BSL 2013 Challenge

Forgive the back fat and the too small bra (working on those both), but would like to know if this could be considered BSL or is my bra too high up for that? Also where would MBL be exactly as that is one milestone that I can never seem to understand as wouldn't it be determined by your bra band thickness?

My hair has been a mess as of late due to a box dye job gone bad. I can blame henna on that. As it is, I'm once bitten twice shy of color at the moment so I'm just covering my awefully vibrant edges with headbands as I wait for the color to grow out. I even picked up henna again in hopes of it darkening the color some. The upside is that I'll be able to track my new growth for once.

Looks like it to me, CONGRATULATIONS Fhrizzball!! Where did you buy your henna?

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Fhrizzball :congrats: on making BSL, I think you might be our first one of the year. MBL confuses me too, I think it is half way down your back. For most of us it is a few inches from BSL.

:birthday2 NikkiQ Happy belated birthday, I hope you had a blast celebrating.
Hey Fhrizzball you made it girl!!!! CONGRATULATIONS...and yes, MBL is a very confusing concept for me, and I've found out that MBL and BSL are at the same place for me.

Just finished co-washing with Nothing But Cleansing Conditioner, it was my first time using it. I'm not a huge fan of the scent, but it seemed to work well while I was using it in the shower. I'm looking for something I can use to dilute my 613 to make it last longer, this might be it, I still have a bottle of As I Am co-wash that I've yet to try.

Sitting under my bonnet dryer so that I don't got to sleep with wet hair. It'll be interesting to see how this works for me since I've pretty much been exclusively air drying for over a year.
@Fhrizzball your bra doesn't look too high at all! Looks like someone is BSL!!! What say you ladies?? Our first graduate??!

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Looks like it to me, CONGRATULATIONS @Fhrizzball!! Where did you buy your henna?

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Aww shucks. It's only my longest layer though so you'll be stuck with me for awhile yet. I got my henna from HennaSook to try out their Red Raj. I think though that I'll try out fromnaturewithlove as I think I can get more bang for my buck. Their henna is currently out of stock though so I'm going to need to find a way to make my henna stretch until then.
Checking in early. Decided to try my new babyliss on a small section. Doesn look like too much has change in a month.
I will upload photos tomorrow.
Aww shucks. It's only my longest layer though so you'll be stuck with me for awhile yet. I got my henna from HennaSook to try out their Red Raj. I think though that I'll try out fromnaturewithlove as I think I can get more bang for my buck. Their henna is currently out of stock though so I'm going to need to find a way to make my henna stretch until then.

I'm glad you're hanging around a bit :). I buy my henna from Henna Sooq as well and I love it. I've never tried the Red Raj though, I'm sticking with the Jamila.

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Checking in. I haven't been getting on much because of school, kids, etc. lately I've been too busy for anything extra (including messing with my hair everyday). So for the past month or so I've just been pre poo/ washing/ tea rinse/dcing once a week, detangling, then plaiting into about 10 celies until the next week. (Under wigs) I m&s as needed and Saran Wrap every other day. So far I'm loving this Reggie. Minimal breakage, new growth like butta, hair shiny and strong. I pulled my hair and it was touching my bra. So I'm thinking come march 31 when I relax I will b bsl.

I love simple Reggie's.
I've come to the conclusion that I'm getting a relaxer next week... It took me 14 hours to do my hair yesterday =\... I'm about to have another baby and I like to wear my hair straight, I just don't have the time for it, plus I was envying straight hair naturals because of the thickness but looking through my fotki I realized that when my hair was healthy my texlaxed hair was pretty thick... Why am I putting myself through these long annoying wash days when I really don't need to
I've come to the conclusion that I'm getting a relaxer next week... It took me 14 hours to do my hair yesterday =\... I'm about to have another baby and I like to wear my hair straight, I just don't have the time for it, plus I was envying straight hair naturals because of the thickness but looking through my fotki I realized that when my hair was healthy my texlaxed hair was pretty thick... Why am I putting myself through these long annoying wash days when I really don't need to

Wow! It has never taken me that long but having to plan a day to do my hair is one of the many reasons I texlaxed. I have the thickness and health as a texlaxer also so I completely understand where you're coming. I took three months to finalize my decision and became obsessed with YouTube videos of relaxed heads.

Congratulations on the baby and you know you have support here whatever you decide.
As for me, I had these mini braids in, but I took them out today after only a little less than two weeks. I was supposed to keep them in for 6 weeks, but I didn't like the way my ends were hanging out. Even though I pinned them or cornrowed them up, I was scared of the manipulation of my ends even to M&S every other day.
Forgive the back fat and the too small bra (working on those both), but would like to know if this could be considered BSL or is my bra too high up for that? Also where would MBL be exactly as that is one milestone that I can never seem to understand as wouldn't it be determined by your bra band thickness?


My hair has been a mess as of late due to a box dye job gone bad. I can blame henna on that. As it is, I'm once bitten twice shy of color at the moment so I'm just covering my awefully vibrant edges with headbands as I wait for the color to grow out. I even picked up henna again in hopes of it darkening the color some. The upside is that I'll be able to track my new growth for once.

Congrats on making BSL!!!:band:. How long did it take you to get from APL to BSL?
Checking in. I haven't been getting on much because of school, kids, etc. lately I've been too busy for anything extra (including messing with my hair everyday). So for the past month or so I've just been pre poo/ washing/ tea rinse/dcing once a week, detangling, then plaiting into about 10 celies until the next week. (Under wigs) I m&s as needed and Saran Wrap every other day. So far I'm loving this Reggie. Minimal breakage, new growth like butta, hair shiny and strong. I pulled my hair and it was touching my bra. So I'm thinking come march 31 when I relax I will b bsl.

I love simple Reggie's.

That is a simple reggie:yep: Question about the Saran Wrap. After you M&S you just wrap your hair with the Saran Wrap? How long do you keep the Saran Wrap on and does your hair get wet?
I've come to the conclusion that I'm getting a relaxer next week... It took me 14 hours to do my hair yesterday =\... I'm about to have another baby and I like to wear my hair straight, I just don't have the time for it, plus I was envying straight hair naturals because of the thickness but looking through my fotki I realized that when my hair was healthy my texlaxed hair was pretty thick... Why am I putting myself through these long annoying wash days when I really don't need to

:bighug:Do you know what relaxer/texturizer you will be using? I have the same sentiment. Even though I LOVED being natural, I was just too much work for me. I might go back to being natural, but for right now, I'm enjoying my texturized hair. I can't wait to see pics:yep:

Congrats on the new little one:drunk:
Happy Friday Ladies!!

2morrow is my hair wash day & I can't wait. The curls lasted alittle over a week; especially in the back of my hair. The front is a different story. So I am going to work on making the front curls last longer. I think it has something to do with the way I set it for bed.

2morrow I am going to deep deep deep condition my hair:lachen: and do my weekly protein. Since I've started doing weekly protein, I've noticed less shedding and breakage. I also alternate between a sulfate protein shampoo and a non-sulfate moisturizing shampoo.

I'm excited about our upcoming length check. Mainly cause I want to test out my new flat iron and I plan on cutting my hair to make the "u" shape. Hopefully this wont be disaster. I plan on just trimming in a "u" shape at each length check. I will def post pics of the outcome (as you can see I LUV posting pics:lol:).

Happy Growing Ladies!:drunk:
That is a simple reggie:yep: Question about the Saran Wrap. After you M&S you just wrap your hair with the Saran Wrap? How long do you keep the Saran Wrap on and does your hair get wet?

Yep I just m&s, wrap the Saran Wrap around my head (2 sheets of it), put a shower cap over that then a dug rag or wig cap. I leave it on overnight and the whole next day, and when I take it off my hair is damp.
Happy Friday Ladies!!

2morrow is my hair wash day & I can't wait. The curls lasted alittle over a week; especially in the back of my hair. The front is a different story. So I am going to work on making the front curls last longer. I think it has something to do with the way I set it for bed.

2morrow I am going to deep deep deep condition my hair:lachen: and do my weekly protein. Since I've started doing weekly protein, I've noticed less shedding and breakage. I also alternate between a sulfate protein shampoo and a non-sulfate moisturizing shampoo.

I'm excited about our upcoming length check. Mainly cause I want to test out my new flat iron and I plan on cutting my hair to make the "u" shape. Hopefully this wont be disaster. I plan on just trimming in a "u" shape at each length check. I will def post pics of the outcome (as you can see I LUV posting pics:lol:).

Happy Growing Ladies!:drunk:

I excited about the length check too! I miss my hair!
Not posting much these days, but dropping by to say hey and congrats Fhrizzball for making BSL!

Glad Spring is near, hoping for a growth spurt by June. Doing wash n gos mostly, and my shedding is down from last Fall :) keep up the good work, Ladies!
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Fhrizzball CONGRATS on BSL!!!!:grin:
pelohello thanks, I'm going to return my curlformers, I haven't gotten the hang of them and I like the ones that have the biggest curl but they are to short...Oh Well
KaramelDiva1978 it's crazy, if I could just sit and do my hair it wouldn't take that long but between the whole process of doing hair, then having to take care of my 2year old, cook, clean, try to spend some time with my honey, it's to long, one of the reasons I stopped relaxing was because I hated the process but I'll take a long process once every 4 months over every 2weeks any day...Thank You:grin:
pelohello I've got a small jar of silk elements with olive oil under my bathroom sink still...I wonder if I had it since before aug is it still good???:ohwell: I just use that, regular strength and add some jojoba oil and relax in sections...and Thank You :grin:
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Aww thankies. Hopefully by summer I can be full BSL. These layers are driving me crazy. It took forever to reach BSL because I would get to BSB and then keep having setbacks. I think i was doing too much with my hair via twistiing so right now I'm just doing low manipulation styles and upping my moisture and it's been retaining pretty well. It took almost 2 years for that to happen sadly enough. Let's just hope my retention keeps up as I can't wait to have a summer growth spurt right about now. If i'm lucky Wl might even be in my future this year even though that's about 4 inches away.

Can't wait for our first checkin though to see other join the finish line with me!