BSL by Dec 2011

I'm 3/4 of an inch from BSL so I think it'll be close. My next relaxer is January 7 and I think I'll hit it by then.

Sent from my evo 3d y'all!
My hair is still braided up! Gonna leave it in t least 1 more week... Maybe even 2!

I have started. Personal challenge to use up ALL of my products. There is no reason for me to have 3 flat irons when I barely straighten my hair... I also shouldn't have 5 conditioners, 3 shampoos etc.

But I did have a consultation today regarding coloring my hair! I think I'm gonna get chocolate highlights! So in the next few weeks I'll have my finl length check for the year. I'm BSB for sure... bSL, maybe not. Oh well! It's been a great year!
Still coasting with my reggie....hoping and praying that:

1. These cornrows will last another 4 weeks through my Christmas week cruise (they've already been in for over 2 weeks :blush:):


2. I've hit my year-end goal of grazing BSB when they come out!

4 more weeks..... :pray: LOL
I took the leap and purchased a vented straightening comb, Nioxin Thermal Bliss, and flexirods.

This will be my first time flat ironing and doing a length check. I'm nervous that I haven't made it, my hair isn't as healthy as I think it is, and that I have to trim a lot because of my layers.

Oh well. We shall see.
Hi ladies. Just checking in. Congrats to all the ladies who have hit the target. My hair has been in braids for almost a month now. I've been too busy to really do much with hair so the braids are a godsend. I have NO CLUE what's going on under these braids, Lord help me. I'll find out next month.
I know my hair is growing because it hangs to shoulder length in the shower, but it dries to neck length. I sometimes pull a piece of hair, and it seems like I am 1 inch from BSB, but other times it seems like 2 inches to BSB. How am I to know how long this nappy hair is?

My hair is getting thicker, silkier, and easier to detangle so I am happy with the year. My curls seem to be getting bigger as my hair gets longer, so I have more shrinkage. Really enjoying low manipulation, daily wash/co wash, supplements, growth aids, bandwagons my way to bsl. I am holding off on my twice monthly trims until Christmas reveals.
I believe that I have hit BSL, and maybe even was there as early as October...HOWEVER, I plan to keep moisturizing and bunning through the end of December in the hopes that I will be BSL all the way across/ full BSL or MBL. We shall see!! HHG!
Wow, I did my daily pull a piece of hair, and I have found a piece of hair that pulled to BSL, woot, woot! But it had two SSK's on it. I am feeling like I might be able to make it. Think I am going up my moisture game, keep taking them supplements and growth aids, might even bite the bullet and co wash my low porosity hair nightly. Lord I hope this lead hair stuff is true, I might have a chance. It is so hard to believe when I pull my hair down it seems long, then just like a slinky, it pops right back to ear length.
I made my flat iron/ length check appointment for December 29th!! I am so excited to see where I end up for first full year as a natural!! :yay:
IntheMix, DivaEsq, Candy - CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!

I'm definitely not going to make it. I was actually there fully but you couldn't even tell because the last 4 inches of my hair were awful. I posted about them sometime in Sept in this thread. I've trimmed twice and gotten rid of 2" and so now I am at full APL. I still have a couple inches of thinness to trim away, and I'll do that gradually. Honestly my hair looks a helluva lot better and I'm okay with not being BSL. I just couldn't deal with that scraggly-ness another minute! :lol: I gave it my best shot and should definitely get there next year!

Here is my hair after my touch up, post trim (Nov 25, 2011):


Just as a refresher - here were my ends back in September before the trimming began:
I know I haven't been updating lately but here is my update for December I'm sharing now because I'm due for a major trim soon. I need to find some old pics as well. This challenge has been a true inspiration.:grin: I almost got frustrated:nono: and wanted to cut a lot off but I calmed my butt down.


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I have not been on the board for about 2mths...i have def slacked off in my haircare journey I dont know when the last time I DC. I removed my sew in after 9wks and texlaxed my hair 10/14 and got a little dusting my hair was a little past APL. I went to get a wash and flat iron last wk and my ends were broken off so I got it trimmed back to grazimg APL..sigh.....i am already a slow grower it seems I cant even stay at APL more than a month without breakage and I wear wigs most of the time
Well it is going to be a stretch, I did a blow dry, and could pull some hair past APL, but I think I am two inches to BSB, couldn't even see my Bra in the video so I do not know where that is. If my hair is longer at the end of the year, that will be great. I won't give up until the clock strike midnight heralding baby new year :babyb:
Congrats to all of the ladies making it to BSL. And to those not making it this year, I know BSL is in your future so continue those healthy hair practices and you'll be there in no time!

Now, I'm looking forward to the reveals that will come as this year comes to a close (BSL or NOT)! 4 weeks of happy hair growth for all! :sunshine:
I'll probably do my reveal a little early as I'll be making a hair appointment in the next week or so.

I'm ALL the way excited though! Took my hair out of braids and just feel good. My hair is really dirty lol, but gosh I'm hype about being so close to BSL lol.

See you all again soon and hopefully with good BSL news!
I have reached my goal!!! I think this is as long as I want to go :yep: I just want to focus on growing out my front layers. Ohh and transitioning :lol:

Two funny things about this week:

1) I told my Mom about it and she was like wow, you're the only grand-daughter who got the long hair! Both of your grand-mothers had really long hair :yep:

Me: :ohwell: But Mom my hair was shoulder length for years . . . hair will grow regardless of what you do to it. I just wasn't retaining before

2) I straightened my hair on Monday. My friend w/shoulder length hair saw me every day this week, and never said anything. Which was fine by me because she's not obligated to say anything. Yesterday out of no where she says, "Your hair is getting too long. You should cut it. You have such a young kiddie face, so it makes you look too young."

I was like :rolleyes: :lol: I like it long.
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Doing a DC and took a few pictures they are a blurry but its all I could do :look:

This is on wet hair

I believe I am BSL but I have to apply heat to really see but this shot is the hair actually pass my bra at the top so I'm some where in the middle of my bra I think :ohwell:
I have to drop out of this challenge :(
I have had a major setback. My hair has thinned out so bad (towards the ends) and I am having breakage.
So I have some work to do, I already cut about an inch off of my hair, and I have to do some heavy DC'n and Protein.

Im sad :(
Im pretty sure I know what happened.
I haven’t been moisturizing good enough, DC’n enough, drinking enough water, taking vitamins.

I have been wearing a lot of ponytails. Im just gonna start over, I do need to go to the DR too because Ive been shedding a lot.

I will post pictures later, then you will understand, it made me cry , and I was right at BSL, but it looked Raggedy, so I have to take a step back