BSL 2010 Challenge

Ladies...I have a question and JJ, we've already discussed this, but are you officially out of the challenge once you have claimed BSB (Below Shoulder Blade) or BSL (Bra Strap Length) because they can obviously be two different places?

I'm still in because bsl is lower on me than bsb.
I'm still in because bsl is lower on me than bsb.

Janet raised a good point.

i am just like you, aa9746 because BSB i can see happening and might even be there (between texlaxing and no heat, it's hard to get my hair straight enough to see...i don't wrap often either, just wet bun), BUT BSL is still just a bit further down.

we have until december 31st. so i figure if even just 3 of my hairs have crossed the line of my bra strap, i'm gonna be happy with that.

besides, i'm already in the BSL 2011 challenge (amongst others, lol!) and personally, the BSL i desire is for THE MAJORITY of my multiple layers to be past my bra strap, which will take more time.
especially for my sides and crown (bangs too, but i'm not sure if i want them that long yet...)
Didn't think it was possible earlier this year, but it looks like my shortest layer may reach BSB by Dec!!!! I only need 2inches to claim full BSB/BSL

Didn't think it was possible earlier this year, but it looks like my shortest layer may reach BSB by Dec!!!! I only need 2inches to claim full BSB/BSL


wow, is that ever FABULOUS!

that is my dream come true: to have even my shortest layer hit a length goal!!!
(i'm living vicariously through this, so keep the success stories coming ladies!)
wow, is that ever FABULOUS!

that is my dream come true: to have even my shortest layer hit a length goal!!!
(i'm living vicariously through this, so keep the success stories coming ladies!)

I've always believed my crown would take soooo long to reach any of my goals but the trick is to ignore it for as long as possible (no frequent length checks), focus on your longest layer and BAAMMM, you'll reach each goal in no time!!!
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I've always believed my crown would take soooo long to reach any of my goals but the trick is to ignore it for as long as possible (no frequent length checks), focus on your logest layer and BAAMMM, you'll reach each goal in no time!!!

Cosingning with this. I'll do a reveal pic. For the sulfur challenge at the end of Sept. After that no length check pics. Till the end of Dec.

Congratulations on your progress!!
Please click on link for my length update. I took out a twist and did my best to stretch it. I've posted pictures before in threads but had no luck this time. I clicked the insert image icon but it didn't work for me.


i'd say you have fully graduated from BSL 2010 (though i hope you will stay with us still counting those centimeters to make it, speaking for myself here, lol!)


from the looks of it, you are so close to the BOTTOM of your bra that you are already in MBL territory!!!

i remember you saying you have a wide bra and given that fact, your MBL might even be alot closer to WL! (looks like it's near where your shirt says #7 and that's just a sneeze away!)

i just love love love these success stories! THANK YOU for sharing this joy with us!!!
Still on the quest!!! I did a length check and although I haven't gained major growth, I can tell that the sides are catching up to the middle. I am just thankful that I haven't loss any ground. This is the first check since I got my triple process color and we all know how damaging color can be.

i totally identify with the sides playing the catching up game!

since my perm june 30th., i permed at the end of aug. hoping to see some great growth in length of bottom layers, but instead they grew much less compared to my sides, which are looking like they want to join my bottom layers.

but hey, i didn't do a double, much less triple process, so all in all, i'd say you're hair is resilient, strong and growing extremely well, Janet! :-)!
Hi ladies! It has been a while since I have updated. I just went through was seemed to be a thousand posts in this thread and I am loving all of the wonderful progress!

I have about 2-3 inches before I can claim BSL. I hope that I will graduate come December!
Janet as always your hair is awesome and for a colored head I give you all the props you deserve, when I think a great head of colored hair, I think of you and my two friends a red head and a blonde friend who they color hteir hair and it looks better than the salons and it is healthy and they color once every 3 weeks, amazing. They have done it so long they mastered the technique to a t. I am not easily impressed. Your hairs health after the colors have me putting you on this pedestal. :)

Keep up the healthy journey.

Taz your hair is awesome at this point already the BSL wouldn't just be a perk! :yep:

Grow your just doing your thang right now, cause from the bginning to now your growing for sure :)

Trendsetter I want to know how those vitamins are, keep us posted ;)

AA and Flowinlocks I can't wait to see some progress pics come the end of the year :D
The weather has barely cooled here in NYC & i'm itching to straighten my hair! It's not enough that I just came off a couple of days of wearing my hair out! Now i'm itchin' to burn my uber healthy hair stck straight!! ...I really need to hold out for just a little longer so my flat iron session will be worth it.

My hair has been detangled with alot of EVOO and put into 7 twists for my wash session. I'm gonna put in some skinny plaits and leave my hair alone for at least the next 2 weeks. HHG ladies! BSL by December!!
Hi ladies,
I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend and holiday.

I took a pix last week when I washed and I'm pleased to say I am
bsb. I have about 1' to get to the top of my bra. My ultimate goal for dec 10 is to have a full, blunt bsl.

I'm planning on stretching my relaxer for 10 months with the use of extension braids. I'm really excited about this personal challenge.
Hi ladies,
I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend and holiday.

I took a pix last week when I washed and I'm pleased to say I am
bsb. I have about 1' to get to the top of my bra. My ultimate goal for dec 10 is to have a full, blunt bsl.

I'm planning on stretching my relaxer for 10 months with the use of extension braids. I'm really excited about this personal challenge.

oooh, did i hear pictures were taken?

hmmm, that sounds like a good invitation for some eye candy!

anything you can share with us?

i'm really glad it's going so well for you!

oh, and thanks, happy holiday weekend to you too and to all you lovely lhcf members!
just a quick update....i decided to revisit the denman brush and oooooo my hair hasn't been detangled this good in monthssss, unfortunately i can't use it often because it can cause split ends but at least my hair feels good!!!!


from the looks of your beautiful hair in the front, it looks like you must already be past BSL, right?!

it looks really good and strong and loooong!!!

Hiya ladies! Just a little over 3 months left in the year ladies and I still have a ways to go to BSL... I'm thinking I need 2 inches or so, so I have to go into over drive! You'll please pray fa my girls!
LuvLiLocks, yes we are praying our way there!

only 3 months left, but alot can happen with our hair in 3 months, too!

we're in the final home stretch and i think we can make it!

besides, the 2011 BSL is already up and flowing strong, so even if just a few hairs pass the finish line this year (speaking for myself as those "lead hairs" will surely get there first!), we've got all next year to fill in and grow some more!

Happy Hair Growing Ladies!!!
Still on this journey to BSL! Seems like its taking a hot minute!!! I have so many layers, its crazy. Eventually I'm getting it all blunt cut, but not until I reach some kinda goal. These are my recent SEPTEMBER UPDATE photos. I am holding on until December 2010 to see what I can actually claim. I want BSL soooo bad I can almost taste it. My ultimate home stretch and resting place is gonna be MBL!!!
| Baddison - Updates 09/2010!! |
password = locked (yup....thats the password):grin:

Keep wishing me luck, ladies!:rolleyes:
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Sorry I been gone so long. I been super busy. Anyways, just dropping in to tell everyone way to go with all the great growing. Its just beautiful.
Can I join pretty please?

I have about an inch until BSL. Over the summer I have been wet bunning and no heat regimen. I think I may continue this until at least October 15th (my birthday).