BSL 2012 Challenge!!!

Thnx! GIJane

What is your goal date for BSL?
December 4th 2012, my bday

What brings you to this challenge/whats your length story?
This would be my first time being BSL. Its crazy to me that I'm even sitting here thinking that my hair can grow that long lol.

Whats your current length?
APL, about 3 inches away from BSL and 5 inches away from MBL


Whats your reggie/What are you doing to make it to BSL?
I will be continuing with my current regimen of taking vitamins daily, protective styling the majority of the time, little to no heat and stretching my relaxers.

What do you plan to do once you make BSL?
Get it flat ironed straight and swang it around!! Whip it around my momma while saying 'I told you I could do it!' :lol:

Then I'll go back to protective styling and try to make waist length :)

I 'think' I attached my starting hair shot, I'm still figuring out this site. Its my hair after my December trim.

And good luck to all you ladies!


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I have been sooooo lazy with my hair recently sheesh! I need to wash and deep condition my hair tonight.

Then I have to figure out something to do with it.
I'm in! I'm in! Let's do this. My hair was that long before. So I'm sure I can make it there again! Or do better!
I have been sooooo lazy with my hair recently sheesh! I need to wash and deep condition my hair tonight.

Then I have to figure out something to do with it.

Girl you and I both. You know it cost almost $65 or more for me to get my hair done. I guess it's time for me to be my own hair dresser. And stop being scared to take care of my own hair
What is your goal date for BSL?
August 2012

What brings you to this challenge/whats your length story?

My length story right now is shoulder length or neck length
I believe doing this challenge will help me to reach my BSL length by August. I'm setting a goal for myself and what better way to do this by joining a hair leghth challenge with other fellow ladies

Whats your current length?

shoulder length. My hair is a bit uneven..the front of my hair comes to my ears and the back comes to my shoulders. But it's extremely thick and grows super fast

Whats your reggie/What are you doing to make it to BSL?
I really don't have anything special going on. I mostly keep my hair braided around in circles and wear a sew-in wig. I also apply leave in conditioner to my hair and tee tree oil.

What do you plan to do once you make BSL?
Stay natural. Make it grow longer by braiding my hair around and wearing sew-in wig. Maybe wear the wig for at least a month and at the end of the month get a good wash and deep conditioner and back to wearing a sew-in wig until I reach my goal which is waist leghth or mid back length...I can do it!!!
What are some great vitamins that will help stimulate hair growth? Yes, I know I need to do my part to help my hair grow. Washing it deep condition...protective styling..leaving the relaxers alone for awhile. But what are some good vitamins. And how can I fgure what type my hair is? I do my hair is a 1b or 2...actually both.
I haven't updated in a while. So I've been doing some buns and things but eh, I prefer my hair down so it has been mostly out of laziness. I continue to spritz it daily with my water/aloe vera juice/jbco concoction. My main goal has been keeping it stretched so I jump in between airdrying in braids and blowdrying. I've been trying out some products here and there and I gave myself a small trim on Tuesday. I also colored over my highlights so I'm back to black. If I do my hair this weekend I'll take some comparison pics, but I've been lazy and just wearing a high curly bun so I highly doubt my hair will get washed this weekend, lol.

Oh yes, I've been using sulfur! I have some Bee Mine and I added a tablespoon or so of sublimed sulfur to it. It still smells sweet so I've been using that and some other sulfur concoction I put together. I just rotate. Ok, hopefully I can update again soon with pics. Good luck ladies!
I flat ironed Wednesday and it appears that I'm BSL, but not full BSL. I hope to be there by August.

ETA: Not a fresh style but here you go.

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What is your goal date for BSL? December 2012

What brings you to this challenge/whats your length story? (ie. This will be your first time ever being BSL; You were BSL but had a setback, or BC’d or chopped it off for a style and want it back again; You were BSL back in the day and now trying to achieve it again, etc.)

I have a serious cutting problem because I love the challenge of growing out a cut. I am spending a year in the Pacific and all the women have long, luxurious hair, and I would like to follow their simple regimen and use the pure coconut oil here to see if it aids my growth.

Whats your current length? APL

Relaxed/Natural/Texlaxed/Transitioning? Natural

Whats your reggie/What are you doing to make it to BSL? ( ie. Protective styling, low heat, stretching relaxers, vitamins, etc)

I currently wash with a 2in1 (el cheapo brand) and then apply fresh coconut oil (I live in Micronesia so I buy the coconuts and give it to the locals to grate and boil down) and twist it up. I only comb it when I wash (day following wash) and finger comb otherwise.

What do you plan to do once you make BSL?

Once I get to BSL, I will straighten, and cut to my shortest layer, and start all over again :spinning:
*Creeps in* I know I'm late...

What is your goal date for BSL?
BSL with blunt ends by December 31

What brings you to this challenge/whats your length story?
I'm in the Triple Threat Challenge and one of the "threats" is BSL hair :lol:

Whats your current length?

Natural - heat straightened

Whats your reggie/What are you doing to make it to BSL?
Deep treatments every week (DC, HOT, overnight strengthening treatments), beauty supplement daily, moisturizing and sealing ends, and keeping scissors out of my hair.

What do you plan to do once you make BSL?
*Shrug* Depending on how things go I might continue to grow it out. Otherwise, I'll just maintain at BSL

I'm still hanging in. I did a twistout for the first part of last week, and then a low puff the end half of the week. That didn't end well at all :nono:. It was an unusually long detangling sessioin. In other news I thought that I had some heat damage after my straightening in December, but I did a treatment with aphogee one week and then deep fix the next week and that piece of hair is now curling nicely again. I plan to use the Tresseme heat protectant spray when I straighten in March and see how that works for me. I haven't had any heat damage so far and I'd like to keep it that way.

I'll be 2 years natural at the end of this month!!!
I wanna join too. Starting pic is in my avi.

What is your goal date for BSL? December 2012. Although if I make it before then that would be great

What brings you to this challenge/whats your length story? I joined the APL challenge sometime last week, thinking that I wouldnt be anywhere near APL when I relaxed my hair yesterday but it turns out that I am.

Whats your current length? APL

Relaxed/Natural/Texlaxed/Transitioning? Relaxed

Whats your reggie/What are you doing to make it to BSL? Stay away from heat, monisturize and seal consistently, start back using Castor oil, and take Hairfinity vitamins.

What do you plan to do once you make BSL? Enjoy it for a little while then on to MBL :lol:
Welcome Victorian. May I ask what is the name of the overnight strengthening treatment that you use? What is it for? Also, how often do you do them?

I use Frederick Fekkai Protein RX PM Repair Strengthener. I have a post about it in my blog. I do some sort of strengthening treatment every time I wash, and always as a pre-treatment. I either use the Fekkai overnight or pre-poo with AO GPB--I more or less alternate but not necessarily, as I sometimes end up using one for several weeks in a row. The Fekkai is a bit stronger than GPB I would say. They both have ceramides but the Fekkai has more strong proteins in it.

ETA: I wash once a week.
I found an inexpensive shower filter, so once it reaches me in Switzerland I can return to washing my hair more than 1x a month. I think I like the idea of super low manipulation, so I think I will just wash 2x a month or when needed. I'll be out of the country on business for the next 18-month I might as well PS w/my wigs and try to retain every inch I can, so that by the time I return home in 2013 I will be full MBL/WL.
:creatureshi just checking in and letting you know that I AM SO MOTIVATED , more than ever. I washed my hair yesterday and it has never turned out that soft (i used a blow dryer with tension method) that is the deal with my hair!! why didnt someone tell me to try before.less tangles!!! like almost nothing. then i moisturized it had volume, felt thick.

I have to retain!!!!!!BSL come on!!!dec 2012 you better be there (talking to my hair)
Ok ladies...I'm finally coming out of my shell to start joining challenges. I'm ready to add this to my list.

What is your goal date for BSL? My goal date is December 2012

What brings you to this challenge/whats your length story? (ie. This will be your first time ever being BSL; You were BSL but had a setback, or BC’d or chopped it off for a style and want it back again; You were BSL back in the day and now trying to achieve it again, etc.) This is my first time trying to grow my hair out. I hear a lot of stories saying black women with very coarse hair can not grow their hair and I want to prove them wrong. I have always been shoulder length and I'm gunning toward waist length.

Whats your current length? Shoulder Length

Relaxed/Natural/Texlaxed/Transitioning? Relaxed

Whats your reggie/What are you doing to make it to BSL? ( ie. Protective styling, low heat, stretching relaxers, vitamins, etc) I currently wash once a week, DC once a week, Protein treatment biweekly, moisturize and seal once daily, protective styling, and Hairfinity vitamins. I also pre poo with EVCO before washes and strectch relaxers to every 10 weeks.

What do you plan to do once you make BSL? (ie. treat urself to a flat iron or blow out and swang it til u get whiplash, wear it out more, stay disciplined and focused on MBL and WL, etc)
GIJane yes I am!! I usually am able to achieve blunt but every year, I am in a bind during the holidays and go to the same woman who thinks I look better with short, layered hair. You would think I would learn!! Hopefully this year, I can avoid her!
nothing much to report. still got my hair braided up. i shampooed yesterday and used a leave-in conditioner. i am going to stick to this route until i reach my goal of APL. by the fall winter, i will do this again so i can reach my goal of BSB!
Your hair is jaw dropping!!! How did you get it so thick and full?? or should I say are you natural or relaxed??
Whimsy :gorgeous::wow:your hair is gorgeous. Where has your hair been all my life? I am inspired by your BSL, and dreaming that mine will be as sweet. Thank you dear, from your newest hair fan :spinning: