BSL 2013 Challenge

jprayze what form of maca root do you take? I purchase the capsules and the powder over the weekend to help balance my dangerous PMS hormones. Girl I cannot stomach that powder! I've taken it with tea, yogurt (had to throw it out) and I even tried to chase the powder alone but vomited for 10 minutes straight. I'm back to taking the capsules but I have this bag of powder I spent my money on. The taste is so strong that it completely takes over the flavor of whatever you put it in. Do you have any suggestions??!

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Hey! I'm taking the capsules. How much powder did you use? I read some ppl said they were able to mix it in smoothies with good results.

Some ppl say it tastes malty?
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Oh Lawd :-O! Why did you cut? What is the length now? Were you bored, experimenting, mad at the time...what??

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KiWiStyle I was frustrated, I do all of this stuff tomy hair to baby it and take care of it and it still looks like crap the 3 times a year I straighten it. I'm just tired of the hard work not paying off :nono:

Say it aint so:cry2:. How much did you cut? It will grow back, healthier and stronger.

pelohello IDK...A lot? I have no idea at this point, not interested in my hair anymore, it's too much work for minimal pay-off. Thank you, I'm sure it will, I just won't be watching it anymore.
itsjusthair88 sorry you are feeling frustrated with your hair. I know sometimes we can feel discouraged when we sacrifice a lot and dont see the results we wish to see and in the time we wish to see them

this doesnt mean that there were no results. Hopefully you never feel this way again, but if you do, dont do anything rash girrrrrrrrl chiiiile !!!!!

you may just have to let it be for a while (wear it in a bun and tucked away) and then re-evaluate your regimen and be happy and improve on any little gains you may be able to find.

and sometimes we just have to work with what we have, the front of my hair is thin and grows really slowly, Ive stopped trying to make it do what it aint gonna do and just focus on the rest of my hair and general health.
All this lovely hair Lord!! :drool: :notworthy: :thud: :love2:

*Question of the Day!!!* haven't done one of these in a while :giggle:

Is the reggie you started the year with the same one you're using now? Have you made any changes? If so, what were they? If not, is there anything you've been contemplating on changing/adding?

My reggie is pretty much the same except I do not use poo as much. I'm down to once a month. I still co-wash and dc once a week, m&s every other day, and water, water, water. My hair is like a plant! I just started taking biotin supplements to see if it will help with hair growth.
All this lovely hair Lord!! :drool: :notworthy: :thud: :love2:

*Question of the Day!!!* haven't done one of these in a while :giggle:

Is the reggie you started the year with the same one you're using now? Have you made any changes? If so, what were they? If not, is there anything you've been contemplating on changing/adding?

I'm liking my 2013 reggie so far, but I'm going to do some tweaks to it. I like the liquid gold sulfur and MN, but I'm doing a lot.
So it looks as though I didn't completely shake this cold and it appears to be getting worse. Ugh! Why won't this go away???! I'm still gonna cowash my hair today though. Ain't no getting around that.
All this lovely hair Lord!! :drool: :notworthy: :thud: :love2:

*Question of the Day!!!* haven't done one of these in a while :giggle:

Is the reggie you started the year with the same one you're using now? Have you made any changes? If so, what were they? If not, is there anything you've been contemplating on changing/adding?

I changed mine. I now detangle my hair BEFORE washing with a shampoo or cleanser. When I did it after washing, my hair would be badly tangled even if I washed it braids. Now I detangle, braid each section, wash, rinse, DC (if needed) or just apply my leave-in and I'm done!

BraunSugar your hair is beautiful. Love that colour!

Thank you!
This might just all be in my head, but ever since I bought the French Stabalizer my hair has felt like it needs to be washed and conditioned with Roux which is similar to French it follows logically that I should try the French Stabilizer out, even though I haven't had any chemical service done to my hair recently :think:. That's my logic and I'm sticking to it.
Got my hair braided up this weekend. I don't think I'm gonna go back to the same place because the braids came out nice and they don't hurt but she felt the need to blow dry my already blown-out hair. I don't mind the extra heat, but she was soooo rough. I had to stop her a few times. That was the first time I had been to a salon in years, I'm not about to let all this hard work I put into growing my hair go to waste just because a stylist/braider can't take simple directions.
All this lovely hair Lord!! :drool: :notworthy: :thud: :love2:

*Question of the Day!!!* haven't done one of these in a while :giggle:

Is the reggie you started the year with the same one you're using now? Have you made any changes? If so, what were they? If not, is there anything you've been contemplating on changing/adding?

I've tweaked my reggie just a tiny bit. I use baking soda instead sulfate free poo and I rinse every time with ACV. So far I like it.

I'm thinking about adding LOC to my reggie.
[USER=323671 said:
KiWiStyle[/USER];18045509]jprayze what form of maca root do you take? I purchase the capsules and the powder over the weekend to help balance my dangerous PMS hormones. Girl I cannot stomach that powder! I've taken it with tea, yogurt (had to throw it out) and I even tried to chase the powder alone but vomited for 10 minutes straight. I'm back to taking the capsules but I have this bag of powder I spent my money on. The taste is so strong that it completely takes over the flavor of whatever you put it in. Do you have any suggestions??!

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Have you tried it in a smoothie? Bananas can help mask the taste. Try making a smoothie with the yogurt and adding some bananas and fruit you like to see if that helps.
Yep my Reggie has changed. I'm 100% wigs with celies underneath. Wash/dc/pre poo once a week. M/s and needed.
At the start of the year it was almost daily cowashing and daily ms'ing, buns.
I discovered that my hair breaks alot and is realllly fragile when wet. Its been so shiny and healthy since my new Reggie.
Have you tried it in a smoothie? Bananas can help mask the taste. Try making a smoothie with the yogurt and adding some bananas and fruit you like to see if that helps.

I'll have to try the bananas because I have to consume this stuff. Thanks!

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For those of you needing encouragement on your hair journey....

View attachment 199001

...your journey is your own and that means at your own pace and time. Chin up, you'll get there ;-).

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i'm just checking in ladies. going to do a protein treatment tonight or early in the morning. i realized that the products i was using aren't really protein treatments and my hair could use some protein. i am going to try the motions cpr and see how that works. it seems like i will be in a bun when i deliver.
All this lovely hair Lord!! :drool: :notworthy: :thud: :love2:

*Question of the Day!!!* haven't done one of these in a while :giggle:

Is the reggie you started the year with the same one you're using now? Have you made any changes? If so, what were they? If not, is there anything you've been contemplating on changing/adding?

Very few things in my regimen today are the same as a year ago. There are soo many to name but here are a few changes that I now do:

- henndigo treatments
- most of my products are different today.
- Rollersetting

I'm contemplating transitioning to texlaxed but I am certainly not close to making that decision.

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LinSaywhat. I am on the same protocol. It worked before so it should work again! Hoping for at least APL by summer. If I stay focused, u may make BSL by year end! HHJ!
*Question of the Day!!!* haven't done one of these in a while :giggle:

Is the reggie you started the year with the same one you're using now? Have you made any changes? If so, what were they? If not, is there anything you've been contemplating on changing/adding?

I've missed QOTD :grin:

My regimen is still the same one I started out with at the beginning of the year. I plan on adding some products with cones in the summer just to see if my relaxed hair prefers cones, I never used cones on my natural hair and used pretty much natural products except for ORS replenishing con and Aphogee 2 min. The only other plans I have are to start wigging it again (I may leave that till autumn) and some future product trials and changes when I've run down my current stash.
Cowashed the hair today and Ooooooooohhhhh it felt good feeling that water on my scalp!!! May do this a few times a week (3 at the most). Applied some leave in and now it's air drying while I play around with my store. Gotta love a little me time.
Urgh! I have been in this challenge with you guys on the side lines. I never post but I just had to get this out of my chest cause I'm beyond mad.

I'm am finally at APL, been wearing weaves for years and finally decided to wear my hair out. Last week my hair shed so much that I decided to get braids yesterday.

The braider was soo sweet, gentle, did not braid too tight and not too small and did everything I wanted her to do. She gained my trust though the entire thing. When she was done she wanted to trim the fly away, and I let her after she assured me she won't cut my hair.Anyways, I was a happy camper yesterday, went home and bragged about my new favorite braider.

Fast forward to today, I noticed while she was trimming the fly aways, she cut some of the twist and, as a result, cut some of my hair. I was beyond pissed. I started crying. So far I've found about 7 twists with nicks in the actual twist which includes my hair. I've taken out 3 and my hair was in there, nicely sliced. 2 were about 3 inches, one was like 6 inches.

I went to the owner of the salon (mother of my braider) and so much happened today, I'm tired. Surmise that I plan on suing cause she had a bad attitude.

I can't tell how bad my hair looks overall, but I'm dreading taking the entire twists out to find out.... Well, I guess we'll see what happened
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I'm so sorry to hear that. I can only imagine how you're feeling. What did the braider say? Or did you only talk to the owner? I'm hoping that when you take your hair out the damage is all hidden.
Thanks. That's my hope too. The braider wasn't there, the owner (mother) said she would take it all out and give me my money back or she would take out the cut hair, rebraid and not give me my money back. My sister (a lawyer) felt she should give me my money back regardless, but owner refused. Well, my sister is more bad a*s than me, and she said I should sue and she will help me. But I feel bad cause the braider was extremely nice, but the mom was nice initially but then had an attitude and even said it could be possible I went home and cut my hair out myself wth?!

People there made me feel I am over-reacting, but I don't think I am. I mean, do you guys think I should expect "some" of my hair to go with the fly-aways?


I'm so sorry to hear that. I can only imagine how you're feeling. What did the braider say? Or did you only talk to the owner? I'm hoping that when you take your hair out the damage is all hidden.
I'm now calmer and looking through all the twists, consoling myself that not all the twist were cut, granted I can't look at the back of my head nor see closer to the root in the back. I do know it was an honest mistake like you said, it was the worse mistake ever. I'll wear it for about 2 months and hopefully get enough growth to camouflage the cut up ends. Why me?!
DanceOnTheSkylines That sucks. Did you go to the place in BK?

mbib0002 Wow, that's not good. It looks like she made a bad honest one, but a bad one nonetheless. Maybe it won't show.

I went somewhere closer by me because the only free day I had was saturday and on saturday she's not open till 12pm. I tried calling that morning just to check but no one picked up so I'm assuming the scheduled times were right. Going at 12 wouldn't have left me enough time to do the other errands I had that day, especially since I don't know what her clientele is like, meaning if there was a long line. I went to some africans on utica but I'm gonna go to nene next time.
Dang. Honestly, i'd have just went on YouTube and tried to do it myself. You're under a wig right? So aesthetics don't matter.

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mbib0002, I'm so sorry that happened to you! Unfortunately with hair dresser we haven't had a previous experience with, we don't know about the damage until it's already done. Luckily you hair will grow back and you'll know not to trust them anymore, I say take your money and run!

In other news, I figured out what was going on with my hair, turns out my shower filter needs to be replaced, no wonder my staple products weren't working as great as they usually do, smh.
So I looked at the Liquid Gold hair products people had been mentioning lately. Great ingrediants and I want to give it a try,but $10 for shipping out here? I don't think so!

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