BSL 2012 Challenge!!!

I lightly flat ironed my hair.It's horribly puffy because I had no idea what I was doing, I used heat protectants so I'm praying I dont get heat damage. :pray:

I trimmed a bit, but I'm still APL when I stretch it.Idk if you can tell but it's not really straight, more blown out. :lol: I feel like I'm horrible at pics. Sorry, I try.

I still think I can make BSL by june because I'll be hiding my hair the entire time. I'm ready to grooooow.



I tightened my bra so yall could see where BSL is on me.

ps. you can tell me I'm not APL. I'm not offended love. I know these pics suck

I twisted my hair to salvage the hairstyle. I like it. I'm redoing it tonight to get it exactly how I want it.
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Here's one of my starting pictures. Since I'm going for brastrap all around, ill also do pics of the sides & front.

This picture was taken december 21, 2011.

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So I just had my hubby measure the distance from my current's only about 2 1/2" away from APL and 5 1/2" from BSL! That's definately do-able in 2012, right?? I want to reach BSL SOOO bad! It's my dream hair length...not saying that I'd stop there when I get there though. I've realized my hair thrives when in protective/low manipulation styles. I have no problem with growth, my problem is retaining. Plus I have dye on the ends of my hair so it needs extra TLC that I wasn't paying attention to previously and I suffered alot of breakage Question: Are there any low manipulation/PS styles that I can do with my natural hair without adding hair? I've been wearing twists that I redo once a week for the last couple months and although my hair is doing glorious things like this I just can't be bothered with them anymore once the Twist challenge I'm in is over at the end of this month.

You can try bunning and adding a phony pony puff.:drunk: JustGROWwithIt
I'm kinda discouraged...

Story: I caught this flu bug a few days ago and hadn't washed/combed my hair in almost a week. Well yesterday i co-washed and detangled and i had waaaay more hairs to come out than what USUALLY comes out when i don't comb my hair for a week. Like small clumps of hair were just falling out in the shower...and i didnt get all of it...i had to hurry and finish getting ready for work.

I'm guessing it may be stress related...i don't know. It was kind of unsettling.

I'm still pushing for BSL next year though:perplexed
Okay ladies, I promised to come back with pics of my new weave (Janet Collection Afro Jerry - 14") and here it is:


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    Weave (Janet Collection Afro Jerry) Dec 24, 2011 002.jpg
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    Weave (Janet Collection Afro Jerry) Dec 24, 2011 003.jpg
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I did a henna. Right? I'm not sure but when I rinsed and rinsed it felt pretty good. I used rainbow henna, brahmi powder, coconut milk and cholesterol. Nice thick creamy mixture! Con over night with silk elements, applied salerm.....wrapped went to bed. styling to come

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Count me in ...

What is your goal date for BSL?
- December, 2012

What brings you to this challenge/whats your length story?
- I haven't seen 'BSL' or near it since I was around 6 years old. I want to see what my natural hair will look like at this length.

Whats your current length?
- Somewhere between CBL and APL

- Natural

Whats your reggie/What are you doing to make it to BSL?

- Keeping my hair stretched and DC'ing weekly

What do you plan to do once you make BSL?

- Hmmm. I'll let you know when I get there..


Here is my starting pic.. Don't know when I will be flat ironing. I bought myself a Sedu for Christmas so I guess I should put it to use... or at least take it out of the box.. :lol:

Until then, I will post a pull test pic..

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:grin:Only one more week til 2012 and the Challenge really starts!

Don't forget to add your pics if you haven't already.
I picked a bra I want to use last month when I had my hair straightened. I posted it in the APL challenge but never posted it here.

I'm supposed to get it done again for NYE, but I'm kind of on the fence, didn't really like the new salon I tried (they used a round brush, which I just don't think is good for my 4b hair; and it wasn't as full as I'm used to my hair being).

I may just attempt to straighten it myself. I'd given up on trying to straighten my own hair (I've tried SEVERAL times over the years and its always a MAJOR fail:ohwell:).


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What is your goal date for BSL?
Shooting for Dec 2012, hoping for better...

What brings you to this challenge/whats your length story?
Trying to finally make BSL as a natural. Was cut from APL in Sept and almost back there again.

Whats your current length?
APL-ish (not quite full apl)

natural. 3 year mark March 2012

Whats your reggie/What are you doing to make it to BSL?
~ Non-stop protective styling. Mainly single braids under a wig for going out or in a bun at home.
~ Vitamins- 2 fish oil, 1 multi, 1 haifinity a day.
~ Workout everyday. 64 oz + water every day.
~ I never keep up with growth aids but I have a mix of Megatek and AVJ 1:4 ratio plus 10 drops peppermint oil and a mix of sulphur, cayanne pepper and olive oil...each of these I use a total of a couple times a month.

What do you plan to do once you make BSL?
on to the next one...:look:

Starting pic, hair is rollerset and flat ironed on low heat...(I'll be using this shirt, not my bra)

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:grin:Only one more week til 2012 and the Challenge really starts!

Don't forget to add your pics if you haven't already.

hi Imani : ive just realized that you have updated today but im still not onthe list.MY FAULT I GUESS : i did put the thanks on your post so i do not appear which makes it hard to find me in all these pages

any way : im in, my pics are already posted im excited and hope that this time i will stick to my challenge well!
What is your goal date for BSL?
Dec 2012 :yep:

What brings you to this challenge/whats your length story? (ie. This will be your first time ever being BSL; You were BSL but had a setback, or BC’d or chopped it off for a style and want it back again; You were BSL back in the day and now trying to achieve it again, etc.)
Every time I get to bsl, I have some sort of setback. Every, time!
I'm now back at my starting length after I BC'd a year and a half ago, because I neglected my hair with many WnG's, no DC's, no trimming, no detangling.
Two weeks ago I straightened my hair for the first time in a year and was sooo happy with my length! Until I looked in the mirror to see that my hair was terribly uneven. I was so sick of the whole hair growing thing that I went to a stylist to simply shape my natural hair, determined not to care about length ever again.
But I can't help myself. :look:

Whats your current length?
SL. :nono:


Whats your reggie/What are you doing to make it to BSL? ( ie. Protective styling, low heat, stretching relaxers, vitamins, etc)
No more daily WnG's, try to get used to bunning as long as possible without rewashing (at least 2/3 days without cowashing), DC's, straightening :yep: and dusting every 8 weeks or so.
I also ordered a silk pillowcase because I'm starting to think that some of my breakage might be from the knot I tie my scarf with.

What do you plan to do once you make BSL? (ie. treat urself to a flat iron or blow out and swang it til u get whiplash, wear it out more, stay disciplined and focused on MBL and WL, etc)
Have faith in my hair again!

I picked a bra I want to use last month when I had my hair straightened. I posted it in the APL challenge but never posted it here.

I'm supposed to get it done again for NYE, but I'm kind of on the fence, didn't really like the new salon I tried (they used a round brush, which I just don't think is good for my 4b hair; and it wasn't as full as I'm used to my hair being).

I may just attempt to straighten it myself. I'd given up on trying to straighten my own hair (I've tried SEVERAL times over the years and its always a MAJOR fail:ohwell:).

in this pic your hair seems really healthy and thick. I like it. do you relax it oftenly(like every 3 months)?
in this pic your hair seems really healthy and thick. I like it. do you relax it oftenly(like every 3 months)?

coolsista-paris Thanks! Lol, I'm natural (4b). My hair was professionally blow dried and flat ironed in the pic. They did get my hair silky straight, but I actually don't like bone straight hair, I like my hair more fluffy/more body (big sexy hair:grin:).
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Yuuuup. I think 2012 is going to be a good hair year : P

I've been raving about how much I've been loving protein the past few days...I've been playing with my hair because it actually has its resiliency boings again annnd like 2 hairs come out when I manipulate as opposed to loads and chunks annnnd my conditioners & moisture treatments actually take...ahhh the life of a fine and highly porous haired girl!!!

Brastrap...don't be hidin...I see you lol
I'm in!!

What is your goal date for BSL?
Dec 2012 but if I can reach it sooner that would be GREAT!!

What brings you to this challenge/whats your length story?

My long term goal is a natural BSL. I was BSL when relaxed and I'm trying to get there as a natural.

Whats your current length?
Not sure last time I did a length check I was almost APL. I will flat iron this weekend and update.


Whats your reggie/What are you doing to make it to BSL?
I will be protective styling 99% of styles mostly with tree braids. I will try to keep up with my vitamins (but I usually am horrible at this).

What do you plan to do once you make BSL?
Throw myself a "I reached BSL" party/spa day. I will definitely straighten and wear it for a week but then I will go back to protective styling but only 80% of the time.

Will post starting pics this weekend.
Imani I'm in:yep:

What is your goal date for BSL?
Next summer?

What brings you to this challenge/whats your length story? (ie. This will be your first time ever being BSL; You were BSL but had a setback, or BC’d or chopped it off for a style and want it back again; You were BSL back in the day and now trying to achieve it again, etc.)
This will be my 1st time being BSL, this is also my 1st time being actually APL :rolleyes: !!!

Whats your current length?
Natural 4b/c hair. Fine hair.

Whats your reggie/What are you doing to make it to BSL? ( ie. Protective styling, low heat, stretching relaxers, vitamins, etc)
I will wear a wig for the 1st part of the year. trying to do à la Lady Paniolo.
i'm also in the castor oil challenge. and ayurvedic herbs have the biggest part of my reggie.

What do you plan to do once you make BSL? (ie. treat urself to a flat iron or blow out and swang it til u get whiplash, wear it out more, stay disciplined and focused on MBL and WL, etc) I will do a blow out :D :spinning: and I want to prove to women in my area that there is no need to be mixed for having long hair.

**Please add a starting pic now or at least before Jan 1 2012

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I’m in.....

What is your goal date for BSL?
Hopefully full BSL by March 2012 with no set backs.

What brings you to this challenge/whats your length story?
I've never been BSL and it’s one step closer to my goal of MBL…

What’s your current length? APL

Relaxed/Natural/Texlaxed/Transitioning?100% Natural

what’s your reggie/What are you doing to make it to BSL? ( i.e. Protective styling, low heat, stretching relaxers, vitamins, etc)
Well currently, my hair has been in 2-strand twist since July (I keep my twist in a bun and re-twist 1-2x a week), Co-wash 1x a week, DC 1-2x a week, Shampoo 1x week, Moisturize and seal 2-3x week and protein when needed. I will be moving out of the country to Switzerland in January so I will maintain a similar regimen; however, my PS of choice will be wigs until I reach BSL.

What do you plan to do once you make BSL? Try to make it to MBL by August 2012

I will take a starting pic over the weekend

I have a few changes to my reggie, I will be braiding my hair under wigs for the next 12-18 months in hopes to retain every inch.

Also I have attcahed my starting pic (I'm wearing my bra a little high, so this is not a true indicator of BSL for me).


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    Dec 11' Length check.jpg
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Whohoo! I'm in! *does the Roger Rabbit*

What is your goal date for BSB?
December 2012

What brings you to this challenge/whats your length story?
This is my first time EVER purposely growing my hair out. I have always kept it short. Now that I've started this HHJ, I want to grow it as long as I can stand to maintain it.

Whats your current length?
Just below APL


Whats your reggie/What are you doing to make it to BSL?
Lots of low mani/PSing with wigs, headwraps, braid/twist extensions and mini braids.

Using my old faithful KISSAyurCG method to retain as much as possible.

-Add ayurveda powders to poo and condish.
-M&S daily
-Protein followed by moisturizing DC at least once per week with heat
-Finish off this huge bottle GA oil eventually (sulfur/bhringaraj/horsetail/nettle root/cayenne pepper/peppermint oil/lavender oil/grapefruit oil in an EVOO base). Use it to grease my scalp approx 3 times per week.
-Low to no direct heat
-Wear "out" styles less than 5 times per month.

What do you plan to do once you make BSB?
Keep pushing on to bigger/longer lengths. I really want to see how big my BSB fro will be. Then it's back to business for bigger/longer hair.

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Better starting pic taken 26-Dec-11

MzSwift where is BSL on this t shirt? i can see the A for Apl. but I was wondering where is actually the bra (because we can't see it)
also, i didn't know your hair has grown so much i'm very impressed :blush: :spinning: :yep:

I know! APL was my original goal length when hubby and I made the shirt but I had him draw the other lines in case I decided to keep going. LoL I use it now to track my growth from APL b/c I have no goal length anymore.

I know it's quirky so for my final pic, I will do one with the shirt (for consistency) and one that shows my shoulder blade (because I'm going for BSB and not BSL). Hope that makes sense! :)
What is your goal date for BSL?
anytime before 2013 and ill be happy, im a slow grower so im dont want to set an early goal

What brings you to this challenge/whats your length story?
this will be my first time at BSL. but thats not the main reason, i really would just like to grow my hair out so i can enjoy my natural hair as soon as possible

Whats your current length?
my current length is APL

transitioning to natural from a relaxer

Whats your reggie/What are you doing to make it to BSL? ( ie. Protective styling, low heat, stretching relaxers, vitamins, etc)
protective styling, oil rinsing between my installs and megatek mixed with castor and almond oil while im in a weave

althought its not set in stone my reggie is as follows:
shampoo preferably with sulfate free
oil rinse with almost and castor oil mixed
DC with ORS replenishing
Blowdry (or straight into a wet bun)
Flatiron using comb chase on low
moisturize with atOne Leave in, seal with almond oil

What do you plan to do once you make BSL? (ie. treat urself to a flat iron or blow out and swang it til u get whiplash, wear it out more, stay disciplined and focused on MBL and WL, etc)
i cant wait for bigger hairstyles like braidout and twist outs, i dont like them now cause i feel it looks better on longer hair.

I will be adding a pic befor my install later on this week.

ETA: the bold :yawn:
Yuuuup. I think 2012 is going to be a good hair year : P

I've been raving about how much I've been loving protein the past few days...I've been playing with my hair because it actually has its resiliency boings again annnd like 2 hairs come out when I manipulate as opposed to loads and chunks annnnd my conditioners & moisture treatments actually take...ahhh the life of a fine and highly porous haired girl!!!

Brastrap...don't be hidin...I see you lol

youwillrise I have fine very porous hair too, yes it is a challenge!:drunk:. Usually when I try to add too much protein my hair rebels and dries up so I usually do protein very sparingly, its kind of hard to tell when I need it (unless its really obvious like if my hair starts to feel "mushy" and very weak). I use Aubrey GPB or Aubreys Blue Green Algae Mask.

I love gpb...its become one of my staples, but its not enough for me. My hair responds well to strong protein...I will probably cut it to twice a week, though because you know what they say about too much of a good thing. I just know that the strong protein has to stay in my regimen in some form because the last time I stopped using stronger protein, my hair hated me for a few years. What I did tonight was sprayed the protein on my ends and the on top of that I put ao honeysuckle rose mixed with castor oil and saran wrapped my hair. I will skip the protein tomrrow and the next couple days and see how it holds up.

I think I'm gonna take the saran off and see how it feels...
What is your goal date for BSL?

I am giving myself until December 2012 however I anticipate it will be September 2012 bar no setbacks.

What brings you to this challenge/whats your length story? (ie. This will be your first time ever being BSL; You were BSL but had a setback, or BC’d or chopped it off for a style and want it back again; You were BSL back in the day and now trying to achieve it again, etc.)

This will be my first time being BSL and I would like to see if I can put down the scissors long enough to get these 4 inches this year. Since really consistently working on my HHJ 2 years ago I have trimmed off most of my damaged ends:)

Whats your current length?

Touching APL (?)


BKT natural however my plan is to not do bkt anymore. My reason is because I am just getting lazier as my hair grows and I don't trust anyone else not to give me heat damage.

Whats your reggie/What are you doing to make it to BSL? ( ie. Protective styling, low heat, stretching relaxers, vitamins, etc)

PS with buns and sets (curl former, mesh roller). I take 1 nioxin daily and 1 multivitamin daily. I will continue to keep my hair in a stretched state because I retain better that way.

What do you plan to do once you make BSL? (ie. treat urself to a flat iron or blow out and swang it til u get whiplash, wear it out more, stay disciplined and focused on MBL and WL, etc)

Make even flyer buns and updos. i think protective styles look very classic on longer hair:)


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@coolsista-paris Thanks! Lol, I'm natural (4b). My hair was professionally blow dried and flat ironed in the pic. They did get my hair silky straight, but I actually don't like bone straight hair, I like my hair more fluffy/more body (big sexy hair:grin:).

Imani :im natural 4b too.mine you can tell was not straightened in a salon lol. and here in Paris unless you pay lots for a good salon...dont trust noooo i dont go to salons here. especially with natural hair. relaxed ladies will find salons, natural cant.:ohwell:

anyway lets try to get to our goal! bsl salon or not:grin:
What is your goal date for BSL?
December 31,2012

What brings you to this challenge/whats your length story?
Im determined like hell tis all

Whats your current length?



Whats your reggie/What are you doing to make it to BSL?

I'm wigging, oiling with my concoction, GHEing and taking my vitamins

What do you plan to do once you make BSL?
