Well-Known Member
Before I head to the beach for a few hours, I think it's time for....
*Question of the Day!!!*
What influenced you to start on your HHJ? What was the turning point? A bad hair cut? SHS? Uncontrollable breakage? Just ready for a healthy and fresh start?
My HHJ started when my favorite hairdresser dropped off the face of the earth. At that point I'd only ever had three people in my hair so I wasn't keen on breaking in a new person. I decided I would try to do my hair alone. I did some searching and found tons of info, Hairlista, KISS and youtube. After seeing so many hair journies I decided I would grow my hair myself. Now after years of progress and a few setbacks, my hair is the longest it's ever been! I also learned along the way that my hair isn't supposed to smell so bad when being flat ironed that it turns my stomach and forces me to put my window down when I'm in my car