BSL 2013 Challenge

I straightened my hair (or rather, had it straightened) and here it is. I didn't trim because I just trimmed last week. Have a good weekend ladies!

Please excuse the back fat! LOL, I'm working on it ladies, I lost 2 inches around the waist this month!!!

Sent from my Apple tracking device...I mean "iPhone"

Your hair came out great! How did you lose the 2 inches from your waist? I've been trying to lose weight, but I love to eat. :blush:
I have a question for anyone who has tried both ApHogee 2 min and AOGPB. Which do you like better and why? Is AOGPB as thick as the HSR?
Attempted my first French braid, I ddnt use a brush or comb and I tucked and pinned the bottom, I'm pretty proud lol.. Wearing it to run errands :)


Came out great hair twin! See? You had no reason to be nervous after all itsjusthair88

Thanks NikkiQ but I'm not worried about the hair at it's straight stage, I'm worried about after I wash my hair, the potential heat damage and my ends are kind of rough at the moment. But thank you...(I can't take a compliment lol :nono:)

Your hair came out great! How did you lose the 2 inches from your waist? I've been trying to lose weight, but I love to eat. :blush:

GettingKinky Thank you, I lost the inches by doing intermittent fasting and changing out my meals for green smoothies. That has helped A LOT.
Great progress everyone:)

So hard to check in regularly but I am staying on this challenge!!

Have been using scurl on my braids and baggying almost every night and this is working for me. Also I am doing tea rinses. This has reduced shedding dramatically.

Have made a decision to see dontspeakdefeat for my sew-in in April. Cant wait!! Will post pics of my progress when she blows out and trims my hair.
My hair obsession is slowly driving me crazy, and getting the iPhone app has only made it worse. (I'm currently posting while waiting in line at Home Depot.) I've decided to build a garden box and grow vegetables to take my mind off my hair. I don't have a green thumb at all, but this will give me something new to obsess over. :-)
You ladies are really doing a great job, I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's updates and progress reports at the first length check, there's going to be some serious hair porn up in here. I've stopped using heat except on relaxer day, so I will take my pic for the first length check when I get my TU but I won't post until the end of March. My relaxer days (I relax 3 x a year) pretty much coincide with the length check dates so this way I can avoid the use of straighteners unnecessarily.

I really believe my hair can benefit from avoiding direct heat, I'm trying to work on my thickness, retention and the health of my strands and ends. I think I have some heat damage, I'm gradually cutting it out, while working on keeping the NG as healthy as I can, eventually I will be back to a fully healthy head of hair.

Why is it that whenever you're about to have a TU, your scalp itches like crazy? :perplexed I'm trying so hard not to scratch but I know I'm gonna forget myself and get caught out or scratch it in my sleep and get the shock when the relaxer touches my scalp. Burning on relaxer day? Ain't nobody got no time for that!!! :look:

growbaby I love the thickness even though it's giving me hair anorexia :look: :lol: you would never guess it was your first attempt, you did a great job.

itsjusthair88 You look like you're about to graduate real soon, your hair is looking really healthy :yep:

jprayze Your hair is looking good, I love the colour. I totally understand what you mean with having the choice to bounce between your curls and straight hair. With all the NG I have coming through, I can really see my natural texture coming through and I'm really missing my natural hair.
itsjusthair88You're so close!

Thanks @Froreal3 :grin:

Great progress everyone:)

So hard to check in regularly but I am staying on this challenge!!

Have been using scurl on my braids and baggying almost every night and this is working for me. Also I am doing tea rinses. This has reduced shedding dramatically.

Have made a decision to see dontspeakdefeat for my sew-in in April. Cant wait!! Will post pics of my progress when she blows out and trims my hair.

@theNaturalWonders can't wait to see your install, DSD is a great stylist!

My hair obsession is slowly driving me crazy, and getting the iPhone app has only made it worse. (I'm currently posting while waiting in line at Home Depot.) I've decided to build a garden box and grow vegetables to take my mind off my hair. I don't have a green thumb at all, but this will give me something new to obsess over. :-)

@GettingKinky preach the gospel! I 'm switching from hair obsession to health obsession; what is the point of having banging hair if I don't whip this body into shape?! Good luck on the garden, it is very rewarding to eat food that you've grown, and easier than you think :yep:

You ladies are really doing a great job, I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's updates and progress reports at the first length check, there's going to be some serious hair porn up in here. I've stopped using heat except on relaxer day, so I will take my pic for the first length check when I get my TU but I won't post until the end of March. My relaxer days (I relax 3 x a year) pretty much coincide with the length check dates so this way I can avoid the use of straighteners unnecessarily.

I really believe my hair can benefit from avoiding direct heat, I'm trying to work on my thickness, retention and the health of my strands and ends. I think I have some heat damage, I'm gradually cutting it out, while working on keeping the NG as healthy as I can, eventually I will be back to a fully healthy head of hair.

Why is it that whenever you're about to have a TU, your scalp itches like crazy? :perplexed I'm trying so hard not to scratch but I know I'm gonna forget myself and get caught out or scratch it in my sleep and get the shock when the relaxer touches my scalp. Burning on relaxer day? Ain't nobody got no time for that!!! :look:

I love the thickness even though it's giving me hair anorexia :look: :lol: you would never guess it was your first attempt, you did a great job.

You look like you're about to graduate real soon, your hair is looking really healthy :yep:

Your hair is looking good, I love the colour. I totally understand what you mean with having the choice to bounce between your curls and straight hair. With all the NG I have coming through, I can really see my natural texture coming through and I'm really missing my natural hair.

@Angel of the North Thank you! I'm just trying to get like you :grin: Can't wait to see your touch up/length check!

Well ladies, I learned a few things about myself today with my hair "out":
1. I HATE wearing my hair down: I'm paranoid that everytime I turn my head the ends are rubbing and drying and breaking.
2. I feel I tossing it around too much? Does it look messy? etc.
3. I am suffering some SERIOUS breakage in the back, my hair is just as long as it was back in December, almost THREE months ago!!! I have got to figure out how to combat this breakage!!!
4. I have SERIOUS hair-anorexia...I mean, I still feel like I'm SL!!! Granted, my hair is curled in a way that it is kind of bunched up at the ends, but damn! When am I going to feel like I have long hair?!

In short, my hair was down for exactly 1 hour and 32 minutes before I walked to a Walgreens (I was working an event for a client) and bought a Goody clip and its been up ever since. I'm in my nightly pin curls now, we'll see how I fare tomorrow.

Night! And can't wait to see everybody else's length checks!!!
Yesterday I was talking hair with my niece and sister in law. they are both transitioning.
to prove that our hair can grow long and fast, we did an impromptu length check. I'm close to bsl. Il have to take pics later

Sent from somewhere over the rainbow
Hi LHCF sisters, I have been working late at my job, because we've had 1 trial or
other since January. Attach are recent photos. The quality are not the best, but here goes nothing.




Hey ladies I'm seeing some fab progress! I did a length check and my back layer is a little over 9 inches middle of my head is 10 inches and the sides are 8 and the front (bang) is 6 bc of heat damage but that's another story I will be continuing strict protective styling did a puff bun this weekend but now I'm back in a beehive braided up for my new kinky straight lace wig that should be here tomorrow!

SN: I have some breakage at the part I left my hairline out so I won't be leaving any hair out and will be babying it with JBCO and du grow oil I try to use the test of my BeeMine growth oil but is there a expiration date I've had it for awhile.... Also why when your hair be doing do good u get a setback ugh! It's frustrating :-(
My hair obsession is slowly driving me crazy, and getting the iPhone app has only made it worse. (I'm currently posting while waiting in line at Home Depot.) I've decided to build a garden box and grow vegetables to take my mind off my hair. I don't have a green thumb at all, but this will give me something new to obsess over. :-)

I know the feeling. Good luck with your gardening. I did that when I had more space and i'm as far away from green thumb as one could get. Root type vegetables like potatoes, sweet potatoes and carrots are pretty fool proof. Onions can grow with ease too. If you're going to do fruits watch out for melons as they spread like wildfire.
Hello ladies, I'm back after a short hiatus. Tried to stay away but I like hanging out in this part of the interwebs too much. :D I've become much more serious about making it to BSL. APL has proven to be a rite of passage for me (I'm unsure if I'm even still APL after a 1" trim thanks to SSKs) and I don't want to go through setback after setback on my way to BSL. So I have pretty much put my hair on lockdown. It's wigs for me all the way to full BSL!
Been doing a lot of thinking lately about if I want to change up my reggie a bit. Do I wanna incorporate cowashing back into my reggie again? Be more consistant with the LOC method? It's time for a change and I have no idea what it should be.
So I have now washed my hair twice since my over processed texlax. My roots aren't perfectly straight, but they are probably 75% straight and the rest of my texlaxed hair is only about 20% straight. The nice thing about the straighter part is that I can get it perfectly straight by putting it into a wet bun or ponytail and it is smoother and silkier than the rest of my hair. The downside is that it is thinner than the rest of my texlaxed hair and I'm not sure if it will go together as it grows out. Now I have a decision to make in 15 weeks when I go for my touch up. Should I continue with the 75% straight or go back to the old way and just have a straight-ish section along the length. :perplexed
So I have now washed my hair twice since my over processed texlax. My roots aren't perfectly straight, but they are probably 75% straight and the rest of my texlaxed hair is only about 20% straight. The nice thing about the straighter part is that I can get it perfectly straight by putting it into a wet bun or ponytail and it is smoother and silkier than the rest of my hair. The downside is that it is thinner than the rest of my texlaxed hair and I'm not sure if it will go together as it grows out. Now I have a decision to make in 15 weeks when I go for my touch up. Should I continue with the 75% straight or go back to the old way and just have a straight-ish section along the length. :perplexed

I have the exact same situation going on. I texlaxed last summer and then did a 6 month stretch. When I texlaxed in January I got a little too straight and now I have a visibly kinky-ish section in the middle of my strands. I don't really worry about how it looks right now because I Twistout 99% of the time. I've been trying to decide what to do when I touch-up next month.
I'm about to crack open my Wen 613! I got it about a week ago but it wasn't 'wash' time yet. Welp, today's the day. Any tips for a first time Wen 613 user?
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Been doing a lot of thinking lately about if I want to change up my reggie a bit. Do I wanna incorporate cowashing back into my reggie again? Be more consistant with the LOC method? It's time for a change and I have no idea what it should be.

I love both the mid-week CW and moisturizing using the LOC method. It just makes sense to me.

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