this lady anymore!:lol:

WOW LOLOLOLOL shortdub78 not "ugly old lady shirts" and some "stirrup pants"! :lachen::lachen::lachen:

SO, I baggied last night using a mix of AV gel, SM moisture milk and coconut oil and...I didn't feel that big of a difference :ohwell:. So today I decided to baggy under my wig w/ SM curl enhancing smoothie, because it's heavier and I figure heavier means more moistureizing, right? I am keeping these flat twists in another week, just going to cowash and M&S. Happy HumpDay!
NikkiQ when I get home Im gonna download a countdown app/widget so at least I have something to look forward to. My hair has been akkin right and im in cruise control with my reggie so I shouldnt be too disappointed considering Im in my snail pace growth phase lol

pelohello them diet sabotagers are ruthless !!
My starting Pics (5 months post)

This is from yesterday 1/15 after my wash and roller set


This is from today 1/16 after I flat ironed it, wrapped and went to bed last night

BSL by Oct/Nov 2013

Is anyone else transitioning in here???
Steaming with QH cholesterol mixed with proclaim oil. I am just going to rinse, co wash with As I am coconut cowash (I like this stuff) add my leave ins, seal and call today complete. I used up one jar up and see that I have another one....PJism please release me....
Just wanted to comment on the shedding. I did MN back in sept. and every since then my hair will not stop with the shedding. A few more months of this and I will be bald. I did stop taking hair vitamins back in sept as well so maybe that has something to do with it. Really hate I did the MN. Me and this hair of mine have come too far.
I just relaxed after 15 wks 3 days and it was pure hell. I don't see how u ladies do it. I was so sure that I was ready to make 16 wk stretch a part of my regime. Maybe not.
Here is a progress pic. First Oct 31st and second is from January 11th.
My ends need some taking care of. So I'm focusing on that for 2-4 weeks before I do any long term protective styles (such as cornrows)

UGQueen Looking good :grin:

Look at you guys already super close to BSL! I knew we would have some early BSL Samurais up in here!*Question of the Day!!!* (inspired by Seamonster and KiWiStyle)

Do you experience seasonal shedding?? Do you have a summer growth spurt then shed in the winter? Shed in the spring or summer? What do you do to combat the excessive shedding??

I get seasonal shedding in the between September and January, I try to up my protein a little and maintain a good balance of moisture and protein.

she is out to get me! i let her borrow my bonnet dryer and it's broken. first the hate on my hair methods, the relaxer horror, and now my dryer! she is out to get me!

off topic, she called herself being nice and bought me some ugly old lady shirts from walmart and got me some stirrup pants from the thrift store! i don't know this lady anymore!:lol:

shortdub78 Re the former: Take a deep breath and try not to kill anybody :look: Re the latter: :lachen::lachen::lachen: That's just made me howl with laughter, makes it hard to stay mad.
Steaming with QH cholesterol mixed with proclaim oil. I am just going to rinse, co wash with As I am coconut cowash (I like this stuff) add my leave ins, seal and call today complete. I used up one jar up and see that I have another one....PJism please release me....

Just had a hair revelation.....I love my steamer!!! Whoooohooooo!!!! Its been over a year since I have used it and that makes me sad considering how buttery soft my hair is right now!!! I also realize that QH and oils feel great with steam, I cannot detangle on soaking wet hair and my leave in seems to work better on slightly air dried hair!!!

Hey ladies

I thought I'd ask you all since I didn't get any response in the relaxed hair thread.

Question, do any of you ladies feel like your "kitchen" area has gone unchanged since ur hhj despite the fact that the rest of ur hair is healthy growing? Idk what to do or if its just normal. That area HAS grown to about the bottom of neck length but that's not sayin much since the rest if my hair is APL/BSB. I'm thinkin since it is so short it's probably just over processed? It is dry feeling 75% of the time.
Hey ladies

I thought I'd ask you all since I didn't get any response in the relaxed hair thread.

Question, do any of you ladies feel like your "kitchen" area has gone unchanged since ur hhj despite the fact that the rest of ur hair is healthy growing? Idk what to do or if its just normal. That area HAS grown to about the bottom of neck length but that's not sayin much since the rest if my hair is APL/BSB. I'm thinkin since it is so short it's probably just over processed? It is dry feeling 75% of the time.

When I was relaxed and now as a natural,my nape has always been lacking in the growth department. Only time it was ever past NL was when I was WL as a child. Since then,it has been a lost cause. No matter what I do,it just doesn't change growbaby

Sent from my Android...Boom.
Hey ladies

I thought I'd ask you all since I didn't get any response in the relaxed hair thread.

Question, do any of you ladies feel like your "kitchen" area has gone unchanged since ur hhj despite the fact that the rest of ur hair is healthy growing? Idk what to do or if its just normal. That area HAS grown to about the bottom of neck length but that's not sayin much since the rest if my hair is APL/BSB. I'm thinkin since it is so short it's probably just over processed? It is dry feeling 75% of the time.

The funny thing a/b my kitchen is that I usually cut the hair. I've since stopped since I started my journey. My kitchen area is about neck length now. Hopefully it will catch up w/ the other parts of my hair. Maybe u can section ur kitchen like when u do ur hair line. I relax the kitchen & my edges last.

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Earlier today I DC'd on dry hair, CW'd, added my leave in sealed and bunned. Just now (my hair is 90% dry) I generously M&S'd with Elasta QP mango butter mixed with EVOCO. Then applied a good amount of GSO to my ends. Lightly oiled my scalp using a eucalyptus oil mix. And finally did a braided bun that I wrapped in plastic and won't touch till Sunday!
Random hair thoughts:

# 1. I can't wait to get to BSL to try out some new and different hairstyles :spinning:

# 2. I'm thinking of the shock/awe/expressions of peoples faces when they see my WL hair :lick:

#3. I wish it would hurry up and grow already! :look:
shortdub78 said:
she is out to get me! i let her borrow my bonnet dryer and it's broken. first the hate on my hair methods, the relaxer horror, and now my dryer! she is out to get me!

Well now ur about to ..... SHE'S about to get you a brand new dryer!!

Who is this she? If its ur mother u may be fresh outta luck , lol
I know this off topic

but, I'm natural and I would like to wear my hair straight, but I'm married and my husband likes to get it often, as in every night sometimes twice.

we all know natural hair, no matter how tied down, can't stay straight with that type of activity. lol
soooooooo I JUST had an epiphany! I can wear my hair straight during TOM when DH just simply can't get any. I'm brilliant. lol